The King of Pop is Dead: Long Live Michael Jackson

I was on my break at work when this 15 minutes, it went from 'hospitalized' to 'coma' to 'Michael Jackson has died'. I cried at work when this happened. I don't cry. At all. And all the inbred people I work with could say he was a 'pedophile' and this and the other. No wonder Eastern Kentucky is a shit hole. Small minded bullshit.

Anyway, I grew up watching Michael Jackson on MTV. The first video I ever watched of his was Billie Jean. I'm seriously sad about this.
Unfortunately, i'm part of the generation who only thinks that MJ is a freak show. Fortunately, I know he is much more than that. He is a great entertainer, he is the king of pop and he has been an inspiration to so many different people, and that is what he should be remembered for.

RIP Michael. You will be missed.
I'm not going to lie and say I was his biggest fan, but it's still horrible. It's huge, what's happened. Huge.

Had a P.E trip today, and on the coach we put the radio on full blast. Constant Michael Jackson, everyone singing. It was awesome.
I'm actually gonna lose my fucking friend over this. He's saying how it doesn't matter that MJ died, because he raped boys and hung his baby out the window and turned himself white. As if ANY of that is true. This fucking douchebag needs to learn before running his mouth about shit he has no idea about. Meh, we were never close friends anyway.
I wasn't a huge fan of Michael Jackson, but he had some of the greatest dance moves ever, and created some of the best music ever. Thriller like everyone has said is an epic song, and an even more epic video.
All I have to say now is...

RIP Michael. It is time to moonwalk to the next life like only you can.:thumbsup:
Turned on the car radio around a half hour after the news broke yesterday when conflicting reports were still going around. Obviously had to call somebody who was near a TV... Legend and the biggest music star to die in my lifetime. Probably the biggest star period. I wasn't alive during his glory years, but I've heard pretty much all of his stuff, seen his music videos, and watched videos of him performing live. It's gonna be a long time before we, if we ever, see another musician as infuential and popular as he was. RIP.
There's just about no way we're ever going to see a megastar in music like Michael Jackson ever again, simply because of how the music business has changed. With the introduction of filesharing and iPods, selling 25 million albums in a week just isn't ever going to happen again.

Unless filesharing somehow becomes wiped off the face of the Earth, we will never again see a star the size of Michael in the music business.
There is a new report (one of many to come) that blames a doctor for giving Mike an overdose of a painkilling narcotic through injection.

That would be sad, accidentally killed by the man paid to keep you alive.
Seriously? Wow. I remember hearing a tidbit about a doctor being called to MJ's house the night before, but if he was given an OD last night then they most certainly would have gotten him to the hospital much sooner and he certainly would have died long before the afternoon when he was pronounced dead, so I've got doubts about that report.

But you never know. He was still pretty young.

I'm currently listening to what I consider to be MJ's last great song, "You Rock My World". The video is hilarious, MJ trying to be all tough and gangster up against Michael Madsen and Marlon freakin' Brando, great stuff :lmao:
I'm actually gonna lose my fucking friend over this. He's saying how it doesn't matter that MJ died, because he raped boys and hung his baby out the window and turned himself white. As if ANY of that is true. This fucking douchebag needs to learn before running his mouth about shit he has no idea about. Meh, we were never close friends anyway.

It's a well known fact that he did hang his baby out the window, and the evidence does suggest he did turn his skin white. So yeh there is truth in that, get your facts right before ranting.

HOWEVER the world has lost one of the greatest entertainers of all time, he's up there with the godfather of soul may he rest in peace and let people focus on the impact he had worldwide, rather than the allegations.
Seriously? Wow. I remember hearing a tidbit about a doctor being called to MJ's house the night before, but if he was given an OD last night then they most certainly would have gotten him to the hospital much sooner and he certainly would have died long before the afternoon when he was pronounced dead, so I've got doubts about that report.

But you never know. He was still pretty young.

I'm currently listening to what I consider to be MJ's last great song, "You Rock My World". The video is hilarious, MJ trying to be all tough and gangster up against Michael Madsen and Marlon freakin' Brando, great stuff :lmao:

The doctor, supposedly, gave him demerol minutes before he collapsed.

My top ten MJ songs.

10. Will you be there.
9. Dirty Diana
8. Man in the Mirror
7. Bad
6. Beat it
5. PYT
4. Smooth Criminal
3. Leave Me Alon
2. Billie Jean
1. Thriller
Even though you stated personal preference I have no idea how you can put anything above Thriller.
The doctor, supposedly, gave him demerol minutes before he collapsed.

My top ten MJ songs.

10. Will you be there.
9. Dirty Diana
8. Man in the Mirror
7. Bad
6. Beat it
5. PYT
4. Smooth Criminal
3. Leave Me Alon
2. Billie Jean
1. Thriller

10. You Are Not Alone
9. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
8. Bad
7. Will You Be There
6. Pretty Young Thing
5. Billie Jean
4. Man In the Mirror
3. Beat It
2. Dirty Diana
1. Smooth Criminal
It's ALL ABOUT Beat It for me, that song is fucking epic in every way a song can be. Van Halen shredding the guitar and Jackson's perfect harmonies, it's downright amazing, Never get tired of that song ever.

I tend to enjoy his more rock oriented songs the most, stuff like Beat It, Dirty Diana and Give In To Me.
That video is great Becks, it's hilarious watching MJ try to act all tough, breaking bottles and stuff. Then he manages to somehow kick everyones ass WHILE dancing mind you. With Chris Tucker as his back up, rofl. That video is proof that Michael Madsen will agree to do literally ANYTHING for a paycheck.

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