The Greatest T-Shirts in Wrestling History

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I've finally beaten to the punch. Oh, they might have beaten me when it came to lauding the old SmackDown set, or talking about how neat the winged eagle belt was, or wonder what Glacier's doing now, but I've finally landed a meaty haymaker to the jaw. Take that, Joey Styles!


Let's talk t-shirts.

People seem to talk about t-shirts every day on here. Cena's sold this many t-shirts, Punk's sold that many; Morrison's t-shirt doesn't make any sense, Jericho's shirt is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Wrestling t-shirts are more than shirts - they're ideas, damn it! You know, how flags are ideas, and not just flags. For some reason. Put on a "I Love Poontang" shirt and you too can be a muscular millionaire actor, just like The Rock. Besides, if you're watching a wrestling match in the last two decades and want to know what's particularly hot at that time or place, you need only look at the audience and see what t-shirts they're wearing.

The New World Order

The nWo didn't always wear nWo t-shirts. I mean, they mostly did, but during the early days, before the name really stuck, they were just three blokes spray-painting "NWO" on the side of trucks and having Eric Bischoff audibly shit his pants.

Of course, the shirt outsold hot cakes at the time. You still see the shirt at wrestling shows to this day, and you can still buy it off eBay and The nWo were cool heels, and they had a cool t-shirt to prove it.


Then you consider the amount of times it's been imitated or spoofed. It's probably the most copied wrestling t-shirt ever; the Wolfpack, the lWo, the bWo. Shit, Randy Orton had two different rKo shirts! The only reason ***** like me write it "nWo" is because of the t-shirt.

Austin 3:16

Incredibly unimaginative. Incredibly unimaginative. "You sit there and you thump your bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn't get you anywhere! Talk about your psalms, talk about John 3:16. Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!" Bam - put Austin 3:16 on a t-shirt. It wasn't even a cool design; it wasn't all grungy and eroded like the nWo shirt - just white text on a black background.

It didn't harm it though. Austin 3:16 was on shirts, on signs, and probably on lunchboxes. If they didn't put it on a lunchbox, they missed an opportunity.

Unlike the nWo shirt, there's only one imitation really worth mentioning:


"Owen 3:16 says I just broke your neck!" That's taking the piss a bit, isn't it?

That should get the ball rolling. Feel free to:
  • Discuss the most popular t-shirts.
  • Discuss your personal favourite t-shirts.
  • Discuss the worst t-shirts.
  • Snort derisively, mutter something about me being a cunt and be on your merry way.



Regardless of color scheme, this is perhaps the most iconic wrestling T-Shirt of all time. Austin 3:16 and the nWo T-Shirts (I do the nWo thing too) are cool. But, this is the T-shirt of T-shirts. Much like the wrestlers success, would their T-Shirts have been as successful without Hulk Hogan's T-Shirt paving the way, creating a global Wrestling T-Shirt market, rather than a territory based T-Shirt market? The Hulkamania T-Shirt was the only one Vince McMahon could have used to lay the groundwork for his global Wrestling T-Shirt empire.

Whaddayagonnado, brotha, when the Hulkamania T-Shirt RUNS WILD ON YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
I was going to put the Hulkamania shirt in the opening post, but I got distracted by tin foil or an erect penis or something. I lose my enthusiasm too easily.

Regarding the Hulkamania t-shirt, I do wonder if Vince actually owns it. In fact, I'm fairly certain Hogan owns it. My reasoning? Well:


I've never paid much attention to who owns what, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Hogan is savvy enough to own the rights to his own stuff. He wore a Hulkster shirt in WCW as well as lots of red and yellow shit, but I don't recall him ever wearing something with Hulkamania on it. Oh, the ever intriguing intricacies of the t-shirt business.
if I remember correctly, Marvel owned the rights to all Hulk Hogan stuff for the longest time, and then Terry Bollea bought the rights to the Hulk Hogan name and likeness directly from Marvel. To the best of my knowledge, neither the WWF/WWE or WCW have never actually owned the name/character of Hulk Hogan, they just paid Marvel for the rights to use it. Since Hogan then bought the full rights from Marvel, he can market that exact T-Shirt anyway he wants. It's his. Therefore, as long as he gives his permission, TNA can market it.
I know Sam's gone for his "Popular" T-shirts and all that, but lemme bring up a couple that I as myself have really liked


Yes, it's Jericho. No, it isn't his new T-shirt (Which I don't like at all actually), but here we have a Jericho shirt (More than likely designed by the good man himself) that says he's 2000 Proof and is possibly my favourite Jericho T-shirt in history.

One other. It's nothing like his other T-shirts, which is why it probably stands out to me so much.


Yeah, the old 8-Bit Cena T-Shirt. You might not like Cena, or you might not just like the shirt, but it's none of this usual Cena design we see, but something new and altogether, quite entertaining. Yeah, it's nothing amazing and awesome, but it's a cool Cena T-Shirt, with the "You Can't See Me, You Can't Bee Me" on it. Plus, it has taste of retro about it, which gets me.

Yeah, they may not be the "Greatest" of all times, but I sure damn like them.
They had an Austin 3:16 lunchbox, I bought one when I was younger while visiting New York, WWE had everything in that shop located in Times Square. I'm near certain you could get a pie with a sugar glazed image of The Rock from beyond the counter, it was a magically place that dreams were met - then it closed, I think.

Anyway, I do enjoy some WWE t-shirts. I didn't purchase my first WWE t-shirt until 2009 when Christian returned to the WWE. They released an old t-shirt of his first but then they quickly released this little gem. It looks a lot better when you're wearing it than it does below, but I love the Christian glass shattered t-shirt, I wore it to the gym a few times, to football training and most recently to the beach.


Second t-shirt I purchased was at a WWE event in 2009 in Dublin, as they would the merchandise stand had hundreds of t-shirts going, key-chains, wristbands and what have you, but I decided to go with a t-shirt that for whatever reason wasn't being snatched at as I would have expected. Whereas everybody was going for the John Morrison, Rey Mysterio and John Cena t-shirts I opted for the Randy Orton "Age of Orton" t-shirt.

Granted, I've only ever wore it out in public once since purchasing it and I'd a jersey on over it cause it was during a football match, but it's still a pretty cool t-shirt. More of a collectors item than anything else.


My latest purchase was indeed the CM Punk "Best In the World" t-shirt. They sell them at a music store, but no other WWE merchandise. I love it and I have worn it out, even as far as a night out and it was complimented, I'd even a couple people shout "CM Punk!" in my face while waiting in line to take a piss. I've seen a lot of people wearing it out in public, especially on my most recent trip to Dublin. I think it's more appealing to some due to it being white, having a cool design on the font and it saying "Best In the World" on the back. Who wouldn't buy a t-shirt that says you're the "Best In the World"?


I'm contemplating the Jericho wanna-"bee" t-shirt after last night's episode of RAW. It doesn't look that bad plus Jericho explained why it's a wasp on the front and not a bee on Twitter, whoever thought it up isn't all that creative but there hasn't been a Jericho t-shirt in quite sometime. I must indulge.

Oh and I remove the WWE labels once I first receive the t-shirts, not due to insecurity but because unlike a natural brands logo they are pretty large, especially the ones located on the front.[IMG]

Yeah, the old 8-Bit Cena T-Shirt. You might not like Cena, or you might not just like the shirt, but it's none of this usual Cena design we see, but something new and altogether, quite entertaining. Yeah, it's nothing amazing and awesome, but it's a cool Cena T-Shirt, with the "You Can't See Me, You Can't Bee Me" on it. Plus, it has taste of retro about it, which gets me.[/QUOTE]

Number one - Benjamin Franklin is currently making himself comfortable in your User CP. Simply print screen and then hit print.

Number two - you utter, utter bar stool. That Cena 8-bit shirt was the exact shirt I was building up to mentioning. I either wasn't paying attention, wasn't watching WWE or hated Cena at the time they launched that shirt, because I fucking love it now and have been trying to track it down forever. I found a sleeveless version not long ago but decided I couldn't quite pull it off.

History lesson, children - the t-shirt's design is based on the cover of the Pro Wrestling videogame for the NES. Behold! A comparison picture of my own design, revealing the shocking similarities for the very first time:


I also found the design on a clock and a beach towel. In retrospect, it would have been cool to have either. At the time, my frothing demand to find it on a shirt with sleeves blinded me to the fact.

Another recent t-shirt which I regret not getting at the time is CM Punk's ribs t-shirt:


It was on shelves around the time Punk won his first world title. I've never really liked "grungey" t-shirts but there was just something about having a t-shirt with ribs on that appealed to me. It was like wearing an x-ray machine all the time or something. I just thought it looked cool, basically.


Of course, WWE launches a retro range and I get my hopes up. They do release an old CM Punk shirt. Unfortunately, it was this one:




I always had a soft spot for this one. However, it has to be this purpley/lavender color. Not the yellow one, not the red one, not the blue one, but only the one that matched his standard wrestling trunks.

Sam said:
History lesson, children - the t-shirt's design is based on the cover of the Pro Wrestling videogame for the NES. Behold! A comparison picture of my own design, revealing the shocking similarities for the very first time:

Pro Wrestling was the second NES game I ever owned. I bought it right after it originally came out. Yeah...I am that old.
I always had a soft spot for this one. However, it has to be this purpley/lavender color. Not the yellow one, not the red one, not the blue one, but only the one that matched his standard wrestling trunks.

A Macho Man shirt? We were all having fun talking about CM Punk and John Cena and Chris Jericho, but Macho Man? How old are you?

Pro Wrestling was the second NES game I ever owned. I bought it right after it originally came out. Yeah...I am that old.

My word!

The better Macho Man shirt, I feel, is the infamous - thanks to Botchamania - "Chimp" one. You'll understand what I mean (couldn't find an image for some reason):


That Macho Man shirt - the lavender one, not the primate nWo one - is one of a select few wrestling t-shirts which I've seen being worn out in public. The exhaustive list:

  • Macho Man lavender sunglasses shirt.
  • CM Punk white "Best in the World" shirt (numerous times).
  • Rob Van Dam "Still one of a kind/Mr. Monday Night" shirt.
  • nWo shirt.
  • Nexus shirt. Seriously.
  • CM Punk nexus shirt. Seriously.
  • One of Randy Orton's over-busy Viper shirts.
  • Daniel Bryan "Yes! Yes! Yes!" shirt - on the same goth guy two days apart. Gross.
A Macho Man shirt? We were all having fun talking about CM Punk and John Cena and Chris Jericho, but Macho Man? How old are you?

Hey, I started out by posting a Hulk Hogan T-Shirt, lol. What did you really expect? Just be glad I didn't find an old Billy Jack Haynes T-shirt.

I never got an Austin 3:16 T-shirt, but I still own this one, kinda sorta. Instead of that image on the front like the pic, it was on the back, and the front just had a small blue WWF logo on the upper left chest. Same design though.

Let's start off with a wrestling shirt that I actually own. In fact, it's the only wrestling shirt that I own. I've thought about expanding my collection, but no other shirt has gotten me to part with my money.

OK, I couldn't find a picture, but it's basically the below poster on a grey t-shirt.

I own/love this for three reasons. First of all, Colt Cabana's awesome. Secondly, it's actually a nice design. If you're not a wrestling fan, you won't get it and you won't say "look at the douchefuck in the wrestling t-shirt", "I bet he doesn't know it's fake", "NERD", etc, etc. And finally, Colt has been given me hours of entertainment with his podcast, and I'm all about give and take.

It's a great design and it has some pretty nifty references to other wrestlers (including that Scotty Goldman guy who used to be on Smackdown).
- - - - -

A few months ago, I almost got this shirt. I was so close. I created a WWE Shop account and everything. But I didn't go through with it. On reflection, I'm not sure why. It's a cracking shirt. I mean, I don't fully agree with the message expressed (I hate many a thing). But I fucking love John Cena and the very bold design and message. Hmmm. One second...

I am now the proud owner of John Cena's "Rise Above Hate" t-shirt. As well as a Jerichohol shirt (which I didn't know I liked until I saw this thread), and some of JR's beef jerky to bump the price up to a level where I can get a 20% discount. So yeah. That's that. Hopefully, with that sale, WWE will keep Cena in the main event. Hopefully.

That Macho Man shirt - the lavender one, not the primate nWo one - is one of a select few wrestling t-shirts which I've seen being worn out in public. The exhaustive list:

  • Macho Man lavender sunglasses shirt.
  • CM Punk white "Best in the World" shirt (numerous times).
  • Rob Van Dam "Still one of a kind/Mr. Monday Night" shirt.
  • nWo shirt.
  • Nexus shirt. Seriously.
  • CM Punk nexus shirt. Seriously.
  • One of Randy Orton's over-busy Viper shirts.
  • Daniel Bryan "Yes! Yes! Yes!" shirt - on the same goth guy two days apart. Gross.

I saw someone wearing a Nexus shirt once. They were holding hands with a lady friend too. Mental.
The best ones are often the most simple, and memorable. The Austin 3:16 and the original nWo one are definitely two of the best wrestling shirts ever released, as is the Hulkamania classic one.

However, this is my favourite. Another iconic, instantly memorable T-Shirt (or football jersey in this case), that was really popular in the late 1990s when me and all my friends were wearing wrestling shirts. I owned this one back in the day, it was awesome.


Break it down!
DX have had way, way too many shirts. I thought they were the shit when I was eight though. I thought they were the dogs bollocks. I loved the shirt with the barcode on it. That existed, didn't it? Hang on - I'll google "DX barcode":


Close enough to what I remember, though I don't remember that slogan on the front.

It's a shame I dislike Sin Cara so much, because he had the best Top Rope shirt they made:


If they ever made a Rey Mysterio version of that, I'd be on it like a car bonnet. It's not like Rey-Rey hasn't had his fair share of pretty decent shirts though. I always thought the carnival shirt was pretty neat:

I always wanted this t-shirt too, but never got around to buying it. I was a huge fan of American Bad Ass 'Taker.


I can't believe I forgot to mention this one, the "Invasion" version of the EC f'n W shirt. As soon as I first saw it during the WCW/ECW alliance, I wanted one, but the parents would not let me buy one, due to the fact it was blatantly saying "FUCK" with the "F'n".

Still, a top top T-Shirt

I couldn't find a picture of the version with the green "f'n", but if you skip to 3:35 on the video, all the ECW guys are wearing it as then come down to the ring.

My Personal Favourite;


Don't really know why but I have some form of affiliation with this T-Shirt! Never owned it, always wanted too and always loved it! Think it was all down to the promo video for the Cactus Jack v HHH street fight @ the 2000 Rumble, the part where Foley strips off his Mankind gear and reveals he's morphed into Cactus Jack! Classic promo work!
Their Exists a Main Event Mafia Shirt? I am impressed.

I myself have only purchased 2 wrestling shirts in my life time, the white CM punk shirt and this classic one from edge.


I loved the rated R Superstar Gimmick, and especially the logo. As a great fan of Edge, this shirt at least for me defines who he is.

When it comes to a wrestling shirt for me, i should just be a logo, i have never been a fan of having a wrestlers face in my shirt, it seems tacky.
i thought the hulkamania shirt sucked. the simplest ones were the best. Austin 3:16, the NWO black and white versions, and if i was hispanic i would rock the LWO shirt everywhere.


I think that was a shirt back in da day.


i liked that one, the outsider shirts were THE ONLY SHIRTS WITH FACES id tolerate.

I cant find any pictures of Konnan in his white NWO tank top but ive wanted one for the longest time even though when i was like 8 i hated how Konnan was the only one with inverted colors lol.

Sting has had so many shirts but i only liked one. it had a scorpion that looked like the one he had on his tights circa 1997.

I hate Cena but love how he uses the AWA logo in shirt just because I love the AWA. The 8 bit shirt is pretty retro too and i love how he made 2 of those white avatar heads Black lol


Didnt like it back then but would be willing to wear it today just to show im a fuckin 90s kid. It beats all of his WWF/E shirts too.

This has to be the one. I was about 16 when this came out and actually stole money from my parents (yes I'm a dick) to buy it.

You should have seen the look on my smug face walking down the road wearing a T-Shirt that had a swear on it.

I can't find a picture anywhere so if somebody else can find it I would appreciate if you could post it, but one of my favorites is the bright yellow Edge and Christian shirt that says Totally Reeking of Awesomeness. I was about 21 when it came out and I had to have it. It drew a lot of positive and negative attention when i wore it. Still to this day one of my favorites.
Im gonna go old school with some of these.....


This was my favorite wrestling shirt I had as a kid. Shawn Michaels wasn't even my favorite wrestler back then (Bret Hart and Undertaker were my favorites), but this shirt was just so cool. I love the turquoise/blue and black color, the all-over print, and the glittery lettering. Still one of the best looking shirts WWE has ever made.


I always wanted this shirt and never got it. :(


Any retro Bret Hart shirt is cool.

And finally a newer shirt that is well "awesome," (pun intended)


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