Six Months Into The Hogan/Bischoff Era - The State of TNA Wrestling

The State of TNA Wrestling

  • Fantastic

  • Great

  • Good

  • So-So

  • Unwatchable

  • Horrible

  • Bad

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Not to be a stickler but this Friday will only be 5 months since Hogan first appeared.

Yeah really the OP needs to learn to count.. July will be 6 months not June.

In any event I voted "good" I have been more entertained by TNA lately than before. They are finally adding "entertainment" to there stellar matchs they are known for.

The thing I gripe about is consistantcy. Once they can get consistancy then they will see things more clear. However, things need time to manifest and only giving them 5 months isn't the answer. Give it at least a year before completely trying to analyze things, there still in a transistion period.

Since they moved back to Thursdays there product has actually gotten better and has me more interested in the show. Beer Money, FLAIR!, AJ, Jay Lethal, RVD, MISTARRRRRRR ANnnnnnnDERSON!!!!!... The Pope, Matt Morgan, Kurt Angle.. i am actually liking Sting being HEEL as its something that appears to be working..

Lacy Von Eric has gotten better, lots of people hate her though, but she has gotten better. People fail to see it. Anways.. I think Kong leaving over Bubba hurt the KO's. TNA should find a way to bring her back. They need that unstoppable heel.. and Mickie James can only help the KO's.

What I like is that TNA is finally learning that if they bring in poeple that can WRESTLE not just big names. That it helps the overall product. (unlike WCW where they hired big names that couldn't wrestle that hurt the product)

Things that Suck to me though is Orlando Jordan. . Orlando Jordan,... Orlando Jordan.!! get him off TV! Also Jeff Jarrett brings nothing to the program.. he should work backstage as ratings drop when he is on. (fact)

-Abyss needs to be heel and a monster.. Hogan rip off sucks..

- Nasty Boyz sucked (glad there gone)

- Motor City machine Guns are lost in translation at the moment. Give these guys there push already!

-Young Bucks are lost in translation too..

- Jeff Jarrett, I respect Jeff but his on air character is just not interesting at all. Keep him backstage.

-Rob Terry I like Rob, he needs to learn Mic Skills and give him a good ring name..

-Orlando Jordan is simply NOT the greatest.. get him off TV.

Otherwise I am liking the show, they just need more consistancy (which they have done the past 3-4 weeks)
I think Abyss could easily be the top heel if pushed correctly. Give him a mouthpiece and let him go and destroy guys. Now they have him acting like Mankind. That worked for Foley but not for Abyss.

Orlando Jordan I agree with. He's getting heat like Goldust used to. People hate him because of his sexuality but at least they hate him.

Anderson can't carry the business. If he could have he would still be in the WWE. Jeff Hardy is too much into drugs and being "free" and RVD doesn't care about the business, only about himself. As far as Anderson goes he will be back in the WWE whenever he can get his mouth fixed.

I think you're right in that Abyss could reach kinda the level of what Mankind was. But think about it...when was mankind ever the top heel? Never. Maybe for a short time when he first came cuz he was something different and he feuded with Undertaker....but that was for like two months. Any time he held the title it was for an extremely short time. A guy like Abyss or Mankind could never be the top heel. I just gotta disagree with you there.

Anderson can carry the business. The only reason he left WWE is because the big dogs like Orton and HHH didn't want him there. They felt threatened. In just a few months of being on TNA, Anderson is already the guy getting the biggest pop and honestly is who i'm dying to see the whole time I'm watching impact. I don't expect you to see that he can carry any company just yet...he's never gotten the chance. But he will....and soon. Just keep an eye out for that.
The overall product is definitely so-so. I've been rooting for TNA since its inception, because the lack of legitimate competition caused WWE to get to comfortable and as a result the product was nowhere near as entertaining as it was during the height of the Monday Night Wars. I do think TNA is better now than before Hogan and Bischoff arrived. There are several things they have done that have been positive. The arrivals of Van Dam and Hardy have definitely changed the championship landscape. And I thought signing Mr. Anderson/Kennedy was great. He's very underrated. The Ranking system has intrigued me too, but I've got a feeling it won't last much longer because they don't want to push the guys the fans keep voting for(Desmond Wolfe,Matt Morgan).

Now for the negatives. First of all, AJ Styles is a terrible heel. Ecspecially when he's doing a terrible Ric Flair gimmick. There's only one Nature Boy, and you're not him. Knock it off. Secondly, The Abyssamania storyline is horrific. Whoever came up with storyline needs to be fired immediately. Even if it was Hogan. Thirdly, fire Orlando Jordan. There's not a wrestling fan in the world who enjoys his gimmick. And if you do, there's something wrong with you. Lastly, Hogan and Flair need to disappear from TV yesterday. Stop dwelling in the past and move forward. They're are taking up valuable air time that could go to the guys that deserve it. It's such a shame because TNA has talent. Guys like Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan, Desmond Wolfe and The Pope are huge stars waiting to explode. Because 50-60 year old guys are being selfish and unwilling to pass the torch, there tremendous talents are going to waste. Give these guys a chance to shine!

I would also like to see Mr. Anderson win the World Title. In my opinion he's TNA's best overall talent and he's being misused. He won't be around forever. We all know that sooner or later he'll go back to WWE because he's to talented not to. So take advantage of him while you have him. It's not that hard TNA. It's time to get together. Wrestling fans need you to succeed. You can do it. Don't let us down.
Although I believe now is to early to be rating TNA I must say that I have been entertained much more since Hogan and Bichoff have taken over. The whole brand itself seems bigger, like it no longer seems like a minor league show and now all the stars are joining it is only matter of time until the rating pick up. One thing I must say though is here are to many good wrestlers and entertaining personalities being lost in the shuffle example, MCMG, Gen Me etc. Why these guys are taking a backseat to a bunch washed up legends is unknown to me. Also I must agree GET ORLANDO JORDAN OFF MY TV
TNA is getting better as they are using Jeff Hardy, RVD, Matt Morgan, and Mr Kennedy. They need to keep the younger talent on TV and push their characters. I would like to see more of Beer Money, Machine Guns, and Young Bucks. Team 3D are getting up there, but they can still wrestle a decent match with the younger guys.

I never want to see Ric Flair with his shirt off again. The flab just hangs off that guy now, yuck! I respect him as a legend, but it's time to wrestle with your shirt on. I kind of like the pairing of Flair and AJ (kind of). Flair gives AJ a strong voice to push him as a heel.

The Abyss character sucks now. That deal with Hogan was dumb. Have Abyss drop that gimmick. He could do some sadistic things to Chelsea and re-discover his dark roots! Have him beat his mentor Hogan in a PPV match where the loser goes through a glass table. That would give him back his evil persona he so desperately needs back! Heck, bring back his former manager James Mitchell to help him beat Hogan at a PPV match.

IMO Orlando Jordan adds an edge to the program. TNA should keep him doing his thing. Everyone hated him before, so why not be controversial. He can get it done in the ring too! Most seem to hate him even in the threads, so it's even working online.

Hall and Nash are just not what they used to be. Does anyone care about them anymore? Hall is FAT and Nash is washed up. You will never see the Nasty Boys wrestling in the WWE now. Finlay has been off TV so they can focus on youth. Please TNA, do not bring back Scott Steiner either!

If the WWE can get away with having 3 short matches last week on RAW and still destroy TNA in the ratings, then the masses do not watch wrestling shows for actual "wrestling" matches. TNA is better than RAW if you are tuning in to watch "wrestling" and not a 2-Hour comedy show, IMO. Keep up the great matches and up the entertainment and hopefully TNA will be the top program eventually! Yes, I am a TNA mark!
TNA is getting better as they are using Jeff Hardy, RVD, Matt Morgan, and Mr Kennedy. They need to keep the younger talent on TV and push their characters. I would like to see more of Beer Money, Machine Guns, and Young Bucks. Team 3D are getting up there, but they can still wrestle a decent match with the younger guys.

I never want to see Ric Flair with his shirt off again. The flab just hangs off that guy now, yuck! I respect him as a legend, but it's time to wrestle with your shirt on. I kind of like the pairing of Flair and AJ (kind of). Flair gives AJ a strong voice to push him as a heel.

The Abyss character sucks now. That deal with Hogan was dumb. Have Abyss drop that gimmick. He could do some sadistic things to Chelsea and re-discover his dark roots! Have him beat his mentor Hogan in a PPV match where the loser goes through a glass table. That would give him back his evil persona he so desperately needs back! Heck, bring back his former manager James Mitchell to help him beat Hogan at a PPV match.

IMO Orlando Jordan adds an edge to the program. TNA should keep him doing his thing. Everyone hated him before, so why not be controversial. He can get it done in the ring too! Most seem to hate him even in the threads, so it's even working online.

Hall and Nash are just not what they used to be. Does anyone care about them anymore? Hall is FAT and Nash is washed up. You will never see the Nasty Boys wrestling in the WWE now. Finlay has been off TV so they can focus on youth. Please TNA, do not bring back Scott Steiner either!

If the WWE can get away with having 3 short matches last week on RAW and still destroy TNA in the ratings, then the masses do not watch wrestling shows for actual "wrestling" matches. TNA is better than RAW if you are tuning in to watch "wrestling" and not a 2-Hour comedy show, IMO. Keep up the great matches and up the entertainment and hopefully TNA will be the top program eventually! Yes, I am a TNA mark!

^TNA Mark,another thing I don't like about TNA is this Ranking System. It just seems totally unbelievable and flawed. They have Sting going for the Title at their Next PPV yet have him in a Four Way for the Title. They give away World Title Matches on TV for free without any buildup what so ever. So Megafan if thats your cup of tea and like your Wrestling without Buildup whatever floats your boat dude.
I dont think anything has changed to improve their fortunes, but they have spent a LOT of money, so i voted horrible. Ratings havent improved, buys havent, storylines havent. I have yet to see evidence to back Hogans claim that he "taught Vince everything he knows." They must be haemorraging money and soon Panda/Dixie will want a return on their investment, i cant see it coming in the near future.

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