The Dragonball Z Thread!

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
We have one of these in the GSD, but Enterkey and I thought it would be a good idea to have one in a non-spam version. However, we should spice it up a little bit. Sort of have a round table "game" going. Heres how it works. I make a post and then ask a question. The next poster has to answer that question, and then ask one of their own. It keeps itself going, really. Questions can be repeated, as long as theyre not answered by the same person. Since this is the first post of the thread, I will ask myself a question...

Dragonball, or Dragonball GT? Which did you enjoy more?

Personally, I have always been a fan of Dragonball GT. I always thought it was a unique way to show character development after Dragonball Z had ended. I love the fact that we get to see new characters come into the lime-light here, and even encounter some old ones too. I enjoyed seeing Freiza and Cell battle a kid version of Goku. At this point, it was interesting to see how much stronger both Freiza and Cell had become, and to see if Goku could beat both of them on his own. I also enjoyed the Super 17 saga. It was an interesting way to re-introduce a character who once played a pretty big role in Dragonball Z. The fact that we got to see Super 17 vs. Android 18 was pretty cool too. I also liked the introduction of new characters such as Baby, General Rildo, and the various Shenrons. I also enjoyed the character development of Vegeta after Baby took over his body. That was a pretty cool thing to see. So, I enjoyed Dragonball GT over Dragonball.

The question for the next poster is...

Did you enjoy the Namek/Freiza Saga, or the Android/Cell saga more, and why?
Iv enjoyed both. (how come no dragonball love? its just as great!) I've never understood why people bashed GT so much say they just use the same formula as DBZ. Sure it was short but it was very good. But the one thing I hated was that the sagas just never went on long enough for a really true battle to take place, I mean super 17 was what?10 episodes? why not just make it a movie. Plus it would of been nice to see more omega and gogeta but what are you gonna do.

My favorite saga was the Freiza It was literally one giant epic battle from the point freiza caught gohan and krillin and vegeta with the dragonballs all the way up to when goku defeated him, truly and epic encounter. Not to mention the episode tranformed at last, which literally sent chills down my spin. again it was epic. Super Saiyan goku vs Freiza, again I hate to use the word epic so much but it was epic!

Cell i've never really enjoyed as an enemy. It just looked like a human looking grasshopper hahaha I just never really enjoyed the saga as a whole. Plus i really didnt like the ending. A Kamehameha wave was nice but I kinda wanted them to actually fight it out a bit before they got to that. It was just disappointing for me.

I love the series. I own ever remasterd box set from dragonball all the way to GT plus all the movies. Its something i'll surely be showing my kids.

Love dragonball z? Post in the DBZ most painful moments thread to discuss all the holy shit moments in the series.

One more time DBZ= EPIC
Dragonball Z in Wrestlezone? My nostalgia just hit the roof.

I grew up on this. I can literally say DBZ made me a man and I can say it without fear of persecution for those who don't understand a.k.a. trolls. Lots of love for the Z Warriors and all the classic moments it gave us from children to adults.

As for the OP's question to the posters, I have to say that even though the Android/Cell Saga featured perhaps the most shocking of moments (Goku dies...of heart failure?) I have to give my vote to the most nostalgic= The Frieza/Namek Saga. Anyone who is both a fan of DBZ and wrestling MTFO when Goku went Super Saiyan the very first time in his encounter with the white lizard tranny. As a child, seeing that made me believe in heroes. Seriously. And add to the fact that the planet was exploding with them on it was like clockwork and time was running out. The only other time I even remember things to be that epic was in the Buu Saga when they couldn't kill that little pink bastard.
Why I Love Dragon Ball by FunKay, Aged 17

I first discovered Dragon ball at the age of 7. I was young, naive and easily entertained by bright shiny cartoons, so it was no surprise that a show about muscular men/aliens throwing energy balls at one another was a show that I enjoyed. However, much to my surprise, I fell in love on that day in 2000. I fell in love with the Anime genre and the Dragon Ball Universe.

I would go onto enjoy Dragon ball Z for a further two years before Cartoon network ditched it and stuck it on another channel that we didn’t get. I was pissed but soon, Dragon ball faded from memory. Fast Forward to 2008. I notice that Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is on sale for $10 in Tesco's. RESULT! Re-Live some childhood nostalgia. Little did I know what I had started.

Over the course of the next year, through this game, I would learn to love Dragon ball once again. I decided to buy the Manga of Dragon ball Z in order to fully re-acquaint myself with it. It was a great feeling to once again be reading about Goku and his adventures. Since then, I've re-watched the series from Dragon ball Episode 1 to Dragon Ball GT Episode 64.

Y'see, what Dragon Ball is to me is the everlasting story of Good vs. Evil. A story that can never truly be completed, as there will always be one as long there is the other. Goku himself was the personification of good, a man who would save the planet (& universe) a number of times and banish the darkness. Goku was a true hero. The series will never die, at least not to me.
Interesting idea, FunKay!

Why I Love DBZ By Stinger, Age 25

Well for me, it all started at my best friend's house. It was his birthday party, and he invited me to stay for a sleepover, so at night, we turned on the TV, and there it was. Dragonball Z! If I remember correctly, it was the episode with Super Buu is "destroyed" and all those little pink balls are floating in the air. If I remember correctly, the year was 1993, so I was 8 years old. As an 8 year old kid, it was pretty hard to introduce new things to me, but something about Dragonball Z worked for me. To me, it was the perfect cartoon. It was awesome to see these guys with supernatural powers go around and blast weird-looking creatures.

After that night, I started to follow the show regularly, even catching up on the older episodes from the past sagas. I would even wake up at 6 in the morning just to watch Dragonball. I was loving life. Then, one night, I was ready to watch DBZ, but DBGT came on instead, it premiered for the first time, and I enjoyed that show too. It was cool to see all my favorite characters grown up. However, one night, I sat down to watch...and it didnt come on. The show had ended. That was it. I honestly couldnt believe it. Soon, the Dragonball series faded out of my mind.

Fast forward to 2004ish, Im just walking around the mall when I decide to go into KB Toys because I was bored. I walked along the isles, searching up and down, nothing really interested me. Until.... Yes! There it was! DBZ Action Figures! Now, at this point I was 19, and it was kind of stupid to actually want them. But I bought a couple, about 5 of them, actually. If my memory serves me correct, they were Vegeta, Cell, SS Goku, SS Vegeta, and Fat Buu. These are still in my attic. Still though, I couldnt find the show on TV.

Fast forward now to 2008ish, where just like FunKay, I found DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 sitting on a shelf in Gamestop. I was curious to see what it was about, so I bought it. My mind was blown, the game was amazing. Almost every character I could possibly think of was in this game, I played it for months upon end.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when Im standing in Gamestop, staring at a copy of DBZ Raging Blast. I pick it up, and it looks good, so I bring it home. I was very pleased with this game as well. I come onto the forums, and I see an official DBZ Thread in the GSD. All of a sudden, my love for DBZ was re-ignited. I ave found a website that contains every episode and movie ever created. Re-watching these old episodes makes me realize how awesome this show really was, and why it is a great cartoon... Even for adults.

So, that is why I love DBZ.
I haven't decided whether or not to tell my girlfriend's 10 year old nephew that Dragonball Z Kai isn't as new as he thinks it is...maybe I won't tell him that I used to watch it religiously, and already know what happens. Right now he seems really impressed that I have psychic powers, because I can "predict" the storylines, lol. Should I burst the kid's bubble? Hehehehehe

The amazing thing is, we have gone to the video store, he has seen the DBZ DVD collections on the shelf, and hasn't made the connection yet. Ah, to be young and dumb again...
Why I love DBZ by The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh

It's a japanese cartoon based purely on fighting and rarely ever bothers with the usual bullshit that most other fighting based shows do, like the main heroes love interest or some crap. Remember that boring episode where Krillin trys to get Marron the giant Pearl. Who truly gave a shit? I know i didn't! Imagine if they'd done that repeatedly? Would've sucked wouldn't it? Thankfully they kept it as a compelling story with some of the best animated fighting i've ever witnessed. I fell in love with the Vegeta character immediately and still consider him one of my favourite characters ever.

I first saw DBZ when i was 13 years old. It's 11 years later, and currently i'm watching the entire series the whole way through again for the 3rd time. Piccolo fused with Nail just arrived to take on Frieza 2nd Form. Next episode sees the debut of the 'Hellzone Grenade' and Frieza's 3rd form.

As for Frieza saga over Cell saga, i personally don't think the Namek/Frieza saga holds a candle to the Android/Cell saga.

The Namek saga, through the Dodoria and Zarbon fights, to the Ginya Force (personally, the highlight of the whole thing) up until they summon Porunga, was amazing. The 100 odd episodes of Freiza shitting all over the others constantly just became remarkably dull. Then he's fighting Goku as a Super Saiyan, and he spends most of that time banging on about how he won't be beaten by a monkey, and then kills himself through pure idiocy. And if that wasn't eneough, the douchebag comes back again, only to get killed with 2 attacks by Trunks.

The Android saga however had loads of twists and turns that nobody saw coming. Trunks turns up and tells them of the androids and Goku's death. They show up to face the androids, and sure enough Goku gets ill, but Trunks reappears and says things are different from what he remembers. The two androids they're fighting, aren't the two who've destroyed his world in the future.

MASSIVE TWIST #1. - Different andriods

So they carry on, Vegeta turns up HAVING FINALLY TURNED SUPER SAIYAN and destroys 19 in mere seconds. We then learn that Android 20 is in fact Dr. Gero who built them all in the first place. He revives 16 and 17, the two Trunks had warned everyone about, and then 16 is activated as well, and no one knows jack about what he can actually do!

MASSIVE TWIST #2 - MORE androids

So while all that is going on and 16 and 17 are smashing everything in sight like Trunks said they would, Cell appears and starts absorbing everyone.

MASSIVE TWIST #3. - Who the fuck is Cell?

Piccolo fuses with Kami, Hercule is introduced (and come on, who can say they don't love Hercule?), Cell gets more and more powerful after nearly failing to absorb 18, Gohan goes apeshit and reaches SS level 2 before anyone else, Goku gets killed AGAIN, and Cell still isn't dead!

Wow, that was a long one.....

Anyway, for me The Android/Cell saga just had far more twists and turns in the overall storyline compared to the Namek/Freiza saga, because that just seemed like they were going 'what other random shit can we make up to draw out the series before the Freiza fights get written in the comic book?' Plus they spent a lot of time going back to what Bulma was doing on her own, and honestly, when Krillin just got impaled by Freiza, do i honestly care if Bulma is hiding from dinosaurs?

So Cell saga wins hands down for me. Even if it's purely for that shot where he gets his head blown off and regrows it following the Instant Transmission Kame Hame Ha.
Why I Love Dragon Ball Z by One to Яemember, Aged 22

It's probably not counting my early exposure to Mega Man my first exposure to a cartoon that was pure anime. It started in 1996 when I would be home from school and I would see Dragon Ball Z on Fox. It was about 8:30 or 9 and this was back when Fox had its cartoon block in the morning. It would always start from the 1st episode of DBZ but then only reach around the time that Kakkarot would fall off the golden snake he was traveling on to get to King Kai's planet for training. Even with only 1/5 of the episodes being showed by Fox I would soon become a fan, but not yet a fanatic. Three or four years down the line at the height of the Pokemon craze I would soon get back hooked on DBZ after learning that Cartoon Network had an overseas block called Toonami. I would soon be getting any updates what so ever from friends at school, we would sketch the characters, make everyone, even Krillin a super Saiyan in Saiyan armor, bring our figurines to class and plot to get our hands on the elusive and some what mythical DBGT PS1 game. I became a fanatic in 2000 when I got cable and was able to watch all the way to Cell's demise then later the Buu Saga.

My favorite character overall has been Vegeta but I was a huge fan of Gohan during the Cell Saga and was glad it was his coming of age. I am also a huge fan of Piccolo and Tien. I've always been annoyed by Krillin. He was a midget, had no nose for no clear reason, rambled, and had relations with what was then perceived as a robot woman, 18.. And he names their kid after that hooker that dumped him during the Garlic Saga. Clown.. I feel like Kakkarot was a show off and an attention ****e at times. I got tired of him saving the day and his naïveté dealing with Raditz made me cringe.

I think all the sagas are for the most part equal accept one. I am not sure if we are counting the androids as apart of the cell saga or what but I have always felt the Garlic Jr. Saga was lacking and came out of no where. I think it never really fit in. I understood Garlic Jr.'s rationale but it was just off. and it seemed tome that when Cartoon Network would restart the episodes sometimes Garlic Jr. would be skipped. The first time i saw it was during New Years Evil 2002 or 2003.

I suppose my favorite Saga was the Cell Saga just do to the raw emotion and endless subplots. Moments like when 16's head was crushed and the nearly destroyed Vegeta hits Cell from behind with al he has left giving Gohan his thin window of opportunity to finally destroy Cell for good.
Also important moments was the conclusion of the Kami-Piccolo feud, Tien holding down Super Cell to buy more time, the relationship between 18 and Krillin, her being depicted as less ruthless, Trunks' life in the future and of course Vegeta's strained and complex relationship with his son. One of my favorite moments in all of the Dragon Ball Universe is when Vegeta thinks that Cel has killed Future Trunks and he realizes that he wasn't being a good father to his son. I am sure that had an effect on a lo of the young males viewing. He begins blasting Cell and actually makes Cell blink. He gives it his all only to have Cell strike him from the air.

Pedro's Pizza said:
we turned on the TV, and there it was. Dragonball Z! If I remember correctly, it was the episode with Super Buu is "destroyed" and all those little pink balls are floating in the air.
What channel were you watching? I know the eps are all old but I wouldn't think Buu would be shown in 1993.
lenguy said:
Iv enjoyed both. (how come no dragonball love? its just as great!) I've never understood why people bashed GT so much say they just use the same formula as DBZ. Sure it was short but it was very good.
DB, DBZ, and DBGT are all very distinct. Dragon Ball was more of a kid show and was based more on adventures and the journeys. DBZ was more focused on the crisis then the quest. Every one had matured and it was all work and no play. In Dragon Ball you had normalcy in DBZ you fought to the death to maintain the status quo. Then you had GT which was soo futuristic and so different aesthetically. The only lik GT had to DBZ was canon. Everything else seemed different. Even a different sound track in the back ground. It would had been better to havve expanded DBZ rather then create DBGT. Its like comparing the Pokemon we seen on air from 1997-2000 to what they have shown in the last year or two on cartoon network. Same characters, different show. GT was soo wannabe jetsons and it had too many Mad Max elements. There was no build up to the new focus on the younger characters in GT always. And then Piccolo goes to hell and Nappa is made short work of even though him remaining would had given the writers a lot to work with. My main issue with GT other then GT itself is the position it puts one in. I have never ever liked it, but I feel bad not being able to articulate why.
The Mark of Zur... said:
They show up to face the androids, and sure enough Goku gets ill, but Trunks reappears and says things are different from what he remembers. The two androids they're fighting, aren't the two who've destroyed his world in the future.
I did not like the time travel aspect because it never made sense even on its face. I don't think there was an Android 19, or 20 in Future Trunks' time line. Theres no 16 seen. The Cell we see as viewers is a Cell that had taken a time machine. That Cell/our Cell is from the Future of Future Trunks' time line. He does that because our Future Trunks had destroyed the Androids.. Even though Gohan defeating Cell does not change Future Trunks' time line at all he has in effect made a useless journey. When Future Trunks comes back to his time line he encounters Imperfect Cell trying to get in the time machine because our pumped up Future Trunks had destroyed 17 and 18, the same 17 and 18 who killed the one arm adult Gohan (who was soo much better even with one arm then the Gohan we see during the Saiyaman Saga..).

I dont understand why Trunks is concerned with alternate time lines and how it is that Future Trunks and Future Future Cell end up in the same time line. :wtf:
Maybe to see his father when he was younger?

then kills himself through pure idiocy. And if that wasn't eneough, the douchebag comes back again, only to get killed with 2 attacks by Trunks.
Thats not fair though lol. I think Frieza about blows himself up but thats because he ran out of options. 16 tried that same stunt.

Even though the Future Trunks we saw was not as strong as the one from the Cell Saga he was still a lot stronger then everyone was in the Namek Saga. It seemed bad because he did all that stuff in a few shots after it took them 17 months or something but it made sense. He had already seen the androids and the androids could destroy Frieza with ease.

P.S. Another favorite moment is when Bulma will not stop annoying Vegeta in the gravity chamber and starts showing her concern and taking care of him.
Ok well since everybodys doing it

Why I love DBZ by Lenguy

God this must of been at least 13 or 14 years ago. I Remember I was grounded because my friend and I had just accidentally just burned down his pop up trailer lol good times. So for about a month I wasent able to see him let alone go outside. I was stuck indoors flippin through channels.

I eventually came across this cartoon, I noticed right away it was animated similar to Pokemon(of course at the time Pokemon was in) So I was like hey why not like watch this, had nothing else to do. It was around the time Goku was on his way back from king kais to save The rest of the Z fighters. I decided only to watch until Goku actually got back because I just wanted to see everybodys reaction. A few episodes later I couldnt just stop watching I was hooked

From there on out I had to watch all the episodes I just had to. Then when goku turned into a Super Saiyan its like the whole series just went off onto a completely new level of awesomeness. I was a DBZ junkie, I converted most of my friends from pokemon is awesome! to pokemon is lame, DRAGONBALL Z ROCKS. I bought all the action figures and all the VHS's I could find.

What sucked me in sure wasent the story. If you ask me the story is kind of weak. But it was just the full out adrenalin pumping action that always made me come back for more. Me and my friends would always say, God wouldnt it just be so cool to be a super saiyan and fight like them? It was just the greatest action cartoon of its day and even today remains unrivaled.

Iv always like Goku. He kind of reminded me of myself personality wise. Calm and gentle, good willed always there for others but when its time to throw down watch out.

Vegetas alright to. That cocky saiyan prince lol i swear as a child I just hated him. Flat out couldnt stant his arrogant attitude. But as I grew older I just see him as a badass full of pride, something that quite honestly goku lacks. I can related to that as well.

My least favorite character was probailly gohan for awhile, when he was a child I just always looked at him as kind of a bitch. The cry baby in the series who eventually grew some balls. I loved his character mostly during the cell games and later on when he became ultimate gohan during the buu saga.

plus I really hated gotenks. separately Goten and trunks were great. I didnt like their fusion Character that much.

Overall amazing series. You can be assured i'll be showing this to my kids.
What channel were you watching? I know the eps are all old but I wouldn't think Buu would be shown in 1993.

This could be my mistake, I really cant think 15-16 years back. It may have been 93, it may have been 94, it might have even been 95. But all I remember is that this episode was the first one I saw, and it was what got me hooked.

DB, DBZ, and DBGT are all very distinct. Dragon Ball was more of a kid show and was based more on adventures and the journeys. DBZ was more focused on the crisis then the quest. Every one had matured and it was all work and no play. In Dragon Ball you had normalcy in DBZ you fought to the death to maintain the status quo. Then you had GT which was soo futuristic and so different aesthetically. The only lik GT had to DBZ was canon. Everything else seemed different. Even a different sound track in the back ground. It would had been better to havve expanded DBZ rather then create DBGT. Its like comparing the Pokemon we seen on air from 1997-2000 to what they have shown in the last year or two on cartoon network. Same characters, different show. GT was soo wannabe jetsons and it had too many Mad Max elements. There was no build up to the new focus on the younger characters in GT always. And then Piccolo goes to hell and Nappa is made short work of even though him remaining would had given the writers a lot to work with. My main issue with GT other then GT itself is the position it puts one in. I have never ever liked it, but I feel bad not being able to articulate why.

Yeah, I think you hit it spot on here. Dragonball was really more about the evolution of Goku from a kid into a teenager. It also propelled us into Dragonball Z with some of the questions that we had after Dragonball had concluded. Whereas, like you said, GT was all work and really no play. The thing I disagree with though, is when you said GT was like a Wannabe Jetsons. I mean, the main focus of GT was to go to different planets and collect the "Black Star Dragonballs." If they didnt, the Earth would blow up in a year. The reason that Nappa was made short work of is because compared to Vegeta at this point, Nappa's power level must have been really low, and therefore easy to take care of.
I did not like the time travel aspect because it never made sense even on its face. I don't think there was an Android 19, or 20 in Future Trunks' time line. Theres no 16 seen. The Cell we see as viewers is a Cell that had taken a time machine. That Cell/our Cell is from the Future of Future Trunks' time line. He does that because our Future Trunks had destroyed the Androids.. Even though Gohan defeating Cell does not change Future Trunks' time line at all he has in effect made a useless journey. When Future Trunks comes back to his time line he encounters Imperfect Cell trying to get in the time machine because our pumped up Future Trunks had destroyed 17 and 18, the same 17 and 18 who killed the one arm adult Gohan (who was soo much better even with one arm then the Gohan we see during the Saiyaman Saga..).

I dont understand why Trunks is concerned with alternate time lines and how it is that Future Trunks and Future Future Cell end up in the same time line. :wtf:
Maybe to see his father when he was younger?

Basically, Future Trunks was from another dimension, which even he himself was not aware of. I'll use a typical DC comics method to explain.

Think of the DBZ Universe as Universe 1, and Trunk's future timeline as Universe 2. They are NOT the same universe. Trunk's travels back in time to alter the history of Universe 2, but unbeknownst to him, travels back to the past of Universe 1.

Basically, his universe was always fucked, and there was nothing he could have ever done about it, because he wasn't able to get to the past of Universe 2, only Universe 1. So he saved the DBZ universe from the same fate as his, but wasn't able and would never be able to stop everyone being killed by 17 and 18.

With Cell, you're right, he was from Future Trunk's Future timeline (Universe 2), but again, when he used the time machince, he ALSO jumped to Universe 1, and went on to become perfect.

What does NOT make sense, is that he kills future Imperfect Cell BEFORE he attempts to go back in time, so therefore surely Cell never jumped in the time machine, never became perfect, never killed Goku or 16 or absorbed all those people, Piccolo wouldn't have been pressurised into fusing with Kami, and Gohan would never have become SS level 2........

But, as with all time machine stories, they're subject to the writer not thinking about it thoroughly enough, and therefore, gaping plot holes are the end result.

Thats not fair though lol. I think Frieza about blows himself up but thats because he ran out of options. 16 tried that same stunt.

I was referring to him slicing himself with his own destructo disc. Up until that point, he still had Super Saiyan Goku on the ropes, and the battle was fairly even. As soon as he lost focus and sliced himself into pieces, that was it. Fight over.

Then he could have easily waited, been rebuilt by King Cold, and come back and killed everyone on Earth, but instead, he had to try and kill Goku again with a one handed blast of loaned energy, which resulted in more work for the surgeons to do when he was recovered.

TBH, i shouldn't have said 'killed' because he didn't die UNTIL Trunks shows up and slices him in half.

Even though the Future Trunks we saw was not as strong as the one from the Cell Saga he was still a lot stronger then everyone was in the Namek Saga. It seemed bad because he did all that stuff in a few shots after it took them 17 months or something but it made sense. He had already seen the androids and the androids could destroy Frieza with ease.

True, but what also needs to be considered is his sword. Any of the DBZ warriors could be killed with THE most pathetic little energy ball, provided that their bodies are completely fucked over.

Take Recoome for example. Vegeta pummels him with energy blasts for ages and does nothing except destroy his armor. He doesn't hurt Recoome at all. Then Recoome gets winded by Goku, and once Buurta and Jeice are taken care of, Vegeta kills the fallen Recoome with one shot, that he doesn't even power up to execute.

Freiza, being the Scouter reliant douchebag that he was, didn't sense Trunk's approach and therefore was totally unprepared for a sword through the face. Once Trunks had done that, Freiza's Ki energy went like a light bulb going out, and again, Trunks could probably have wasted him with a blast form his pinky finger.

So that's why i think Trunks defeated Freiza so easily, because he had the sword. If he hadn't then he probably would have had to at least slug it out with Freiza for a little while if Freiza hadn't wussied out and gone straight for the Planet Destroying Death Ball.
So Dragonball Z: Raging Blast 2 is going to include an English version of "The Plan To Eradicate The Saiyans." Up until now, this was a special that was only in Japanese. It features the Z-Fighters facing spirits of past enemies. These enemies are Freiza, Cooler, Lord Slug, and Turles. The only way to defeat them is to kill them the way that they did when they first faced them. After that is all said and done, the Z-Fighters must face Hatchiyack who's power level is far greater than that of the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly's power level. It certainly is an interesting, and challenging fight for the fighters, but I cant wait to actually see it.
These enemies are Freiza, Cooler, Lord Slug, and Turles. The only way to defeat them is to kill them the way that they did when they first faced them. After that is all said and done, the Z-Fighters must face Hatchiyack who's power level is far greater than that of the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly's power level. It certainly is an interesting, and challenging fight for the fighters, but I cant wait to actually see it.

So this entire chapter in the game, to me, sounds like an entire flashback chapter. That sounds pretty cool. I would have liked to have seen a saga in DragonBall Z or DragonBall GT about Cooler. Rather than seeing Frieza and Cell in DragonBall GT, Frieza and Cooler would have come across as more exicting I think. Frieza and Cooler against Super Saiyan 3 Kid Goku.

That aside, I don't think this Hatchiyack will be much different to Broly, even though he is stronger. He sounds like another Hirudegarn to me. Given that Hatchiyack was originally created by Dr. Raichi and was intended to be a super-computer, turned into a powerful warrior, he doesn't sound much different to Broly. Most movie characters were legitematelly similar. Hatchiyack, Janemba, Broly, Hirudegarn and Lord Slug were all giant monsters that for the better part of 15-20 minutes dominated everybody. It was up to Goku to find their weaknesses or pull through out of nowhere as he normally does.

Hatchiyack's weakness was that it took him between the interludes of 15 seconds to perform an attack, so within that time everybody hit him with all they had. If that's the case in RB2, then he sounds incredibly easy to defeat. Also given that Hatchiyack can multiply himself, may actually prove to be challenging. Similar to how Tien fights. I'm looking forward to RB2 either way.
Dragon Ball Z is a marvelous anime series that I liked watching for it's all power packed portrayal of it's super heroes.
Okay so there are two things about the series I never quite understood. One of them being how many times goku officially dies. Is it twice? Once fighting Raddits and then the other time saving the plant from cell right? Well Im not sure if this counts but during the fight with freiza on Namek just after Freiza reach 100% of his power and then they had that bean struggle bit where Freiza got the upper hand and burried under all that rubble and rock where the lava eventually came spewing up. Did he die? I mean Gohan clearly said he couldnt feel his fathers presents anymore. I think King Kai also mentioned it. Then it wasent until Kami and King Kai made the wish to bring back everybody who was killed by frieza back to life that Goku returns to the fight. So was he dead for that brief period of time? or just resting his eyes haha.

Another thing that I dont get is when ultimate Gohan was fighting buu and he absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo. He then proceeded to get his ass handed to him. How come he never transformed Into a super saiyan? I mean Old Kai did say that if he transforms into a super saiyan that he'd be unstoppable. So why didnt he? I mean its not like transforming would of weaken him, thats just not what happens when you transform. Plus he also did have the ability to go S.S 2. which probailly could of easily matched buu. So im confused as to why this never played out. Was he already to beaten up for this to have made a difference or was he to sure of himself that he could beat Buu without the transformation and waited to long for it to actually chance the pace of battle? Or did this just happen to further the story?

Somebody please elaborate some clarity on this for me as this has been bugging me since I first saw the episodes.
Okay so there are two things about the series I never quite understood. One of them being how many times goku officially dies. Is it twice? Once fighting Raddits and then the other time saving the plant from cell right?

It's Twice in the Canon or Three Times if You Include GT.

He Dies After Taking the Special Beam Cannon Whilst Holding Raditz in the Saiyan Saga and he Also Dies Whilst Saving the Earth from Cell's Self Destruction. He Dies at the End of GT also.

Another thing that I dont get is when ultimate Gohan was fighting buu and he absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo. He then proceeded to get his ass handed to him. How come he never transformed Into a super saiyan?

I Think the Idea is, Gohan, when he gets powerful is a cocky little shit. We saw it in the Cell Games and we saw it here in this ex
ample. Gohan lets his power go to his head and it gets the best of him.
It's Twice in the Canon or Three Times if You Include GT.

He Dies at the End of GT also.

What makes you say he dies at the end of GT, I mean its possible but thats not what it looked like when I was watching. Shenron took him off some place for special training I assume. But I dont think he died. Unless im missing something.
What makes you say he dies at the end of GT, I mean its possible but thats not what it looked like when I was watching. Shenron took him off some place for special training I assume. But I dont think he died. Unless im missing something.

In the last few minutes of GT, it shows a Kid Goku and a Kid Vegeta fighting it out in a World Tournament. In the stands, Pan is shown as an old woman. I think it's safe to assume that all of the original Z-Warriors had died of natural causes at that point. Also, there is a movie called "Dragonball GT: A Hero's Legacy." This movie takes place over 100 years after the end of the Baby Saga, and focuses on the Kid Goku that we see at the very end of GT. He goes to find a Dragonball because he thinks that just one ball will give Pan, his grandmother, her health back. Once he finds the Dragonball, he realizes it doesn't work and throws it on the ground. We then see the real Goku approach him. Goku appears to be a ghostly figure, which means he is dead. Hell, even in the beginning of the movie, Pan and Kid Goku visit real Goku's grave site. Thats how you can tell Goku died in GT.
In the last few minutes of GT, it shows a Kid Goku and a Kid Vegeta fighting it out in a World Tournament. In the stands, Pan is shown as an old woman. I think it's safe to assume that all of the original Z-Warriors had died of natural causes at that point. Also, there is a movie called "Dragonball GT: A Hero's Legacy." This movie takes place over 100 years after the end of the Baby Saga, and focuses on the Kid Goku that we see at the very end of GT. He goes to find a Dragonball because he thinks that just one ball will give Pan, his grandmother, her health back. Once he finds the Dragonball, he realizes it doesn't work and throws it on the ground. We then see the real Goku approach him. Goku appears to be a ghostly figure, which means he is dead. Hell, even in the beginning of the movie, Pan and Kid Goku visit real Goku's grave site. Thats how you can tell Goku died in GT.

Well, its only obvious he dies and so would everybody else. I've seen the movie but right at the end of GT. I don't think he dies I just think shenron takes him somewhere to train..Like he always does. I think its just assumed he died because I don't think they ever see him again. I know he dies eventually but in the moment right has GT ends has he absorbs the dragonballs and seems to just fade away is debatable. I think he just goes off into possibly other world to continue he training.
Why I love DBZ, JACKIE age 19

Well I guess you could say that I'm the late breed. I didn't get into the Dragon Ball crave until say... I don't know... the beginning of DBZ, which made me completely unfamiliar about ANYBODY in the series. And back then, I didn't care. I just loved it when I would come home from school, flip on to Cartoon Network and it would be all over Toonami. When Vegeta came into the series, he matched the top of my favorites with Piccolo.

Ironically, I would later find out that the two are voiced by the same actor. Which is funny because they both have this cockiness that just oozes out of them, and as a kid, I ate that shit up. Like I was so into the series that when Vegeta died in the Frieza saga, I was hurt for episodes on end until they revived him and made him go to earth.

I think what drew me in was that I always wanted Vegeta to become stronger and better than Goku. And every time it seemed to happen, Goku would trump Vegeta like it was nothing. Honestly, it's not that great. And to be honest, I still say Vegeta defeated Cell because... well, he used his fireball to attack Cell from behind during the Kamehameha struggle which everyone seems to forget.

After Z, I kinda stopped. I really didn't like GT because there were just too many Super Saiyans and too many levels to it. When Vegeta, Future Trunks, Gohan, and Goku all got to the level, they had a struggle and a story that led to their transformation. Whereas Kid Trunks and Goten just seemed to have it come natural as opposed to their Saiyan tales.

Anyway, yeah I still play the DBZ games and will continue to play them. I honestly just love this series more than any show on in that time period.
I was reading something the other day about Cell, and it really struck me as correct. When Cell said that he had DNA from the Z-Warriors, and Piccolo, he wasn't lying. It's all in the personalities of his different forms.

1st Form: Very tricky, smart, and cunning just like Piccolo.
2nd Form: Powerful, unable to accept defeat easily, always thinking that he's the strongest. Reminiscent of Vegeta.
Final Form: A noble competitor. Enjoys fair fights and playing by the rules. Much like Goku.
100% Form: A cocky shit just like Gohan.

It really had never dawned on me until I read about that. I guess that's just another reason Cell is quite possibly, the most well-developed, and interesting villain in the Dragonball Z series.
I was reading something the other day about Cell, and it really struck me as correct. When Cell said that he had DNA from the Z-Warriors, and Piccolo, he wasn't lying. It's all in the personalities of his different forms.

1st Form: Very tricky, smart, and cunning just like Piccolo.
2nd Form: Powerful, unable to accept defeat easily, always thinking that he's the strongest. Reminiscent of Vegeta.
Final Form: A noble competitor. Enjoys fair fights and playing by the rules. Much like Goku.
100% Form: A cocky shit just like Gohan.

It really had never dawned on me until I read about that. I guess that's just another reason Cell is quite possibly, the most well-developed, and interesting villain in the Dragonball Z series.

Interesting indeed. I was going to ask this to all you guys awhile ago but I just kept putting it off. But who are your favorite Villains throughout the series?

I have a few. I actually really enjoyed Freiza. To me he was that unstoppable tyrant that everybody feared and nobody in there right mind would fuck with. He was thee villain to defeat. He was just so full of himself and his personal disgust towards the sayian race just made him that much more enjoyable. Plus every time the Z fighters thought they had him Freiza was all like no but wait! I can transform and own them each time. Even goku was helpless which just gives you a sense of how strong this son of a bitch really was. Then the transformation of Goku into a Super sayian made their encounter that much more epic. Freiza was the shiznat.

I also liked Buu(more or less kid buu) Because that mother fuck was just pure evil. Little talk and all action. I found it kind of ironic how Buu can make pink so evil. I don't think of evil when I picture pink, now I can image it. Freiza was the galactical tyrant that everybody fear. Majin Buu was the monster nobody could stop,Not even goku. He regenerating powers made it seem like you were fighting a wad of chewing gum. At times It felt meaningless to fight Buu because it really puts your fighting skills to the ultimate test and you often wonder...How the fuck do you put this guy down for the count? Well apparently a spirit bomb was enough. Honestly can you imagine if Goku didn't die at the end of the cell games? They surely would of been fucked. No dead goku means no other world training to master super saiyan 3 and not to mentioned he wouldn't of learned about fusion. Majin Buu was the very walking definition of destruction.

Janemba(second form): I can't think of a reason. Its just when I look at him I think holy purple monkey nuts. He looks like a badass mother fucker I'd hate to meet in dark ally. I just love his character design. Its almost as if hes dragonball z's very version of the devil. Hes so cool.

Honorable mentions: Omega Shenron and Broly.

Cell never really caught my attention. I don't know why but I just never got into him or the entire cell saga as much as the rest.
Why I love DBZ, JACKIE age 19

Well I guess you could say that I'm the late breed. I didn't get into the Dragon Ball crave until say... I don't know... the beginning of DBZ, which made me completely unfamiliar about ANYBODY in the series. And back then, I didn't care. I just loved it when I would come home from school, flip on to Cartoon Network and it would be all over Toonami. When Vegeta came into the series, he matched the top of my favorites with Piccolo.

Ironically, I would later find out that the two are voiced by the same actor. Which is funny because they both have this cockiness that just oozes out of them, and as a kid, I ate that shit up. Like I was so into the series that when Vegeta died in the Frieza saga, I was hurt for episodes on end until they revived him and made him go to earth.

I think what drew me in was that I always wanted Vegeta to become stronger and better than Goku. And every time it seemed to happen, Goku would trump Vegeta like it was nothing. Honestly, it's not that great. And to be honest, I still say Vegeta defeated Cell because... well, he used his fireball to attack Cell from behind during the Kamehameha struggle which everyone seems to forget.

After Z, I kinda stopped. I really didn't like GT because there were just too many Super Saiyans and too many levels to it. When Vegeta, Future Trunks, Gohan, and Goku all got to the level, they had a struggle and a story that led to their transformation. Whereas Kid Trunks and Goten just seemed to have it come natural as opposed to their Saiyan tales.

Anyway, yeah I still play the DBZ games and will continue to play them. I honestly just love this series more than any show on in that time period.

I am almost possitive that the dragon ball wasn't on in the states untill after dbz was. So you only missed what everyone else missed.

And i've been a fan since 1996. It was such a different show. It made me want to see what was going to happen next week, and no show before or after i started watching has really done that for me. It was a great show and i loved it.

Then I started watching db. And that was much more of an adventure show. It didn't really have i fight this guy then that guy. It was more lets go explore and become better fighters. In my opinion it was the best of all three.

Then DBGT came out. It was a so so show that only took the face value of the other shows. I liked the baby saga and his character but nothing else. And how the hell did vegeta grow a mustache.

Finally the last thing new I watched of the db series was the terrible movie. When I first heard about the movie, i flipped. I thought damn this will be amazing. But then I saw the first trailer. I almost made me not want to watch it. But I thought even if its really bad, I can get a laugh or two. I was wrong. I watch it and was horrified at what was happening. It was a terrible movie and just made me upset. I mean, even if the movie wasn't anything like db, and it was descent then i would be fine, but it was just a completely horrible film and for being the last new dragonball thing i have seen, it really left a sour taste in my mouth.

To finish, dragonball has been great and i plan to watch all the series from beginning to end one of these days, and just reading this thread has brought back great memories.
We have one of these in the GSD, but Enterkey and I thought it would be a good idea to have one in a non-spam version. However, we should spice it up a little bit. Sort of have a round table "game" going. Heres how it works. I make a post and then ask a question. The next poster has to answer that question, and then ask one of their own. It keeps itself going, really. Questions can be repeated, as long as theyre not answered by the same person. Since this is the first post of the thread, I will ask myself a question...

Dragonball, or Dragonball GT? Which did you enjoy more?

Personally, I have always been a fan of Dragonball GT. I always thought it was a unique way to show character development after Dragonball Z had ended. I love the fact that we get to see new characters come into the lime-light here, and even encounter some old ones too. I enjoyed seeing Freiza and Cell battle a kid version of Goku. At this point, it was interesting to see how much stronger both Freiza and Cell had become, and to see if Goku could beat both of them on his own. I also enjoyed the Super 17 saga. It was an interesting way to re-introduce a character who once played a pretty big role in Dragonball Z. The fact that we got to see Super 17 vs. Android 18 was pretty cool too. I also liked the introduction of new characters such as Baby, General Rildo, and the various Shenrons. I also enjoyed the character development of Vegeta after Baby took over his body. That was a pretty cool thing to see. So, I enjoyed Dragonball GT over Dragonball.

The question for the next poster is...

Did you enjoy the Namek/Freiza Saga, or the Android/Cell saga more, and why?

My Personal favorite is Dragon Ball Z & generally watch it. I just love to see goku in it.

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