The Doctor's Office

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I loved the set. Cody's freak show posters and Alberto's estate blew me away, and The Miz's was just incredible.

Imagine how Miz has to feel. He was once a fan, just like us, and now he's winning at the main event of Wrestlemania and is one of the longest reigning WWE champions recently. Living his dream...
Yep, I follow him. He's awesome. I was hoping he'd broadcast last night.
I don't watch the pre-show, but he did that, right?

And have you seen his website? The highlites from his Sports reporting is hysterical.

The entrances were great last night. Triple H's was bad-ass, Alberto's was cool, Cena's was solid and Miz's was...pardon the awful pun; AWESOME!
I'm just up to Miz's again. I missed part of this last night (my stream died), and holy shit this is awesome.

Trips' was great, Takers was normalish (no extra theatrics) but legendary (I've really started to dig the Cash entrance), ADRs was good.
I loved the set. Cody's freak show posters and Alberto's estate blew me away, and The Miz's was just incredible.

Imagine how Miz has to feel. He was once a fan, just like us, and now he's winning at the main event of Wrestlemania and is one of the longest reigning WWE champions recently. Living his dream...

Like the song said: 'You can hate me now, but I won't stop now.'
You know when christian had the pipe and crowbar behind his back? Here's how I would have done it.

Christian is shown clearly holding something behind his back? What is it?

Christian reveals it to be two pairs of sunglasses, he gives one to Edge. Both men jump on the car roof and for the benefit of those with flash photography show us a new pose.
Confession: Lately, I've been sorta interested in Twitter, but that shit looks confusing at first glance. There's a bunch of '@' and '#'.

And who knows what a retweet is (Although I could probably guess)

Isn't the past tense of 'To Tweet' twat?

I guess what I'm saying is, sell me on Twitter.
I guess what I'm saying is, sell me on Twitter.
Twitter is AWESOME, as it is a free way to keep up with your favorite famous people. Explaining this requires an infamous Stormtrooper Numbered Post™

1. Doc's on it, and Tweets regularly. I'm on it, but don't tweet (just use it to follow famous people have to say).

2. You're a wrestling fan, right? Well, pretty much every WWE Superstar is on Twitter, as are a bunch most TNA guys (including Mick Foley). WWE has frequently broken news on their Twitter (they were the first to announce the 40 man rumble, they broke the news that Kofi replaced Vladdy at Mania for 2). And if you care about TNA, Dixie Carter is on it, and claims that the greatest thing in the history of the business will happen on her program, before falling way short of the false expectations created.

3. Are you a sports fan? A good portion of awesome famous sports stars are on it as well. Not to mention that pretty much all the big-time sports media reporters are on Twitter, and actually sometimes use that medium to break stories.

4. Do you enjoy laughing? Well, pretty much every famous person in the universe has been parodied by FAKE accounts, in which people try (and usually succeed) to make people laugh by over-exaggerating the person being imitated's personality. For example, there is a VERY funny fake John Madden (legendary football commentator/coach/video game namesake).
Doc, do you follow Andrew W.K. on Twitter?

I've said it before, but he literally only tweets about partying and absolutely nothing else. His background picture is a picture of him with the word party repeating. What a life he must live.
I've seen a few of his tweets, and they're hilarious.

But nevermind that shit, SIN CARA!!!!!!
I've seen a few of his tweets, and they're hilarious.

But nevermind that shit, SIN CARA!!!!!!
I've seen some of his stuff, and he's awesome.

But nevermind that shit, ROCK/CENA AT MANIA XXVIII!!!!!!

see what I did there?

Oh, and you watch Tough Enough? It was rather awesome. Much better then the old Tough Enough. Mainly because they have people that actually matter involved with the show, unlike Al Snow and Tazz after he stopped mattering.

Only thing that would make Tough Enough better would be if they moved it to Calgary......... Albeta Canada and had Lance Storm train them.
Sin Cara was AWESOME and a feud with Sheamus will be Very Good but where does this leave Daniel Bryan :(
a feud with Zack Ryder. On RAW. Zack Ryder will ultimately use this feud to jump to winning the United States Championship, en route to ultimately winning the Worlds Championship and being the #1 heel in WWE as they reach the next height in popularity forthcoming thanks to Rock/Cena.

I didn't watch Tough Enough, is it really that good? If it is, I'll tune in next week.
It's on right now, and likely after that, and likely 32498345398473426 more times before the new episode next week. You can catch it then. Hell, it might even end up on Hulu, or on Demand on your cable television.
Yeah I get that it's a new show but I was kinda hoping they'd air an encore presentation of the HoF highlight show instead of Tough Enough 25 times in a row, I missed it:(
Yeah I get that it's a new show but I was kinda hoping they'd air an encore presentation of the HoF highlight show instead of Tough Enough 25 times in a row, I missed it:(
It'll be out on DVD/Blu Ray in a month. Get it then. The TV Hall of Fame was heavily edited, and only showed PARTS of LOD, Drew Carey, and HBK. Best part was the end of HBKs speech (and HBKs wife's knockers, which were on the screen during the HBK speech numerous times).
I love how in the WM LD Stormy called them announcing the Rock/Cena match tonight, and people (or at least one person) were trying to tell him he was basically stupid if he thought they'd book a match a year in advance like that:lmao:
I don't give a fuck about Drew Carey, he can go straight to hell for how bad he's ruined PIR since taking over, all I want to see is Road Warriors & HBK...maybe a little Sunny
I love how in the WM LD Stormy called them announcing the Rock/Cena match tonight, and people (or at least one person) were trying to tell him he was basically stupid if he thought they'd book a match a year in advance like that:lmao:
You know, I didn't even say anything about that. I should have, but whatever. I know I said it, I knew it made sense. My luck I would probaly get crap for bringing it up lol.

I don't give a fuck about Drew Carey, he can go straight to hell for how bad he's ruined PIR since taking over, all I want to see is Road Warriors & HBK...maybe a little Sunny
I don't think it's fair to complain about it. He's done pretty decent. He had the unenviable task of trying to replace the biggest institution in the history of Game Shows. Nobody would look good doing it. Carey's done an acceptable job. I'm glad he's doing that improv show on GSN though.

My only real dislike about his hosting is that he needs to stop the whole spay/neuter pets thing. It's not his thing, and to my knowledge he was never known as an animal loving spay/neuter activist like Barker ended up being.
I hope MVP finds success in Japan.

I also hope Daniel Bryan isn't lost in the RAW shuffle. He either needs to move to Smackdown, or maybe...feud with his old archenemy, The Miz?

I love Drew Carey, always have. I hate that they booed him at the Hall of Fame ceremony. He was just doing his best.

I need to read the LD. Was it full of people being fucking stupid and whining about how terrible RAW was because there wasn't a Sheamus/Bryan match, only for it to be the main event and for Sin Cara to debut right there?

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