The [OFFICIAL] Crock Spews Shit Thread

I'm fairly tall, 6'2", close to 6'3". I have quite a bit of muscle, but I have a hard time gaining weight, so cutting would be easier. I'd be a massive Welterweight. Middleweight would be the best, but like I said, I'd get wrecked. Good thing I'm not a fighter. :lmao:

Yeah man it sounds like MW would be a good weight for you ha. You also have to remember that 185 would be what you cut to, but with a proper cut and rehydration plan you'd be about ten lbs heavier within 24 hours, more around your natural weight. My average weight is probably about 165 lbs, but I want to get to 160 lbs so if I need to cut again for another fight it will be pretty easy.

Matt Hughes is also pretty huge. Guy's built. I can see Davis being fairly big, actually.

Yeah Hughes is thick, same as Davis but mostly through the shoulders and chest. You can even see it at the weigh ins when he fights, the dude just has an odd build in his upper body.
I was at the gym and I saw a guy cutting from about 190 to 155. He sat in the sauna in like 7 pairs of sweats and ran the treadmill all day. I'm pretty sure he also downed some laxatives. That didn't end well.

MW would be good, I guess. I'd still probably shoot for WW until I really refined my skills. What I really want is a one-off catch weight fight against some local guy. Win or lose, I want to try it.

Hughes has giant shoulders. He's also very thin in the legs.
Your dead communist friends won't help you against a man that's killed more commies than he can remember.

... or was that AFTER the wall fell?
Some guy started a thread asking if Mark Henry will be remembered as a great black world champion. Would it be wrong if I started one asking if John Cena will be remembered as a great white world champion?
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That I am, when my internet at work isn't being fucking ridiculous. Usually someone joins me here, but I'm rolling solo and surfing the web usually entertains me a good while. Just got to keep myself occupied now.
Do you have a TV there?

I do. I took one out of a spare room and hooked it in the kitchen and I'm watching some HIMYM on it. I was in the TV room, but one of the residents was sleeping in there and once his false teeth fell out I knew that was my cue to leave.
Will The Internet Be the Death of Santa? said:
I remember a time when I still believed in Santa Claus, and around my favorite time of the year Christmas, I always thought of what Santa actually was like. Back then internet was something not everyone had and I always wondered if there was a way to see a picture of Santa.

Now bringing this thread back to the year 2011, we have kids in 1st grade (my cousin is one) who walk around with their I-Pod Touch who look up whatever they want with this thing called Google. And I know if I were a kid at that age one of the first things I would look up is Santa Claus. And I if I ended up seeing he wasn't real I'd be devastated. I truly believe with today's technology we will see the disappearance of Santa Claus quickly in the future. With the age group learning how to do a little resarch and the age group below them not having the intelligencee to know what is happening I have to say what is the point of Santa. With the advance of technology and more and more children learning how to use the internet will we ultimately see the death of Santa Claus?

My favorite post of all the times.
I'm not saying the post is wrong or anything, but just the fact that someone came up with that. How the hell do you come up with that, like REALLY?
I was going to report it for posting spoilers, but I didn't see the option for that when I tried and I didn't feel like explaining myself in the other option.

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