The Doctor's Office

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Yeah it was.

And YEAH, Bryan was on Conan!! Oh and Miz too.

So yeah, I'm going to see Sucker Punch probably on Friday because that clip looked too damn awesome.
Just checked the 1st showing on Sat. (at my theater) is 11:50, I can be awake and make it there in time no problem, gonna be havin' popcorn and cherry coke for breakfast that day:lmao:
First showing on Friday for me is around 1:10 PM, though I'll probably wait until second showing. I don't want to go at night, though, I know that.

The movie is also EXACTLY two hours long. How's that for neat timing.
If I go to the first showing of the day, I can get the early bird discount on top of the normal matinee price, so it'll only cost me $5.25 instead of normal $8.75
I actually loved 300, and I'm a big visual guy (obviously) so I'm REALLY looking forward to it. Plus I love fantasy, steampunk, and other elements that the movie seems to be including, so it looks right down my street.
Suckerpunch doesn't look like my type of film. Sadly every time I want to go to the Movies, there is never one that I want to see.

That will all change when Captain America comes out.
Captain America just seems like it should have been a no brainer, and Marvel should have been working on getting it out YEARS ago, I am glad they are finally doing it though
That looks fucking awesome. I'm so excited for the fresh crop of superhero movies coming out in 2011-2012. Especially with Joss Whedon's involvement.
So yeah tried ordering a Sheamus hoody of through there blowout clearance sale for $6, through it in my "cart" along with the Miz top rope shirt for $10 and hit the check out, after I pay and finalize my order they e-mail me the receipt to me, I look it over, turns out the Sheamus Hoody I ordered is a fucking youth sized, now I'm stuck with a Sheamus hoody that won't fit me, thing that pisses me off is when I put it into my "cart" I didn't see anything that said it was youth sized one, fucking WWE:(
I am BEYOND pumped for Captain America.

Also, just had a MASSIVE mark out moment:

This was the dark match for my very first ever live TV taping, the one last year on Jan. 4th when Bret Hart returned. You can actually hear my section in this video chanting "ROH" and "Let's go Dragon"! Fuck man, memories. This dark match was the reason I started marking for Bryan. I had heard about him but never saw him, so for him to be the dark match guy for my first RAW ever was special. I marked so hard I got lightheaded and my dad told me to calm down :lmao:

And then the guys in my section were getting texts about TNA all night so the night of the start of the Monday Night Battle was beyond special for me.

Oh, TNA, what has happened to you :(
It's been a year since the TNA event I went to happened, but it was fun as fuck, even though they had Rob Terry squash Desmond Wolfe, plus TNA makes pretty much every wrestler on the roster available to the fans after the shows, I best part of the night was the little kid sitting with his dad in the seats next to me, MTFO, I remember him just giving Kendrick endless amounts of shit including this gem

"HEY KENDRICK!!!, REAL WRESTLERS DON'T WRESTLE IN WHITEY TIGHTYS!!!!!", (Kendrick was wearing white trunks if you didn't gather) they then gave the kid a backstage pass, which at his age would have made my head explode, I think he was something 6-8 yrs. old
I was going to go to a TNA house show last summer, but I had to be away on the day. I was going to go to Lockdown this year, but...yeah.
If I don't find somebody around here to take that Sheamus hoody of my hands before the house show I'm going to I think I'll prolly just hand it off to some kid there, he can leave the WWE event with a free bad ass hoody
I was going to go to a TNA house show last summer, but I had to be away on the day. I was going to go to Lockdown this year, but...yeah.

Yeah, as much fun as I had at my TNA house show, and would like to go to another, I'm pretty sure after last months debacle I wouldn't be up for risking it and spending money to see a PPV in any shape, way, or form, however if someone were to give me tickets....
Do it, Lee! You can use Nintendo Lee as your examples of articles.

If I don't find somebody around here to take that Sheamus hoody of my hands before the house show I'm going to I think I'll prolly just hand it off to some kid there, he can leave the WWE event with a free bad ass hoody

That's probably what I'd do, giving a free hoody to some kid just enjoying himself would be awesome. Try and find one that loves Sheamus, he'd probably think you were a superhero or something :lmao:
The problem is trying to make it stand out to others, I'll probably do that over the weekend.

We're now less than 8 hours until the UK 3DS launch :D
Also, just had a MASSIVE mark out moment:

This was the dark match for my very first ever live TV taping, the one last year on Jan. 4th when Bret Hart returned. You can actually hear my section in this video chanting "ROH" and "Let's go Dragon"! Fuck man, memories. This dark match was the reason I started marking for Bryan. I had heard about him but never saw him, so for him to be the dark match guy for my first RAW ever was special. I marked so hard I got lightheaded and my dad told me to calm down :lmao:

And then the guys in my section were getting texts about TNA all night so the night of the start of the Monday Night Battle was beyond special for me.

God, this makes me reminisce about going to wrestling shows. It's now been 7 years now since the last one, March 14th, 2004 at Madison Square Garden (Mania XX). I used to have such awesome memories of it, but now my biggest memory of said event has been erased from memory forever as of June 2007. Thankfully I still have VIVID memories of Takers entrance, which literally gave me chills. It was like they turned the damn Air Conditioning on or something.

Oh, TNA, what has happened to you :(
Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff happened. And THEY happened.

However, to be honest Doc, even though it's TNA, I would still try to get to Lockdown (which if my memory serves me correctly is TNAs second biggest PPV of the year). Especially since Jeff Hardy seemingly WON'T be there. Not to mention Sting will be there, and you'll never get another chance to see that legend perform. I've been to 3 WWE PPVs Summerslam 98 and 02, and Mania XX, and PPVs are so much better then live events it's crazy.

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