The Dragon Ball Z Thread

DBZ Topic #11: What's Your Favorite SSJ Transformation?

Hey DBZ fans! I'm back again with another DBZ topic and this one is fairly subjective. What's your favorite Super Saiyan transformation or form?

We all know of the Super Saiyan transformation and when we first seen it. At least I do and if you're anything like me, it changed your entire childhood. After SSJ, though, they took it even further with more and more SSJ forms. So let's see, there is: SSJ, ASSJ, LSSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSG, and SSGSS. I'm not sure whether or not to include SSJ4 because, technically, DBGT doesn't exist. For the sake of this discussion, however, I'll include SSJ4.

My favorite SSJ form has to be SSJ2. For me that was the coolest SSJ form. The hair becomes even spikier, the expression becomes even feircer, and the electricity bouncing around the user is a very nice touch. It also helps that Gohan was my absolute favorite character as a kid and he was the first to transform into a SSJ2. I can't tell you how many times I watched his battle with Cell and how much I enjoyed every second of Gohan showing off his incredible power. See, when we first seen SSJ; it was cool, however, it wasn't so impressive. Frieza more or less matched SSJ. Gohan at SSJ2, however, seemed unstoppable. Even after Cell powered up to his absolute maximum, Gohan was still light years ahead of him. I mean, he hit Cell so hard that he spat up #18. He literally knocked the 18 out of Cell. I just remembered how unbelievably powerful SSJ2 seemed and how cool it looked. Its been my favorite since I first seen it.

What do you guys think? What's your favorite SSJ form and why? Let me know your opinions.
DBZ Topic #12: Pikkon vs SSJ2 Teen Gohan

Hey DBZ fans. I'm feeling extra bored today so I've decided to do an extra Topic for this week. Ever since we first seen Pikkon, we've been wondering the same thing. Who would win out of Pikkon and SSJ2 Teen Gohan?

The only point of reference we have for Pikkon's strength is how easily he defeated Super Perfect Cell, Frieza, King Cold, and how he fought against Goku in Other World. Pikkon was able to dispose of Super Perfect Cell with only 2 blows. He was also able to knock out Frieza and King Cold with one blow each. Keep in mind that none of them were powered up or anything, however, neither was Pikkon. In the Other World Tournament, he showed that he was much stronger than FPSSJ Goku. Goku was able to knock Pikkon out of the ring, but only by catching him off guard.

SSJ2 Teen Gohan's power is a little easier to pin point. He completely out classed Perfect Cell. Supposedly when he had his arm disabled from that blast from Cell his energy was cut in half. That means he was able to destroy Super Perfect Cell with only half of his strength. I think that might be exaggerated a little, however, he still only had one arm. So what could he have done to Super Perfect Cell at full power?

So who would win out of Pikkon and SSJ2 Teen Gohan? Its hard to say. It would definitely be one hell of a battle. IMO, though, Pikkon would win. The ease with which he took out Cell, Frieza, and King Cold is just to impressive. Not to mention the way he handled Goku. Also, Pikkon is much more experienced than Gohan. I have to give it to Pikkon.

What do you guys think? Am I completely wrong? Who would win out of Pikkon and SSJ2 Teen Gohan? Let me know your opinions.
I always bounce back and forth on this. I do like them all, well maybe not all but most. Super Saiyan is where it all first started. A transformation very simple in design but very aesthetically prominent and impactful. Its the transformation that really defined a generation and the fantasy that many of us tried to achieve(Don't deny it, we've all tried to go Super Saiyan at some point). Who knew that simple eye and hair color change could strike such a chord with us. I like this transformation just simple how badass it make Goku look and act. Goku's Super Saiyan form is iconic and its iconic for a reason. Goku rocked the Super Saiyan look flawlessly and its how I remember his character best.

Super Saiyan 2 is strange. Appearance wise, for a few characters it doesn't really change much. Vegeta looks exactly the same and even Goku doesn't look too different either. This transformation will always be best remember for teen Gohan. Gohan was a badass in this form. He essentially became a completely different character. I imagine the transformation heightened his aggression similar to how it heightened Goku's aggression when he first transformed against Frieza. This transformation I personally think is the perfect balance between SSJ and SSJ3 in terms of power and energy consumption. In any case, this transformation is often overlooked but its a guilty pleasure of mine simply because of teen Gohan, he rocked this form the best.

Super Saiyan 3 is probably my least favorite. I just think the big hair and protruding eyebrow ridges just look stupid. The transformation itself is just a waste. Too much energy required to transform and even more energy needed to just maintain it. Its very impractical to use this form for long duration fights. Its too taxing on the body and is just a KI guzzler.

Super Saiyan God/SSGSS is similar to Super Saiyan in a sense that the design is very simple. Some people call it a glorified Kio-Ken and well...its kind of hard to not see where they are coming from. The requirements to attain the form is kind of lame and the form itself didn't even last long. The only thing I can say I really enjoyed about this form the aura. I like its counter part better; SSGSS(stupid name). SSGSS retains that classic Super Saiyan look but with a twist. Instead of red hair, this time we get blue. I may be a bit biased since my favorite color is blue but I do also genuinely think the form looks kind of cool. I wasn't entirely sure about it at first but after watching Resurrection F, it really grew on me.

Super Saiyan 4 is my personal favorite though. Whattttttt! My favorite form isn't even canon?? How could this be! Well, allow me to explain. To me, the Super Saiyan 4 transformation makes more sense than the golden haired Super Saiyan form. If you consider what Saiyans really are then it makes perfect sense. Saiyans have the ability to transform into giant apes. So a Saiyan/ape hybrid actually makes a lot of sense in my books. Asides from this point, I think the form itself looks badass. It looks completely different from all the other forms and that's what gives it that unique flare. People like to hate on GT and while GT wasn't perfect, the SSJ4 transformation I thought was one of the few good things to come out of GT.
For me, the best would be the first Super Saiyan level that Goku accomplished on Namek. The build-up and hype for it had been huge (thanks to Vegeta), and the timing and spark for the legend to come true, were perfect- when an unmatched evil and murderer of Goku's entire race obliterated his best friend in front of his eyes, enraging him to the extent to bring about the transformation and make his power level on par with Frieza's. Also, Super Saiyan Future Trunks was the coolest DBZ character, IMO.

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (vs Cell) was really cool too, but the two underwhelming transformations not long before it, i.e. 2nd grade and 3rd grade Super Saiyan, kind of spoilt my interest and eagerness to see yet another Super Saiyan level.
I'm sure 3rd grade super saiyan would be Vince McMahon's favourite transformation though. :lmao:

Super Saiyan 3 was okay... The long hair is memorable, but as far as I can remember, he didn't accomplish anything special with it (not counting movies), like killing Majin Buu or Kid Buu while being Super Saiyan 3, so this one would be 3rd for me.

I'll rank Full Power Super Saiyan (if it counts) quite low on my list... While the idea of maintaining your power at all times was good, the smiling faces, happy eyes and excessively blonde hair just weren't what I wanted to see in a Super Saiyan.

And fuck Dragonball GT... I didn't watch it, and probably won't watch it ever. Just reading about it turns me away from it. Anything related to GT comes last in my list.
I like the first transformation most. It was the moment when Goku showed Vegeta that Saiyans don't even need their tails.

Don't get me wrong, I think SS3 is awesome, because it's so bestial, but they never use it.
It is hard to look past the original SSJ for drama but I have a soft spot for both Broli's LSSJ and SSJ4 as they both tap into the bestial anger and history of the Saiyan race, something that all other transformations have largely forgotten.

Broli almost completely loses control and like the Incredible Hulk just gets stronger and stronger the angrier he gets. In many ways, the character of Broli and LSSJ was used far too early in the DBZ universe. He would be a particularly good villain now in the age of Bils and a perfect tool to express the eventual eclipsing of the God of Destruction by Goku and Vegeta. LSSJ Broli defeating Bils would be epic.

As for SSJ4, it tapped into the overlooked Oozaru. There was little real reason for the Saiyan tails to vanish even with the advent of SSJ and while GT got a lot of things wrong, the harnessing of that was good (even if the depiction of SSJ4 itself was less than stellar - there is your next question IAP, what did GT get right).
DBZ Topic #13: Your DBZ Experience

Hey DBZ fans! I'm going to go ahead and post one more topic this week. You know, I realize that I've been talking DBZ with pretty much the same group of people since I first started posting these topics. I kind of want to get to know you guys a little bit. So with this topic I want to know how you started watching DBZ, what got you hooked on it, was DBZ the gate way drug for other anime, what you like most about DBZ, your favorite saga, etc.

I can remember my first experience with DBZ as clear as a bell. It was the summer of 1998 and I was spending it with my favorite cousins in Huntsville Alabama. I had just turned 10. I had always been a huge fan of the Street Fighter video games. So one day while my cousin and I were playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 on Playstation, he tells me that if I liked the Street Fighter style, then I'd love this show that comes on at night on Cartoon Network. This was when they showed anime at night. The Toonami block hadn't started yet. So we stayed up and I'll never forget what I seen. It was the old DBZ intro video to Rock the Dragon. You know, the one where all the clips were taken from the first three DBZ features. Anyways, the very first episode I ever watched was Time Ticks and Body Binds; where Gohan and Krillin fought Guldo from the Ginyu Force. This was before Funimation took over DBZ. They were still using the Canadian voice actors. From that moment on, I was hooked on DBZ. If you remember, before the Funimation dubs began airing, the show would always get to where Goku was about to fight Burter and Jeice and then it would completely start over back at the beginning of the Saiyan Saga. That was annoying as hell. So I watched DBZ like that every night for about a year until the Toonami block started on Cartoon Network and they were finally going to show what happened after Goku took out Recoome. Those were the days man. I used to record DBZ on video tapes so I could watch it over and over again.

My favorite character as a kid was always Gohan. I loved his angry out bursts and the fact that he was a kid kicking major ass. My favorite saga has to be the Frieza Saga. There was so much build up to Goku vs. Frieza and so much drama throughout the entire Frieza battle that I was on the edge of my seat with every episode. My favorite movie, of course, is Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan. I mean come on; that movie had the best plot, action, and villian. Over all, what can I say? I pretty much love every aspect of DBZ.

What about you guys? Let me know your opinions. Also, give me some ideas for future topics that you'd like to discuss.
Good thread. I remember the first time I watched dragon ball z I was at my grandmas and it was the world martial arts tournament finals where little goku was going up against Jackie chun aka master Roshi. It was the episode where goku turned into an ape and master Roshi shot the kamehameha at the moon the blast was so big everyone including me thought he shot goku and killed him. After that my grandma would cancel the cable but every now and then I would watch glimpse of the show until I was older and went online and connected all the shows that I missed. My favorite saga is the Frieza saga for the same fact as you that goku and Frieza fight although long was historic and my favorite character was gohan being that he was a little kid that was extremely strong... Well until chichi f'd him up :(
Back as a kid, one of my friends had a pencil box with Dragonball Z artwork on its cover. That is where I first saw the characters (Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Piccolo) and was immediately drawn towards them. I used to think (thanks to my friend's assurances) that Piccolo (or Dragon, as he called him) was the villain, and the other three (Ball-Z... oh god) were the heroes. It was only when I started watching the show that I realised how far from the reality his narrations were.

I watched my first DBZ episode in 2007, and it was titled "The Arrival of Raditz," which was the first DBZ episode. After that, I continued watching the show until the Majin Buu saga, which took approx 4 years, thanks to the channel repeating each saga three times before moving on to the next. Then they suddenly cancelled it after Majin Buu saga because the viewership must have dropped because of the repeat telecasts and the painful Hindi dub... can't decide which one was worse; even "Rock the Dragon" and the background music were translated to Hindi and traditional tunes. :banghead:

It didn't take long for DBZ to become my favourite show on TV, easily displacing Pokemon, WWE Raw and Whacked Out Sports from the top spot. I wish I had more friends at school to discuss the show with, but apparently they were all too old to watch "cartoons." I finally watched the Kid Buu saga on YouTube earlier this year, and that completed my Dragonball-Z journey. I have no interest in watching Dragonball GT, but I might start watching Dragonball at some point in the future, once I'm done with all seasons of Hell's Kitchen.
In response to Question #12, Choosing between Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and Pikkon (without weights) is an easy choice for me. I'll bet my money on Gohan any day. A principal reason for that is that I don't consider the filler episodes to be true or have any continuity with the normal episodes. Pikkon effortlessly taking out Cell and Frieza, is as ridiculous as Tien, Yamcha and Chaotzu (three humans, not even saiyans) taking out the Ginyu Force on King Kai's planet, despite being outnumbered 4-to-3. Yamcha defeated the same guy that beat the living crap out of Vegeta (who killed Zarbon and Dodoria), and Krillin & Gohan (whose powers were awakened by Guru). So, not going any further away from the topic, it's safe to say that the filler episodes were absolute nonsense.
Goku beat Pikkon in the other world tournament after transforming into a Super Saiyan and using instant transmission to teleport right beside him. Super Saiyan 2 Gohan was much stronger than Full power Super Saiyan Goku, and if he was pissed off, he would take Pikkon out in an instant, maybe even kill him if he goes too hard.
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan was an unparalleled badass that could fight a war. Pikkon was just a cheap copy of Piccolo that was good only at short matches in the ring.
Death Battle - Gohan wins every time. (considering Pikkon isn't already dead).
Wrestling Match- Gohan wins 90% of the time.
DBZ Topic #14: What Would You Change About DBZ?

What's up DBZ fans? I Am Phenom here to bring you yet another great DBZ topic. Most of us love DBZ and if asked we'd say that we wouldn't change a thing about it. While that sentiment may be true to some degree; I know that if I was given the chance there are a few things that I'd love to change within DBZ. So my topic today is; What would you change about DBZ?

One of the first things I'd change in DBZ is the dominance of the Saiyans. After Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, it seemed like afterwards, if a character wasn't a Saiyan, they didn't matter anymore. Chiatzu never mattered much anyways. After Namek, Krillin pretty much became useless. By the Buu Saga, Tien had disappeared. Yamcha lost all relevance when he got killed by a Saibaman. Piccolo was really the only non-Saiyan character to remain relevant after Namek and still, that only lasted through the Android Saga. So I'd find a way to keep some of those characters strong enough to at least affect battles. At least keep Piccolo up there with the Saiyans.

Another thing I'd change is the *****fication(I made that up) of Gohan. At the end of the Cell Games, Gohan was hands down the most powerful warrior. Fast forward seven years later and he can barely transform into a SSJ2 anymore. He took out Cell and then he's getting beat by Dabura? Come on! I would've kept Gohan training and maintaining his fighting skills so that at the very least, he would stay as strong as he was during the Cell Games. In Resurrection F, he didn't even know if he could still transform into a Super Saiyan. That's ridiculous. Gohan was a badass as a kid and they completely ruined a good character.

The next thing I'd want to change about DBZ is keeping Vegeta so much weaker than Goku. This has sort of already been changed because in Resurrection F, as far as I can tell, Vegeta and Goku are pretty much even in power. I'm talking about during the anime though. Vegeta had a couple of huge breakout moments in the Android and Cell Sagas as far as reaching a new level of power goes. I would've given him another moment like that in the Buu Saga. Maybe even have Vegeta reach SSJ3 somehow and have him take out Kid Buu. I never much cared for the whole Spirit Bomb ending.

These are the things that I'd change. What do you guys think? Are my ideas good, bad, idiotic? What would you guys change? Let me know your opinions.
I agree with you. By the end of DBZ, the only protagonists that still mattered were Goku, Vegeta and... well, that's about it. The "Z-Fighters" with the exception of those two were rendered obsolete and useless. Each of these original characters had some unique features and powers- some stupid, some crooked, some that know magic, some that went from bad to good... that variety was lost when only the Saiyans became the focal point.

Another thing I'd change are all the Saiyan kids achieving Super Saiyan status so easily... even SS3 status in case of Gotenks! :banghead: Those kids shouldn't even be Super Saiyan 1 until they are fighting a life-and-death battle. The whole legendary status of this Saiyan warriors' transformation was reduced to a "child's play thing," which only got worse with DBGT but started in DBZ itself. Goten could become Super Saiyan before he could fly. Really now?

The third thing I'd change are some of those outrageous filler episodes. They should have been toned down a bit to maintain continuity and make some sense.

I'd also tone down the power of Majin Buu. Not only could he regenerate from a single cell, so to speak, but he could also regenerate from the smoke that was emitted when his scattered body parts were being blasted. I'd take that particular ability away, in order to have the Spirit Bomb ending make more sense.

Finally, I'd like to see Android 16 return at some point, and fight alongside the good guys. He was an awesome character and someone that I longed to see more from. Android 18 too, shouldn't have become outmatched so soon after her face-turn (couldn't help but use a wrestling term). These guys should have fought at least one more war in DBZ.

Oh yeah, and I'd make the Supreme Kai less of a joke. During his earlier appearances, he almost made Piccolo shit his pants in fear. But very soon, he turned into a panicky jabroni whose only purposes were to tell stories about Buu and dance with Old Kai when something good happened.
DBZ Topic #14: What Would You Change About DBZ?

What's up DBZ fans? I Am Phenom here to bring you yet another great DBZ topic. Most of us love DBZ and if asked we'd say that we wouldn't change a thing about it. While that sentiment may be true to some degree; I know that if I was given the chance there are a few things that I'd love to change within DBZ. So my topic today is; What would you change about DBZ?

One of the first things I'd change in DBZ is the dominance of the Saiyans. After Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, it seemed like afterwards, if a character wasn't a Saiyan, they didn't matter anymore. Chiatzu never mattered much anyways. After Namek, Krillin pretty much became useless. By the Buu Saga, Tien had disappeared. Yamcha lost all relevance when he got killed by a Saibaman. Piccolo was really the only non-Saiyan character to remain relevant after Namek and still, that only lasted through the Android Saga. So I'd find a way to keep some of those characters strong enough to at least affect battles. At least keep Piccolo up there with the Saiyans.

Another thing I'd change is the *****fication(I made that up) of Gohan. At the end of the Cell Games, Gohan was hands down the most powerful warrior. Fast forward seven years later and he can barely transform into a SSJ2 anymore. He took out Cell and then he's getting beat by Dabura? Come on! I would've kept Gohan training and maintaining his fighting skills so that at the very least, he would stay as strong as he was during the Cell Games. In Resurrection F, he didn't even know if he could still transform into a Super Saiyan. That's ridiculous. Gohan was a badass as a kid and they completely ruined a good character.

The next thing I'd want to change about DBZ is keeping Vegeta so much weaker than Goku. This has sort of already been changed because in Resurrection F, as far as I can tell, Vegeta and Goku are pretty much even in power. I'm talking about during the anime though. Vegeta had a couple of huge breakout moments in the Android and Cell Sagas as far as reaching a new level of power goes. I would've given him another moment like that in the Buu Saga. Maybe even have Vegeta reach SSJ3 somehow and have him take out Kid Buu. I never much cared for the whole Spirit Bomb ending.

These are the things that I'd change. What do you guys think? Are my ideas good, bad, idiotic? What would you guys change? Let me know your opinions.

The biggest thing that I would have changed if I were Toriyama is that I would have phased out SSJ2 and SSJ3. I thought both of those transformations were pointless, as they are both simply upgraded versions of SSJ. Like ASSJ and USSJ. I would have had the Super Saiyans simply get stronger using their initial transformation. You don't see Krillin, Yamcha, or Tien unlocking different "Super Human" forms. They are basically the same as Mr. Satan, Videl, and Roshi, just with allot more experience and training. Even though the anime mentions Piccolo being a "Super Namek" he's still basically just like all the other Nameks.

With Dragonball Super really pushing the Super Saiyan God tranformation, SSJ2 and SSJ3 really feel like wastes of time.
Gohan defeats Cell and then roll the credits.

DBZ ends with Gohan as the greatest fighter in the universe, Goku is dead and the rest of the Z-Fighters actually did something to help achieve victory. The reason for this change is because everything that follows is horrible compared to Gohan's rise to ultimate power. It quickly became the Goku Power Hour again and Gohan lost all credibility. I had seen enough of Goku saving the day and I didn't need to see it again.

Majin Buu never happens, Goku stays dead and Gohan remains awesome! The greatest moment in DBZ history is the point where Piccolo tries to help Gohan and all the way through to the moment where Gohan defeats Cell. It's all one thing and they never top it.
I think I must be the only person who actually thought that the way Gohan turned out after the Cell games was just a natural progression of his character. People seem to be fixated on this notion that by simply making Gohan more "badass" "fixes" his character. People need to understand that Gohan isn't that character. He hates fighting, Fact. He made this blatantly clear during his fight with Cell. Gohan is not a warrior like his father and doesn't really yearn for fighting. Think about it. Gohan only ever trains if he knows he needs to prepare himself for looming or potential looming danger. After getting back from Namek, did Gohan ever train? No. After defeating Cell, did he ever train? No. After the defeat of Buu did he ever train? No. Why? Because hes not a fighter. He only ever trains if the plot calls for it. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and hell even guys like Tien train all the time. Why? Because they are fighters. They do it to get stronger, to be ready to met the next challenge, to be ready for the next threat. Gohan isn't that type of person. He'd rather study and work on a peaceful life, without violence. People seem to think that its just Toriyama screwing over Gohan when its not that at all. I think that's always how he intended Gohan to turn out. He tried to make him the hero but people didn't like that so I think he went back to his original plan. Gohan turned out exactly how I imagined he would and I'm not bothered by it one bit. Just needed to get that out. Anyway, on to the actual topic.

It was mentioned but I would agree that giving some of the lesser characters a bigger role would have been nice. Its sad to see characters who played such a pivotal role early on in the series just fade into the background and...not...really do anything. Even a guy like Piccolo who was once a major villain be reduced to almost a comedic character. If you aren't a Saiyan then you aren't that important. It would have been nice to see some of these characters play important roles instead of just being there to watch the fight.

One other major thing I would maybe not so much change, but add in would be lore. I love DBZ and while it has lore, its not really clear half the time. Like, who is Frieza? What is his race? Where did he come from? Or more background on the Saiyans and their culture. I loved Bardock; one of my favorite characters. It would be nice to really dive into his story and not just his final few hours. Give us more lore with the universe and not be given random planets with random races that are only there to die at the hands of whichever major villain. I mean, there is lore but there isn't very much meat and potato's to it.
I think I must be the only person who actually thought that the way Gohan turned out after the Cell games was just a natural progression of his character. People seem to be fixated on this notion that by simply making Gohan more "badass" "fixes" his character. People need to understand that Gohan isn't that character. He hates fighting, Fact. He made this blatantly clear during his fight with Cell. Gohan is not a warrior like his father and doesn't really yearn for fighting. Think about it. Gohan only ever trains if he knows he needs to prepare himself for looming or potential looming danger. After getting back from Namek, did Gohan ever train? No. After defeating Cell, did he ever train? No. After the defeat of Buu did he ever train? No. Why? Because hes not a fighter. He only ever trains if the plot calls for it. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and hell even guys like Tien train all the time. Why? Because they are fighters. They do it to get stronger, to be ready to met the next challenge, to be ready for the next threat. Gohan isn't that type of person. He'd rather study and work on a peaceful life, without violence. People seem to think that its just Toriyama screwing over Gohan when its not that at all. I think that's always how he intended Gohan to turn out. He tried to make him the hero but people didn't like that so I think he went back to his original plan. Gohan turned out exactly how I imagined he would and I'm not bothered by it one bit. Just needed to get that out. Anyway, on to the actual topic.

While I appreciate your candor, I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I don't necessarily want Gohan to be the main hero or anything. I just want him to be less of a joke. Like I said in my post; how hard would it have been to keep him practicing just enough to maintain his strength? I just don't think Gohan should've turned into one of those non-Saiyan characters we talk about.
While I appreciate your candor, I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I don't necessarily want Gohan to be the main hero or anything. I just want him to be less of a joke. Like I said in my post; how hard would it have been to keep him practicing just enough to maintain his strength? I just don't think Gohan should've turned into one of those non-Saiyan characters we talk about.

My post wasn't necessarily directed towards you. I was just ranting really. Out of all the complaints I see for DBZ, generally speaking, the Gohan issue takes the cake. I do understand what you mean. While he doesn't have to be training day in and day out, having him practice a bit on the side would be nice. With everything that has happened, you'd think he'd realize peace isn't going to last. So training on the side just to at least save himself from getting rusty would at least shut up some people. It is what it is and I doubt his character will change now.
To no surprise the thing I would change the most is the way how after the frieza saga almost anyone who is not a Saiyen was basically useless. I wish they would find something for them. Secondly, the misuse of gohan. You would think that With all trouble and evil enemies that keep appearing gohan would atleast keep with his training to protect his family. Heck during revival of f if gohan did keep up with his training and was still mystic I would have enjoyed seeing a small gohan vs regular freeza fight. Maybe along the lines of if I remember correctly I used to give you a pretty good fight when I was a kid but now I'm a lot older lets go
DBZ Topic #15: What Did DBGT Do Right?

What's up DBZ fans? I Am Phenom here, back with another DBZ topic for us to discuss. I can't take credit for this topic idea as the idea was given to me by Барбоса in his post revealing what his favorite SSJ transformation was. We all know that DBGT is not canon and for the most part it sucked ass. That being said; there are several things that DBGT did fairly well that actually made things interesting. So my topic today is going to be; what did DBGT do right?

I preface this by saying in my opinion, because some of you out there may have enjoyed DBGT, but IMO, DBGT was awful for the most part. If this topic were about what DBGT did wrong, I could write all day. I mean, where do I begin? Turning Goku back into a kid was stupid. Having a different set of dragon balls was idiotic. Don't get me wrong, the idea behind them was actually cool, but they left several questions unanswered when they were introduced. Pan not becoming a SSJ was different, however, I thought it would've been cool to have a female SSJ. DBGT focused entirely to much on Goku. I mean, it was already bad enough that by the end of DBZ non-Saiyans practically didn't exist. In DBGT, though, it was non-Gokus didn't exist. They even had Vegeta and the other SSJ's getting beaten like rag dolls against Super 17. Also, what was the point of involving Uub in DBGT? He quickly became just another useless non-Goku character. The fight scenes and animation were horrible too. DBGT didn't even have one good/even battle like DB or DBZ had. In DBGT, the characters were either horridly weaker or horridly stronger than their opponent. Alas, I digress, but those are just a few of my issues with DBGT.

Having said all of that, DBGT still managed to do a few good things. For example, I really liked the storyline for the Baby Saga. The back story of the Saiyans and Tuffles was interesting as it added more to the myth and legend of the Saiyans race. I also appreciated that Baby was a parasite. That hadn't been done before in the DB Universe. Also, what worked really well was the Evil Shenron Saga. The only thing that I didn't like was that there were several different dragons. I think it would've worked better just to have the regular Shenron be the main villain. Then try to take over everything only to have the good guys beat him and turn him good again. Another thing they got right was the concept behind SSJ4. Like was said in the favorite SSJ form topic; if you consider what Saiyans are, basically ape people, then an ape/SSJ hybrid form totally makes sense. The reason I say just the concept of SSJ4 was right is because there were several things about the SSJ4 design that I just didn't get. First off, where did the red fur come from? They went from a SSJ Great Ape with golden fur to red fur? Didn't make sense to me. Also, the red eye shadow. Where in the hell did that come from? I think SSJ4 should've kept the traditional SSJ color and had golden fur with black hair. That would've been cool. Or, maybe instead of hair on their heads, make it all fur like and keep it golden. That would've been cool too.

That's about all I liked from DBGT. What about you guys? What do you think DBGT did right? Let me know your opinions.
GT tends to get a lot of flack. To be honest, the series was already steering out of course with the Buu saga by throwing the power level scale to insane levels and basically being dedicated to bury all characters not named Goku or Vegeta. An issue that plagues the franchise very clearly as we step into the DBS era.

GT did its best to scale back the escalating destruction but caved to misguided fan demand as well as rather bad research on the part of the writers who created many plotholes bringing the DBZ movies into the canon. It was doomed before it was even conceived and DBS could head into the same route if the stories just rely on the same deal they always have. And it does have a ton of potential right now to delve into a more personal level with the characters.
I really didn't mind GT. Obviously if I had to rank the 3 series, the GT would be dead last but not for the reasons most people would think. I tend to think the reason GT mainly gets as much hate as it does is because it wasn't done by Akira Toriyama. While GT had plenty wrong with it, there were a fair amount that they got right.

1. The adventure aspect: This can mainly only be attributed to the first arch. I do like the fact that it brought back that sense of a grand adventure in search of the Dragon balls, similar to Dragon ball. While most of the actual stories weren't that great, it still brought back that sense of adventure and I can really appreciate that.

2. The Villains: Baby was quite an interesting villain who had an interesting backstory. I liked the fact that he could take over the Z-fighters and use them for his own personal gain and it was great to see how it all unfolded. I also really enjoyed the fight between SSj4 Goku and Baby. Super 17, in theory could have been really good but the saga was just far too short for anything substantial to happen. It was rushed and honestly really served no purpose. The Shadow Dragons were a really cool concept. I thought that it brought the whole series full circle in a sense. The series started off with the dragon balls on the search to find them. So for me, it made sense to end the series off with them. The concept that after enough uses from the dragon balls they would fill up with this negative energy that could cause potentially great harm was great. I always found that series kind of abuses the Dragon Balls without any real consequences. I found that to be lame because it didn't give a sense of permanence. Anything bad that happened could just be reversed with the Dragon balls. That always bothered me. Plus Omega Shenron was just a brute. IMO, one of the coolest villains in the entire franchise.

3. The soundtrack: I really enjoyed the soundtrack and music in the series. The opening song itself can really be held up there with the rest of the DB songs. I don't have much to say about this other than I enjoyed the soundtrack.

4. Super Saiyan 4: This is my favorite transformation the series. This transformation in my head makes more sense than the original Super Saiyan transformation. I just really like the animal like wild man design. It made them look fierce and some times rather intimidating. Plus it gave us SSj4 Gogeta. While his time was brief and I would have loved to have saw more of it, I'm just glad he was even a thing. Plus he gave us probably one of my favorite attacks ever; the Big Bang Kamehameha.

5. The ending: I thought the ending brought a much better closure to the series than Z did. To see Goku leave everybody away with Shenron to go off on that next big adventure was bittersweet. Everything was blissful. From the last moments we saw with Pan and Vegeta to the farewell sparing between Goku and Krillin down to the match between Goku jr and Vegeta jr. It was all perfect and brought the franchise to a perfect close. Far more satisfying then Z.

I don't really have time to read everything posted here so I have to anybody watching Dragon Ball Super? Is it worth me watching now or should I wait and let some episodes pile up and then binge?
Savior of silence I am watching it and all I can tell you is that they are only 7 episodes and most of it has been filler although hilarious filler. The story begins after the buu saga and they are just making arcs out of the battle of gods movie and Frieza reborn arc. Since it is only 7 episodes in I can not fully tell you whether it is worth it or not.

I don't really have time to read everything posted here so I have to anybody watching Dragon Ball Super? Is it worth me watching now or should I wait and let some episodes pile up and then binge?

Like GOOZEKING said, DB Super is only 7 episodes in so the verdict is out on whether or not the series is good. The episodes that have aired, however, are all hilarious and remind me of the early days of DBZ and even DB. So I think it's worth you watching. They've already gotten to Beerus at Bulma's party and judging by the opening video, they're going to have another God of Destruction from another Universe. DBS seems to be heading in a great direction. It promises to be way better than DBGT. Especially with Toriyama back in the writer's chair.
Like GOOZEKING said, DB Super is only 7 episodes in so the verdict is out on whether or not the series is good. The episodes that have aired, however, are all hilarious and remind me of the early days of DBZ and even DB. So I think it's worth you watching. They've already gotten to Beerus at Bulma's party and judging by the opening video, they're going to have another God of Destruction from another Universe. DBS seems to be heading in a great direction. It promises to be way better than DBGT. Especially with Toriyama back in the writer's chair.

Yeah I knew it just started not long ago. When I heard it was coming out I started watching the series from the beginning again. Made it all the way through Dragon Ball and now I'm on episode 81 of Z. I watched Battle of the Gods once like a week after it came out and before it was dubbed and I still haven't watched Resurrection of F. I figured I'd run through the series real quick and use Super as a continuation once I'm done.

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