The New Main Event Mafia Sting, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Magnus & Rampage Jackson!

OK for me I do not believe they are going to use the "past champ(s)" as a requirement. He used the word family a lot. SOOO I could see Double J w/karen, Crimson (who just returned), Abyss. I would love to see Johnny Mo but I know that will not happen. I don't think any free agents should be brought in with the exception of RVD and like I said my dream of Johnny Mo. I could also see Rampage or King Mo as the muscle. I have read King Mo has been doing wrestling training since is last fight. It might be a good thing to put Rampage in this to help with development but on the other hand he seems to have a friendship with Angle right now. I also would not be surprised if you see some OVW talent in the mix as well. In time we will find out for sure...
Am I the only one who is not excited about this? The original Main Event Mafia lived up to its name. If they put it back together it'll just wind up being a pale imitation of the original. Look at the past players.

Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Booker T. How in the blue hell do you top that?! It's impossible. It just can't be done. As much as I liked Samoa Joe even he didn't fit in. He wasn't a big enough star with anywhere near the experience that the rest of the group had. I think it would have been better if Sting put together a new group with a new name. I doesn't matter who the put in this "new" group it's going to be (for me) a let down.
Am I the only one who is not excited about this? The original Main Event Mafia lived up to its name. If they put it back together it'll just wind up being a pale imitation of the original. Look at the past players.

Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Booker T. How in the blue hell do you top that?! It's impossible. It just can't be done. As much as I liked Samoa Joe even he didn't fit in. He wasn't a big enough star with anywhere near the experience that the rest of the group had. I think it would have been better if Sting put together a new group with a new name. I doesn't matter who the put in this "new" group it's going to be (for me) a let down.

That's my fear as well. The Joe situation could've been fixed if Joe was around people like AJ and Daniels who are his peers.

However, the Main Event Mafia was about LEGENDS getting together. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but they were a heel stable. I could be mistaken.

Either way, even if they form a new MEM with current top stars such as AJ, Hardy, Sting, Roode/Aries and so on, it could work but it'll still feel like a DX without Shawn Michaels and only Triple H and a bunch of other people.

Either way, this won't affect the storyline. This is some gripe we have with it. If the storyline doesn't work it'll be because of booking, not because Kevin Nash wasn't in it.

Still, I understand why they brought it back (it's a big thing, apprently), but a new group would've been alright with me too. However, this adds ANOTHER stable on the already huge pile so that's another thing I don't like.

I'll go back to what I said before, I don't feel excited for another stable vs stable. Anyone could be in it and it'll give me a headache. Just because it worked once 13 years ago doesn't mean it'll work every time. ESPECIALLY when you do it every fucking year.
STING Since The Stinger was the one who said he was reforming MEM, I have a felling sting will be in the group and more then likely be the leader.

KURT ANGLE Original member of the group and has just as much reason as Sting to see Aces and Eights gone from TNA for ever.

SAMOA JOE Another MEM original and would love the chance to get some payback after Aces and Eights took him out.

CRIMSON After Crimsons little speech this week before his match with Joseph Parks, it would not surprise me in the least if Crimson became a member of the group And seeing as he was set to be a member before Nash and Booker jumped ship, it makes sence that TNA would add him to the group this time around.

MAGNUS Very tallented and has a great future ahead of him in TNA, But is never really used in any major storylines. If TNA were to add him to the group then that would change things and could lead to Magnus getting the Push that he needs.
Kurt Angle should be the Godfather of the New Mafia with Sting in a managerial role/part-timer role and then have Samoa Joe in there as well as Jeff Jarrett and Crimson, the 5 of them as a group
Problem with this stable is that, it's just Team TNA under a new banner so I highly doubt there will be any, black suits, and Sting calling himself the Godfather. The guys who are just going to be siding with Sting are the same ones he accused of not being there for him.
there are 2 things that stand out to me with what Sting talked about in the ring. trust like family, and how he was upset that no one from TNA came out to help him. if no one from TNA came out to help him, why should he want these same guys to be on his side where he can trust them? just doesn't make sense. (although we're talking about TNA).
I could see Angle fitting, mostly because he was in there before, so I think Sting will feel he can trust him.

I also don't think you can just take the top guys in TNA and move them over to MEM, leaving no one left to fight on the side of TNA.
The problem with Joe joining the MEM in the first place was that it killed his push. For 2009 he decimated the MEM, show after show, PPV after PPV, as the anti-hero who was out for vengeance. Come Slammiversary they cut that momentum and make him join the group
A lot of mentions for Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, so on. Aren't those the same guys Sting would be mad at because they didn't save him? It wouldn't make sense for him to be mad at the TNA locker room and then invite half the locker room into his new group.

Exactly. Funny thing is, after Angle was getting beat by Aces & 8s at the end of the last show, I was expecting Sting to make the save. After all his talks of unity and with the fact that Angle was a member, it would have been the perfect time for this and recruit him. But Sting don't show up? lol

A.J. Styles would make sense because he's a loner at this point. Abyss and Matt Morgan would too because their characters make them outsiders. Maybe those guys and then add in an Aces & Eights castoff like DOC or whoever and there's your potential group. I doubt they'll have a real big surprises in the mix, but the guys who have been smartly booked as outsiders would work fine.

That would make sense. Although I was thinking about this: with people coming up with their dream line-up, isn't there a point where the group could be TOO POWERFUL? I mean that has been the criticism about Aces & 8s in that they come off like jobbers most of them. Hell logically they should be easily defeated if not for the fact that they stick together. So the moment you have guys like Sting and Abyss and Morgan and Joe and Angle in a group, migh as well declare Aces & 8s officialy dead. They can't compete with that. Cause the heel group has to be an intimidating force still, right.
I've no clue who's going to be in it so I'll just list the guys I think will be really cool.

Sting, AJ Styles, Austin Aries (or Bobby Roode), Magnus, Crimson.

If we're going by the old 'former world champon' thing, then drop Magnus and Crimson out of this and add Joe and Hardy.

Either way, I was never around to see the first Main Event Mafia so I'm indifferent. Sting's promo was cool, but the fact that we're in store for ANOTHER stable vs stable is killing it for me.

Stable vs Stable now means endless iMPACTs ending in brawls, mass brawls DURING impact where no one gets the edge, numerous interferences and one or two good promos, tops. Don't forget all the clusterfuck matches.

I like it from the point of view that I haven't liked the Aces & 8s storyline from the start and Bully makes them barely watchable but I think a war against them with another group could make it better TV. Maybe. Especially a better group. The original MEM was much more watchable tv than anything Aces & 8s have been.
Something to consider also. Should Sting group be:

-Random guys that Sting would hand pick without having a particular profile.

-He talked about his family, well Sting(the character) doesn't have much friends in TNA, they've left him alone more than once. If we talk about Sting's family we go to former WCW guys. Nash is on contract but wouldn't it make more sense to have guys like Nash, Steiner and so forth there? He's not well liked but Buff Bagwell was a good friend with Sting for example, he could show up.

-Just people recruited outside of TNA that he could mold in his image.

-The most dangerous people inside of TNA. That guys could get the job done. Whether it's current AJ, Abyss, Joe, Morgan, Gunner and so forth.
Am I the only one who is not excited about this? The original Main Event Mafia lived up to its name. If they put it back together it'll just wind up being a pale imitation of the original. Look at the past players.

Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Booker T. How in the blue hell do you top that?! It's impossible. It just can't be done. As much as I liked Samoa Joe even he didn't fit in. He wasn't a big enough star with anywhere near the experience that the rest of the group had. I think it would have been better if Sting put together a new group with a new name. I doesn't matter who the put in this "new" group it's going to be (for me) a let down.

We'll just have to see, and Samoa Joe deserves all credibility from all his matches with kurt and various guys in ROH. Of course the new mem won't be as good as the original because the original was a heel group lol
The new MEM should be:

Angle (Leader)
Sting (Manager/Part-timer)
Crimson (Enforcer/Muscle of the group)
Magnus (Crown Jewel/Young lion of the group)

This group would be similar to that of another stable, Evolution, in the sense that Sting would be like the Ric Flair of the group, with Crimson being like the Batista of the group and Angle being the Triple H of the group with Magnus being the Orton of the group, an MEM stable fashioned in an Evolution type sense with the main eventer of the past that being Sting, the main eventer of the present that being Angle, and the main eventers of the future that being Magnus and Crimson
I think if I had to pick the guys I want to see, I would go with..
Sting. Kurt Angle. Rampage. Matt Morgan. Crimson.

I think James Storm would be a good option if he was still in singles, but now that he is tag team champion with Gunner, I don't want to see Storm there because that means Gunner would have to be there too. nothing against Gunner, but he's not just main event.

here is something that I don't think has been mentioned. do we see Sting's MEM all revealed at the same time? or do we have something similar to Aces and Eights where different members are revealed at different times? might be more entertaining to reveal them separately. add some drama to WHO is going to be in Sting's MEN. give viewers a reason to tune in EVERY week for a chance so they feel like they don't want to miss something.

at least we know it wont be RVD. I guess last night it was announced he was signing with WWE.
People are making a lot of Sting referring to the guys in the locker room not having his back but for the old WCW fans out there, he had a method in establishing who had his back when he was in his Crow stage - he handed them his bat and offered his back. I could see him using this method again to recruit this time.

I don't see AJ being part of the group because it just doesn't make kayfabe sense for him to be in the same group as the other main eventers as he has either been feuding with them (Angle) or will face them in the BFG Series (Hardy). The BFG Series also causes me to discount the TNA 'Originals' as the Stinger will be looking a core purpose for the group without possible splinter reasons a la Anderson / DOC at the last Impact.

Hogan could well offer his services to the group but I believe the Stinger will turn him back for transparency reasons, the GM should NOT be a member of a face faction.

Now, onto who I believe will be in the MEM with the Stinger...

Kurt Angle - Former member and a guy who can feud with Bully over the Championship while the BFG series runs.

Jeff Hardy - The Family's BFG Series guy plus he'll benefit from being surrounded by the better speakers.

Jeff Jarrett - The ultimate 'Godfather', the founder returns to protect the integrity of the TNA World Championship.

Rampage Jackson - UFC headliner, enforcer for the group.

I'm interested with Nash's tweet, but think he's just yanking our chains. It wasn't so long ago that he also tweeted that he would never resign with TNA out of loyalty to Triple H.

To me, this would be a group with name recognition on a par with the original faction... only in better physical and mental states (Booker T went WAY down in my estimations with the way he behaved in TNA).
People are making a lot of Sting referring to the guys in the locker room not having his back but for the old WCW fans out there, he had a method in establishing who had his back when he was in his Crow stage - he handed them his bat and offered his back. I could see him using this method again to recruit this time.

I don't see AJ being part of the group because it just doesn't make kayfabe sense for him to be in the same group as the other main eventers as he has either been feuding with them (Angle) or will face them in the BFG Series (Hardy). The BFG Series also causes me to discount the TNA 'Originals' as the Stinger will be looking a core purpose for the group without possible splinter reasons a la Anderson / DOC at the last Impact.

Hogan could well offer his services to the group but I believe the Stinger will turn him back for transparency reasons, the GM should NOT be a member of a face faction.

Now, onto who I believe will be in the MEM with the Stinger...

Kurt Angle - Former member and a guy who can feud with Bully over the Championship while the BFG series runs.

Jeff Hardy - The Family's BFG Series guy plus he'll benefit from being surrounded by the better speakers.

Jeff Jarrett - The ultimate 'Godfather', the founder returns to protect the integrity of the TNA World Championship.

Rampage Jackson - UFC headliner, enforcer for the group.

I'm interested with Nash's tweet, but think he's just yanking our chains. It wasn't so long ago that he also tweeted that he would never resign with TNA out of loyalty to Triple H.

To me, this would be a group with name recognition on a par with the original faction... only in better physical and mental states (Booker T went WAY down in my estimations with the way he behaved in TNA).

I could go with that set up, I'm a bit curious to see Rampage in action with TNA even if he's new to the pro wrestling game. Obviously he and Kurt have a decent respect thing going on. Also, this is a bit off topic a bit but Mark Henry DID tweet that he was leaving WWE and that he found a new home so could that mean he's making a jump to TNA? Or doing something completely different? Makes me wonder if he is a talent TNA is picking up which interests me if he'd be face or heel if he does.
I think they've finally got me here. I haven't got a clue on who the "New Main Event Mafia will be. Some people are coming out with guys like Storm, Gunner, Crimson, Morgan, AJ, etc. But they are stars that did not help Sting at Slammiversary, which is why he is reforming the M.E.M. If people want to use the "Crimson and Morgan weren't at Slammmiversary" argument, think about what Sting said; "Family". Are Crimson and Morgan really equal to being family-like to Sting? Can you imagine Hardy or Gunner in a suit?

If they were to be ex-WCW guys like DDP:shrug:, it would literally ruin what the Main Event Mafia is all about (former World champions, over 75 years of experience combined and all that).

One name that has been popping round lately, is Jeff Jarrett. The only Family-like guy there is to Sting, that I can really think of. He has been mentioned lately, and there were rumours that the Aces and Eights storyline is he way TNA want to bring Jarrett back to TV.

That is all, Jeff Jarrett only. TNA have done a great job in in confusing the fans, and the new members may take me by surprise.
I think guys like Morgan and Crimson make more sense than Hardy.
is this going to be Aces and Eights VS MEM VS TNA? or is it going to be Aces and Eights VS MEM, where TNA top wrestlers are just going to be used in MEM? I think it's the first one. so I think you need to have some top guys like Hardy with TNA. Sting makes a good wrestler/manager, and someone like Kurt Angle could be the lead wrestler.
I think we'll definitely see Jeff Jarrett. As for the rest or how many...I don't know. I could see AJ aligning, but he's in the Bound for Glory Tournament, so I would think that knocks him out.

I don't see how you have the MEM without Angle, especially since Sting eventually was kicked out/feuded with MEM. But it's TNA so sensical storylines don't matter. Which means, I don't think he necessarily has to be in it.

Scott Steiner is an option, but he seemed to have dogged TNA pretty bad over the last few years. I don't know they bring him back in.

With his comments about TNA guys not having his back, I could see him bringing in some wildcards...

DDP: Former multiple time WCW Champ. Had a lot of connections thru WCW and a short run in TNA. I don't see it though...

Sid Viscious: WCW and WWF Champ. Didn't look Terrible on his return to Raw last year. Not much connection to Sting in my opinion.

Vader: WCW Champ. A lot of connection to Sting with feuds and such. Also, surprisingly not bad considering how old he is on the return match with Slater on the buildup to RAW 1000.

Buff Bagwell: We did see a few tweets that he may show up in TNA one day. Never been a World Champ, but did have a few runs as a tag champ. Claimed to be close to Sting when the TNA rumors started.

Rick Steiner: Very Close with Sting during UWF and WCW days. Could we see a Steiner reunion? He's old as dirt.

Okay, so all of those guys are old as crap and shouldn't be brought back in, but I could see TNA and Sting using them for a short pop. Hogan and Bischoff seem to always think the answer is bringing in a name, but they haven't been relevent for so long, the names they think are big are past their prime.

Other options:

Morgan: Seems to be a logical candidate because of his mutual hatred for the TNA locker room. Could now respect sting for making him pass out. But, not a former Champ.

Eric Young: Not a champion, but seems to always be the guy Stings surprises us with. Has developed a close family relationship in TNA with Sting.

Konnan: Supposedly has returned/will return to the ring for AAA. Connections throughout TNA/WCW

Rhino: NWA/ECW Champion. IN ROH, but I'm unsure of long-term contract status. Definitely could be connected to Sting from time in TNA.

Raven: NWA/ECW Champion. TNA/WCW connections. See him as long shot.

Harry Smith: No Connections...Doesn't really fit. But, was used in Ring Ka King and I could see TNA bringing him in.

So, after a very long post, my picks are:
Sting: Leader
Jarrett: Co-Leader/Tag Team
Morgan: Tag Team/Enforcer
Scott Steiner: Former Member
AJ Styles: Last addition...revealed at BFG when he defeats Bully for the Title.
Just to update my original post where I picked Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett and 'Rampage' Jackson to be the new MEM, I see that 'King Mo' has made comments regarding wishing to chase the TNA World Tag Team Belts alongside Quinton so, accordingly, I now add him to my choices bringing the total MEM membership to 6 members - one more than the initial faction (Sting, Angle, Nash, Steiner & T).
we found out the first person in Sting's family, the new Main Event Mafia. Kurt Angle.
Sting was walking after Bully up the ramp, when someone in a suit came out and attacked Bully. they made it seem like it was something big. OMG who is that, OMG who is that!! ..oh wait, it's Kurt Angle.
the obvious first choice.
Perfect!! The 2 members of the TNA Hall of Fame, the 2 leaders of the original Main Event Mafia, Sting and Kurt Angle have rejoined forces!! Respect!! I hope they continue to keep the Mafia members to just Main Eventers. In the M. E. Mob, it's all about M. E.!!
Wow that was the least surprising member ever.

Hey Sting, when Angle was getting his butt kicked by Aces & 8s, why didn't you help him last week?

There's storyline holes and there's storyline HOLES. This felt like a Russo screw up.
Who's next? So far we have three members Sting, Angle and the third will officially be revealed next week.

Personally, I think it might be either AJ Styles or Brutus Magnus. With Sting's comment of there being no lone wolves against As & 8s, I thought he was going to join tonight. And for reasons that I will not explain yet (how do you do spoiler alerts?) I also think that Magnus has a possibility. I would also like to see Matt Morgon join.

What about Tassel? I realize that he is currently with the As & 8s, but he was an associate of the original MEM.

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