The Monkey's Cage: With Monkey_Mania

This thread could be awesome...if you would stay the course of being a sarcastic asshole and not falter. We'll see what money's on it being FTW, and a shoo-in for Bar Room Thread of the Year.

Ahh, well I really don't care, I just do what I do, and if you like it. Great, If you don't...Suck my cock.

I was extremely close to spitting my water at the computer monitor once I read that. Glad I turned away.
Nothing like taking a great shit. I haven't had a stellar shit in a month or so. Just if I could take a shit like I took when I was drunk the one night. The thing was epic and if I was capable of taking a picture I would so have photographed it haha. Too much...?
Nah man, if you can't talk about the size, shape, color, and epicness of your shit. What the fuck can you talk about?
ST and I are in opposite situations. I want to fall asleep and I have nothing to do. Been drinking this shitty wine the parents have around the house and watching an Undertaker DVD back from 2003 or something. Good stuff lol.
Hi SavageTaker.

Yeah, I want to fall asleep. But taking a nap from 9 p.m. to midnight proves a problem. I shouldve just stayed asleep.
Haha. I got home like at 3 O'clock PM yesterday and fell asleep within 30 minutes and ended up waking up at like at 3:30 AM. I always tell myself I'm going to take a small 30 minute nap but end up sleeping longer. Wayyy longer.
I'm splendid. Getting ready to watch Undertaker vs. Kane Inferno Match. I've been on a Hogan kick lately since I got his new DVD, but I felt it was time for a change and dusted off the old Taker DVD.

How's it go with you?
Theo, I am currently at work, trying not to fall asleep. Hopefully my Mountain Dew helps. Oh wait, it is Mtn Dew now.

Hi ST. Listen to Monkey now. :p :)
Monkey, you'll appreciate this artwork doozy that I made for my book this:


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