The Doctor's Office

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6 hrs. to go, are you ready?
No no no, he said...


Yeah, I'm not at all ready. Sadly as of now I'll be LDing and watching it online probably. That's the problem with not having many wrestling fan friends.
Sorry to spam up your thread, Doc.

But WZCW Kingdom Come 3, the biggest event on the E-Fed calender is commencing in 30 minutes!
I don't have too many wrestling fans friends either, so I'd rather watch it by myself so I don't have to deal with the mocking or have to explain shit, I need to hit the grocery store later today and pick up some Mania worthy snacks, might stop by Taco Bell and get a Nachos BellGrande

Don't know how often I'll be popping into the LD, as I want to enjoy this WM, and don't want deal with some jackass n00b or TNA marks trying to piss all over the show
I don't have too many wrestling fans friends either, so I'd rather watch it by myself so I don't have to deal with the mocking or have to explain shit, I need to hit the grocery store later today and pick up some Mania worthy snacks, might stop by Taco Bell and get a Nachos BellGrande
I, too, need to go shopping for snacky foods for Mania. And I actually do have a couple wrestling fan friends, but I do not believe they are ordering the PPV, so I'm stuck with the internet option. I looked into ordering it on, but there's no way in hell I'm spending 55 bucks for that.

Don't know how often I'll be popping into the LD, as I want to enjoy this WM, and don't want deal with some jackass n00b or TNA marks trying to piss all over the show
I likely will do the same, and not come into the LD until after the show. Most of the LDs are spent bitching and moaning about the shows anyway, and I'd rather just enjoy the product.

And Doc, you did an awesome job with the Mania LD. You're easily still the best graphics guy on this whole forum.
I'll be watching this WM with most of my family and my girlfriend when she gets out of work around 9. Wrestling has always been a big deal in my family, since we were little kids. My mom's making a bunch of tacos and nachos and we're having a little party for it.

I'M CRYING :lmao:

OK, so, anime day at FYE was canceled, so my friend Alex just came over to my house early, and we're playing video games and watching a Dir En Grey concert DVD to get hyped up. Awwwww yeah.

WWE All Stars is way more fun with a friend. I might get it, once the price really drops.

Cannot fucking WAIT until Mania.
Just watched some videos on, Morrison is debuting a new look tonight, and Miz talking about HBK's induction just has me more pumped
What a strange show. I enjoyed it, but they fucked up the unfuckupable with Cole/Lawler.

How about Miz's entrance and video package, though? Man, that was cool.
What a strange show. I enjoyed it, but they fucked up the unfuckupable with Cole/Lawler.
Jesus, am I the only person even trying to defend Cole/Lawler?

It's a simple thing, really. This is the only way that either/both man can go back to commentating after losing. Cole gets to say "I won" and Lawler gets to say "I kicked your fucking ass and if it wasn't for the GM who is either in your pocket or you yourself I'd have won."

This gets completely settled eventually. Probably at Extreme Rules.
How about Miz's entrance and video package, though? Man, that was cool.
That was amazing. Wish my stream didn't die on me during it, as I missed parts of it. However, I loved Cena's more. Maybe because of DMX (who is one of my favorite rappers), but either way, both were awesome, as was the match.

That whole match was not about prolonging a feud. That match was about taking the proverbial baton that Cena's been carrying by himself for about 7 years, and breaking it in half and giving that half to The Miz. I wouldn't be surprised if in a years time Miz is the #1 face in the company.
Here's the thing though: I don't want Cole or Lawler to remain on commentary or have another match. I wanted Lawler to punch Cole's face in for seven minutes and then for Lawler to retire on top and give the world a huge feel-good moment. Then Cole could become GM or Swagger's manager.

Heel Cole's commentary is ballsacks, and Lawler's just...Lawler.
Here's the thing though: I don't want Cole or Lawler to remain on commentary or have another match. I wanted Lawler to punch Cole's face in for seven minutes and then for Lawler to retire on top and give the world a huge feel-good moment.
I agree, but as I was saying, if they are both returning, then they have to have it go this way, where boh can say they got the last laugh.

Then Cole could become GM or Swagger's manager.
The bolded portion needs to happen. Either one really, but Cole as Swaggers manager could be the last piece Swagger needs to get the Worlds Championship.

Heel Cole's commentary is ballsacks, and Lawler's just...Lawler.
I hate Cole's heel play by play, but his color stuff as a heel is great. Lawler needs to retire though, he's lost a step or 3.

And sadly but expectedly, JR was off his game a bit tonight. Guy hasn't done it in years, and they try to bring him out for 2 hours straight without any time to work out the kinks. Bad idea. If anything, they should have had him be in Florida, and work some FCW stuff for a month or so to work out the kinks (and imagine the rub of the top PBP guy of all time doing their work, it'd be great for them).

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