The Doctor's Office

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I liked Cole/Lawler for the most part, the GM shit at the end was kinda dumb, but I guess they had to do that so they'd have a reason to get Josh Mathews off commentary for the rest of the show so we could have King/JR back together one more time

Taker/HHH, Punk/Orton, Edge/ADR, & Miz/Cena were all great matches as well
Yeah, it was somewhat disappointing. The crowd sucked a lot of energy out of the event I felt.

Cole/Lawler is something I'm reserving judgment for. Taker/Triple H was neither the near 5 star classic some are claiming nor was it the 3 star average match some are saying. The truth lies somewhere in between. Still rather pissed at the lack of Sheamus/Bryan.
Doc, do you know of a good Gameboy emulator that I can play Pokemon Red on?

I want to play some 'eMon!
Any one care enough to give me a link through PM or whatever?

Also, a link to where you download your games would be epic too.
I can't beleive so many people are bitching about WM still, it was a good event that delivered, This is why I spent the majority of the night OUT of the LD, people pissing and moaning that they didn't get exactly what they were expecting from the event, yet every single person here knows that if we all got what we were expecting than everyone would bitch that WM was too predictable, people need to just shut up and just learn to enjoy wrestling again
Oh yeah, I enjoyed it, there were just tons of questionable desicions, and the Cole/Lawler match was sadly disappointing. Overall I'd probably give it a B or B-. The party I had with it was great and the event was quite fun.
See, I enjoyed it. I was actually loving. But then it got to Cole/Lawler. We all expected something along the lines of Bret/Vince at WM26, but no. Cole didn't seem ready, and I think he got too much time on offense. Seeing Cole tap out to the Ankle Lock was a nice touch, but then there was the GM. That just ruined all excitment I had. That's something you do on RAW, not at WM. As for the ending with Cena/Miz, the double countout wasn't really needed, but I don't get why people are bitching about the Rock when we all knew he was going to get involved.

I would give it B-.
See, I enjoyed it. I was actually loving. But then it got to Cole/Lawler. We all expected something along the lines of Bret/Vince at WM26, but no. Cole didn't seem ready, and I think he got too much time on offense. Seeing Cole tap out to the Ankle Lock was a nice touch, but then there was the GM. That just ruined all excitment I had. That's something you do on RAW, not at WM. As for the ending with Cena/Miz, the double countout wasn't really needed, but I don't get why people are bitching about the Rock when we all knew he was going to get involved.

I would give it B-.

First the Bret/Vince match at WM26 was complete shit, and was prolly the worst WM match I've seen since Goldberg/Brock at WM20

Second I just made a post in the LD that basically covers everything else you said in that post about King/Cole

Third people are bitching about Rock for 3 reasons

1-they are Cena marks who are pissed that he got screwed

2-He didn't get involved liked they hoped he would

3-It's the IWC and the bitch about everything, even when they get exactly what they want
I was initially pretty disappointed in WM, especially right after it ended. But looking back and thinking about it, it was pretty good. I think Xfear explained it best, it was just a strange night with weird decisions and booking. I really think the Taker/HHH match should have gone on last, mainly because I don't like ending the biggest PPV of the year on a dirty finish. I don't mind that the Rock cost Cena the match, I just feel with Wrestle Mania you should end the night with a clean finish, so Taker/HHH should have gone on last. Just personal preference I guess though.
I'm with you, Red Skull. Initially I was disappointed but afterwards I realized that I really enjoyed myself all night. There were just some weird, weird desicions. I just wanted to see Cole get his face punched in for seven minutes and for Lawler to have his Wrestlemania moment. That and the GM reversal sucked a lot of life out of the show for me. But other than that I had quite a lot of fun.

It wasn't great. But it was good, and fun.
Basically, the exclusives I really want are MLB The Show, Metal Gear Solid 4 (and the rest), and LBP.

And I was thinking about the whole Blu-Ray thing, and free online (I'm renewing live Monthly until I move in June, then who knows). And I know the hardware is better, and I don't want to deal with losing my console for a couple weeks if I get red ringed (I'm still on the old system).

If I can get the costs down below 150 out of pocket, I'll almost definitely do it. Until then, it's only a maybe.

You'd be doing a real diservice to yourself by not playing the Uncharted game.

The 3 is a fantastic console with alot of excellent features built in such as Blu-Ray player, free online etc.

I strongly believe the PSer has the better list of exclusive titles, but it really comes down to personal preference.

Buy buying a PS3, not only would you get to play with a Doctor, but you'd also get to play with a Muffin Man, and other cool peeps like Theo, Stinger, Decarow.

I support Stormtrooper in his fight to purchase a PS3!
First of all, Mania was very good. Not the best Mania, but people acting like it was bottom 5 are lacking sufficient mental capacity to be rating wrestling shows. And as I said earlier, one word can describe this Mania.


Not necessarily because it was a phenomenal PPV. However, because this was the PPV that Made The Miz into the #2 man in the entire company. Oh, and H/Taker was EASILY a classic.

Now the Muffin Man spoke at me, so I will have to reply.
You'd be doing a real diservice to yourself by not playing the Uncharted game.
I have played Uncharted 2 in a store (the Demo). It was solid, but likely not something I'd purchase. At least not until it dropped in price and I had enough disposable income to afford to buy games that aren't Must-buys.

The 3 is a fantastic console with alot of excellent features built in such as Blu-Ray player, free online etc.
The Blu-Ray and free online are the 2 reasons I want the console.
I strongly believe the PSer has the better list of exclusive titles, but it really comes down to personal preference.
I believe the PS3 has better exclusives, because Halo sucks, and it's the only exclusive that Microsoft truly has.

Buy buying a PS3, not only would you get to play with a Doctor, but you'd also get to play with a Muffin Man, and other cool peeps like Theo, Stinger, Decarow.
BUT getting a PS3 and leaving my X-Box means I don't play online games with Will, Shocky, Dave, Milenko, Ty (all of which I have played with before), and others. Plus if I do get the PS3, We need to set up a Madden Online Franchise, except no one would want to do it.
I support Stormtrooper in his fight to purchase a PS3!
I support it too, but I need a bit of money first.
I was a fan of this years WM. And I've been supporting it at KBs site. I think Stormtrooper and I are seeing eye to eye on this years event and matches.

I'd play Madden, as I love the franchise (for the most part), I just haven't played since 06.

Stormtrooper, you're a cool dude, try not to let others bring you down. I don't know why there is always so much hate sometimes over nothing.
I have to say, the second time around of viewing it, this is better than I thought at first. I'd give it a B overall. Solid overall.

Also, appreciate the help with the sig Doc. I need to spread before repping you again.
Agreed. Confusing parts, but after all is said and done, I can say that I was consistently entertained all night.

Everyone at my house popped loudly when Pee Wee Herman made his appearance :lmao:
Agreed. Confusing parts, but after all is said and done, I can say that I was consistently entertained all night.

Everyone at my house popped loudly when Pee Wee Herman made his appearance :lmao:
I just saw the Pee Wee segment again (watching the show now for the 2nd time, and as has been said by most, it's exponentially better the 2nd time around). Holy crap it was hysterical.

And thanks for the kind words MTM. You say you haven't played Madden for years. The game has gotten exponentially better since then.
By the way Doc, I don't know if you know this or not, but the greatest WWE Broadcaster of all time Scott Stanford is on Twitter.

And he's also the greatest Sports news anchor of all time too.

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