Hello my fellow prisoners. I am The President of Anarchy, and that is why I am in this hellhole. Anarchy is a stable I started to fight the fucking bullshit that goes on in this forum. Needless to say, KB put me in here despite me not breaking any rules.
Now I am sure many of you in here also do not deserve it. Because I have been put in here for no reason, I know I am not the only one. This is why I invite all of you to join Anarchy. In the comment under your username, if you'd like to join, change it to "Anarchist". Together, we will fight through this ridiculousness and make wrestlezone a better place.
Now I am sure many of you in here also do not deserve it. Because I have been put in here for no reason, I know I am not the only one. This is why I invite all of you to join Anarchy. In the comment under your username, if you'd like to join, change it to "Anarchist". Together, we will fight through this ridiculousness and make wrestlezone a better place.