kurt angle wins the tna title

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Nope, AJ hasn't. If I can recall, Jeff Jarrett, Raven, Samoa Joe, and Kurt Angle the only winners of the KOTM, with Jarrett and Angle both winning the match twice.

Yes I think your right, another man I could see joining MEM soon is Raven :raven:with Abyss joining Nation of Violence

That was an amazing finish as much as I wanted Jarrett or Styles to win it was shocking and diffrent (someone needs to show that match to Vince McMahon ay?) good match great finish
Kaz also has won the KOTM oh and suicide after last night to.... but im glad joe is heel bc i feel like he is better as a heel but again i think tna makes no sense bc why have him attack n take everyone out if he gonna join...so now everything is suppose to be ok, they all buddy buddy now? idk i just think they should of went with it a different way... and now i think sting will end up being kicked out of MEM and join the front line and finally have a steady stable mini group of taking out the MEM and rumors have it that kevin nash may leave MEM also which i would love to see!

It could've just been Angle and Joe who were in on it. The MEM didn't say anything in defense of Angle when Sting took over the leadership, so it was payback, and demonstrating to them why he should be their leader.
last night was a pretty damn good ppv, for tna. they always do one good match, but last night was just amazing. Daffney getting put on tacks was crazy and the X division kotm was cool. back to the topic though...

i could see this going alot of different ways.

1) joe destory's the mafia from the inside with taz
2) joe stays with the mafia and taz becomes a mentor to joe.
3) Joe stays and the mafia gets huge and then joe leaves.

i ave no idea what will happen next, if tna were smart they would keep coming with new members and swerves like that. Hell it was very entertaining to watch angle and joe play out the match last night, only to have them on the same page. Great ppv and great swerve in my opinion.
Alas, they've done it again. Simply put, the Mafia needs to die. It had run its course and was on its last legs last night. So what's the solution you ask? Reenergize it of course. Was this needed? No. Did anyone want to see it? No. Should Angle be champion again? No. The big problem is you ahve Sting as a tweener I guess and AJ as a face. Other than them, who's left? Jarrett? He's having to try to control the company. TNA is again enforcing the theory that they're the new WCW by not letting the mega heel stable die and having no face champions in far too long. Even wehn Sting was turning, he didn't turn all the way. This simply isn't working at the moment and needs to change. Angle as champion is prolonging the Mafia's dominance, and that's just not good.
Alas, they've done it again. Simply put, the Mafia needs to die. It had run its course and was on its last legs last night. So what's the solution you ask? Reenergize it of course. Was this needed? No. Did anyone want to see it? No. Should Angle be champion again? No. The big problem is you ahve Sting as a tweener I guess and AJ as a face. Other than them, who's left? Jarrett? He's having to try to control the company. TNA is again enforcing the theory that they're the new WCW by not letting the mega heel stable die and having no face champions in far too long. Even wehn Sting was turning, he didn't turn all the way. This simply isn't working at the moment and needs to change. Angle as champion is prolonging the Mafia's dominance, and that's just not good.

It's not often that I say this about any post, but I have to agree with everything ya' just said Colonel. The MEM is a worn out, swayback nag that really needs to go to the glue factory. Joe defecting to the Mafia, Angle regaining the TNA strap does nothing to interest me in the TNA product. It's gotten to the point now that the only reason I tune into TNA anymore is to watch the Beautiful People do their little ass shake when they're getting in the ring. After that, I usually just change the channel.

If you haven't really been into TNA, what happened last night isn't gonna change your mind. Samoa Joe, a guy that has essentially been in limbo forever, joined the MEM. Big fuckin' deal. If you've enjoyed what TNA's been doing, then last night was some sort of major revolution for TNA. At least that's what some are touting it as.

Anybody that thinks the swerves of Lashley and Joe out do Trump just really have no idea..just no idea at all. Lashley makes an appearance and...well he hasn't done anything...hasn't been seen since actually. As for Joe, all he did was punk out to Kurt Angle. Big Deal. The thing with Trump was unexpected and its doing what Vince is hoping, it's gotten droves of media attention. See, the WWE is actually trying to attract new viewers. Whether it pays off in the long run or not, we'll just have to see. If TNA is happy with the 1.2 rating, that's fine because Joe going to the MEM and allowing Angle to take the TNA strap isn't gonna drum those numbers up.
The wwe buttboys are at it again. They can't stand it when TNA does something unexpected and better than wwe. Joe handing Angle the belt was a huge surprise and much bigger than trump 'buying' raw.

don trump owns raw, what will he do with it? will he call vince names? OH NO!

At least TNA's surprise involved ACTUAL WRESTLERS and not 2 billionaires.
The wwe buttboys are at it again. They can't stand it when TNA does something unexpected and better than wwe.

I don't know if I can stand it or not quite honestly. Maybe when TNA actually goes and does something that's superior to the WWE, I'll find out. Last night was yet another example of TNA dropping its collective trousers, bending over and takin' it up the cornhole to keep Kurt Angle happy.

Joe handing Angle the belt was a huge surprise and much bigger than trump 'buying' raw.

A no talent handing a meaningless title over? Wow, that's something. WCW used to do shit like that and look what happened to them. As to it being bigger than Trump buying Raw, how do you figure? I mean sure, the 20 or so people that Watch TNA on Thursday nights might think so. The angle with Trump has gotten a LOT of mainstream media attention. It has people talking about the WWE product outside of the wrestling world. See, WWE is interested in trying to attract viewers whereas TNA is only trying to cater to the few dozen people that watch them already. WWE is trying to broaden its audience and actually make money. You know, that thing that most companies are supposed to do.
Broaden it's audience with a storyline which got WWE's stock going down. Despite how stupid people are to believe Trump actually bought Raw, It still screwed them over. I can't get over how awful Raw has become.

Don't get me started on Orton/Triple H for the 100th time.

At least TNA has opened up a new angle (no pun intended) that can lead to good match ups and feuds. Along with the debut of Taz, Kennedy, Umaga, etc.

Raw is just stale, You have talented guys like MVP, Matt Hardy and they do nothing...absolutely nothing. While viewers have to watch more Cena/Big Show matches like we haven't seen those too talentless wrestlers enough.
I don't get why people say the whole Trump angle was a better swerve than Joe joining up with Angle.

For one, Trump sold Raw back to Vince tonight. Way to go WWE. Another pointless lame ass storyline. Like I stated in the trump thread, if tonight was the end of the storyline, then I'm going to quit watching Raw and will only be watching ECW, Smackdown, and Impact!

Joe joining up with Angle will do great things for TNA if they explain it properly. We will see fresh feuds, Joe could challenge for the Legends Championship and give it some more meaning. This may lead to Sting leaving the Mafia. And besides that, it updates Joe's character. We all know that Joe is already a pretty damn good wrestler but a lot better as a heel. So it will be very entertaining.

Bottom line is TNA has been putting out a far better product then WWE. TNA Pay Per Views are far better then the WWE PPVs and Impact is far more entertaining then Raw these days.
Why do angle and Joe have to part of (stay with)the mafia? If Angle is joes mentor, then having him beat up the rest of the MEM could have been the plan to weaken them.

I would have Angle and Joe split off and maybe take booker T and leave sting, Nash and steiner MEM.

Matt Morgan could join angle and joe.

Both sides could ask/attack everyone else to get them to join them. Foley on one side and jarret on the other, etc.
Ok, I overeacted a little with "screwjob," but I was really hoping AJ would have won. Oh well, it was an exciting match. WWE never put on any matches in the past year that got me excited.

Ok, since people keep talking of how good this match was, I'm gonna watch it. (Hey, TNA has to put on a good ladder match every once in a while.) But can you honestly say that Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker wasn't a good match? It was by far a great match.
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