I voted so so because TNA has the ability with the talent they have to give a really hot show if they wanted to. I really don't know who is to blame now whether it is Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, etc. but who ever is in charge of creative needs to step back. TNA was on a roll at the end of 2009. I really didn't enjoy TNA that much at the beginning of 2009 but the end of the year had some great feuds with all the young talent being pushed.
Hogan comes in and shakes things up with some new talent and TNA is really exciting to watch for about 3 months. I didn't have a problem with the new production values, or the ring. Also, I don't have a problem with the new talent Hogan brought with him. Nasty Boys and Sean Morely were there but didn't last long. I still don't know why Scott Hall is there. Bubba was probably the only waste of talent that Hogan brought in. I was upset about some of the knockouts being released, but they were going to be released whether Hogan was there or not.
I just think the passion has gone out of TNA. The debuts and surprises were great but it didn't lead to anything. Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, RVD, Anderson, and Jeff Hardy should be big enough names to have incredible Impact shows every week. I just don't understand how TNA was able to put on such great shows years ago with only Jarrett and Raven and now they have all this talent that is just wasted.
The shows weren't that great years ago, but they had some great matches with what little they had. I tune into Impact to hope to see the same flame that I once saw, but I don't see it. I mostly tune in hoping to see Wolfe or the Machine Guns win a match and watch Anderson and Flair cut promos. I would dream at night about the possibilities of having big names on Impact like Anderson, Hogan, Flair, Hardy, and RVD. Now that they are in TNA, its like its a big joke. Nothing exciting hardly happens.
I don't think Impact is nearly as bad as everyone says it is, its just not as exciting as it once was. The Knockouts, tag division, and X Division is pretty much on life support. I will always be a fan and continue to watch TNA, I just wish they would find that spark that they had months ago. Also I hope Abyss jumps of a cliff. That would help.