The Doctor's Office

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Wahey they just read one of my tweets on the radio about the Newcastle/Stoke match.
I do too. I have the forum hidden now.

ARGH, why is my Google in Korean? I can't figure out how to change it into English, WTF
in top right corner of the forum title does that.
Just got back from seeing Battle:LA....oy.... first things first, whoever directed this thing needs to learn how the fucking hold the camera still, and not do extreme close ups constantly, really makes the action hard to follow, and is just flat out fucking annoying, and I kept praying from the aliens to fucking kill Michelle Rodriguez's character, just so I wouldn't have to sit through another 5 mins. of her shitty acting, I swear to god she must be the slowest fucking radio/communications expert in the history of the Marines

That said I thought Aaron Eckhart did a pretty decent job, and there was a lot of action

It's not horriable, but it's not great either
Doc didn't you say you just picked it up from being fixed, maybe while fixing you r computer they messed with the Google settings:shrug:
It's always time to rep FunKay.

Aaaand, I just crashed for some reason, and now feel rather sad. :(

I think video games and just surfing around the internet will cheer me up.
So i decided to cut how often I update my blog down as it should be quantity not quality.

I may do a thing on the Wii games that are awesome but you've probably never played.
I think a Games No One Played feature would be great. Since the Wii is full of shovelware, it can be hard to find the gems.

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