The Doctor's Office

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Prolly will, remind when I get home tonight, and I will, gotta go comic book shopping now, then head of to work, so I can deal with dipshits trying to talk shit behind my back, when they don't realize I'm standing right behind them... I work with some really fucking ******ed people:disappointed:
And Crock is one of the guys I respect the most. Solid poster, funny dude, and really laid back. Not that Im the expert on this type of thing, but I think a mod spot is headed his way soon. We've had our beefs in the past but he's easy as hell to work things out with, and he certainly doesn't hold a grudge, which is what I really respect. You'll like him MW.
Someone agrees.
Um, no offense to LSN, but it really doesn't matter what he thinks. KB and Sly think you're really, really annoying. Deal with it, and don't start that bullshit in this thread again. This is a safe zone, away from stupid drama and SRS BSNS.
Um, no offense to LSN, but it really doesn't matter what he thinks. KB and Sly think you're really, really annoying. Deal with it, and don't start that bullshit in this thread again. This is a safe zone, away from stupid drama and SRS BSNS.

Luther thinks you're a... something
Um, no offense to LSN, but it really doesn't matter what he thinks. KB and Sly think you're really, really annoying. Deal with it, and don't start that bullshit in this thread again. This is a safe zone, away from stupid drama and SRS BSNS.

Just because you can't take criticism of any kind doesn't give you the right to be whiny and spread lies.


Seriously Doc? You hypocritical piece of shit. You want to talk about taking criticism? You couldn't even take a fucking joke in the SEWF when everyone was getting shit on. Anytime you get ragged on, you go ballistic. Anytime someone even mildly steps on your toes, you freak the fuck out. Little boys in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

And then we move to the spreading lies part. Now I wasn't there in Doc TV, mostly because the last time I tuned in it was basically you *********ing over how many internet friends you had, so I don't know what happened, but there are many worse lies than, "Doc kicked me out of his livestream thing." Here's an example fresh out of the oven: Sly and KB think you're annoying so you'll never become a mod.

That is what we call a "low blow," "dick move" or, "gutless." You know how hard Crock has been shooting for the moderator spot, why do you have to shit all over his goal like that? I honestly can't think of one person more perfect for the Old School mod spot, Crock is one of the few excellent posters to regular that section, and if I can figure out how to be a halfway decent mod, anyone can.

You know how we have that "What happens in the boardroom stays in the boardroom" policy? I don't care where you're getting this information from–and quite frankly I don't believe it because KB and Sly both appreciate good posters, which Crock is–but maybe this is something that should have stayed in the boardroom.

TL;DR- People like Coco and SNS and GD get crapped on for stirring shit up, but you take the mother fucking cake. You just pulled down your pants and dropped a load on a guy who, despite your differences, has generally been halfway decent towards you and wants nothing more than to be part of the Wrestlezone moderating team. But whatever insecurity you have prevented you from just letting him have that. Real nice Doc, real nice.
Dude, I didn't mean it in a mean way, I just wanted him to know to not get his hopes up, and maybe change a few things, by letting him know the situation.

The info is from offhand comments made by both guys in the Board Room Discussion Thread, and I thought it'd be more polite to tell the dude what's up instead of letting him coast along on a false sense of hope.
Ugh, seriously can we just get through one day where we don't have to have a stupid fucking pissing match?, I deal with enough of this stupid fucking bullshit at work, last thing I want to do when I get home and am trying to unwind is see a bunch of poster I like shitting on each other
Everyone should be able to dream, hopelessly or not. If people take those hopes and dreams away from him, he'll not have the motivation to make whatever improvements he'd need to make to achieve them.

Wow, this is the most pansy-like post I've ever made here.

Seriously Doc? You hypocritical piece of shit. You want to talk about taking criticism? You couldn't even take a fucking joke in the SEWF when everyone was getting shit on. Anytime you get ragged on, you go ballistic. Anytime someone even mildly steps on your toes, you freak the fuck out. Little boys in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

And then we move to the spreading lies part. Now I wasn't there in Doc TV, mostly because the last time I tuned in it was basically you *********ing over how many internet friends you had, so I don't know what happened, but there are many worse lies than, "Doc kicked me out of his livestream thing." Here's an example fresh out of the oven: Sly and KB think you're annoying so you'll never become a mod.

That is what we call a "low blow," "dick move" or, "gutless." You know how hard Crock has been shooting for the moderator spot, why do you have to shit all over his goal like that? I honestly can't think of one person more perfect for the Old School mod spot, Crock is one of the few excellent posters to regular that section, and if I can figure out how to be a halfway decent mod, anyone can.

You know how we have that "What happens in the boardroom stays in the boardroom" policy? I don't care where you're getting this information from–and quite frankly I don't believe it because KB and Sly both appreciate good posters, which Crock is–but maybe this is something that should have stayed in the boardroom.

TL;DR- People like Coco and SNS and GD get crapped on for stirring shit up, but you take the mother fucking cake. You just pulled down your pants and dropped a load on a guy who, despite your differences, has generally been halfway decent towards you and wants nothing more than to be part of the Wrestlezone moderating team. But whatever insecurity you have prevented you from just letting him have that. Real nice Doc, real nice.

I don't see why you felt the need to chip in considering you weren't even there. To those who were there, this was a clear miscommunication. Doc told Crock not to get his hopes up, nothing more. Then Crock said he got kicked, blamed Doc, which is somewhat understandable, and shit went down.

You commenting didn't really move things along in any way...
This isn't even about getting kicked. This is about him letting the entire forum know the board room opinion of me. Low blow. I see what JGlass is saying.
Dude, I'm all for relaxing and having a good time, but essentially telling Crock he had 0 chance of becoming a mod because the people in charge of modding people don't like him was way over the line and totally unnecessary, and pointing to Crock's faults was even bigger bullshit.

And the biggest bullshit of all is how you're backpedaling from this now, Doc. You fucked up, own up to it, don't go on about how there was a mix up or some shit. All Crock did was accuse you of kicking him out. Even if you didn't kick him out, you didn't have to shit all over him like that.
Crock, this isn't "The entire board room opinion of you". It's not even my opinion of you.
DirtyJosé;2963508 said:
Everyone should be able to dream, hopelessly or not. If people take those hopes and dreams away from him, he'll not have the motivation to make whatever improvements he'd need to make to achieve them.

Wow, this is the most pansy-like post I've ever made here.

When does allowing someone to dream become allowing someone to live in ignorance? Several months ago, Sly told me in several long PMs as to why he didn't like me. He told me that I carried myself with an arrogant attitude, but he also said a few things he heard from untrue rumors, we talked, sorted things out, I tried to improve myself based on his criticism, and now I'm a WWE mod.

Again, guys, can we please not do this in this thread? Make a new one in the Cage or something. This is a fun zone. :(
Dude, I'm all for relaxing and having a good time, but essentially telling Crock he had 0 chance of becoming a mod because the people in charge of modding people don't like him was way over the line and totally unnecessary, and pointing to Crock's faults was even bigger bullshit.

And the biggest bullshit of all is how your backpedaling from this now, Doc. You fucked up, own up to it, don't go on about how there was a mix up or some shit. All Crock did was accuse you of kicking him out. Even if you didn't kick him out, you didn't have to shit all over him like that.

He did.

Come on, this whole thing was fun, I'm with Phatso. No ranting and angrying. I didn't kick you, I'm sorry I accused you of lying, and it wasn't the right direction to go. It was probably a blogTV glitch as Mozz said. I don't really go on that site except for my own show, so I don't know its ins and outs.

Let's all be friends.

Just stop. You weren't there.
On that note, I would love to see any thoughts of me from the board room (if any). I like to think I get along with the staff rather well, whenever there are any interactions between us.

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