OK...I was watching WCW in 94-95 and I can tell you, Hogan having a brief tiff with Sting that lasted all of 5 minutes in Nov of 95 was not what lead him to get booed. Hogan had mixed reactions, at best, from the time he arrived in WCW because he was not a WCW guy, he was a WWE guy, and the WCW fans wanted Flair to go over him. It was that simple. Flair was more popular with that audience, and Hogan's act was getting stale by this time, plus older fans liked Flair more because of his work ethic and quality matches, something Hogan never matched. Still, he was a big draw, and he had fans, he just wasn't invincible to the audience anymore. That started happening as soon as he started appearing.
As far as 93 goes, Hogan really wasnt even in WWE. He was brought back to hot shot WrestleMania, then milk one more PPV out of him. It's not like Hogan had been wrestling full time and Hart was finally eclipsing him.
Would Hogan have gotten booed vs Hart...I doubt it. In WWE he was still No. 1. Hart may have gotten some cheers yes, if they were truly booked as two Fan Favs like Warrior-Hogan were, but Hogan was the bigger star with a bigger connection to that audience, he would have gotten a mostly positive reaction.
Why didn't the match take place....Who knows...Hogan's version is way different than Hart's...It is entirely plausible that Vince wanted to move on with a different champ for awhile because he didn't think business was good enough with Hart, and the plan all along was for Yoko to be the next long term champ, the whole Hogan escapade nothing more than a way to milk a few extra bucks out of Hogan's brief return. It's also possible that Hogan liked the idea of losing to Yoko more, especially in screw job fashion, because with Yoko as a heel, there would be clamoring for a re match when (if) Hogan returned. I can easily see McMahon leaning towards going with Yoko and Hogan inserting himself in, offering (or agreeing) to do the match with the screw job ending and disappear like Yoko "killed Hulka Mania", so if he came back later he'd have an instant Main Event waiting. Hart simply might not have been in the plans, no fault of his own.
I do get tired of Hart's complaints, largely because he never seems to praise anyone, he is often so negative, with very few compliments. I get that he had beefs back stage with some guys, and that in some cases they were profound. I also get that it wasn't all likely his fault. To some degree I wonder if Hart's motorcycle accident, which effectively ended any chance he could ever wrestle again, makes him bitter, especially with HHH dominating the 2000s and now running WWE, with HBK returning as a "Reformed hero" and getting a great last chapter on his career, Flair's revival, "Legend" status, and incredible WrestleMania send off, Hogan's multiple returns, final title run, and the fact he is still making money in TNA today, maybe Hart rants because he feels he deserved some of that and will never get it.
One thing I will say is that HBK has publicly, including during his retirement speech, praised Hart as a wrestler and given him much credit for his success despite their differences. Flair did the same with Dusty Rhodes. You don't hear Hart give many interviews like that.