The King of Pop is Dead: Long Live Michael Jackson

That is a testament to how many great songs he had. Thriller is a great song, and I could name 10 songs that I loved more than it.
Yeah, that's amazing.

I put Thriller at number one without thinking. I just compiled a top nine list.

There really weren't too many non-epic songs.
to echo that, like i said before.. radio on in the coach thing for a p.e trip today. it was MJ non-stop and i swear every one of his songs were just awesome. everyone knew all the words. was so good.
I've watched thriller like twice, busted out Jackson's Moonwalker for the Sega Genesis and listened to smooth criminal several times...
I don't care how played out Beat It is, I've listened to it probably 50 times over the last day since I first heard the news. Makes you want to throw on a red leather jacket and start walking down the streets at midnight snapping your fingers and dancing in rhythm.

Love the video too...remember the two guys who have that weird hands-tied-together knife fight? And then MJ walks in and they all break out into that awesome synchronized dance? Epic.
According to the (of London) there are going to be 100 new tracks released in the coming months. All previously recorded and unreleased songs spanning his career.
Is there anyone else alive (short of President Obama) who's death would create this reaction?

I say Paul McCartney and the Queen of England are the only two who would get close.
David Beckham. Well, the whole of England would go into mourning. America, and Italy too. But, still not close to MJ.

Britney Spears?
The Queen of England in the UK, but as far as America...someone like Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears would bring the shock value up, but not the iconic status. No one will match the iconic status of Michael Jackson.
It's a well known fact that he did hang his baby out the window, and the evidence does suggest he did turn his skin white. So yeh there is truth in that, get your facts right before ranting.

HOWEVER the world has lost one of the greatest entertainers of all time, he's up there with the godfather of soul may he rest in peace and let people focus on the impact he had worldwide, rather than the allegations.

I didn't word it properly. I know he held the baby out the window, but my friend thought he was like... threatening to drop it or something. All he was doing was showing his baby off. Was it smart? No, but he didn't mean anything wrong.
Alright I have to take back my previous statement that no one will ever sell 25 million albums in one week again.

Because the second the first MJ Anthology RIP CD comes out, that shit is going to sell like fucking hotcakes, I'm predicting right now the first best of post-death that comes out will go straight to number one and stay there for fucking WEEKS. Guarantee it.
The Queen of England in the UK, but as far as America...someone like Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears would bring the shock value up, but not the iconic status. No one will match the iconic status of Michael Jackson.

Miley Cyrus wouldn't garner nearly the attention Jackson does. Nowhere close.

Britney Spears would come closer, but it wouldn't get 24 hour commercial free news coverage. Major networks wouldn't preempt prime time television for it.

Paul McCartney might not garner this much either. He isn't a spectacle, and a lot of his fan base is getting to the age where death is more of a certainty than a tragedy.

The Queen of England will get major network coverage, but is that because of the office or the person? There will be another Royal immediately.

Perhaps, a sudden Michael Jordan death would provide the necessary collective "lump in the throat" for this kind of coverage.
Considering I wasn't around during that time but people here would have more of an opinion on this one..

Who's death was bigger... John Lennon or Michael Jackson? Or Elvis, for that matter.
It's Michael Jackson. People in small Tibetan villages with one phone, no TV, and old fashioned wells know who Michael Jackson is.
Britney Spears would come closer, but it wouldn't get 24 hour commercial free news coverage. Major networks wouldn't preempt prime time television for it.

I'd say her death would get 24 hour, commercial free news coverage. She isn't as big as Jackson, but she's right up there.
Britney Spears dying would definately get news coverage, but it would not have the global reaction that MJ dying has been having. Britney Spears is practically a one hit wonder compared to Michael Jackson. I don't think people really realize just how popular MJ was/is, within a week of Thriller being released 1 in every 10 Americans owned a copy. That's INSANE.

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