The Hogan/Bischoff TNA is horrible

when was wwwf/wwf ever affiliated with nwa.....i dont think they ever were i mean i could be wrong but i could of swore when on demand had the territories episode they said it was nwa vs awa vs wwwf/wwf.... nwa consisted of mostly the southern and the west.. now thinkin on it i remember they said vince sr was a memeber on the board but something happened that seperated the 2, which is why it became nwa vs awa vs wwf

A fair statement my good man, here's more on what caused all the above mentioned.

The history of what made all these organizations possible is an absolutely fascinating one, it's a darn good read too, I know it may be on wikipedia and some stuff you have to be careful with taking for truth, but most citations should be able to confirm most if not all that information.

Thanks for your inquiry,bossman.

Hogan and his buddies are bringing interest to old fans again. Its up to the new guys to pull them in. The older guys got them to view now pull us in. Aj Styles and Samoa gut flab Joe will not do. TNA roster of the young and the boring is really getting old. I hate AJ as a face he sucks and now as a heel he is worse giggling after flair like a school girl....TNA WTF?
Since the first word of the signing of Hogan I hated it. I knew that very shortly all we would hear was TNA maniacs this and TNA maniacs that. Then I heard Bischoff was gonna have a lot of pull and just like everyone else thought maybe he could actually do some good to a TNA product which I for one thought was very good at the time being. TNA up till Bound for Glory last year was very interesting. I had been a TNA fan since year one and was really enjoying the programming. Then the Hogan press conference and we essentially get 3 months on nothingness. Next January 4th comes along and they have a live show with virtually no wrestling and I wasn't impressed. This last month I can honestly say is the worse I have ever seen TNA writing. There is no unity to every storyline other then o look we are Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan and we now are in charge. I am going to look at numerous wrestlers and point out what i'm talking about

Eric Young and World Elite
Eric Young went from being no one to a monster heel feuding with the main faction in the company at the time in the MEM. He was using the piledriver and establishing a solid stable behind him. Post BFG he was Legend/Global champion, the British Invasion had the tag gold, and homicide was feuding with Red for X division gold. Since Hogan came in Homicide is sitting at home, bashir quit, kiyoshi is somewhere, the british invasion essentially lost the tag titles to a thrown together tag team that hasn't shown a single bit of tag team offense, and Eric Young lost his title to Rob Terry and is being told by Kurt Angle not to go after people he has feuds with and he kinda just sits there and does nothing about it. Yes Doug Williams got the X division title but since Homicide couldn't get out of the steel assylum on live television I honestly think the X division the former cornerston of the company is nonexisting. Yes the champion gets on tv every week, but when you have young talent and don't use them effectively isn't that why companies go under. Eric Young has gone from heel on the rise to nothing but Kevin Nash's lackey and an ineffective one at that.

Christopher Daniels
Chris went from being in the world title match to feuding with Val Venis. Basically the fallen angle has fallen off the radar to the point where they didnt consider him one of the top 16 guys for their stupid 8 card stud tournament.

Beer Money
In the last couple months this team went from the top tag team in the top tag team division to being in the backdrop of the NWO storyline last month to being benched this month. Robert Rude and James Storms should either have the tag titles or being pushing towards the top in singles matches but instead they are sitting around doing nothing. More then that Beer Money has been replaced by the Nasty Boys. Two guys in their 50s who are 100lbs overweight are getting tv time over two of the companys top stars because they are friends with hogan

AJ Styles
They managed to turn the best in ring competitor they have into a Ric Flair clone. The thing that was phenomenal about AJ was that he was something different he was himself. Now he is Ric Flair Jr and no offense to Ric because I am a fan of his but they couldnt pick a worse person for him to mentor. I know you want Ric in the main event scene but to turn AJs persona to Ric Flair circa 1992 is not going to help him long run and honestly in my opinion has taken his title reign a big step back.

Overall the writiing has no flow to it what so ever. The backstage promos have been awful. Angle and Anderson doing a backstage segment should be great but instead im sitting there like why am i watching this. TNA needs structure and organization to their show and cutting to Bischoff for 4 backstage segments disrupts everything. I have never written a rant like this but as a fan of the company it just feels like it is taking leaps backwards. The only people benefiting from this are:
Hogan - getting back on tv
Bischoff - getting back on tv
hall/waltman - getting back on tv
anderson - getting back on tv and a main event push
dinero - getting main event push
nasty boys - getting a paycheck

One more prime example of the horrid booking in a 3 week span you have Dinero lose to Wolfe at a ppv and hurt his knee. The next week he loses to Jordan when he hurts his knee more. The next week his knee is fine and he beats the champion in a non title match. Then he beats Jordan. To me this just doesn't make any sense.

Am I the only one who feels the entire regime is a major step back and feel like the product is minutes away from sinking?
I do not believe Hogan and Bischoff have made it any worse than it was before. Before they got there, storylines were erratic and all meshed together. You had guys involved in two or more feuds at one time, and none of them seemed to make any sense. And what is sad, is that the same thing is still going on. Kurt Angle is kind of, sort of still feuding with AJ/Flair..but not really. He is kind of feuding with Hogan (until tonight), but not really. Kind of feuding (now) with Anderson..but not really. Kind of feuding with Waltman/Hall...but not really.

There is, and always has been, wayyyy too much going on at one time in TNA. Their writing was, and still is under Hogan/Bischoff, kind of crappy. Get some storyline ideas settled on, and SETTLE DOWN! Stop jumping back and forth, having a guy in multiple feuds at one time. It is erratic and confusing, and not at all entertaining.

I am very disappointed in TNA since Hogan showed up, but I was just as disappointed in it before he showed up. I am not sure if Russo is the problem, or what it is, but they need to SLOW it down, settle on some things.

They really need two shows. One, two-hour show per week is not enough time to showcase everyone, it just really isn't. I say they travel and go live on Mondays. They don't need to go live in big arenas, but anything bigger than the IMpact zone. I say create a whole new show on Monday (a live one, on the road), and keep Impact on Thursdays, same time slot, same length, in the Impact Zone (to keep the hardcore fans happy). I really think when they are able to showcase everyone and set up bigger, longer lasting feuds they will find much more success in what they want to do.
Oh good lord...another one of these posts. Do I have to do this every week?

Eric Young went from being no one to a monster heel feuding with the main faction in the company at the time in the MEM. He was using the piledriver and establishing a solid stable behind him. Post BFG he was Legend/Global champion, the British Invasion had the tag gold, and homicide was feuding with Red for X division gold. Since Hogan came in Homicide is sitting at home, bashir quit, kiyoshi is somewhere, the british invasion essentially lost the tag titles to a thrown together tag team that hasn't shown a single bit of tag team offense, and Eric Young lost his title to Rob Terry and is being told by Kurt Angle not to go after people he has feuds with and he kinda just sits there and does nothing about it. Yes Doug Williams got the X division title but since Homicide couldn't get out of the steel assylum on live television I honestly think the X division the former cornerston of the company is nonexisting. Yes the champion gets on tv every week, but when you have young talent and don't use them effectively isn't that why companies go under. Eric Young has gone from heel on the rise to nothing but Kevin Nash's lackey and an ineffective one at that.
Let's see, Eric is at least on television and is seemingly going to do something as Hogan would not have him on tv, let alone in a promo in the ring with him, if he didn't feel Eric has something. Which I guess is good for Eric and his fans as I have never seen anything in him but a comedy act ala Santino. Kiyoshi just wasn't going to cut it in TNA since the start. The guy can't speak much is any english and he cant get over if he can't communicate with the audience. Big Rob has shown nothing in terms of ability and Magnus & Williams I am sure will be getting tv time and do something. Homicide is known to have a bad attitude and a "take my ball and go home" type mindset when he doesn't get his way. He's a hothead. Maybe he will come back, but if he doesn't LAX was really all he's ever done and that's his legacy. Can someone really tell me Homicide would be over as TNA or WWE CHampion? It's ok I'll wait.....

Chris went from being in the world title match to feuding with Val Venis. Basically the fallen angle has fallen off the radar to the point where they didnt consider him one of the top 16 guys for their stupid 8 card stud tournament
If the tournoment is "stupid" why should it matter if he is involved? Chris is one of those who is a workhorse but just doesn't have that edge that would make him a legit World Champion. And that's hard for me because I am a huge fan of Daniels and would love to see him hold the belt but I don't think I would get what I want out of it.

In the last couple months this team went from the top tag team in the top tag team division to being in the backdrop of the NWO storyline last month to being benched this month. Robert Rude and James Storms should either have the tag titles or being pushing towards the top in singles matches but instead they are sitting around doing nothing. More then that Beer Money has been replaced by the Nasty Boys. Two guys in their 50s who are 100lbs overweight are getting tv time over two of the companys top stars because they are friends with hogan
Another day, another person complaining about the Nastys. Listen close because I will say this one more time. They will be gone within a month if not sooner and they WILL NOT be getting more air time than they are. They are there for a single purpose right now and they do stick around I don't see them getting the tag titles. Beer Money, yes I would like to see them more and perhaps they will be soon. It's not like they got fired. You can not fit a roster TNA has into a two hour show with good long matches AND get NEW stories over. Not possible. Some guys willhave to sit and take a back seat at the moment. Sadly Roode (He's not Rick's brother) and Storm are two of them at the moment.

They managed to turn the best in ring competitor they have into a Ric Flair clone. The thing that was phenomenal about AJ was that he was something different he was himself. Now he is Ric Flair Jr and no offense to Ric because I am a fan of his but they couldnt pick a worse person for him to mentor. I know you want Ric in the main event scene but to turn AJs persona to Ric Flair circa 1992 is not going to help him long run and honestly in my opinion has taken his title reign a big step back.
Why is it bad? Take a guy who played a great cocky heel in TNA's start and a shitty one a few years back and try to get that early spark back. Ever watched TNA in thebeggining? AJ was pretty much what he is now, just now he has a few Ric Flair attributes to him and who in their right mind complains about being a bit like Flair? It's not like he's coming out to his music, using ALL of his moves and not using what brought him to the dance like The Clash and everything else. He's not a clone. And he's the TNA champion and it's not "an old guy" like Hogan so be happy.

One more prime example of the horrid booking in a 3 week span you have Dinero lose to Wolfe at a ppv and hurt his knee. The next week he loses to Jordan when he hurts his knee more. The next week his knee is fine and he beats the champion in a non title match. Then he beats Jordan. To me this just doesn't make any sense.
It's called an angle. Pope hurt his knee. Jordan took control and advantage and pinned him. He beat AJ because it wasn't two days after the initial injury and he time to heal the injury and beat AJ and then showed when back to health he can beat Jordan. And he sold the knee against Styles and they made comments about it. Did you pay attention to it or just finding things to complain about?

No Hogan and Eric is not going to kill the company and certainly it's not within "minutes" of sinking. The only people that are constantly saying it's going to fail or people who have blond hatred for Hogan and Bischoff, people that think they know the inside workings of the buisness and if you did you wouldn't be posting on a forum. This is brought up every week and it's the same results every time. I'm beggin for some originality. Where's Sidious when ya need him? At least he's original in topics.
whoa whoa whoa now. Tna signed hogan for one thing and that was draw new fans to Tna and i think it accomplished that considering i am one. You can't be to quick to judge what is going on right. Hogan had to bring in the old well known guys to get the new fans watching to show what Tna had all along which was guys that actually knew how to wrestle and were actually allowed to go out and put on quality matches. Give it time and the young guys will get there shot.

Now that considered i do believe there is some talent that is being under utilized and i want to use 2 groups in particular to make this point and that would be generation me and sabin and shelley im drawing a blank to there tag team name forgive me. On 1/4 these guys tore the house down and made me literally stand up and give a omg. I don't think thats necessarily Hogan and Tna's fault that these young guys that can put on a heck of shows fault its the fact that they have a loaded roster and 2 hours a week to show it.

Some of the guys you mentioned i agree they are a complete waste of time (Nastys and Hall and Pac) but the other guys like Anderson and Pope you mentioned are you kidding Pope is absolutely one of the new, hottest things going in Tna right now along with Anderson and Wolf. And AJ going with the nature boy and turning Heel, he cut the best promo with Joe tonight i have ever heard him cut and i bet alot of people would agree with me. Intead of being the guy that can wrestle but we dont want to hear on mic, we get guy who is decent on the mic and can still bring it.

Now my solution to all the problems you are talking about would be when Tna goes live on mondays have a taping on before the show, kinda like superstars is for a 1 hour show thats focused on the X division and the women of Tna. Now im not saying dont show them on the big show because your doing but just do it to get they guys that dont get fitted in a monday a chance to get some TV time so we don't just forget about them.

This is just my take one of my first post dont be to harsh on me here :banghead:
whoa whoa whoa now. Tna signed hogan for one thing and that was draw new fans to Tna and i think it accomplished that considering it got me watching again. You can't be to quick to judge what is going on right now. Hogan had to bring in the old well known guys to get the new fans watching to show what Tna had all along which was guys that actually knew how to wrestle and were actually allowed to go out and put on quality matches. Give it time and the young guys will get there shot.

Now that considered i do believe there is some talent that is being under utilized and i want to use 2 groups in particular to make this point and that would be generation me and sabin and shelley im drawing a blank to there tag team name forgive me. On 1/4 these guys tore the house down and made me literally stand up and give a omg. I don't think thats necessarily Hogan and Tna's fault that these young guys that can put on a heck of shows fault its the fact that they have a loaded roster and 2 hours a week to show it.

Some of the guys you mentioned i agree they are a complete waste of time (Nastys and Hall and Pac) but the other guys like Anderson and Pope you mentioned are you kidding Pope is absolutely one of the new, hottest things going in Tna right now along with Anderson and Wolf. And AJ going with the nature boy and turning Heel, he cut the best promo with Joe tonight i have ever heard him cut and i bet alot of people would agree with me. Intead of being the guy that can wrestle but we dont want to hear on mic, we get guy who is decent on the mic and can still bring it.

Now my solution to all the problems you are talking about would be when Tna goes live on mondays have a taping on before the show, kinda like superstars is for a 1 hour show thats focused on the X division and the women of Tna. Now im not saying dont show them on the big show because your doing but just do it to get they guys that dont get fitted in a monday a chance to get some TV time so we don't just forget about them.

This is just my take one of my first post dont be to harsh on me here :banghead:
Yea it's a shame the ratings have never been higher and there has never been more interest in the product. How unfortunate that finally TNA is seeing some success. How horrible that their home grown talent is finally facing some actual competition that can push them to another level instead of having them jump on eachother week in and week out in the same go-nowhere spotfests we've always seen.

Face it, the TNA you liked failed. It would have never gone anywhere. Now people like me who don't care about a bunch of 20 year old pot smokers acting like acrobats in the ring can finally see something in TNA we like. I'd rather see a Nasty Boys match than an ultimate X match. I'd rather see Hall stumble into the ring than see Daniels do a BME. It's more entertaining for me to see Hogan point the finger at Eric Young than to see Samoa Joe do whatever it is his fatass does.

I'd watch squirrels run up a tree if all I cared about was fast paced young stars grab eachother's nuts. This TNA works, and it works well.
Why is it bad? Take a guy who played a great cocky heel in TNA's start and a shitty one a few years back and try to get that early spark back. Ever watched TNA in thebeggining? AJ was pretty much what he is now, just now he has a few Ric Flair attributes to him and who in their right mind complains about being a bit like Flair? It's not like he's coming out to his music, using ALL of his moves and not using what brought him to the dance like The Clash and everything else. He's not a clone. And he's the TNA champion and it's not "an old guy" like Hogan so be happy.

AJ was a great cocky heel back then but now with this whole "Ric Flair #2" thing he's got going on, it's not that believable. TNA has made no secret that he's married and has 3 kids. Even the fans at the iMPACT! Zone know he's married. They were chanting "You Are Married" at him when he joined Ric Flair. If he was to be a heel without the women, then he would be believable. The guy's a proud Christian and married and he sure wouldn't act well as a ladie's man with that in his heart.
I'd just like to say that the person who started this thread did a great job and put a lot of thought into his post. I agree with almost everything they said.

There are, however, a couple changes that I am so glad they made since H&B showed up. First of all, I hated the six-sided ring and I'm really glad they changed it to the traditional four-sider. Secondly, Homicide was a waste of space anyway so I'm glad he's gone. Seriously, do we really need a Homicide AND a Suicide? Am I the only one who thinks that's stupid?

My biggest problems since Hogan and Bischoff took over are that I can't for the life of me figure out who are the heels and who are the faces anymore. It seems to change every week which is especially annoying considering they apparently tape a whole months worth of shows in one day. I've seen the same dumb signs in the crowd for the last three weeks. I think that really cheapens the look of the product when you tune in and see the same people and signs in the crowd for nearly a month. Also, I really hate the whole "earning your spot" crap that they have going on now. It's kinda hard to earn your spot when matches are pre-scripted isn't it? Give the fans a little bit of credit for our intelligence. We suspend reality enough as it is.
What do you think Flair was doing when he was champ? He was married and people knew it. So what's the difference between Flair doing it and AJ doing it? And don't give me the BS religious excuse. So what?! The guy is doing what every other "playboy" type character does but AJ is the only one getting crap for it because he's in TNA. That's the only reason. And so what he's hanging out with a bunch of women. Does that really mean he's getting laid by them? HE has yet to come out and say that (and don't use the bs he's implying crap). I've got plenty of women friends whom I go out and party with. Does that mean I'm cheating on my fiance and having sex with them all? No so why is it any different for AJ? No one gave a crap when Triple H was getting head at a backyard BBQ on RAW saying "He's Married! WTF!" It's because it's TNA and people always like to side with the big dog and hate on the upstart underdog.

Also, I really hate the whole "earning your spot" crap that they have going on now. It's kinda hard to earn your spot when matches are pre-scripted isn't it? Give the fans a little bit of credit for our intelligence. We suspend reality enough as it is.
Obviously not enough. Why are people trying to put rational and everyday thought into a soap opera with action? It's like me watching Days of Our Lives and companing daily that this would never happen in real life.
How come everytime i read these threads about TNA there are always a few Die Hard TNA fans that think TNA is "The Shit" when they know damn well its not.

Schizophrenic you are a complete and total moron. Have you ever fully opened your eyes during a recent TNA Impact? Or have they been closed, cause you cant stand the circus show they are putting on every week were Hogan and Bishoff are the Ringmasters?

what 8five had to say is pretty much right on the money, they may not be minutes away from going under but they are getting there at a pretty fast rate. TNA missed a golden oppertunity tonight to get Eric Young over, they could have had him come down and make the save for Angle but instead who shows up? Hulk Hogan, Mr.Invincible himself, he has to get plenty of air time and the spotlight has to be on him. There was no need for him to make the save, It should have remained a mystery as to what Hogans agenda was, that was one of the few storylines that still had me interested.

Beer Money is and will be TNA's best tag team altho The Machine Guns are a very close second, and they need to be on t.v, they need a solid storyline, cause they are over with the live crowd, they were just getting to the top of there popularity and then poof there gone without even a mention. But yea i totally want to sit back and watch the nasty boys take shits in gym bags and pull cheap run in's and i def want to pay that 38 bucks for Against All Odds to see them in action..I dont hardly think so. Instead of them getting any air time at all it should be given to a more deserving tag team, i dont care if they are gone in a month, these are the most crucial monthes for the Hogan/Bishoff era and they need to draw in fans and having the Nasty Boys is not going to bring in any new viewers (and you think they would get that hint since there cable ratings arent any higher, and on some shows they declined)

AJ Styles...The one thing TNA has the WWE will probley never have. AJ Styles might def be the best wrestler in either company but that is debateable of course. And TNA was actually using him right, they put the world title on him, they had him with Kurt Angle, had some of the best matches i have ever seen....and then they take the one good thing about TNA and they wreck it..Styles dosent need Flair to be big in TNA, hell most people already considered him the face of TNA he dosent need Ric Flair to get that messege across. He is Phenomenal all on his own.

And the storylines are all over the place, i watched TNA last night and dear god my head is spinning, for one i saw Eric Bishoff more times in that ONE show then i have seen Beer Money, The MachineGuns, Daniels, and Jay Lethal in 2 weeks COMBINED!!! I have no idea who Kurt Angle likes and dosent like anymore, i have just given up trying to figure that out. And i know there is no TNA fan out there that can tell me putting the tag titles on Morgan and hernandez was a good idea, and then putting the global title on big rob. granted you cant go wrong with Doug Williams or Amazing Red with the x-title they are both good.

Now i am not partial to WWE nor am i a huge TNA fan but i love wrestling and i like to watch good programming and recently i cant say TNA or WWE is putting on that great of a show, but at least the WWE seems organized in what they put on t.v as to where TNA just looks like a piece of crap.

I dont know what i bothered typing this cause i know the "TNA Maniacs" are gonna respond to this and flap there gums about how wrong i am...But i dare one TNA fan to actually sit through an entire episode of Impact and not wish something better was on t.v.
I take your bet and I want my payment. Yes I have my eyes wide open and I enjoy what I see. Just because it's not what YOU want to see doesn't mean that it's shit. Many people like what they see and it shows by the increased ratings. Calling someone a moron isn't going to help your point, in fact it makes you look less intelligent and unable to be able to make comments and reply to others without trying to cut someone down, and last time I checked being a total jerk and trying to be tough makes you look as menacing as the Telletubbies. I watch Impact because I am a wrestling fan and I enjoy it. I watch RAW because I enjoy it. My loyalty lies with no one and I enjoy what I am seeing and I will continue to. If you don't like it, you can turn the channel and watch something else. Maybe then I won't have to read assinine comments all the time.
What do you think Flair was doing when he was champ? He was married and people knew it. So what's the difference between Flair doing it and AJ doing it? And don't give me the BS religious excuse. So what?! The guy is doing what every other "playboy" type character does but AJ is the only one getting crap for it because he's in TNA. That's the only reason. And so what he's hanging out with a bunch of women. Does that really mean he's getting laid by them? HE has yet to come out and say that (and don't use the bs he's implying crap). I've got plenty of women friends whom I go out and party with. Does that mean I'm cheating on my fiance and having sex with them all? No so why is it any different for AJ? No one gave a crap when Triple H was getting head at a backyard BBQ on RAW saying "He's Married! WTF!" It's because it's TNA and people always like to side with the big dog and hate on the upstart underdog

While I respect your opinion, WWE has always tried to make it a secret that Triple H was married to Stephanie until '09. TNA and AJ were always open about his family. Triple H wasn't open so not everyone knew for sure. When everyone knows you're religious and married, you have to admit that it's hard to look past that. You become a good actor by acting based on who you really are. But being something you really ain't isn't believable in my book. It's called posers.
I know, right? TNA is so horrible now. What, with their higher ratings, higher Internet searches, better production values, more understandable and logical storylines, and higher public visibility, Hogan has really sunk the ship here.

This is all wishful thinking from the anti-Hogan crowd who were predicting everything short of the APocalypse, and Hogan was going to walk down to the 6 sided ring and leg drop AJ Styles and take his belt on 1/4, and he's going to bury the young guys, and the company is going to die...except none of that happened, so now they don't know what to do, so they go around and tell everyone to ignore what our eyes are telling us, the product is really terrible, despite the facts being against that.

Hogan didn't take the title from AJ. In fact, he's pushed AJ as the best wrestler in the world today. Hogan hasn't buried the younger guys, as a matter of fact he's pushed several of them to the moon. The only "old" guy in the World title picture is Kurt freaking ANgle, oh the horror! The company isn't dying, as a matter of fact, it's never been more successful.

You see, Bisch and HOgan have learned the error of what happened in WCW. They kept all the old guys around the World Title picture, and never elevated the younger guys like they should have. They learned that guess what, those old guys are over as hell WITHOUT the title, so they can sell matches and draw viewers without being WOlrd Heavyweight Champ. They can be used to bring fans in to watch, and then the title is used to elevate the younger guys.

And you know what, it's working. AJ Styles looks good, and being with Ric Flair ELEVATES him. I mean, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time is saying that AJ is as good as he is. How is that a bad thing? Yeah, he's incorporated a bit of Naitch into his ring persona and moves, but he's not a Ric Flair clone. he's acting a little bit more cocky, but he's not doing the FLair Flip, or the infamous begging off/eyepoke combo. And you know what, AJ is fricking great, and he looks like a million bucks. I totally buy him as World Champ. Not to mention that AJ was pissed as hell at how he was being booked before HOgan showed up, but you don't hear a peep about it now, do you?

People are complaining that "it feels like WCW 2.0", and you know what, it kind of does. But not WCW in the year 2000, it feels like WCW in 1997, when it was the hottest thing around and was best wrestling show on the air. And that's not a bad thing. People always like to complain that "WWE should go back to the Attitude Era stuff, that's the wrestling I loved". Well you know what, a shit ton of people really enjoyed WCW in the mid to late 90's, and if that's where we're headed, hell effing yeah.
But being something you really ain't isn't believable in my book. It's called posers.

Or better actors. I see where you are coming from but like I said before. Guys have always had that palyboy type gimmick and have been married but have been able to pull it off. The thing is people seem to be want to be "in the know" and try to seem cool like they have some superior knowledge that we all don't. But in the long rung they look just so damn needy for attention when they can't get past people playing a part on a tv show. It's again like watching a movie and thinking, "That guy can't be with her. I know for a fact he has a wife and child in real life." Yes they touched on it before with AJ but c'mon does anyone not know what that ring on Flair's finger meant when he was NWA champ talking about going "All night long"?
No i have seen alot of your posts and i have ignored most of them, but i had to reply to this one. You made some crazy arguements and points about the topic and you were actually in a way defending the Nasty Boys, and you were kissing Hogans ass( you dont work for him do u lol) I think you just argue for the sake of argueing to be honest, cause what you have to say most of the time is out of this world and crazy. But maybe its just the way you reply to people that bothers me..cause when you reply you make it seem like your gods gift to wrestling and you know all about it and you know for sure what TNA is going to do next. I think you still have your eyes closed again :suspic:
No i have seen alot of your posts and i have ignored most of them, but i had to reply to this one. You made some crazy arguements and points about the topic and you were actually in a way defending the Nasty Boys, and you were kissing Hogans ass( you dont work for him do u lol) I think you just argue for the sake of argueing to be honest, cause what you have to say most of the time is out of this world and crazy. But maybe its just the way you reply to people that bothers me..cause when you reply you make it seem like your gods gift to wrestling and you know all about it and you know for sure what TNA is going to do next. I think you still have your eyes closed again
Let's say you ignore my posts then say that eveything I have ever said is crazy.....yeah that makes perfect sense. Yeah I was defending the idea of trying to bring in someone new to the company. Were The Nastys the best people? Probably not but they are here and no one is gonna change that except for when they are told to leave. And I wish I was working for Hogan and Easy E, as I wouldn be making more money and wouldn't be waisting my time on internet pricks like you. I don't argue for the sake of arguing, a good guy here by the name of JJYanks has that job (and does it quite well I might add). I put out what I know and what I believe. If you don't like it too bad. I'm pretty sure most really don't hang on my every word and I don't expect them too. But I am a member of this forum and I have the right to say what I want, when I want to and if ya don't like it, then too damn bad. You seem to come off to me like an internet bully who gets his rocks off trying to make people feel bad but comes off pathetic. If you have anything of worth on the topic I would glady debate with ya as JJ and I have done several times but if ya don't then don't waste my time with the insessant ramblings. I am allowed to like what I like and disagree with whom I disagree with. Get over it sparky. Whether you think my eyes are closed or not, TNA is putting on some damn good wrestling and above all else it's something besides the WWE. I enjoy the WWE but something else is needed and until another company comes around TNA is what we have got and I will damn sure make the best of it. Then again when another company comes around most will probbaly bitch and moan about it when they make one mistake.
I'm sorry, but I don't know if it was possible to make the product worse than it was before Hogan/Bischoff. Sure, we could argue all day about ways it could be improved. There are literally dozens. And each of us would have our own ideas that most everyone else wouldn't like.

But looking back on the product just before Hogan came in and rattling off nonsensical points of contention is a complete waste of time. I can tell you this: Calling Eric Young a "monster heel" is about like calling "The Boss" incarnation of Spike Dudley a monster heel. Abyss could be a "monster heel" (if they weren't busy making him the second coming of Eugene). If Eric Young was the number one heel on TNA, I wouldn't have to change the channel, because I wouldn't bother watching Impact.

Back to the point at hand. My druthers include:

1) Toss the Nasty Boys
2) Stop trying to recapture the 90s by copying exact angles.
3) Please, for the love of all that's holy, stop wasting valuable TV time by referencing Vince McMahon and WWE constantly.
4) Sunglasses at 9pm and inside a building do not add character. They make you look like an idiot. Put a moratorium on sunglasses in professional wrestling. It's dead. Over. Finished.

I can't stress to you enough how important that 3rd point is. Do you ever hear Raw or Smackdown or any WWE product ever mention TNA on air? Absolutely not, because to Vince and Company, TNA is currently no threat.

WWE edits out Legends who have departed for TNA from almost every highlight reel or package they air. TNA needs to figure out a way to tap in on the novelty of having Hogan's and Foley's and Flair's and nWo members et al, without rehashing the same old Monday Night Wars stories.

Do something different with the characters you have, quit living in the past. Take their track records and make it work for you.

You want to hear something really mind boggling? There hasn't been a quarter-hour of Impact that has out-rated a competing quarter hour of WWE programming that featured Hornswaggle... EVER. That is truly unfortunate.
I am an avid Hogan HATER, but I have watched more TNA in the last 4 weeks than I had in the past 3 years combined lol. The 4 sided ring was a big relief. That 6 sided circus was an eyesore. The wrestling on Impact overwhelms Raw and has a decent advantage over smackdown. Granted theyre not in 10000 seats arenas, or have 30 foot wide titantrons, they seem theyre headed on the right track.

Ive noticed the back and forth storylines, heel/face possibilities. Thats what confuses me the most with TNA at the moment. But with ONE 2 hour show a week, i guess they are trying to put as much as they can into one show, but thats no excuse for putting on a disorganized show. But watching impact tonight the wrestling was damn good. Its kind of a relief watching TNA at times because it has the edge Ive been wanting for over a year and a half now. They seem to tinker with going over the edge at times (which WWE cant even come close too anymore), and I guess thats why I am tuning in every thursday I can now.
Ok so if your eyes were open you would see that i have given you plenty to debate on, but you would rather talk about me hurting your feelings and what not. But anyways back to wrestling.....

You said when a company makes one mistake that i will bitch about it...TNA has made way more then one mistake, they do one good thing and then counter that with about 10 mistakes. TNA is a sinking ship, they are not on the rise, just cause you sign WWE leftovers dosent make you a top company. Putting Val Venis on a pay per view when he is well past his prime and was never that big of a star anyway is not going to do you any favors. So along come the nasty boys...well theres a good idea..Lets put them on a ppv as well, and lets leave out guys like Daniels, Lethal Consequences, The Machine Guns, Amazing Red, and Beer Money. But damn it we have room to put you 50 year old pigs on our ppv.

The 8 card stud could be be an amazing concept..It could be used to build new talent, create a new challenger for the title, but that wont happen unless Wolfe or Pope win the thing, cause all the others have been world champion or had a shot at it already. TNA is doing the same thing WWE is doing or not doing in this case and that is build up newer talent. I have a bad feeling Mr. Anderson is gonna win this thing and that would not be good cause he is a talker not a wrestler. And where in the hell has the X-Division Gone :shrug:

How anyone sees everything that is happening with TNA and thinking they are on the up is just beyond me.
Or better actors. I see where you are coming from but like I said before. Guys have always had that palyboy type gimmick and have been married but have been able to pull it off. The thing is people seem to be want to be "in the know" and try to seem cool like they have some superior knowledge that we all don't. But in the long rung they look just so damn needy for attention when they can't get past people playing a part on a tv show. It's again like watching a movie and thinking, "That guy can't be with her. I know for a fact he has a wife and child in real life." Yes they touched on it before with AJ but c'mon does anyone not know what that ring on Flair's finger meant when he was NWA champ talking about going "All night long"?

I get you but don't you think that it's awkward that TNA goes from the "AJ's married and has kids" AJ Styles to the "I'm married but I'm the next Nature Boy" AJ Styles? It's an unusual and sudden transition. It's kind of like they think that I have short memory. To a degree, I can see AJ with this gimmick like anyone else but to play it to a T, it's better to be an actual single man since the "Nature Boy" gimmick is based as a real attitude. We'll just see where it goes though..
Ok so if your eyes were open you would see that i have given you plenty to debate on, but you would rather talk about me hurting your feelings and what not. But anyways back to wrestling.....
You spent 100% of your post taking shots at is that able to be turned into a debate about wrestling?

You said when a company makes one mistake that i will bitch about it...TNA has made way more then one mistake, they do one good thing and then counter that with about 10 mistakes. TNA is a sinking ship, they are not on the rise, just cause you sign WWE leftovers dosent make you a top company. Putting Val Venis on a pay per view when he is well past his prime and was never that big of a star anyway is not going to do you any favors. So along come the nasty boys...well theres a good idea..Lets put them on a ppv as well, and lets leave out guys like Daniels, Lethal Consequences, The Machine Guns, Amazing Red, and Beer Money. But damn it we have room to put you 50 year old pigs on our ppv.
How is TNA a shinking ship? Give me evidence. Ratings are up from the usual. More interest than ever on the internet. More people are talking which means they are watching. And if they are not watching and talking, they are talking out of their ass. People still bitch about Val being on the PPV. Where has he been since then? He lost to Wolfe and has yet to be seen again. Everyone complains about the Nasty's. Sure they shouldn't be there but it's not like they have had much time at all on tv aside from their one match and promo with Team 3D. A minute here, a minute there. Maybe a minute too much but they are not the focus like many thought they were gonna be. AAO is going to be a tournoment show. It's focus has to be on the 8 guys involved, the main event and the other match is between two teams that people want to see blow off their feud and be done with. If that match didn't happen and Knobs and Sags left without fighting Bubba & Devon people would then complain about there not being a ending.

The 8 card stud could be be an amazing concept..It could be used to build new talent, create a new challenger for the title, but that wont happen unless Wolfe or Pope win the thing, cause all the others have been world champion or had a shot at it already. TNA is doing the same thing WWE is doing or not doing in this case and that is build up newer talent. I have a bad feeling Mr. Anderson is gonna win this thing and that would not be good cause he is a talker not a wrestler. And where in the hell has the X-Division Gone
So what if Hernandez & Morgan had their shot? Doesn't mean they don't get another. Hell look at a real sport in MMA. Guys dont get one chance then leave forever. Why should it be any different in wrestling. If Anderson wins it would be new since he never really got his chance since hothead Orton snapped on him backstage and Vince fired him for not being able to hold him tight while wearing basketball jerseys (someone find me logic in that). Sure the X Division hasn't been used much and that should and needs to be rectified but they have an all X PPV coming up anyway...yet people are still complaining about that as well.
Schizophrenic, since you apparently like to run your mouth and you also more apparently hate when people disagree with you, I thought I'd post this. In your last response to me you mentioned soap operas, more specifically Days of Our Lives. Did you know that Days of Our Lives averages a weekly rating of 2.0? Yes I said 2.0! The lowest rated soap on television averages a weekly rating of 1.7. And I might add that it has already been announced that the lowest rated one is scheduled to be cancelled this fall. I can't remember if it is As the World Turns or One Life to Live. Either way, both of them blow TNA wrestling out of the water when it comes to ratings. I hope this gives some of you TNA Maniacs as another poster put it some perspective. All the talk of TNA getting huge ratings and being so hot since Hogan arrived yet they are still well below a crappy soap opera that looks like it was filmed with a handheld camcorder.

I wasn't going to post this because I watch TNA every week because I love wrestling and quite frankly I wish they would succeed because that would be great for both companies. WWE was at its best when they had someone actually competing with them. I only decided to post this because you annoy me. There is always one person on every forum, no matter what the topic, who thinks they are the ultimate know it all and you seem to be that person here.

Also I'd like to add that someone else mentioned something about TNA always bringing up WWE on tv. Taz has been making a lot of statements lately about his former employer and former broadcast partners. First of all his comments make him seem petty and are pretty tacky in my opinion and also Taz isn't a fraction of the announcer that Michael Cole is.
I get you but don't you think that it's awkward that TNA goes from the "AJ's married and has kids" AJ Styles to the "I'm married but I'm the next Nature Boy" AJ Styles? It's an unusual and sudden transition. It's kind of like they think that I have short memory. To a degree, I can see AJ with this gimmick like anyone else but to play it to a T, it's better to be an actual single man since the "Nature Boy" gimmick is based as a real attitude. We'll just see where it goes though..
Yeah I do think the quick transformation was strange but in reality it had to be AJ. Flair needed to be associated with a top performer and who better than the champ. Flair and Joe wouldn't have worked. I can only see Flair with Wolfe other than AJ right now.

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