Razor Ramon vs Bret Hart - Forgotten Classic


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Years ago, long before the major moments of Bret Hart's legendary title runs, there was a showdown at Royal Rumble 1993 between Bret Hart and Razor Ramon. Hart was defending the WWF Title at the 2nd consecutive pay per view, having defeated Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series only 3 months prior. Hogan was gone. Savage was on his way out. Warrior was gone. Flair and Perfect were in a decline. Hart was trying to carry a company with very few legitimate challengers - and relative WWF newcomer, Razor Ramon, would try to step up and fit the bill.


Since 1993, so much has happened with Bret and Razor. The Austin match, the Screwjob, the Outsiders. But so few remember what a solid title match this was. In terms of limb psychology, this was a clinic involving Bret's ribs and Ramon's knee. Bret took a strong Irish Whip from Razor, "slipped" from the velocity, and slid ribs-first into the ring post. Bret sold this perfectly - everything from laboured breathing to poor posture. Razor used his now infamous abdominal stretch with the lift of the back leg to wear Hart down. Eventually, Bret got Razor's leg hurt, and backed his way into the Sharpshooter for the win.

I really hate thinking and watching old Razor Ramon clips because i just wonder would could have been. Guy should definately had a title run or two. If he was in this period he would be 3 or 4 guys in the company. But yes definately a match worth checking out and classic.
Yes! I love this Match, Razor and Bret put together a classic match. Two of my favourite two all time wrestlers in a title match that was a great match. Loved it! Not many will agree with me as I am marking out big time, but I really enjoyed this match
I truly believe this is a hidden diamond in the rough. The fact is, this match set the standard for your typical average sized Superstar to take on a bigger Superstar. Throughout the match, they eluded to the fact that Razor's legs could be too long, too big for Bret to lock in the Sharpshooter. Bret even went for a figure four, if I do recall, just to sell the fact that he might not have been capable of being able to lock in the Sharpshooter.

To be perfectly honest, Scott Hall has been in the business long before he was Razor Ramon, but in my opinion this was one of his very first defining moments that truly made him who he was. Who he is. And Razor helped Bret Hart become a Main Eventer, by selling being a bigger guy who seemed dominate.

Another personal opinion is, without Razor Ramon and this match.. Bret never would've been capable of making Wrestlemania IX's Main Event seem remotely possible. Never before this had Bret Hart even took on a "Super Heavyweight". And while in today's world Razor Ramon might not be considered a Super Heavyweight like Big Show, Great Khali or even Kevin Nash.. but back then, he was. And everything in this match, built Bret Hart greatly to pose a threat to Yokozuna later. I strongly believe that.

So in closing, yes, this match is a definate forgotten classic. They later had a rematch in the opening round of the King of the Ring p.p.v. as well that was very good.
I've never been huge on this match. It's good, but I don't think I'd cal it a classic. It never felt to me like Bret's title was in danger, which is a key element to a good title match. Razor wasn't an established big time guy just yet, but he and Bret did put on a great match. The ending is one I love, with Bret putting the sharpshooter on almost backwards, leading to the tap out. It's a good match, but there's just no spark to it for me, and therefore I'll have to say that it's not a classic, but definitely good for passing time and fun for a watch.

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