I know, right? TNA is so horrible now. What, with their higher ratings, higher Internet searches, better production values, more understandable and logical storylines, and higher public visibility, Hogan has really sunk the ship here.
This is all wishful thinking from the anti-Hogan crowd who were predicting everything short of the APocalypse, and Hogan was going to walk down to the 6 sided ring and leg drop AJ Styles and take his belt on 1/4, and he's going to bury the young guys, and the company is going to die...except none of that happened, so now they don't know what to do, so they go around and tell everyone to ignore what our eyes are telling us, the product is really terrible, despite the facts being against that.
Hogan didn't take the title from AJ. In fact, he's pushed AJ as the best wrestler in the world today. Hogan hasn't buried the younger guys, as a matter of fact he's pushed several of them to the moon. The only "old" guy in the World title picture is Kurt freaking ANgle, oh the horror! The company isn't dying, as a matter of fact, it's never been more successful.
You see, Bisch and HOgan have learned the error of what happened in WCW. They kept all the old guys around the World Title picture, and never elevated the younger guys like they should have. They learned that guess what, those old guys are over as hell WITHOUT the title, so they can sell matches and draw viewers without being WOlrd Heavyweight Champ. They can be used to bring fans in to watch, and then the title is used to elevate the younger guys.
And you know what, it's working. AJ Styles looks good, and being with Ric Flair ELEVATES him. I mean, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time is saying that AJ is as good as he is. How is that a bad thing? Yeah, he's incorporated a bit of Naitch into his ring persona and moves, but he's not a Ric Flair clone. he's acting a little bit more cocky, but he's not doing the FLair Flip, or the infamous begging off/eyepoke combo. And you know what, AJ is fricking great, and he looks like a million bucks. I totally buy him as World Champ. Not to mention that AJ was pissed as hell at how he was being booked before HOgan showed up, but you don't hear a peep about it now, do you?
People are complaining that "it feels like WCW 2.0", and you know what, it kind of does. But not WCW in the year 2000, it feels like WCW in 1997, when it was the hottest thing around and was best wrestling show on the air. And that's not a bad thing. People always like to complain that "WWE should go back to the Attitude Era stuff, that's the wrestling I loved". Well you know what, a shit ton of people really enjoyed WCW in the mid to late 90's, and if that's where we're headed, hell effing yeah.