The Final Poll

Who Should Be The Next Mod?

  • The Crock

  • Dagger Dias

  • Coco The Monkey

Results are only viewable after voting.
Why would he do that when it would be so much easier to make Killaim-ing it a thing? ;)

Yeah...because "Killing It" wouldn't be WAY easier than adding an extra "i" to my name, making it impossible to pronounce. Also, every time you use a winky face a kitten dies. Also, habs has an erection.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3665562 said:
Yeah...because "Killing It" wouldn't be WAY easier than adding an extra "i" to my name, making it impossible to pronounce. Also, every time you use a winky face a kitten dies. Also, habs has an erection.

I hate cats. I tried to microwave my ex-fiancee's cat, several times. Do you know how hard it is to control a sobbing 21 year old woman when she ran the darn thing over herself was when the best thing to happen in your relationship has just occurred? ;)

And whatever does it for Habs is fine with me. I don't judge.
Uuughh...sentences...hard to read...

I'm going to laugh when this election poll gets fewer votes than the "why aren't you voting for Dagger" poll
Just like you have laid out arguments (mostly) from a "Why Dagger would be a poor Mod" with some sarcasm mixed in, Sally did the opposite.

Singling out Sally in name here seems a little too convenient for me, as she's the only one in this thread who openly spoke up for Dagger.

It's not that she spoke up for Dagger; it's that she had to throw on the "despite the needless haters" kinda shit. If her reasons for voting Dagger are legit, so are the reasons others have for not voting Dagger. Read into all you want; I think her post was as childish as Mozz's responses, and this is coming from the guy who followed up with "not voting for him 'cause I think he's shit". At least, unlike either of these two, I didn't attempt to lay into anyone else because of how and why they voted.
Took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do here, but I eventually decided I had the most faith in Crock to do a good job of it. Hope you can make up the gap.
From my eyeline, I've been trying to think as to what the biggest reasons as to why someone would not vote Coco would be. I've come up with; That he would treat it as a joke. That he would only hold the position for so small an amount of time as to make this process highly underwhelming. That the section he would moderate really doesn't need moderating.

Coco, and I mean this in the absolute best way you can mean something as seemingly offensive, is a cage rat. Rarely do you find that there has been a thread made within the spam section that is unfertilized with the seed of his input. The point I'm making is that Coco knows his section as well as anybody possibly can. In terms of him spending time in his section as a moderator, I wouldn't really worry. Well, in fact, I don't.

In my short time I've seen somewhere approaching the region of 10 moderators to patrol the WWE sections. I've seen several M and VG mods make their mark, and there is even a mod for the Potluck section, and a fine one he is too. ;) It's a classic case of how do you know before you've tried. I'd gladly wager that the spam sections get amongst the very highest of traffic of anywhere on the forums. Who's to say that they don't need a moderator, someone who can take the reigns on an unprecedented title and forge a new path into the unknown. I, personally, and interested to see what Coco could achieve if given the power.

And as to whether he thinks this whole thing is a joke, once again I have to go back to the fact that he spends as much time here as anyone in that do you truly believe that someone who can claim that really doesn't care about these forums and thinks this whole process and his position is a joke? If you can honestly say that you do believe it then fair dice, but it doesn't strike me a logical, let alone possible.

I'm not going to try to strike at any of the other candidates, I merely want to hit at some of the points people would raise against the guy. I don't see anything big enough in the 'con' column to suggest that he wouldn't be anything less than a fine choice. Look at it this way, you have a chance to make history here, WWE moderators will come and go and they'll be good at their job I'm sure, but you can make something new and different happen here, and if you were to choose someone to moderate that section could you honestly pick a better candidate than the right honorable gentleman. I rest my thing - erm - case.
The Artist, have you see The Artist yet? Pretty good.

In all absolute honesty, drawing on my past experiences as a moderator and my nearly 6 year tenure here where I've seen dozens of mods come and go, I think that Crock would be the best person for the job.
I voted Dagger.

Quick question: The people who previously supported Dagger are not supposed to vote for him based on the thread by JGlass, right?

By that same logic of acting on the evidence at hand, shouldn't the people who supported Coco withdraw support from him on the basis of his debates with Sly where Sly all but made him admit that the spam sections in general do not need a mod, he does not have the personality to mod the GSD and that he would at best last in the job for 6 months.

Being some of the "best" posters on the site shouldn't you guys set an example for the so called newer posters who are supporing Dagger?
That's true, Coco, but it would be easier if they admitted it rather than try to mask that fact with a charade of wanting the best for the forums in an effort to fool the newer posters.
I voted Dagger.

Quick question: The people who previously supported Dagger are not supposed to vote for him based on the thread by JGlass, right?

By that same logic of acting on the evidence at hand, shouldn't the people who supported Coco withdraw support from him on the basis of his debates with Sly where Sly all but made him admit that the spam sections in general do not need a mod, he does not have the personality to mod the GSD and that he would at best last in the job for 6 months.

Being some of the "best" posters on the site shouldn't you guys set an example for the so called newer posters who are supporing Dagger?
Well the newer posters never saw Dagger act like one and stab.
I made a post at the beginning of this election stating how that this election would accomplish nothing beyond causing division over an issue that is completely insignificant. Reading this thread, I want to go to my kitchen, grab myself a glass of wine, and enjoy other people's sour grapes.

The only thing that's become clear over the course of this election is that none of the three candidates have any idea what the job is that they're competing for. Seems about 95% of the participants in the election too. Now there's a whole bunch of people pissy at each other over what got said while you schmucks were deciding who the next guy that gets to clean up spam posts is.

I feel like we've accomplished something here, in the way that a train wreck provides jobs for salvage teams, environmental officers, engineers, and morticians.
And Sally is also intelligent enough to handle herself when she gets a response like she did from Mozz. Do you think she would post something if she wasn't up to defending herself? She's too smart for that.

Then why did she act dumb when someone replied to her post that was pretty blatantly trying to incite a response? Not only did she do that, but she cowered away from the issue in the form the bullshit "insta-win" argument of "you are so desperate for the last word" hyperbole crap we used to see all the time around here.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3665593 said:
Uuughh...sentences...hard to read...

I'm going to laugh when this election poll gets fewer votes than the "why aren't you voting for Dagger" poll

It's already received more votes than the "Why aren't you going to vote for Dagger" poll. I just made the WAYGTVFD poll so you can vote for multiple options.

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