The Hogan/Bischoff TNA is horrible

As I've said in a post in another thread, I don't think that Hogan and Bischoff have made TNA any worse, but I don't really think it's been improved to any real degree either. Right now, TNA is still riding momentum generated by Hogan's debut and fall out from the January 4th show. One thing I've noticed is that Hogan and Bischoff do seem to be making themselves the center of the show and, quite frankly, I've got little interest in the situation with "The Band", Bischoff's "I'm not evil, I'm really a nice guy" routine while making Jeff Jarrett's life miserable and...well basically anything connected with Hogan and Bischoff at this point. Last night, the only portion of the show I even tuned in for was the Beautiful People vs. Tara and Angelina Love match. The match itself was crap and 95% of the reason I watched was just for the entrances.

I think that something major needs to happen soon because interest could be waining. The show pulled only a 1.2 last week and preliminary ratings suggest that last night's show is gonna pull the same. While that is above the 1.0-1.1 average TNA was pulling the last 3 or 4 months of last year, much of that new audience seems to have disappeared.
my problem with Bischoff/hogan is the same one i had when they were in WCW. They divided the talents in 2 groups and are going to push only those guys in group 1 which are the peoples they care about. The knockout division pretty seem to revolve around The beautiful people, Tara and Angelina Love at the moment since the don't use any of the other knockouts on tv. Where are all the other knockouts, i know Awesome kong as been suspended but what about Hamada,Taylor Wilde, Sarita, ODB, traci and Daffney. Accept of Hamada and ODB the last time we saw these knockout was either on the holiday special or the january 4th IMPACT.

àHow about the x-division, were have they been lately, most these guys haven't shown up on t.v for weeks nows same goes for pretty much everybody involve in the tag divisions. Daniels hasn't been seen since for at less 2 weeks now, beer money as completly disapeared since winning at genesis. How about world elite, what happenned to them, seem like they disbanded without nobody knowing it and the only guy getting a push is doug williams.

So that's one of the reason why i hate the new TNA with bischoff/hogan at the helm. Because they are only going to push who they like even if it means the fans doesn'T like them. Another reason i hate this TNA is the horrible feud featuring Hogan/Angle and Bischoff/jarrett & Foley that probably going to a) end up nowhere or B) ended up in a horrible match on PPV. TNA try this angle so many time and it never work and ended up being a mess so i don'T see the point of doing it again with bischoff and Hogan.

Personally, i'm still watching IMPACT and i will continue to supported them until they make the mistake of moving to monday which probably going to happen sooner rather then later. When that happeneds will see if i still when to follow this trainwreck or not.
Ok yes I did borrow a corny Vince quote as my title but in a way I felt it was appropriate.

So this topic I don't think was discussed in the more general aspect so I'll bring it to the table and see what everyone thinks.

Seems like since the inclusion of Hogan, Bischoff and what I like to call "I love the early 90s" superstars into TNA it seems as though theres an extremely polarized locker room in TNA. It seems like it's TNA vs the band (for lack of a better term) and Hogan doesn't seem to mind that him and his posse are not endearing themselves to the foundation of TNA. You've already read the stories about the Nasty Boys v Jay Lethal, Hall and Syxxpac2-3 kid regressing into bad habits, Bubba the Love Sponge's presence, obviously hogan getting rid of the 6 sided ring, and the screwjob ending against angle.

My question is do you think given the rocky start that the Hogan/Eric regime is having since the 1 day MNW with WWE do you see potential for the regime to turn things around? And if you think they can't turn it around, can TNA break away from Hogan's regime and still be salvagable vs. WWE? frankly I think there's no way to logically integrate Nasty boys into a believable tag team picture, but I think if hogan were to take a proven vet and leads him in a managerial role, then there is atleast half-success for Hogan. Frankly though, I'm already anticipating the WZ headline "Hogan captures TNA world title" and it makes me cringe

I bought TNA's first ever PPV, I can't even remember how I heard about it...probably from a wrestling news site...but I was with them from the start. I loved WCW in the day, and really, really hated when they died and WWE bought them & ECW out, then spat on them. I feel like TNA is doing that now with their core fans. I'm sorry, Hulk's time is done, despite what he thinks, he does not have his finger on the pulse of the TNA fan. Before they came in, Bicshoff was all smarmy and cocky (I KNOW, I was as sarcastically surprised as you are!) about what the fans were thinking would happen, and how wrong they were. Well, they thought that Hulk would come in, bring in his cronies and try to turn TNA into WCW/WWE lite. Now TNA is using a WWE-lookalike ring, the set has been changed to look more like the old WCW set...we now have the likes of the Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan and Sean Morley on Impact, and they are even using WWE storylines!!! Yeah, that was such a big surprise when Hogan punched out The Band. And I REALLY needed to see yet another copy of Montreal. Can't SOMEONE let that and the "What" chants die already??? Morley beats Daniels, The Nasty Boys hack on Jey Lethal's gimmick. They'll move to Monday nights, because that's what WWE does, and they can't very well carve out their own niche, they have to beat Vince at his own game. They give us one good feud, AJ vs. Joe, but of course that can't be counted on to draw, they have to put Bischoff into it. I loved the X division, and you could put anyone in there with Kurt or Joe and I'd be into it, but now...I didn't mind a smattering of WWE talent coming in (Team 3D, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Angle, Dinero...even Ken Anderson), but I don't need to see Hogan and Flair whip out their manboobs. I don't know, I've been a wrestling fan since around WM 3, maybe I've just already seen it all. Maybe I'll check back in a few months to see if anything has actually changed for the better, but I really have no reason to go out of my way to watch Impact right now.
It's not bad at all. It's not great but it's FAR from terrible. I'd call it misguided. They've gotten some stuff right and while I don't like Hogan and Bischoff being there, it's not awful at all. They're changing things and you would be nuts to think they wouldn't. The company is changing and while I'd think it's for the worse, it's still very interesting if nothing else.

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