The Dragonball Z Thread!

Okay, I was wondering it, why the hell not.

Whats everybody's favorite DBZ technique/Attack

I personally love Vegetas Big Bang attack. Not only does it have a sweet name but its just so rad. Making a big bang(hence the name) as it decimates the opponent. Krillens Distructo Disk is pretty badass as well. If I see a flying disk of energy coming at me(think somebody throwing a table saw blade at you like a Frisbee) I would wet myself and pray hes a bad shot. Instant transmission is cool as well, man would that come in handy, it economically friendly to :) ha! multiform would be kick ass as well. Oh man me and my chick would have a hell of a good time with that little maneuver:p

What about you guys?
For me it has to be the Solar Flare.

This is move is outstanding. It doesn't take a shit load of energy to do and it doesn't matter how powerful your opponent is, it will work on them. We've seen Goku, Tien, Krillin, Cell, and others use this attack to distract their opponents. It's just totally effective. It's one of the few that always works.
I've already said it, but I don't mind reiterating. My favorite 3 attacks are the "Final Flash" from Super Vegeta, the "Special Beam Cannon" from Piccolo, and Frieza's "Death Ball". Here's some videos showing these awesome attacks. Nothing but extremely, destructive, powerful attacks.



I suppose this as good a place to raise it as anywhere, but with all the various different versions out there, what to you is the definitive DBZ dub? Is it Ocean? Is it FUNi? Is it Kai? Is it the Remastered Box sets? To me it's probably those box sets. To me that's the best overall cast, with pretty much every character having a decent enough voice that I personally think covers the character well. To me Tiffany Vollmer IS Bulma, Chris Sabat IS Vegeta, Sean Schemmel IS Goku, Dameon Clarke IS Cell etc... Plus you throw in that music by Faulconer and it's perfect.
I have a question for everyone;

What was your favorite movie?

Personally, mine was Fusion Reborn. It had the perfect combination of action, suspense, and comedy. It was great to see a movie in which a new character was introduced -- Gogeta -- and I liked Janemba's tricks that he used. His teleportation technique was insanely cool. I also liked the fact that it took place in Other World. I believe that was the only movie to do so. Pikkon was an interesting addition, and a great help to Gogeta, and I enjoyed they part where he ends up yelling at that giant bubble that King Yemma is trapped in. Again, this movie had the perfect amount of everything, and it sure suits and Dragonball Z fan's needs.

My favorite has to be the "Broly, The Legendary Super Saiyan" movie. I've been wanting to watch this movie and see Broly in action, after hearing how popular he is for so long. The guy is HUGE in his Legendary Super Saiyan form and seeing the ultimate Super Saiyan Vs. The Z-Warriors was really cool. Also, finding out that Broly's story goes WAY back since the beginning of the Dragon Ball series was also cool as well.

I never saw so much fear in the Z-Warriors before either, especially Vegeta. They hyped up how Broly was invincible and how he's unbeatable in battle, which made me want to see the fight even more. He was just destroying EVERYONE, all by himself. Broly's was just a destruction machine in this movie and I was satisfied with this one.
I suppose this as good a place to raise it as anywhere, but with all the various different versions out there, what to you is the definitive DBZ dub? Is it Ocean? Is it FUNi? Is it Kai? Is it the Remastered Box sets? To me it's probably those box sets. To me that's the best overall cast, with pretty much every character having a decent enough voice that I personally think covers the character well. To me Tiffany Vollmer IS Bulma, Chris Sabat IS Vegeta, Sean Schemmel IS Goku, Dameon Clarke IS Cell etc... Plus you throw in that music by Faulconer and it's perfect.

To be fair, FunKay, the re-mastered version of Dragonball Z IS the same as the FUNimation dub. If I remember correctly, the only real difference in the re-mastered version was that they changed the dialogue of the first two seasons. Everyhting else was kept the same (with the exception of Vegeta's voice being renewed for the 3rd season).

'That said, I gotta go with the FUNimation being my favorite dub. For starters, it's the one I grew up with. it's the one that I learned to familiarize myself with Dragonball Z with. Sean played an awesome Goku - much better than the original Japanese version or the Ocean dub version. Same with Chris playing Vegeta. The voices that were incorporated by FUNimation were without a doubt perfectly fit in. Best of all, it made the anime characters seem very believeable and real. Then, you also had the kick-ass music from Bruce Falconer that was perfectly fit in with all the scenes the songs were designated to.


As for my favorite feature length film, I think that I'ma have to go with what Stinger said and pick Fusion Reborn. I think the main reason why I'd pick it is because it was practically the most hyped up DBZ film there had ever been. I remember thinking of how me and my friends would always talk about how we could not wait to see this movie come out. Gogeta - the character that everyone has always wanted to see only came out in this movie; and waiting for a chance to get to see him was unbearable.

And after so much high anticipation, the feature film delivered strongly. The storyline was perfect. The comedy was perfect. The IN-between was perfect. Hell, the entire movie was perfect. I don't think I had ever been so excited and so satisfied with another movie of DBZ. It was the one I had been longing for and I was more than pleased by the time I finsihed watching it

Yea, this movie takes the cake for me.
I'm going to have to go with Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan.

This movie was the one that I wanted to watch the most out of all of them. I had heard about Broly way before this film came to America and this was before YouTube and other things like that. So I couldn't just watch it. I had to wait and the more I waited and learned about Broly, the more I wanted to see it.

When I finally got to watch it, it wasn't a let down. No other character, except maybe Frieza, kicked as much ass and dominated the way that Broly did. It was just great to watch. Just think about it, 4 Super Saiyans plus Piccolo could not even hurt him. Remember the Kamehameha to the face? Broly said, "What was that?" He was just awesome as hell. Also, the back story was very well done. King Vegeta was so scared of Broly that he had him killed, but that didn't even stop him. He survived Frieza destroying the planet and he became the most powerful Saiyan alive.

This has to be the best of the feature length films.
I'm Torn between two movies.I really likedBroly the Legendary Super Saiyan. Where i lived at the time this movie was incredibly rare to come across. Me and my friends always discussed the legendary super sayain and we wanted to this this legend in action but could never find a copy of it, even in the bigger cities there was nothing. I had to order it and then we finally watched it and we were amazed. We have never seen all the z fighters owned and more helpless than in the fight with Broly. He truly decimated them that really no villain has before or since. It was a great movie, one of my favorites.

The other is Fusion Reborn I wanted to see this movie so bad because of not only of it containing Gogeta but it also had Janemba(which is my favorite DBZ villain). Janemba was such a badass and I loved all of his moves and abilities, The comedy was great as well.(lol hitler). The only thing I was a bit disappointing with was the ending, it would of been nice if Gogeta and Janemba actually fought for a few minutes before finishing off, I found it a bit anti-climactic but overall the movie was great.

I also didn't mind the two Cooler movies.

I leave you with this


Anybody who watches the dragonball Abridged parody's will probably know this. :lmao: I just had to post this, its to funny.
Here's my question to you all:

Who posed a bigger threat to the Z-Warriors -- Freiza, Cell, or Buu?

Personally, I think Buu provided the biggest threat, with Cell and Freiza following respectively. Buu was the final villain in Dragonball Z, and his three forms totally mindfucked every Z-Warrior. Nobody could seem to kill him, and when they did, all he did was regenerate. Look at it this way, Buu couldn't be killed by Majin Vegeta, Mystic Gohan, Gotenks, Piccolo, Vegito, or even Fat Buu. It took Vegeta and Goku in Supreme Kai's World with the help of Mr. Satan to finally finish Buu off. Super Buu proved to be the biggest challenge. He absorbed everyone in sight. When he absorbed Piccolo, Gotenks, and Ultimate Gohan and had all of their power, ki, and energy all at once, he was unstoppable even to Vegito.

Both Cell and Freiza both posed big threats to the Z-Warriors, but Freiza was mincemeat once Goku turned into a Super Sayain, and Cell wasn't just defeated by Gohan, he was defeated by Vegeta too. But for a villain to be far too challenging for the majority of the Z-Warriors, that says something. That's why I feel Buu posed the biggest threat.
That's a pretty unfair question to ask. The nature of DBZ (even in the original manga) necessitated the "new baddie" to be clearly light years ahead of the "old baddie". How could anyone make an argument for anyone but Buu? Any attempt can just be shut down by mentioning the genocide attack. Not trying to be a buzzkill, but that's just how it is.
DirtyJosé;2783432 said:
That's a pretty unfair question to ask. The nature of DBZ (even in the original manga) necessitated the "new baddie" to be clearly light years ahead of the "old baddie". How could anyone make an argument for anyone but Buu? Any attempt can just be shut down by mentioning the genocide attack. Not trying to be a buzzkill, but that's just how it is.

Good point Jose. However, you have to remember that at the time of both Freiza and Cell, the Z-Warriors weren't as experienced as they were when they faced Buu. Now, I realize that each villain is supposed to be stronger than the last, but I want people's opinions on who posed a bigger threat to The Z-Warriors. So, you have to take into account how powerful each person was when they faced Freiza, Cell, and Buu.

You talk about Buu and his genocide attack. While that did prove a threat to the human race, it didn't exactly pose a threat to The Z-Warriors. The only ones left on the planet when it was blown up were Piccolo, Gohan, Trunks, and Goten. All of whom were already dead. Whereas, the only two Z-Warriors that were left alive made it to the Supreme Kai's World before the Earth blew up. Besides, the Earth was brought back with the Namekian Dragonballs anyway. So the genocide argument can't really shut down an attempt at saying all the other villains were shit compared to Buu.

Very good points though, Jose.
I'll take Stinger's answer based on the actual character rather than who I liked most in terms of power etc...

Recently, whilst going back to look mat the series once again, I've become quite fond of Buu. He was different to the previous villains, dating all the way back to Pilaf, in terms of his lack of smug, fluent dialogue. The fat one simply talked like a young child, Super Buu had the personality of a frustrated teen and Kid Buu was like a petulant child.

Then there's Freeza who was the main villain when I started watching. His character was brash, cocky and very sure of himself. In fact he (and Vegeta) are two of the major influences on my e-fed character. Freeza always had that holier-than-thou quality which made him a stereotypical, yet firm force. His transformations got worse and worse until the very subtle final form which was the most terrifying yet in terms of how innocent he looked.

Cell however is my all time favourite villain. Cell was a unique take on a classic villain archetype. He was the monster created by an insane scientist, but he was in fact a smart, sophisticated monster, unlike those that Hollywood stereotyped. In fact Cell is much more like a natural successor to the Frankenstein of the original Mary Shelley novel in that he's a smart, cunning monster who uses the attributes 'gifted' to him to demonstrate his power. The whole perfection twist also added fresh material to the character (the manga even goes as far as to refer to Cell as 'it' and not 'he').
Who posed a bigger threat to the Z-Warriors -- Freiza, Cell, or Buu?

You could say that it depends when you mean to compare the Z Fighters with the villains and specifically which Z Fighters. I would say all of the human fighters - Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillen, Roshi and maybe even Tien - will have had trouble with Freiza throughout the series. I don't think Goten, Trunks Jr or Piccolo will have ever measured up to Super Perfect Cell, while Vegeta, Gohan and Goku all surpassed him (Future Trunks probably would have too).

As for Buu, I think any of his incarnations could have killed any of the Z Fighters anytime he liked aside from SSJ3 Goku, SSJ3 Gotenks and Mystic Gohan. Buutenks' blitzkrieging of Mystic Gohan with little effort suggests that no non-fused Z Fighter stood even the remotest chance against him.

As for Kid Buu, I think that SSJ3 Goku and SSJ3 Gotenks either matched or maybe even surpassed him in terms of power level but Goku could not maintain full power long enough to overcome the supreme durability of Kid Buu. Mystic Gohan vs Kid Buu would have been a very interesting match-up, but much like his father, I see Gohan just not having the stamina to prevail.

But if we are talking overall threat, then there is only one answer. Freiza was a threat to the freedom of the galaxy as he wanted to rule over it rather than destroy it; Cell was a long term threat to the galaxy until he learned Instant Transmission and went overboard with the whole "destroying anything not perfect" thing - then his threat became wider more immediate.

However, Buu was intermittently an immediate threat to the galaxy or the universe depending on certain circumstances - with Bibidi and Babidi and later when he learned Instant Transmission he could be transported to almost anywhere - then as his real power was unveiled he became a threat not just to universe but to the multiverse and I say multiverse for Super Buu could scream loud enough to rip a whole between dimensions, then Super Buuhan could easily destroy not just the universe but everything...
As much as i hate to admit it, Buu is the logical response to such a question. I don't need to re-iterate everything that was just said about him above me, but the whole 'screaming into other dimensions' thing is one i wanted to raise.

Surely Instant Transmission enables the user to jump dimensions as well? Because Goku freely travels to King Kai's, despite having to be dead to get there originally? So therefore Cell had that ability also.

Now, the problem with IT was that the user had to be able to picture exactly where it was they wanted to go, or at least have some vague direction to look in. With Buu he more or less just screamed his way out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and then moved on and we never got to see the full extent of his dimension hopping.

But another 2 reasons why he was a bigger threat are:

1. He's the only one of the three not to encourage the Saiyans to get stronger and challenge him without it being part of his plan and by the time he became Kid Buu it didn't matter anyway.

2. He's the only one to use the lesser fighters and family members of the core Z-Fighters (Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and to a lesser extent Krillin, Trunks and Goten) to his advantage.

Frieza foolishly decided to try and take them out one at a time instead of just killing everyone in sight while still in his first form, going back to his ship and killing Goku while he regenerated in the healing pod.

Cell, influenced a little too much by Vegeta's pride and Frieza's same idiocy, decided to do the same fucking thing.

Buu absorbed literally every one at one point and then used the release of that energy to achieve his most powerful form of all.

Basically Buu just wanted everything around him dead once he moved on from being Majin Buu, whereas Frieza wanted total dominion and Cell wanted to prove his superiority over everything until finally going off the deep end.

Buu was simply a far more effective killing machine

........................ he still sucks balls compared to Cell though as a character imo
I love Dragonball Z and in all honesty I wish I was a little boy again just to relive watching the series (watching it on the internet now simply isn't the same).

Favorite character:

Gotta be Cell, I remember watching the cell saga for the first time and he's the only villain I ever thought could destroy the Z-Warriors after he reached perfection and swatted Vegeta away like a fly then he actually defeated Goku!? Something I thought could never happen. I was frightened of him and feared for the androids during his hunt for them and when he absorbed 18, it was possibly the most fearful moment I had
watching Dragonball Z because he was about to reach perfection which I thought wouldn't happen because he made himself sound invincible when/if he reached perfection then he did. To answer the other question I believe that Cell was the biggest threat to the Z-Warriors (He made Goku give up, that says it all)

Obviously Dragonball Z was the best series but I preferred GT to Dragonball simply because of the villains like Baby, Omega Shenron and it was interesting to other transformations (SS4) and the characters grow older.

Favorite Attack: The Spirit Bomb, I knew it took time to do but once this hit it I knew it was game over for whoever was on the recieving end of it. Gonna give the Destructo Blade an honerable mention here because it was cool to see a weaker character like Krillin use such a cool technique.

Favourite Saga: For obvious reasons, I thought I saw the end of our heroes and it was cool to see them train to prepare for a tournament against Perfect Cell who was confident enough to just stand there waiting, I met my most hated character in the whole of Dragonball Z- Hercule.

Favourite Movie Broly, never saw a character have so much hatred for Goku and he was scary for me at that age because he looked demented and obsessed with destroying Goku.

Favorite Fight Cell Vs Goku, I never saw Goku pushed so far and the shock of seeing him give up struck me so badly that I thought it was the end of the Z-Warriors.
Biggest threat to the Z-fighters? While the most logical choice would be buu. As a lot of you have mentioned and brought up good points but I recently just watched the buu sagas and I can't help but noticed that there were plenty of opportunities for the Z fighters to destroy buu. Goku said he easily could have defeated that fat Buu at SSJ3. Gotenks might have been able to beat him if not for his childish behaviors and the time constriction of the fusion technique. Mystic Gohan could have easily destroyed Buu If he would of kept Goten and Trunks out of the fight. Vegito was by far the best choice to beat buu and like Gohan it could has simply done it without much of a challenge. Then during the fight with Kid Buu, Goku also mentioned he might have been able to defeat him if he put all is energy into the fight but he let it drag out so Vegeta could have a turn.

As invincible as Buu was, the Z fighters had opportunity after opportunity to take him down. In my mind that makes me think buu wasn't nearly as big of a threat as I thought he was. My pick will go to Freiza

Frieza at the time was known and feared by all. Nobody challenged or defied Frieza. He had the power to waste entire planets at his finger tips and none of the Z-fighters had a shred of chance to beat him. As powerful as they have become over the series..Frieza boasted a power just that much greater. Krillen, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta and even Goku could not match Frieza in terms of power. Frieza at 50% of his power even proved to be to much for even the all mighty goku to contend with, not even the spirit bomb could keep the tyrant down. If Goku had no transformed and gained the power to stop Freiza then they surely would have all died. Frieza could have easily killed them all if he wasn't such the cocky bastard that he was.

So my pick has to go to Frieza simply because the Z fighters had no idea what was truly behind the power of Frieza and when they found out..there was really no hope for them until Frieza pushed Goku to the breaking point. At least with Buu, they had plenty of times to take him down but shit kept happening as if it were a series of bad luck for the Z-fighters. Of course by the end of the series..Frieza wouldn't be much of a threat..but at the time I say he posed the biggest.
Also if you are talking in the simplest terms as regards Z Fighter body count, then Buu still comes out streets ahead. Thinking off the top of my head, at some stage or another Buu killed everyone of the Z Fighters except for Goku and Vegeta (you could count Dende and maybe Hercule in there), and Vegeta committed suicide whilst fighting Buu.

Strangley though, again off the top of my head, both Freiza and Cell had a rather paltry sum of Z Fighter kills. Freiza took out just Krillin and Vegeta (you could again count Dende) while for all of the threat he posed Cell only killed Goku and Future Trunks.

It is actually the Saiyan invasion that even remotely stacks up to Buu's Z Fighter body count with Goku, Tien, Chioatzu, Yamcha and Piccolo all falling in battles with Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta.
Барбоса;2784490 said:
It is actually the Saiyan invasion that even remotely stacks up to Buu's Z Fighter body count with Goku, Tien, Chioatzu, Yamcha and Piccolo all falling in battles with Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta.

Further more, what about the original future where literally every Z-Fighter except Trunks is killed by Android 17 and 18?

If you think about it, the androids were a huge threat to the Z-Fighters, and the only reason they didn't become bigger threats later on is because Cell absorbed them both.

There is literally only one time that any of the Z-Fighters have a chance of winning when going one on one with one of the Androids, and that's when Piccolo fights 17, and even then he doesn't actually win the fight because Cell interjects.

A couple of episodes later, 16 fights 2nd Form Cell and matches him in strength.

Now, let's take Cell's arrival out of the equation, and let's also take Trunks time travelling out of the equation also.

Even if the Z-Fighters hadn't been given forewarning of the androids arrival, Gero and 19 would have still been destroyed because he only took data from their battles on Earth and ignored ALL of the Namek stuff, meaning he still wouldn't have compiled data on Super Saiyans.

But, the Z-Fighters wouldn't have had 3 years worth of training to prepare for the androids, Goku would have died from his heart virus, and as we saw, Super Saiyan Vegeta was no match for 18.

If we take Cell out of the equation as well, then Piccolo probably wouldn't have fused with Kami, since Cell's arrival was the only reason he did that in the first place.

So the only reason that all the Z-Fighters didn't get wiped out in the android saga was courtesy of Trunks warning them...... of course he still wasn't able to save Goku at the end of it all, and he himself had to die. Thank goodness for Dragonballs eh?
I think lenguy brings up an interesting point about the threat of Frieza. The gap between him at 100% power and anyone else bar SSJ Goku was simply enormous. Even with Vegeta, Nail-infused Piccolo, Guru-awakened Gohan and Krillin possibly fighting together, Frieza would have massacred them.

When you think about it, the whole Freiza saga and perhaps the entirety of Dragonball Z history hinges on one moment...

If Frieza does not take the time to kill Krillin or any other Z Fighter and just concentrates on taking out Goku then there is no Super Saiyan awakening and Frieza prevails quite easily, killing eveyone on Namek.

Then Cell becomes perfect and conquers the Earth, possibly drawing the attention of Frieza, who he quickly dispatches and without any Z Fighters to drain energy from perhaps Babidi never manages to reawaken Buu leaving Cell as master of the galaxy.
I just finished watching The History Of Trunks, and something about Future Trunks really started to bother me. It never bothered me in the anime, but in the movie it just does for some reason. That sword he uses, is that Tapion's sword? If so, how did he get it? I mean, it's great that he has it and everything, but where did he get that sword from? I remember in Wrath Of The Dragon, Tapion gives Kid Trunks his sword. Is it possible that somehow Tapion visited Trunks at some point between him as a teenager and becoming an adult? Did the sword just appear on the ground out of nowhere -- only to be found by someone like Bulma? Or, is it even Tapion's sword to begin with? I honestly have no clue. What do you guys think?
I think Trunks' sword is meant to be that which Tapion gave to him at the end of Wrath of the Dragon following the defeat of Hildegarn. I think it is meant to be assumed that young Trunks keeps the sword and later uses it to kill Frieza. If I remember rightly, there is a cut scene in Wrath of the Dragon that shows Frieza's final demise, suggesting the connection between the two swords.

However, this becomes a causation paradox for by coming back in time Future Trunks created a different reality so anything that happened in the main story line would not affect his own reality - the androids were still at large and Goku and co are still dead when he returned home so how Future Trunks got the sword is never actually explained. I suppose Hildegarn could have appeared in Future Trunks' timeline but it is extremely unlikely that he at only SSJ level could have defeated him.

Of course, the movies do not take place in the same timeline as the main series anyway so much of this speculation is moot.
Барбоса;2786560 said:
I think Trunks' sword is meant to be that which Tapion gave to him at the end of Wrath of the Dragon following the defeat of Hildegarn. I think it is meant to be assumed that young Trunks keeps the sword and later uses it to kill Frieza. If I remember rightly, there is a cut scene in Wrath of the Dragon that shows Frieza's final demise, suggesting the connection between the two swords.

However, this becomes a causation paradox for by coming back in time Future Trunks created a different reality so anything that happened in the main story line would not affect his own reality - the androids were still at large and Goku and co are still dead when he returned home so how Future Trunks got the sword is never actually explained. I suppose Hildegarn could have appeared in Future Trunks' timeline but it is extremely unlikely that he at only SSJ level could have defeated him.

Of course, the movies do not take place in the same timeline as the main series anyway so much of this speculation is moot.

Interesting point, but what do you think of this theory?

Hirudegarn's revival was destined in the timeline, so that event can't be stopped. That's why Trunks from the future will have Tapion's sword even before that event happened, because it's predetermined that Tapion gives it to kid Trunks. It's possible that Future Gohan, Future Kid Trunks, and Tapion defeated Hirudegarn without the help of deceased Z-Warriors.

Is that a possibility, or am I just looking into this way too much?
Addressing the question asked of who was the worse threat to the Z-fighters, I'd have to go with Frieza for reasons already explained. Frieza had a greater hype as well as giving off a greater feeling of invincibility - much different than Cell and Buu. Sure, they were stronger in terms of power-level, but the feeling that Frieza gave off to the Z-warriors far exceited that by the other two.

Cell's purpose was to become complete. Most of his sagas revolved on him trying to capture the androids. Yes, he sucked the lives of many innocent people, but there was never really any definite threat to the Z-fighters themselves. It wasn't until he made his proposal of the "Cell Games" that an actual threat was made. And even then, 10 days were given to the Z-fighters in order to prepare. Also, maybe I missed it, but I don't think anyone mentioned the fact that in those 10 days that were given, Goku was never worried about what Cell could do. He was calm the entire time. When the main character of the story has no worry over the main villian, you know that the amount of "threat" they pose is greatly reduced.

As for Buu, Lenguy said it best. Buu could have been killed so many of times that the whole "threat" he posed is diminished in a good number of ways and times.

And then there’s Frieza – the first major villain in the Dragonball series. If you think about it, Frieza was the cause of a good number of unfortunate events that the Z-fighters were faced with. The first one, Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa. Had it not been for Frieza, there’s a good chance these three would have never ventured to Earth in the first place. Remember: the reason that Raditz came to Earth was to recruit Goku to take on some mission. And given by who? By Frieza, of course. But what happens when Raditz was killed? Here comes Nappa and Vegeta in search of the dragonballs – thus putting the Earth and the Z fighters in grave danger. Had Frieza never have come to the life of Vegeta and the other two, they would have never have gone to Earth at all. So indirectly speaking, Frieza was the cause of the saiyans attack on Earth in the beginning of the series.

Then there's the danger that Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma faced in Namek. Even though they never really had any encounter with Frieza until after Porunga goes bye-bye, the henchmen (i.e. regulars, Zarbon, Dodoria, Ginyu Force) were as a result of the commanding of Frieza. So again, indirectly speaking, Frieza was the cause of a great portion of what went on in both the Namek Saga and Ginyu Saga. In the Frieza saga, it was clearly shown that none of the Z-fighters could stand a chance against Frieza. Where Frieza had a power level of over a million, the Z-fighters struggled to have a power level that could even compare with that. The best chance was Goku – and even still that wasn’t possible until he was given a "push" by Frieza when killing Krillin.

To make matters worse, Frieza still even appeared on Earth trying to extract revenge against Goku and everyone else for what they did to him. Fortunately, he was taken down quick by Frieza.

Overall, the hype, the build, the grandeur that was given to Frieza far surpasses that of the others. No other villian had the lengthy storyline that Frieza had. Whether it be indirectly, or directly, Frieza posed the greatest threat to the Z-fighters.
Interesting point, but what do you think of this theory?

Hirudegarn's revival was destined in the timeline, so that event can't be stopped. That's why Trunks from the future will have Tapion's sword even before that event happened, because it's predetermined that Tapion gives it to kid Trunks. It's possible that Future Gohan, Future Kid Trunks, and Tapion defeated Hirudegarn without the help of deceased Z-Warriors.

Is that a possibility, or am I just looking into this way too much?

There's a problem with this theory. If I remember correctly, the reason that Hirudegan even came to Earth was because the box that Tapion was trapped in was shattered by the wish of the Dragonballs. But, as we all know, the dragonballs were destroyed when Piccolo was killed by the Androids - thus the possibility of the dragonballs being used to destroy the music box becomes impossible.

As for the sword, I think that it was merely a sword that Trunks had and nothing more. There's a big flaw with Tapion giving him the sword because when Tapion came into the DBZ world, Gohan had the powers given to him by elder kai; Goten was born; and most important of all, Goku was still alive. In the future world, all three of these are non-existent.

Tapion's sword could be the answer as to why Trunks in GT has a sword, but it certainly cannot answer why Future Trunks had the sword. Therefore, all I can think of is that the sword Trunks has is just a sword he had with no real special meaning or anything.

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