ECW: One Last Stand (Prison Edition)


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
For those not stuck in the prison click on my sig pic to be taken to the exact same thread in the Book This section. Post Count on FTW

I figured I'd post this in here as well so you guy (s) in prison can read it. Yeah I'm cool like that.


Back Story
The ECW brand of WWE was hemorrhaging money and Vince McMahon wanted to get rid of it before he went out of business. Hearing this Paul Heyman went to Vince and was able to buy it for a very cheap price. He filled the roster with Wrestlers that were in the old ECW and he kept a couple that were in the WWE version of ECW.

Tommy Dreamer W/Beulah
Sabu W/ Bill Alfonso
Cactus Jack
'The Franchise' Shane Douglas W/Francine
Steve Corino
The Sandman
RVD W/Bill Alfonso
2 Cold Scorpio
'Lion Heart' Chris Jeicho
CM Punk
Louie Spicolli
C.W. Anderson
Jerry Lynn
Mike Awesome
Eddie Guerrero

Tag Teams
Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger
The Dudleys
The F.B.I. (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke W/ Trinity)
The Unholy Alliance (Tajiri & Mikey Whipwreck W/ The Sinister Minister)
Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill W/Miss Congeniality
bWo (Big Stevie Cool, Hollywood Nova & The Blue Guy)
The Gangstas (New Jack & Mustapha)
The Eliminators (Perry Saturn & John Kronos)
The Impact Players (Lance Storm & Justin Credible W/ Dawn Marie)
Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks (Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney)

Joey Styles

Ring Announcers
Bob Artese

Joel Gertner

Show Theme

January: Guilty as Charged
February: Hostile City Showdown
March: Living Dangerously
April: Barely Legal
May: Wrestlepalooza
June: Ultimate Jeopardy
July: Heat Wave
August: Hardcore Heaven
September: Anarchy Rulz
October: Born to be Wired
November: November to Remember
December: Massacre on 34th Street

Champions & title history

TBD @ Anarchy Rulz


TBD @ Anarchy Rulz


TBD @ Anarchy Rulz


Joey Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to ECW! Like a Phoenix risen from the ashes the originators of Hardcore are back and ready to go the Extreme for you the ECW fans! Let’s jump right back into it with a match made especially for the fans of Submission based wrestling.

Bob Artese: The following is a Submission match! Introducing first from the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn, NY weighing in at 240 lbs ‘The Human Suplex Machine’ Taz!


Taz’s music hits the PA system and he walks down the ramp with a black towel over his head. HE steps into the center of the ring and takes of the towel and waits for his opponent with his arms crossed.

Bob Artese: Introducing next from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 226 lbs ‘Lion Heart’ Chris Jericho!


Jericho’s music plays and he comes out to a chorus of boos. He walks into the ring and gets into Taz’s face and talking a lot of trash.

Joey Styles: Jericho talking a lot of trash and when you’re in the ring with Taz that’s never a good idea.

Before Styles can say another word Taz hits Jericho with a right to the jaw that sends him reeling.

Joey Styles: Taz finally heard enough and shuts Jericho up with a stiff right to the jaw. Maybe next time Jericho will wrestle instead of talking.

Jericho grabs his jaw with one hand and swings at Taz with the other but Taz ducks which spins Jericho around 180 degrees. Taz quickly grabs him around the waist and snaps off a lightning fast release German suplex that causes Jericho to land on his neck and fold in half.

Joey Styles: Oh my God, Jericho may have broken his neck! Hold on a second it looks like Taz has something else in mind.

As Jericho slowly gets up Taz gets behind him and locks in the TazMission.

Joey Styles: Taz locks in the TazMission! He’s trying to choke the life out of Jericho. Jericho’s tapping out, Jericho’s tapping out!

Bob Artese: Here is your winner by Submission ‘The Human Suplex Machine’ Taz!

As the ref tries to raise Taz’s arm he wrenches it out of the ref’s hand and demands a mic. Someone at rings side hands him one and he starts talking.

Taz: This is bullshit! Instead of fighting in the Main Event and going on to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship for a third time the people in charge are wasting my talent in the first match of the night. If you think what I did to Jericho was nasty then you just wait and see what I do next week because I promise you every week I’m not in the Main Event someone‘s getting choked out. With that Taz drops the mic and leaves the ring.

Joey Styles: Up next we have a special treat for you, three of the top stars fight for a chance to become World Television Champion at Anarchy Rulz.

Bob Artese: The following is a triple threat ladder match where the first two superstars to grab the contracts hanging above the ring will face off at Anarchy Rulz to see who will become the World television Champion! Introducing first from Battle Creek Michigan weighing in at 237 lbs ‘Mr. PPV’ Rob Van Dam!


RVD walks down the ramp with people chanting along to his music. He high fives the fans at ringside before getting into the ring and doing his signature pose as he waits for his opponents.


Bob Artese: Introducing his opponents first from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 222 lbs CM Punk!

Punk walks down the ramp and under a ladder set up. He completely ignores the fans as he gets into the ring and stares at RVD.


Bob Artese: And their opponent from El Paso Texas weighing in at 228 lbs Eddie Guerrero!

Joey Styles: Oh my God it’s Eddie Guerrero! He’s a former Champion in ECW, WCW and WWE and he’s back to once again become World Television Champion.

As Styles talks Eddie Walks down to the ring with a huge smile on his face as he high-fives all the screaming fans at ringside.

Joey Styles: The fans are going absolutely nuts for the return of Eddie Guerrero to ECW!

As Eddie steps into the ring the three opponents stare at each other the ref calls for the bell. As soon as the bell sounds CM Punk quickly climbs out of the ring and grabs the ladder set up on the ramp, but as he tries to get it into the ring RVD hits him with a baseball slide sending the ladder into Punk’s, sending him crashing to the floor. He slowly gets up and all of a sudden Guerrero hits Punk with a diving cross body over the top rope which sends them both down to the floor, hard.

Joey Styles: Punk doing the smart thing by trying to get one of the contracts as quickly as possible but with both Van Dam and Guerrero there to stop him it’s not going to be easy.

Eddie gets to his feet first and he grabs Punk by the hair. He picks him up and tries to Irish Whip him into the ring post but Punk reverses it and sends Guerrero head first into the post knocking him out cold. Punk looks into the ring and sees RVD setting up the ladder. He slides into the ring and punches Van Dam in the small of the back as he’s trying to climb the ladder. As Van Dam gets pulled off the ladder Punk continues to pound on the back of RVD.

Joey Styles: Punk just Irish Whipped Rob hard into the corner and now he’s going back for the ladder.

Punk takes the ladder and continuously slams into the midsection of RVD before onto the mat. He then walks to the opposite corner before running full force at RVD and hitting him with a high knee that he immediately turns into a running bulldog that sends RVD face first into the ladder.

Joey Styles: Oh my God! Punk sends Rob face first into the ladder and now there’s blood pour in into the eyes of Van Dam. How is he going to be able to see enough to climb the ladder?

As Punk is standing over Van Dam in the ring with a sadistic grin on his face Guerrero is slowly looking under the ring for something and eventually comes back out with a steel chair in his hand. With the chair in hand he quietly climbs back into the ring and swings the chair as hard as he can at the back of CM Punk’s head but Punk sees it at the last second and ducks so it’s Van Dam who takes the shot in his already bloody face.

Joey Styles: Guerrero was aiming for Punk but nails Van Dam instead and he doesn’t look sorry in the lightest. You know what they say all’s fair in love and ladder matches.

As Styles is talking Punk grabs the ladder and slams it into Guerrero’s back causing him to fall next to RVD while he sets up the ladder underneath one of the contracts while both of his opponents lay face down on the mat.

Joey Styles: Punk has taken out both Van Dam and Guerrero and his on his way up the ladder and the first contract.

While Punk is climbing both Rob and Eddie slowly try to get to their feet. Eddie gets to the ladder first and is able to meet Punk at the top and they start trading punches at the top of the ladder.

Joey Styles: Punk and Guerrero teetering at the top of that ladder. While Van Dam is using the ropes to slowly get to his feet.

When RVD finally gets to his feet he turns to the center of the ring and sees Guerrero and Punk only inches away from the two contracts. He stumbles over to the ladder and manages to tip it over sending both men to the floor. With the other two out of the way RVD sets the ladder back up and with blood pouring down his face he slowly climbs to the top.

Joey Styles: With both Punk and Guerrero out on the floor RVD has a straight shot to one of the contracts, but can he do it with all the blood lose he has sustained?

As soon as Styles is done talking Van Dam reaches up and grabs one of the contracts and pulls it down.

Bob Artese: The winner of the first contract and going to Anarchy Rulz, ‘Mr. PPV’ Rob Van Dam!

Joey Styles: Rob Van Dam gets busted open by CM Punk and still manages to grab the first contract. This is the kind of heart you will only see here in ECW! Now it’s down to Guerrero and Punk for the second contract.

With his newly won contracts in hand and slowly makes his way to the back. While RVD is walking up the ramp Punk and Guerrero slowly get to their feet and into the ring as they start trading lefts and rights until Punks sends Guerrero to his knees with a mule kick to the gut. With Guerrero stunned and out of breath Punk goes up the ladder one more time but Eddie catches his breath and meets Punk at the top of the ladder and they fight for the last contract 15ft in the air.

Joey Styles: They both have a hand on the contract but who’s going to come out on top? You only get this kind of action here in ECW!

Both men hold onto the contract with one hand and punch each other in the face with the other. The ladder is teetering in the air when it suddenly topples and both Punk and Guerrero have a hold of the contract when they hit the mat. The ref looks at the men with a confused look on his face.

Joey Styles: Both men still have hold of the contract! Which of these men will face Rob Van Dam at Anarchy Rulz? We have to go to commercial but hopefully we’ll have answers when we come back. I just heard from Paul Heyman and he will review the footage of what just happened and make a decision next we, but up next we have a Tag Team match.


Bob Artese: Introducing first from Dudleyville at a combined weight of 585 lbs Bubba Ray & D-Von, The Dudley Boys!

The fans go wild for the 23x World tag team Champions and high-five the fans at ringside. They get into the ring and wait for their opponents.


Bob Artese: Introducing next from Italy at a combined weight of 320 lbs Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke, The F.B.I.!

Their music plays for a couple minutes without The F.B.I. coming out when all of a sudden Guido and Tony come stumbling out onto the stage covered in blood with Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri behind them each holding a 2x4 covered in blood. They continue to pound on The F.B.I. as The Sinister Minister step onto the stage laughing at The F.B.I.

Joey Styles: The Unholy Alliance has taken out The F.B.I. before their match with the Dudleys! How in the hell are they going to compete now?

The Dudleys stand in the ring staring at the carnage on the ramp when all of a sudden Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney climb into the ring behind them each holding a steel chair. They swing the chairs but Bubba Ray and D-Von duck at the last moment and start unloading lefts and rights into their face.

Joey Styles: This is insane! We have The F.B.I. laying on the ramp in a pool of their own blood thanks to The Unholy Alliance and we got the Dudleys and The Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks beating the crap out of each other inside the ring! I’m getting word the Paul Heyman is on his way out here right now to address this situation.


As soon as the music hits the crowd goes wild with half chanting Paul E and the other half chanting ECW. Heyman walks onto the stage a surveys the carnage in front of him.

Paul Heyman: It looks like we’re picking up right where we left off 9 years ago. As for you four teams if you want to fight I’m going to give you the chance. I know you’re aware of the upcoming Pay per View Anarchy Rulz. As the first Pay per View of The new era we need new Champions and I’m going to give you eight the chance to win the World Tag Team Titles. At Anarchy Rulz it going to be The Dudleys Vs The Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks Vs The Unholy Alliance Vs The F.B.I. in a 4 way dance for the ECW World Tag Team Championship!

The crowd goes nuts at the announcement ans Heyman walks to the back.

Joey Styles: Paul Heyman has made a match for Anarchy Rulz. Four teams of former World Tag Team Champions will face of in a 4 way dance. But now we have a match with World Championship implications.

Bob Artese: The following match is your Main Event and is a Tag Team match where the winning Team will face each other at Anarchy Rulz for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first from Yonkers New York weighing in at 260 lbs ‘The Innovator of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer!


Dreamer steps out onto the stage with a huge smile on his face as the fans go wild with chants of ECW and Dreamer. He walks down to the ring high-fiving the fans and gets into the ring to wait for his partner.


Bob Artese: Introducing his partner from Truth or Consequences New Mexico weighing in at 280 lbs Cactus Jack!

Cactus Jack step onto the stage and stares out into the arena. He walks to the ring with a purpose. When he gets into the ring he starts talking strategy with Tommy before their opponents come out.

Joey Styles: In the ring are individually two of the most violent, hardcore men you could ever face in the ring. When you put them on the same side anything is possible.


Bob Artese: Introducing the opponents first from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 270 lbs ‘The Man Beast’ Rhyno!

Rhyno comes out to a chorus of boos. He just looks at the crowd and gives them the finger as he walks down to ringside where he stops and waits for his partner.


Bob Artese: Introducing his partner from Philadelphia Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 lbs he is The Sandman.

The camera pans over the crowd looking for the Sandman. The camera spots him walking through the crowd with his signature Singapore cane in one hand and a beer in the other. He gets to the first row and climbs up on the barricade. He then opens the beer and starts to chug it. When it’s about half empty he takes the can and smashes it on his head causing it to start bleeding. He unsteadily hops down and gets into the ring as Rhyno slides under the bottom rope.

Joey Styles: If there’s anyone that can stand toe to toe with Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack it’s these two. Rhyno will do anything to anyone and The Sandman is completely insane. I mean look at him, he busted himself open and the match hasn’t even started yet.

The four men stand in the ring and stare at each other. After about a minute both teams go the opposite corners and decide who’s going to start the match.

Joey Styles: It looks like Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman are going to start this match. There no hesitation as these two friends lay into each other with rights and lefts.

Dreamer keeps hitting the cut in Sandman’s forehead causing it to deepen and the blood to pour into his eyes. As the men continue to pound on each other weapons start to fly into the ring.

Joey Styles: What the hell is going on here? Dreamer and Sandman are beating each other up in the ring and on the outside Cactus Jack is throwing weapons into the ring. There’s a Trash Can and lid, a steel chair and a stop sign. Jack is looking under the ring for another weapon.

He finds what he’s looking for and crawls out holding a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. With a sadistic smile in his face he reaches for the tag. Dreamer sees it and tags in Jack who still has the barbed wire bat in his hand. At the same time a blood drenched Rhyno is able to tag in Rhyno.

Joey Styles: Both men are able to make the tag as Rhyno and Cactus Jack step into the ring. I don’t want to think about what Jack has planned for Rhyno with that barbed wire covered bat.

Out of nowhere Cactus Jack swings the bat at Rhyno’s head but Rhyno is able to duck and the bat gets stuck in the ring corner padding. Unable to get the bat out Cactus is hit with a vicious German suplex from Rhyno right onto the stop sign he threw into the ring earlier.

Joey Styles: Jack is writhing in pain from that suplex onto the sign. The question is now is now will Rhyno go for the cover or try to inflict more pain on Cactus Jack?

As if in response to Joey’s question Rhyno picks up the Trash Can and swings it a Jack’s head. A split second before it hits him in the head Jack delivers a low blow with the Trash Can lid, causing Rhyno to fall on top of him. The ref goes to the mat and counts the pinfall.

1…2...kick out!

Joey Styles: Jack is able to get is shoulder off the mat just in time to stop the three count. Both men need to have to get to their corners and make a tag.

Both men slowly crawl to their corner and make the tag. The Sandman has is Singapore cane in hand and repeatedly nails Dreamer in the head causing him to fall to his knees covered in blood.

Joey Styles: This is what the ECW World Championship means to these men. These guys are friends and there bleeding buckets in order to find out who the best in the World really is.

The Sandman goes for the knockout blow but Dreamer ducks under it and punches The Sandman in the midsection distracting him long enough for Tommy to grab the stop sign next to him and nail Sandman in the knees.

Joey Styles: Just like that the momentum can change. Now all Tommy needs to do is capitalize and it’s him and Jack going to Anarchy Rulz.

Dreamer puts the stop sign down and slowly gets to his feet with blood pouring down his face. HE grabs a still stunned Sandman and puts him in position for a DDT. With a bloody grin in his face Tommy shouts E-C-Fuckin’-W and plants Sandman head first onto the stop sign.

Joey Styles: Dreamer just hit a huge DDT and the already bloody head of The Sandman! If Tommy can go for the pin this match is over.

Dreamer quickly falls into the pin and the ref makes the count.


Bob Artese: Here are your winners and going on to face each other for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship at Anarchy Rulz Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack!

Tommy helps The Sandman up and they raise each other’s arms when out of nowhere Jack nails Tommy in the back the Barbed Wire bat. HE tries to take out The Sandman as well but gets hit with Sandman’s Singapore cane knocking him to the mat clutching his head. The Sandman turns around only to be hit with a huge Gore from Rhyno.

Joey Styles: Bodies are laying everywhere! For reasons beyond me Cactus Jack nailed his friend Tommy Dreamer with that disgusting barbed wire bat. We don’t have time this week but hopefully next week we’ll get answers from Cactus jack. Thank you for tuning in, we’ll see you next week right here on ECW!


Joey Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to ECW! Last week was a hell of a kick off for the new era of ECW. We had friends attack friends for no reason and one of the most controversial match endings in ECW history. It’s that ending that brings this man to the ring.

Bob Artese: Ladies and Gentlemen Please welcome the owner of ECW Paul Heyman!


Paul Heyman walks down the ramp as the fans chant ECW. He has a smile on his face as he waits for the crowd to die down. As he waits we get a replay of the ladder match ending from last week.

Joey Styles: They both have a hand on the contract but who’s going to come out on top? You only get this kind of action here in ECW!

Both men hold onto the contract with one hand and punch each other in the face with the other. The ladder is teetering in the air when it suddenly topples and both Punk and Guerrero have a hold of the contract when they hit the mat. The ref looks at the men with a confused look on his face.

Joey Styles: Both men still have hold of the contract! Which of these men will face Rob Van Dam at Anarchy Rulz? We have to go to commercial but hopefully we’ll have answers when we come back. I just heard from Paul Heyman and he will review the footage of what just happened and make a decision next week

Paul Heyman: I’ve been reviewing that footage all week and without a doubt both Eddie Guerrero and CM Punk both had their hand on that contract as they hit the mat. Because there’s only two contracts for Anarchy Rulz there’s going to be a 1-on-1 match between Punk and Guerrero to see who gets that other contract and that match starts right now!


Heyman leaves the ring as Eddie walks down the ramp high-fiving fans. He steps into the ring and stares at the stage as he waits for CM Punk.

Bob Artese: This match is scheduled for one fall. Standing in the ring from El Paso Texas weighing in at 228 lbs Eddie Guerrero!


Bob Artese: And his opponent from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 222 lbs Cm Punk!

The fans boo Punk and he looks at them with contempt. He gets to the ring and stares at Guerrero as he slides into the ring as the ref calls for the bell.

Joey Styles: This is the last chance for both of these men. Only one can go on to face RVD at Anarchy Rulz for the World Television Title.

At that moment Punk slaps Eddie in the face which causes Him to angrily punch Punk in the face causing him to stagger backwards.

Joey Styles: The last thing you want to do is anger Eddie Guerrero, he’s got that Latin heat that’s almost impossible for people to deal with.

With fire in his eyes Eddie continues to unload lefts and rights to the face of CM Punk, In order to get away Punk slides under the bottom rope. He runs around the ring as Eddie follows him. Punk ducks behind the corner of the ring and ass Eddie comes around hits him with a huge clothesline which sends Eddie crashing head first into the unpadded floor.

Joey Styles: Oh my God, Guerrero may have a concussion. If Punk can get him into the ring he may win this thing.

Punks stares at Guerrero and bends down to pick him up and get him into the ring. It takes a bit for Punk to get Eddie’s deadweight up and into the ring. When he is finally able to get him to the center of the ring Punk goes for the cover.

1…2…2 ½, kick out!

Joey Styles: Kick out at the last second by Eddie Guerrero. By the look on Punk’s face he didn’t expect it either. He’s got to be thinking about what else he has to do to put Guerrero away.

Punk argues with the ref as Eddie Slowly gets to his feet and slams himself into Punk’s back while he’s still arguing with the ref causing the ref to fall to the outside.

Joey Styles: What’s going the happen now? Without a ref this match could go on forever and they could do anything to each other.

Eddie looks at the ref on the outside and shrugs his shoulders He climbs out of the ring and asks a hooded fan at ring side for his chair. The fan gets up but instead of handing Eddie the chair he blasts him in the face with it. He then hops the barricade and first throws Eddie into the ring then wakes the ref up and throws him in next. With Guerrero out cold Punk is able to slowly crawl into the cover.


Bob Artese: Here is your winner and going on to Anarchy Rulz CM Punk!

The ref tries to raise Punk’s arm in victory but the hooded mystery man chases him away and does it himself.

Joey Styles: I know anything is possible in ECW but a fan just cost Eddie Guerrero a chance to fight for the ECW World Television Championship. CM punk is demanding a mic, maybe we’ll get to the bottom of this.

CM Punk: This is what happens to anyone who gets in my way. I had the contract won last week so when they decided to hold it up I went in search of someone that could help me get what should have been mine.

With that Punk hands the mic to the hooded man who reveals himself to be ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas.

Shane Douglas: When Punk came to me last week and told me what happened I was outraged that someone so deserving of a title shot could be screwed like that. We came up with this plan and now that Punk has won all that’s left is for him to win the World Television Championship at Anarchy Rulz. We are the Straight Edge Franchise and together we will take you out.

Joey Styles: Shane Douglas and CM punk have joined forces here in ECW and if tonight is any indicator they’ll be hard to beat. Right now however we have Taz Vs 2 Cold Scorpio.

Bob Artese: Introducing first from the Red Hook section of Brooklyn New York weighing in at 240 lbs ‘The Human Suplex Machine’ Taz!


The music plays and after a little bit Taz comes walking out with a mic in one hand and dragging a bloody 2 Cold Scorpio with the other.

Joey Styles: What in the hell is Taz doing? These two are supposed to have a match but it looks like Taz has other ideas.

Taz drags Scorpio over to the edge of the stage and looks down to the floor. He puts the mic down and hits a huge belly to belly suplex on Scorpio from the stage to the floor.

Joey Styles: Oh my God! That is at least an eight foot drop and Scorpio just landed on his head. We need EMTs. Paramedics, someone needs to get out here now!

Taz: Last week I said what happened to Chris Jericho was only the beginning and I meant it. Cactus Jack, Tommy Dreamer I don’t care which of you wins the World Championship at Anarchy Rulz I will end the career of one Superstar a week until I get a Title match. Beat me if you can. Survive if I let you.

With that Taz drops the mic and walks to the back. The EMTs put 2 Cold Scorpio on a stretcher and put it in an ambulance that quickly speeds away towards the nearest hospital.

Joey Styles (Talking softly): I speak for everyone here at ECWE when I wish 2 Cold Scorpio a speedy recovery and hope to see him back herein ECW soon. However we need to go on with the show and up next we have a match with Tag Title implications, its Yoshihiro Tajiri Vs Balls Mahoney.

Bob Artese: Introducing first being accompanied to the ring by Mikey Whipwreck and The Sinister Minister from Toyko Japan weighing in at 180 lbs, ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Yoshihiro Tajiri!


Tajiri steps onto the stage with the rest of The Unholy Alliance behind him. He silently walks to the ring as Mikey Whipwreck and The Sinister Minister walk beside him cackling insanely. All three of them step into the ring and wait for Tajiri’s opponent.

Bob Artese: And introducing his opponent being accompanied to the ring by Axl Rotten, from Nutley New Jersey weighing in at 305 lbs Balls Mahoney!


The music plays as both Axl and Balls walk to the ring each carrying a steel chair with their names on them.

Joey Styles: Both these teams are in that huge 4-way Dance for the World Tag Team Championships at Anarchy Rulz, whoever wins here will be riding a wave of momentum into the pay-per-view.

As the bell sounds Balls swings his chair at Tajiri’s head but he ducks and starts kicking Mahoney in the thighs causing him to drop the chair to the mat.

[B]Joey Styles[/B]: This is exactly what Tajiri needs to do. If he can bring the bigger man down to his size he just may win this thing.

Tajiri tries to kick Balls in the thigh one last time but he gets caught and thrown into the ropes. Mahoney grabs the chair and gets to his feet. He once again swings it at Tajiri’s head but Tajiri ducks and locks in the Tarantula causing the chair to fall to the floor.

Joey Styles: Tajiri has the Tarantula locked in on Balls Mahoney! Here in ECW that move is as legal as a headlock.

As Joey is talking Axl sneaks up to Tajiri and nails him in the back with the chair he’s been holding causing him to release the hold.

Joey Styles: Well that’s one way to get Tajiri to release the Tarantula. Now all Balls needs to do is capitalize on the situation his partner gave him and he has this match won.

All of a sudden Mikey hits Axl in the back with a trashcan he grabbed from under the ring, causing Axl to fall to the floor in pain. This in turn distracts Balls who walks into another vicious kick by Tajiri this time to the ribs.

Joey Styles: Just like that a distraction may cost Balls the match. Tajiri quickly goes for another kick but Balls blocks it at the last second.

With Tajiri’s leg trapped Balls picks him up and hits a spinning spinebuster but instead of going for the pin he climbs to the top rope.

Joey Styles: This is new territory for Balls and if he’s not careful things will end badly.

Out of nowhere Mikey slides into the ring and climbs to the second rope and hits a violent Whipper-Snapper on Mahoney.

Joey Styles: Oh my God, Whipper-Snapper from the second rope! If Tajiri can make the cover he has this match won.

As Joey talks Tajiri slowly crawls into the cover and Mikey pushes down on him to add to the weight.


Bob Artese: Here is your winner ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Yoshihiro Tajiri!

Joey Styles: Thanks to Mikey Whipwreck Tajiri won this match and The Unholy Alliance goes into Anarchy Rulz with all the momentum. Hold on a second The Sinister Minister is demanding a microphone.

[B]Sinister Minister[/B]: Dudley Boyz, FBI I hope you were watching that because this is what’s in store for you at Anarchy Rulz. FBI we’ve faced you enough times to know you won’t be a problem. We’ve just proven we can beat those two freaks Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney. That just leaves those damn Dudleys. You two may be 23 time World Tag Team Champions all over the World and 8 time World Tag Team Champions right here in ECW but at Anarchy Rulz it’s going to be The Unholy Alliance holding the ECW World Tag Team Titles high in the air.

Joey Styles: Some strong words from The Sinister Minister but will they prove prophetic? We’ll find that out at Anarchy Rulz but up next we have Tommy Dreamer Vs ‘The Man Beast’ Rhyno but first Joel Gertner is standing by with a special guest.

Joel Gertner: That’s right ladies the quintessential stud muffin is back in ECW. With me right now are two men who don’t look very happy.

With that Joel hands the mic to someone off screen and the camera pans over to show a very angry looking Tommy Dreamer and Sandman.

Sandman: Rhyno last week you gored me in the middle of the ring. The only mistake you made was the fact that you let me get back up. At Anarchy Rulz it’s going to be me Vs you and you’re going to get your ass kicked.

Gripping his Singapore cane he hands the mic to Tommy Dreamer.

Tommy Dreamer: Why Mick, why did you attack me from behind last week? You and I have been friends for over fifteen years. My twin daughters call you Uncle Mick when you would come over to the house. When I was at home this past week they kept asking me, “Daddy why did Uncle Mick hurt you like this?” Do you have an idea how much it tears me up inside to look them in the eyes and tell them I don’t know why you’re Uncle Mick did this to me. Anarchy Rulz isn’t just about the World Title it’s about me beating you within an inch of your like for what you’ve put my family through.

With that Tommy hands the mic back to Joel and walks off as his music plays in the arena.


Bob Artese: Introducing first being accompanied to the ring by The Sandman from Yonkers New York weighing in at 260 lbs Tommy Dreamer!

Tommy walks onto the stage and down the ramp with a serious look on his face. Both men climb into the ring as The Sandman holds his Singapore cane like a baseball bat.

Bob Artese: Introducing his opponent being accompanied to the ring by Cactus Jack from Detroit Michigan weighing in at 275 lbs ‘The Man Beast’ Rhyno!


Both Rhyno and Jack come out and stand on the stage and Jack starts talking using a mic he brought with him from the back.

Cactus Jack: Why, you want a reason why Tommy Dreamer? I’ll give you a reason but first I’m going to give you a history lesson. It’s the early of ECW and it’s supposed to be me and Terry Funk Vs Public Enemy for the World Tag Team Titles. Terry couldn’t make it so I won the titles with Mikey Whipwreck but we lost them back to Public Enemy a few weeks later. Since then I’ve fought for the World title but never won it. Before I could actually win the title I left for the WWE where I won the WWE Championship three times and then I won the TNA Title once. Even with being a four time world Champion there was something eating at my heart and soul. At Hardcore Justice it was starting to become clear, but it wasn’t until I got that phone call from Paul Heyman saying he had brought back ECW that I finally figured out what it was. It was the fact that out of the countless titles I’ve won in my career, the one title that means more to me than any of the others has eluded me. Do you get it yet Tommy? I used you to get in to the Main Event and at Anarchy Rulz it’s going to be me standing over your lifeless, bloody, husk of a body finally the ECW World Heavyweight Champion.

Joey Styles: Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack exchanging some very strong words before our Main Event tonight. Now Tommy needs to focus all his attention on Rhyno because if he doesn’t Rhyno may put Tommy in the hospital.

As Styles talks Jack drops the mic in his hand as he and Rhyno walk down to the ring. They get into the ring and the faces of their Anarchy Rulz opponent. All of a sudden Tommy and The Sandman start unloading on the two men in front of them.

Joey Styles: The match is supposed to be Dreamer Vs Rhyno but these four men don’t want to wait until Anarchy Rulz to tear each other’s throats out.

After a few minutes Tommy is able to throw Jack out of the ring while Rhyno does the same thing to Sandman. Then Tommy and Rhyno lock eyes on each other and immediately start going at it.

[B]Joey Styles[/B]: With Jack and Sandman finally out of the ring Tommy and Rhyno lay into each other with huge lefts and rights. Tommy ducks a right and lays Rhyno out with a violent short-arm clothesline.

Tommy climbs out of the ring and looks underneath it for any weapon he can find which include a stop sign, a steel chair and a trash can and lid. He throws the sign, chair and can into the ring. As he’s about to toss the lid into the ring Rhyno grabs Tommy by the hair and tries to pull him into the ring but gets a trash can lid to the head quickly followed by a cane shot from The Sandman.

Joey Styles: Vicious shots from both men knocks Rhyno back to the center of the ring. Tommy climbs back into the ring and stares at Rhyno with a look of fury in his eyes.

Tommy looks around the ring and sets eyes on the Trash Can. He picks it up and waits for Rhyno to slowly get to his feet before slamming it down over Rhyno’s head, neck and shoulders, pinning his arms to his side. While Rhyno is stumbling around the ring Tommy picks up the steel chair and starts unloading in Rhyno causing him to fall, but Tommy doesn’t stop and continues to nail Rhyno with the chair so hard it dents the trash can.

Joey Styles: Tommy Dreamer going absolutely nuts on Rhyno! He has to be thinking that’s Cactus Jack in there, that’s the only reason I have for Tommy Dreamer going this crazy.

Tommy slams the chair into the trash can one last time before slamming the chair down and taking the can off of Rhyno.

Joey Styles: Rhyno has been busted open thanks to Tommy Dreamer. Rhyno looks unconscious so if Tommy goes for the pin he will win this match.

As if listening to Joey Tommy falls into the pin, hooking the far leg.

1…2…2 ½ kick out!

Joey Styles: Kick out by Rhyno at 2 ½! I would have put money on Tommy winning right there but it turns out there’s still fight left in The Man Beast.

Tommy looks at the ref in frustration and then picks Rhyno up by his blood matted hair. Tommy goes for an Irish whip but Rhyno reverses it and as Tommy hits the ropes he gets hit in the back with that barbed wire bat that Cactus Jack has been hiding under the ring. As Tommy stumbles Rhyno hits Tommy with a vicious spinebuster on the already dented trash can. HE quickly falls into the pin.

1…2 kick out!

Joey Styles: Tommy Dreamer able to kick out at 2. If Rhyno doesn’t find a way to put him away he may pass out from blood loss.

Rhyno gets to his feet and starts arguing with the ref and as he does that Tommy starts crawling towards The Sandman. When he gets to the corner he says something to Sandman and then slowly gets to his feet. Rhyno sees this out of the corner of his eyes and shoves the ref out of the way and gets ready to hit Tommy with a Gore.

Joey Styles: Rhyno’s setting Tommy up for the Gore. If he hits this he gets all the momentum going into his match with The Sandman.

Tommy gets to his feet and turns around only for Rhyno to run at him as fast as he can. At the last second Tommy moves out of the way and nails Rhyno with the Singapore cane he was hiding. He then goes for the pin.


Bob Artese: Here is your winner of the match, Tommy Dreamer!

Joey Styles: That must have been why he was talking to The Sandman, he was asking for the Singapore cane. Regardless of how he did it Tommy Dreamer won the match and now both him and Sandman go into Anarchy Rulz with all the momentum. That’s all the time we have this week we’ll see you live on pay-per-view when ECW presents Anarchy Rulz!
Great job. I love reading these. The only think I would like to see if more detail on the matches, instead of listing what they do, describe what they do. Describe the light and the atmospher in the arena. Describe the look on face after the chair shot and there reaction. The matches don't seem long at all. The entrances are also extremely short, I would describe the pace that there walking, the pyro, the lighting in the arena, I always like to point out someone in the crowd in my entrances, for example a kid holding a sign, and having the wrestler go up to the kid. Also I like to describe how the wrestler slaps hands with people in the crowd, and how he enters the ring.

Great job though.
Woah! I thought you'd snap back at me for my thoughts! Thanks for actually taking it into consideration and I hope it helps you in some way.
Dude just ignore everyone when they give you shit. If you do that you'll get out of here a lot faster than you would otherwise (i'd imagine anyway it's not up to me when/if you get out.)

I put this thread up to give you guys in here something to discuss without it degenerating into everyone gang raping the prisoners.
And I thank you for that. I've done a good job of not firing back at people who give me shit, but in reality I could have done better haha.

If I ever get out of here, and become an established member I want to start something like this, only have it be an E-fed with people writing against each other as the wrestlers. Person with the best match wins. It's not like it hasn't been done before, but I don't think it has on this site.

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