The Doctor's Office

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Black Dynamite was Action Saxton's inspiration, along with characters from actual blaxploitation films. And yeah, Black Dynamite was released in 2009.

Glad you liked it, Justin.

Was that the movie you saw, Crock?
I think I hunted you down Justin.

And I think it's funny that now you and Crock are posting from yoru phone whilst Milenko's appreciating his laptop!

I said I don't post from my phone, I post from my laptop, if I can't get on my laptop then I use my Wii to post, but never ever use my phone, tried it once and hated it
Black Fist. That's the name, I believe.

I'll have to find that, apparently it's in the public domain so I could d/l it without consequence, right?

Also, if I get the chance to RP with all this work and my computer being dead, it'll be awesome, probably be called "Black Wind" if I go with one idea I have, or "Mi Aerodeslizador Está Lleno de Anguilas" if I go with the other one.
Someone's been watching QI!

My original RP idea was going to be a Godzilla spoof....not anymore!
I just heard Calvin Harris' new single.

Very disappointed. He's moving away from his roots and doing Black Eyed Peas type shit, and there were no vocals. I know he's done good instrumentals before, but this new song just felt so mainstream and produced.

I can only hope the rest of the CD, when he releases it, isn't as balls.
I don't know who drew this but I freaking love them:

Also this one:
Are Nidoking's supposed to be that huge?

No, I just looked at it in Bulbapedia. They're only supposed to be 4'7" and 135 pounds.

Still, that's an awesome picture. I love when pokemon are drawn realistically, it brings me back to the days when I wished pokemon were real... aka yesterday.
I just had a double markout.

First, Mintberry Crunch calls me from PAX, and he puts Murphy from The Protomen on the phone, and we actually talk about upcoming tours and make some Journey jokes. Then Stevie Richards replies to me on Twitter (I asked if he was at PAX since he was tweeting about it) with a detailed response that included a picture.

brb rolling around on the floor in pure bliss
Doc, if either of those things would've happened to me. I would have leaped for joy.

Who do you like better? The Megas or The Protomen?

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