Bret Hart Comments on TNA, Bischoff, Hogan

I know that you cannot be this dumb... Not once did I ever say that you watch Twilight or Harry Potter. I was using these as euphemisms, err, maybe that was too big of a word for you... I was using these as "examples" of stupid things to be mad at someone for. You were mad because I didn't "quote the posts" correctly. If you cannot figure this out then you seriously need help.

You were comparing what I had already said to making comments about people not knowing about those things. That implies... let me try a smaller word... "suggests" that you think I know about it, so I was saying that I also don't.

I am not as dumb as you (suggest that I am), & there is no chance of you using a word too big for me, unless you are simply using a thesaurus for that specific purpose.

Now, the fact is Vince will not sign Hogan to fight in his ring again. There is nothing wrong with Bret commenting on TNA, however, as it is better for the business his family worked in if more companies are doing well.
Now, the fact is Vince will not sign Hogan to fight in his ring again. There is nothing wrong with Bret commenting on TNA, however, as it is better for the business his family worked in if more companies are doing well.

How can you say that when Vince offered Hogan a twenty year contract about 2 years ago? Hogan will be in the WWE again at some point. That is, unless TNA becomes very successful.
How can you say that when Vince offered Hogan a twenty year contract about 2 years ago? Hogan will be in the WWE again at some point. That is, unless TNA becomes very successful.

No chance of that happening, especially as long as WWE is aware the biggest stars TNA makes are the ones they make out of who Vince lets go.

I think that contract was some sort of Legends deal, for rights to name, likeness, etc... Not to put him in the ring. (If it were me, it would have a clause against him getting in the ring for my company.)
No chance of that happening, especially as long as WWE is aware the biggest stars TNA makes are the ones they make out of who Vince lets go.

I think that contract was some sort of Legends deal, for rights to name, likeness, etc... Not to put him in the ring. (If it were me, it would have a clause against him getting in the ring for my company.)

The contract was for a Legends deal that would see Hogan wrestle at Summerslam & Wrestlemania every year, with the possibility of him working one or two other ppvs (as long as Hogan was physically able to of course). Hogan would basically come in for 4-6 weeks at a time, wrestle a ppv, then leave for awhile so not to "overuse" him.

You are wrong about the contract, and Vince would gladly have Hogan involved in the WWE right now. Hogan did not like the money end of the deal and felt like Vince should pay him more for the deal. That is why it did not happen, and Hogan eventually ended up in TNA.
Hogan wanted more money for less work, while Vince wanted less of both.

You didn't know anything about the contract, but now you do? Whatever dude... You just proved that you talk out your ass.

Vince was the one who outlined the contract as I stated above. It was Vince who wanted Hogan to work the two big ppvs ever year (Summerslam, Mania). It was also Vince who wanted Hogan to work the additional one or two ppvs every year. Vince wanted Hogan in the ring, plain and simple. Why is this so hard for you to understand? This is not my "opinion". This is fact. You have already shown that facts don't really mean much in your world. Smarten up, buddy!
You didn't know anything about the contract, but now you do? Whatever dude... You just proved that you talk out your ass.

Vince was the one who outlined the contract as I stated above. It was Vince who wanted Hogan to work the two big ppvs ever year (Summerslam, Mania). It was also Vince who wanted Hogan to work the additional one or two ppvs every year. Vince wanted Hogan in the ring, plain and simple. Why is this so hard for you to understand? This is not my "opinion". This is fact. You have already shown that facts don't really mean much in your world. Smarten up, buddy!

On the contrary, facts mean a lot. But you know no more about what was in that contract than I do.

I'll admit I don't know what was in it, if you make the same admission about yourself. Don't dismiss my statements as not being factual hen yours have the same problem.
On the contrary, facts mean a lot. But you know no more about what was in that contract than I do.

I'll admit I don't know what was in it, if you make the same admission about yourself. Don't dismiss my statements as not being factual hen yours have the same problem.

I differentiate between my opinions and facts. I have not made a false claim during this discussion. If I had then I would gladly make "the same admission".

The whole reason that we had this long winded conversation tonight is because, in your "opinion", you did not think that Hogan should be in the ring or that Vince wanted him in the ring. I gave you the real "facts" about the truth of the matter, and you still held to your "opinion". I get that you don't like the Hulkster, but that should NEVER stand in the way of discussion.
I differentiate between my opinions and facts. I have not made a false claim during this discussion. If I had then I would gladly make "the same admission".

The whole reason that we had this long winded conversation tonight is because, in your "opinion", you did not think that Hogan should be in the ring or that Vince wanted him in the ring. I gave you the real "facts" about the truth of the matter, and you still held to your "opinion". I get that you don't like the Hulkster, but that should NEVER stand in the way of discussion.

I know the difference between fact & opinion. I also know the differences between you and me, among them that I admit when what I say is a fact or opinion.
I have no problem with Bret Hart explaining his opinions of Hogan problem comes into play when people start taking these partial opinions and think of them as gospel and confirmation that everything said by these people is exactly what happened.

I mean think about it, aside from Bret Hart's comments - especially in today's day and age where nobody wants to take responsibility for anything. You're an aspiring wrestler trying to make it to the top and you have this larger than life being in your way. When and if you fail it's much easier to blame it on that larger than life entity than it is to say "I should have tried harder" or "I could have done this differently". So to automatically listen to some of these wrestlers and assume what they're saying is unbias factual instances that actually happened is just lunacy.

Fact of the matter is, everybody is jealous of the best. They'll come up with excuses and try to justify (in their own minds) why he's up there and they're not. And more often than not (especially in the circus of the wrestling business) the guys involved aren't the most professional people in the world. And yes, when you're the best thing going in your line of business (to the extent that Hogan was) you also get an ego going. So when you combine these two you get the ultimate in inaccuracies and quite a bit of exaggerations.

I'm not sticking up for Hogan by any means...I'm sure he was quite the egomaniac at the time...but to assume that every single thing said about him was true and to assume that he's still that way today after all the other personal things he's been through is just impossible to prove. Bret Hart doesn't like the odds that he's had conversations with him since 10 years ago are quite low if existent at, while he's perfectly allowed to have his opinion and a lot of you are perfectly allowed to take those opinions as fact...that doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% accurate. That's all I was saying.

Either way it doesn't matter. I was just bored the day I posted this and hadn't written anything in a while so I thought I'd post something.

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