WWE Releasing Anti-Cena T-Shirts

This makes a crap load of sense to me. With the way things are going, it would seem to me that they're going to turn him. With that in mind, i'm assuming that they're going to try and milk this cena hate for all that its worth until they pull the trigger.
Not using him at TLC was (and i'm speculating here) a way for WWE to see if they could sell a PPV without him and make it good. And according to our own WRESTLEZONE poll just about 70 percent of us gave it 4-5 stars. So i'm gonna go ahead and assume thats good.
I'm not sure what they were hoping to get out of the whole Kane/Cena thing yesterday as most of the crowd actually applauded after he got destroyed again.
Anyway, yeah, i'm thinking this is a slow build to a Wrestlemania heel turn...which would be epic.
Just wanna see how they do it.
I think that at this point I am more surprised by the fact that the WWE actually took this long to make this move. If this shirt was made available to the fans between 2006-08, it would have sold a lot more. The Cena hate was much more genuine back then. Nowadays people chant "Cena sucks" more out of the fact that it has become a ritual of sorts at a WWE event than a show of genuine dislike towards Cena.

Like other posters have said, this move is a masterstroke that will benefit Cena immensely. People will buy these shirts in order to stick it up to Cena, and Cena will end up getting even more attention. It won't surprise me if Cena becomes the top merch seller in the WWE once again because technically it is Cena's merch. He might displace CM Punk as the top merch seller and that will displease his fans and provoke them to buy even more "Cena sucks" shirts. It's a vicious cycle.

I do not see how this can be an indication of any heel turn though. On that bit, I feel it is also impossible for Cena to turn heel before WM 28. Maybe at best the camera will try and show a bunch of guys wearing these shirts in order to point out how Cena divides the crowd opinion or something.
As usual, Jack has it exactly right. The John Cena heel turn is definitely going to happen. It is going to be a slowly developing burn over several months, coming to a head at WM28. I would suggest that the beginnings of the groundwork for the heel turn have already begun.

Months, years in fact of booing and abuse from the fans really starts grating on his nerves. But he's professional enough and passionate enough to overcome it. The Rock returns to so much fanfare, and he starts feeling disrespected. Cheap shots ensue, while the fans cheer the Rock and continue to boo him. The fans continue to disrespect him. Roddy Piper disrespecs him. Even the masked Kane disrespects him. But the ultimate show of disrespect comes from the company, profiting at his expense, by selling "Cena sucks" t-shirts.

Finally he's had enough. The fans in Miami are roaring for the Rock, and against him. He finally says to hell with it, if you are going to boo him anyway, and cheer for the guy who abandoned the company, while he stayed and worked his arse off, and then actually wear merchandise that says he sucks, that's it, enough is enough.

Cue the full blown flat out heel turn. No tweener. Nothing wishy washy. Full blown heel turn. And watch the IWC implode.
I find that shirt to be incredibly disrespectful. Yes, those who dislike Cena are entitled to their opinions. However, I can also see why WWE would go through with this. Cena produces both positive and negative reactions. This shirt is a way for Cena as a face to still make money for them off of his haters due to him being able to stay a face longer and make money off his merchandise regardless of if fans like him or not. It might or might not be a build towards him finally turning heel (at Wrestlemania against The Rock, perfect time for it) but this shirt is proof that WWE care more about their money than anything else. I was a business major myself and am all for making a profit, but things like this are stooping too low. John Cena is a human being. People need to have a little more respect. The man deserves better than this.
Can't really say anything that hasn't been said already. All I can do is agree with those that say Cena get's the last laugh on this one. The haters are pretty much making Cena money to show their hatred for him. And to think the the more mature generation would know better :shrug: . Not the biggest Cena supporter out there, but I give kudos to Cena, because no matter how much heat he generates in the arena, it doesn't affect his performance at all. In fact, I feel like his best matches are when he's being booed.
This is brilliant on WWE's part. Cena is the face of the WWE. He's a polarizing figure. Rather than turn him heel, WWE can appease the haters by embracing the hate. Sure it's hypocritical to the Cena character but the character is not endorsing the shirt, WWE is.

I'm sure he gets a cut of the money so what's the big deal?
Cena sounds like hes aware of WWE wanting to turn him heel, and he doesnt seem happy at all. But like he said theres no point in ignoring it. We know this is all to lead up to the WM 28 match next year but I honestly think it would've been more interesting if The Rock was booked as the heel in that match. Due to all the Cena hate that obviously cant happen but I dont think the shirts will be a bigger deal than 75% of the crowd booing when Cena comes out to the ring.
Its no more disrespectful than when they did Angle Sucks merch and encouraged the chants at every appearance Kurt made.... Cena being "disrespected" might be more to do with his star waning in the eyes of some of the big wigs... It happened to Hogan and Austin to a lesser extent... You can have too much of a good thing and in Cena's case he has had a lot of good office support... If he was genuinely annoyed at the shirt, then Vince would surely take that as he is not 100% behind the team anymore, thus depush city...

The cycles of the biz dictate that few people manage more than 5 years as top guy, and Cena is past that now... so he should be enjoying what he has left not moaning that they made a shirt that is negative...
Cena has served his role as WWE mouthpiece, figure-head, main attraction, franchise, whatever you want to call it for a long time....And the whole time it was met with mixed reaction. Cena as main face disgusts most attitude era fans, as his schtick is sickening to them. However, there is no doubt that the Rock has been the agressor in this fued and that the WWE, from a kayfabe sense is also cashing in on Cena's non-popularity.

I see a great oppurtunity here to do something with Cena that has never been done fully, before. When Hogan turned heel, it was a shock, but saved Hogan's fledgling relevance in the wrestling world. Cena is in no need of such saving at this point, nor is WWE like WCW was. However, WWE can capitalize on his "over-ness" with the fans who have come to hate him, much in the way Bret Hart was turned into a perfect heel character...

But, take it one step further. Let Cena remain dominant!! Let him embrace his status as hated wrestler, and declare war on WWE and the fans as arrogantly as possible. Let him maintain his untouchable status. Let him acknowledge and feed on the hatred from the crowd, as he continues to dominate the WWE. Let him not be afraid of anybody, as most heels usually are very fearful and make up lies and cheat to hide their fear and inadequacy. Hollywood Hogan, perhaps having the ultimate heel run to date in WCW 96-98 was always afraid of the top face contender, but hid behind the nWo. Let Cena just sicken everybody by continuing to dominate, alone, confidently, arrogantly, fiercely. Let him pin fan favorites, clean, after kicking out of their finisher. Then let him beat up on them some more after having proved the better man.

I would love to see Rock turn Cena heel only by Cena bludgeoning the Rock mercilessly. This would be the best way to turn him. Let him dominate the Rock, win cleanly, and let him continue beating him after the bell. Then you set up for the long term fued of Cena vs. CM Punk, the new emerged "peoples champion".

CM Punk, classic "anti-hero" vs. John Cena, newly invented and fully realized "anti-heel".
They certainly took their sweet time producing these anti-Cena merchandise - and the OP says it's been going on for almost 4 years now? But late's better than never, I guess, especially if 'late' meant making profit now when both pro- and anti-Cena fans are aching for Cena's head.
If the shirts sell, and sell well (which I'm very sure they will) then Cena should make the heel turn. He's been stale for God knows how long, and it's been talked on this site for about just as long. Some of the promos he's cut lately have shown a edgier Cena and the turn seems like it's just a matter of time.
I'm surprised the Rock hasn't made a video wearing one of these shirts yet. I'm guessing the shirt will be promoted heavily with their feud.

I agree with many of the posters in here about a Cena heel turn. This shirt is the absolute perfect set up for it. When those shirts are flying off the racks he can say that the fans showed their true colors and now he'll show his, he's doing it all for money and fame (or something like that) and that he suckered everyone.
It sounds like those Cena Sucks t shirts have barely hit the shelves and are already sold out on WWE.com. WWE is testing the waters with this. No matter what they do, they can still sell a ton of merchandise whether Cena is heel or a face. At least if Cena is a face they will sell Cena Sucks and the regular Cena shirts. With Cena as a heel only the Cena sucks shirts. I am intrigued to see where they go with this and if Cena's character will change at all in the next few months. Oh and if you are a fan that really hates John Cena, then why would you a buy a t shirt of his likeness or even buy a ticket for a WWE show with him headlining it?
I think there just trying to show the fans they realize they hate cena while also trying to shut them up. Quite honestly there making his heel turn way to obvious now.
As we all know, it is apparently 'cool' to hate Cena. So when Cena eventually turns heel all these guys with the Cena sucks t-shirts will look idiots in my eyes!!! WWE would have the last laugh because these t-shirts would be pretty redundant to alot of folk who would no doubt jump on the Cena bandwagon when his heel character shines through. Everybody loves change in the world of pro wrestling, especially when a character is very stale. Cena could be one of the greatest heels ever...he is good on the stick, and he oozes intensity.

Remember the Rocky hate in 2002? He got booed out of the building against Hogan and Lesnar! Then he did the heel thing in 2003 and the fans adored him!

Everybody loves a bad ass and that is 'cool' in my opinion.

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