The Doctor's Office

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Come on, man, everyone's seen Toy Story 3 by now :lmao: And if they didn't want to be spoiled I'm sure they'd see that it was talking about details of the movie and quickly skip over it.

So, the WWE All Stars roster was revealed today. Game looks like so much fun and the roster is really good. I'm not going to be getting it but I might be able to convince a friend to buy it ;) The DLC in particular is great. The game looks hilarious.
WWE All Stars reminds me of NBA Jam, but with significantly more wrestling. If it's as fun as that game, I'll be picking it up.

The character models are hilarious. Sheamus' hair is almost Saiyan-like.
I look forward to this game. Andre vs. Show could be awesome on this game.

Solid list. I saw Toy Story 3 with a friend and I'm not ashamed to admit that it took every ounce of self-control not to cry at the end. Great, great movie.

I just about blubbered at the very end.

I went to a sandwich shop for lunch and this guy sat next to me, and I could've sworn it was you...and then he started talking and I was disappointed.
WWE All Stars reminds me of NBA Jam, but with significantly more wrestling. If it's as fun as that game, I'll be picking it up.
If JR doesn't scream "BOOM-SHAKALAKA", I will be severely disappointed.
I went to a sandwich shop for lunch and this guy sat next to me, and I could've sworn it was you...and then he started talking and I was disappointed.
:lmao: Awww. Hah, maybe one day, you never know. I plan on meeting with Dave next time I visit Scotland. Oh yes.
Yeah, ummmmmm, if you want to eat healthy, then do it. Don't act like you're forced to eat junk all the time because of your surroundings. That's a good way to gain the Freshman 15 (or more).

Toy Story 3 =/= Kids movie.

Toy Story 3 = movie for people of all ages


I've seen the movie, but it's still relatively new, and it's a movie that shouldn't be spoiled.

Oh for fuck sake ST, why do you always have to be so damn argumentative?

A.) the food thing was just a fucking joke, I'm pretty sure Doc, or anyone else with half a functioning brain could have figured that out

B.)The movie has been on DVD for fucking months, and is one of the most popular movies of all fucking time, pretty much everyone that frequents a wrestling forum that wants to see the flick has more than likely already seen. I mean for fuck sake how long are we suppose to wait for the rest of the world to watch it before we can talk about it?

C.)Seriously stop trying to argue with everyone all the fucking time, it's really fucking annoying, I like you, but god damn man lighten the fuck up, not everything on here needs to turned into a damn debate

Right here, the whole included roster, plus a big list of DLC. It really does look to be the best roster in any WWE game in ages, especially with that awesome DLC.

OH, and here's a video.

:lmao: Sheamus is so white in this game.

holy shit, the 2nd half of the roster is fucking awesome. As is the DLC is even better (Jericho, Michael Hayes, Boss Man, R-Truth, Mark Henry, King, the DiBiase's, the Rhodes's, the Road Warriors).

Only problem is they seem to have 2009-2010 HBK, instead of classic HBK.

Fucking Hornets are monstrous in tournament edition
hell yes they were.

Tell me you've played the new one. It's awesome. Probably better then the original (especially since they have 9/10ths of the original players in it (including the secret unlockables like the Beastie Boys).
Oh for fuck sake ST, why do you always have to be so damn argumentative?

C.)Seriously stop trying to argue with everyone all the fucking time, it's really fucking annoying, I like you, but god damn man lighten the fuck up, not everything on here needs to turned into a damn debate
Sorry, man. I didn't mean to offend you. I just figured that the movie is still relatively new, and there are older things that get spoiler-tagged. Not to mention just because it's popular doesn't mean everyone has seen it. My apologies.
I haven't played it yet, I just picked up Reach on sale and that's my next planned purchase, but I gotta buy indy tickets soon and that'll be $60 if I want all the special shit
holy shit, the 2nd half of the roster is fucking awesome. As is the DLC is even better (Jericho, Michael Hayes, Boss Man, R-Truth, Mark Henry, King, the DiBiase's, the Rhodes's, the Road Warriors).

Only problem is they seem to have 2009-2010 HBK, instead of classic HBK.

Each character has four attires, so we'll probably get DX HBK, normal HBK, classic HBK, and maybe Rockers or Wrestlemania HBK. The DiBiase's are unfortunately pre-order bonuses only, but that's almost enough to convince me. I love me some Million Dollar Man.
Each character has four attires, so we'll probably get DX HBK, normal HBK, classic HBK, and maybe Rockers or Wrestlemania HBK. The DiBiase's are unfortunately pre-order bonuses only, but that's almost enough to convince me. I love me some Million Dollar Man.
give them 4 months and he won't be exclusive to pre-order.

Bret Hart was an SVR11 Best Buy exclusive, and he's now available for purchase for anyone.
Oh yeah, that's right. I think unless I have tons of homework I'll definitely be playing some SvR this weekend. It's been too long since I've had a relaxing weekend. It's always work, work, work.

That's why I signed up for some easier classes for this next quarter. Gives me a well-deserved break.
Absolutely. I mean, look how awesome his mask is in this image:

Ugh, sometimes you make it VERY hard to like you.

EDIT: This also isn't an attack. Just the reasoning I have if I start to act like an ass. Little things annoy me, what can I say?
You need to learn that when you deal with me you're not going to get anything sugarcoated. It's just the way I am.
That's bullshit. You're only "brutally honest" to me and maybe 5 other dudes. I don't get it, personally. If I was addressing Dave, why did you have to chime in? You didn't.
>Go into thread
>See you apparently denouncing drugs despite claiming you smoke
>See you laughing at X's comment

Noah doesn't get a free pass, and he's a kid. You're 18, so you get even less of a free pass. Deal with it.
No, no, no, Doc. I said I did smoke, I've even said it to SSC... after doing it 5 or so times in my first bit of college/Summer, I stopped. What difference does it make if I laugh at X's comment anyway? It was FUNNY! Doc, you look into shit too deeply. You try to seem as if you're on some "crusade" against what you deem stupid. That's not it at all, bro. You're just being a douche. :shrug:
It's not a crusade, I just call out stupid shit. You just happen to do a lot of stupid shit.

Doesn't mean I don't like you though.

Check Sully's "What was wrong with this thread?" thread for an example of me calling out stupid shit that wasn't done by you.

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