First of all, bitter is a strong accusation to make. He didn't beg the platform; they asked and he responded, and no one should truly be surprised by these responses. Bret is probably not as dependent on WWE payroll as one would assume, so he's free to speak his mind.
It's common knowledge nowadays that Hogan books with his ego, and Bret really isn't wrong here. Between TNA, his wonder years at WWE and the NWO, Hogan has built a legacy for himself while possibly robbing fans of plenty of opportunities at wrestling greatness. I mean honestly, would it really be a bad idea to drop the title to Hart, who went on to be one of WWF's greatest of all time regardless?
As for Bischoff... well, nobody likes Bischoff. At least not anyone who was remotely involved in WCW. Common sense says Bret has a bit of ill feelings towards him too.
As for Bret and HHH, the hate should be self-explanatory, so I won't even touch that one.
It's common knowledge nowadays that Hogan books with his ego, and Bret really isn't wrong here. Between TNA, his wonder years at WWE and the NWO, Hogan has built a legacy for himself while possibly robbing fans of plenty of opportunities at wrestling greatness. I mean honestly, would it really be a bad idea to drop the title to Hart, who went on to be one of WWF's greatest of all time regardless?
As for Bischoff... well, nobody likes Bischoff. At least not anyone who was remotely involved in WCW. Common sense says Bret has a bit of ill feelings towards him too.
As for Bret and HHH, the hate should be self-explanatory, so I won't even touch that one.