The Doctor's Office

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The watermark idea is a good one. I probably will. I made a sig today and forgot about it but I'll try to remember in the future.

And yes, Morrison is exciting in the ring, but when he's phoning it in you can tell, because he doesn't connect with the crowd very well and is abysmal on the mic. When he's trying he can get a good reaction and is passable on the mic.
Luckily Barrett has Mic skills going spare, so any two way promo segments they have, somebody will be able to get a crowd reaction and cover his ass.
And Barrett would tell him where Morrison can shove that Ancient Chinese Horned Asparagus Llama Kidney. What Otunga took in the final episode of Season 1 of NXT would be nothing to what Morrison would be on the recieving end of.
What he said to Otunga was just awesome. Otunga was pretty good when he talked about himself and it was pretty funny when he said "Look at this pretty smile!~", but then Barrett went on the attack and tore the guy apart. While the first season of NXT had its terrible moments, there were also a lot of really good moments to go with.
When NXT gets cancelled, the new Tuesday Night show should just be an hour of Wade Barrett doing promos on anything and everything.
Should be Wade Barrett doing promocutting 101. Teaching Alex Riley to get to the fucking point when he cuts a promo, teaching Morrison to not suck and teaching Lucky Cannon how to get a personality.
Promocutting 101. I like that. I hope Riley takes some lessons from Barrett and Miz. he'll be huge if he learns how to not fluff his promos up. His delivery is already perfect.


The season 1 rookies really were miles better than the season 2 ones. I mean even the trash like Slater and Young are better than the likes of Cannon.
Well, I don't know. I find the Season 2 rookies to be a lot more interesting, personality-wise. I'd take Harris and Watson over Slater and Young any day.
Maybe, but I think that on average, the Season 1 rookies are better than their successors.

Barrett, Danielson and Tarver are the best three of any season, and I'd take Slater and Young over Cannon and Cottonwood.

And I was. Until I realised how shit he is.
Titus had potential on the mic, but he needed a lot of training both on mic and in ring.

Here's a question: Do you think Percy Watson has it in him to play a convincing heel?
Young Sheamus was shit. Sure he was jumping over the top rope, but that is A rediculous B unneccesarry and C pointless. Pre FCW Sheamus was shit.
It is easy to say he was shit but in truth young Sheamus was green, not shit. Just watched him have a really good contest with McIntyre over the IWW title and a decent title defence against D'Lo Brown.

Not sure why you would say that someone like Sheamus jumping over the top is "ridiculous" or "pointless." Perhaps it was unnecessary due to his normal ground and pound style but seeing him hit a picture perfect springboard neckbreaker was impressive more than anything else
OK, was Sheamus' shocking display of acrobatics treated like a big event? Was the spot an important one in the match? Did it add anything to the match? If not then yes, it was unnecesarry and pointless.

If the answer is no (and it probably is), that's what I mean when I say he was shit. Call him green, call him shit, call him green babyshit but the effect is the same. You've got a wrestler who can do these insane feats of agility but doesn't know how to do them effectively.

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