The Doctor's Office

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I don't think it's a big deal to get banned, I myself have been banned. For fucking porn rep... But a build up of infractions is EASILY avoidable.
Ugggggh, I have an essay to write and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it done...

I think I'll go to bed and finish it tomorrow...It's way too late/early.

Also, the more I look at the Sin Cara signing and see pictures of that mask, the more I want next week's RAW or SD to hurry up so I can see him. He looks awesome.
Ever read the Ed, Edd, and Eddy "Purgatory Theory?"


It actually makes sense.

I just read this and now creeped the fuck out.
Actually I think admins are able to do that, sadly I think Sly and KB are far to professional to abuse their powers like that, however if I was admin....:evil3:
I get all the good things in life? This is news to me. I could use a bagel, though. And a private helicopter that will shuttle me back and forth between Boston and New Jersey.
I had the drag my ass out of bed at 8:30 this morning, so I could go to the hospital and have some blood taken, also didn't know is was only 1 fucking degree outside when I left this morning, talk about a shitty way to wake up

On the plus side, since I was awake and out anyway, I figured I could go and get my check and then buy a couple comics, bought FF #587 (the only where Johnny Dies:sad:), and Iron Man 2.0 #1, started reading FF while taking a shit, not bad so far, didn't realize this was the final issue of a 5 issue story arc though which kinda annoys me, had I known that I would have picked up the other 4 issues (assuming they had them)
Well I just took my math exam and I think I did well. I don't find out until Monday.

Has there ever been a song that really creeps you out? That happens to me from time to time. I bring this up because I'm listening to my Neuroticfish-flavored Pandora station and this song comes up and I'm listening and it's just...I don't even know. Everything about it combines to make it just very unsettling.

At least with "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas I had a reason as to why it scared the bejeezus out of me (I was coasting on about half an hour of sleep and as the song came on the radio I had this awful waking nightmare. Freaked me out.)
The first time I had heard "Du Hast", I had fallen asleep with the radio on. I woke up at 3am to loud German Industrial Metal and thought I had fallen into another world.
Well now I'm offsetting it with some happy chillwave.

Well, I don't know if this is the best thing to listen to since it reminds me of a former friend...Well no, it's too relaxing and bouncy to make me sad.

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