The Difference Between PPVs with NJexus, Charlie, and my roommates


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For many years I watched WWE PPVs and the occasional TNA PPV all by my lonesome self. I was content, but something was missing, I never had anyone to enjoy the fun with. If something stunning happened, I'd have to wait to discuss it on here, or if I was at home, I could notify my parents or sister, but they couldn't really sympathize with my excitement. That all changed last Summer when I was invited to join the fabled New Jersey Triad to watch a PPV at D-Man's apartment.

I was pretty sure I was not going to walk out of that encounter unscathed. I figured that, if I wasn't getting kidnapped by a bunch of internet psychopaths (what do you think happened to Papa Shango?), NorCal would surely put me into a choke hold while D-Man and IC laughed at my misery. Well, that night did change things for ol' JGlass. I instantly bonded with the trio, and became part of the team. Yeah, I called us a team; we even have t-shirts to prove it.

What changed is that I now had a group of people to watch PPVs with. I watched Extreme Rules and Capitol Punishment with them, and had a blast both times. However, the Summer of NJexus came to an end in July when I had to go back up to Boston for a Summer semester, and I was forced to watch PPVs all by myself.

But I couldn't go back to the way it was before, I needed someone to enjoy it with! So I recruited my new roommate, Ron, who turned out to be an ex-wrestling fan, and a HUGE Rock mark. I sucked him back in with the aid of Smackdown vs. Raw, and soon we were watching Raw together.

Then, Charlie came into the equation when we decided to go to Raw together, and I've gone to two more shows with him and watched two PPVs at his house since.

Watching a show with each one of these people/groups is a different experience, but before I get into that, let's give a brief overview of each one of the players, shall we?

JGlass- I like to make jokes. Not all of them are good. I'm 22, easy going, and I enjoy Italian food. My ideal date is November 17th, because that's my birthday. I also like the Summer, because it's warm. If I had to describe myself as a wrestling companion, I would use the phrase "child-like enthusiasm," as I have a tendency to jump around and cheer for faces, even if I like the heels better deep down.

IrishCanadian- He's not Canadian. He's also not very tall, but makes up for it with an impressive barrel chest, a Stallone jaw, and a striking resemblance to Chris Jericho. IC is pretty much EXACTLY as you'd imagine him on here, but with long spurts of niceness. He likes to push buttons, and he's usually the instigator of most of the arguments. He also drives conversation the most with some pretty interesting questions. He likes when his wrestling makes sense.

D-Man- D-Man is also not very tall, but he makes up for it by being a good sport (shocking, right?) and one of the friendliest guys I've ever met. He was easily the most welcoming of the three when I first met the Triad, possibly because he immediately called me "bro," and he's got one of those faces that makes you feel like you are a bro. He has a tendency to start to clean when the wrestling happens. He likes wrestling best when the people he likes wins, but finds anything that he doesn't like to be unreasonable. He usually comes around on it fairly quickly, unless we're talking about Alberto Del Rio.

NorCal- I've already praised the bajeezus out of NorCal, so I'll stick to the facts, not opinions. NorCal fits the NJexus bill of not being very tall, but he makes up for it in being fucking terrifying. That is before he starts talking and you realize that this man means you no harm, unless you are a threat to his country. Then again, if you are a threat to the country, by the time you're able to reach the conclusion that NorCal will kill you, you'll already be dead. He drinks a lot of Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew. He is like me, childlike enthusiasm about wrestling, but since he's been watching longer he's more stern with his opinions, where I can be easily convinced by a face saying something simple to get the fans popping.

My roommate Ron- He is tall, and black. In fact, he might be my first black friend. Don't blame me, I come from a very white town, and I never really got to be friends with too many black people in college. He's an Attitude Era fanboy, and thinks the PG Era is shit. If you ask him why, he'll give you the most typical answers ever. He hates John Cena for being phoney, but loves The Rock, which I find amusing considering John Cena seems to play himself, where Dwayne Johnson plays a ridiculous character. But I digress.

Charlie- His real name isn't Charlie. He's also pretty tall, I think just a bit taller than I am. He might be the only dude I know that has a more effeminate laugh than I do, which makes me like hanging around with him. He loves the lol's in real life as much as he does online. He is very strongly opinionated, and doesn't let me get away with anything in terms of wrestling conversations, like pronouncing Jim Duggan's last name as Doogan, or saying WCW sucked, when I really only meant the dying days of WCW.

Now... for the differences.

Food we order

Ron- Pizza and fries
Charlie- Pizza and mozz sticks
Triad- I get a few slices of pizza and maybe some mozz sticks, NorCal eats an entire pizza and some chicken wings, IC orders some big fancy sandwich and soup, D-Man orders a pasta and vegetable dish, and IC and D-Man talk about how fancy they are.

Pre-show discussion

Ron- Me explaining what all these feuds are about.
Charlie- Laughing about something stupidly awesome, or awesomely stupid. Sometimes we play videogames.
Triad- Usually a comparison of modern wrestlers/angles to those of the past. IC and D-Man sometimes talk about their adult lives. One time NorCal and I snuck away to talk about how young we are, but were ambushed by old people and this one dumb drunk chick who was trying to pole dance on a lamp post. Dumbass.

The Show starts and...

Ron- We quiet down and the anticipation for a PPV we're illegally streaming builds.
Charlie- Dude, it's been on for like five minutes... No I don't want to skip the open, I want to see the package and the pyro and shit... NO YOU WENT TOO FAR! Shit, now we have to start over!
Triad- Someone, if not everyone, is talking over the TV. Someone will eventually raise the volume on the TV, and we'll all just get louder to talk over it.

After match discussion

Ron- I try to explain to him what ring psychology is and why the rest holds and working a limb is important to a match.
Charlie- We discuss what we thought of that match. We generally agree.
Triad- Whoever was paying attention tries to discuss the match, but are eventually derailed by another conversation, or someone insulting someone else.

Kofi comes out and I clap along to his entrance

Ron- He laughs at my childlike enthusiasm, admiring my lack of inhibition to express myself.
Charlie- He looks at me like he wants to kill me. Maybe he does.
Triad- It doesn't matter. NorCal is eventually going to mimic Jack Swagger, and probably CM Punk. IC and D-Man might mimic someone too.

Fun story: During Swagger's entrance during Survivor Series NorCal and IC ran into the aisle and started doing pushups on the concrete steps in MSG.

A surprise happens!

Ron- Why the fuck is JGlass jumping and running around our apartment like an idiot?
Charlie- I'm jumping and running around his basement, and he's marking out in his chair.
Triad- Anywhere between 50-100% of the room is jumping around and yelling. Then the house's owner realizes he might be annoying his neighbors, and tells everyone to settle down.

Main event time

Ron- I've spent the past two hours talking this up, it better be good.
Charlie- Thank fucking god the main event is on, we've been waiting all night for this shit!
Triad- Everyone is paying attention for once. Unless D-Man is cleaning.

Show's over

Ron- He and I will spend the next 30 minutes debating why that show was good or bad, why John Cena is a great wrestler, who the main star of the Attitude Era was (he is CONVINCED that The Rock is a bigger wrestling star than Austin, and there's no telling him otherwise), and then we'll probably play some SVR before we go to bed.
Charlie- One time we watch Louis CK after the show. The other time I had work in the morning, so we said a quick good bye and I left.
Triad- There's some left over conversation, but once that's out of the way everyone gathers their stuff, some hugs are had at the door, and everyone goes their separate ways. It's super bromantic.

And that's all I could think of for now. I've also met Theo, who I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with, but he's a riot. He snaps off jokes very quickly, and he doesn't hold back. If he has something to say, he's going to say it, even if it awakens the wrath of NorCal. I'm meeting X in a month or so, and I'll report to you on what he's like as well.

If any of you have considered meeting up with forum buds, I strongly suggest it. There should be almost no awkwardness when you meet as you already have two shared interests: wrestling and an internet forum you both post on. I seriously recommend doing it, as I consider all four of my former internet friends to be great real life friends now, and I love spending time with all of them.
Oh man when Norcal hugged me I thought he was going to crush my insides. I went for a handshake in which he grasp my hand and pulled me in. Pretty sure my friends were concerned for my life. IC didn't even know who I was, it was pretty awesome. He walked by my group and I waiting for him and said something about the PPV and walked in. Norcal had to tell him and I of course didn't let him live it down. And I'm pretty bummed I missed you portraying Booker T in the famous Hulk Hogan skit. Curse my bladder. Ah man, Survivor Series...good shit.

If you want a terribly boring experience you'll come to la casa de beard for a PPV. Usually it consists of me and my brother arguing with our friend and his brother about how John Cena is good and useful for the company. I swear it happens at every PPV. My best friend likely brings his girlfriend in which they argue and one of my residents comes up and occasionally chimes in. All I know is we all agree that the food is good as we do different things per event. TLC we had pizza and wings, Royal Rumble had homemade meatball subs.
Great fucking read man :lmao:

Me and Theo was a funny thing. Everyone walked past him like Jackasses, besides me, who nearly squeezed him to death. about an hour later, im raining down insults and shit talk during the Raiders - Vikings game :lmao:
If you want a terribly boring experience you'll come to la casa de beard for a PPV. Usually it consists of me and my brother arguing with our friend and his brother about how John Cena is good and useful for the company. I swear it happens at every PPV. My best friend likely brings his girlfriend in which they argue and one of my residents comes up and occasionally chimes in. All I know is we all agree that the food is good as we do different things per event. TLC we had pizza and wings, Royal Rumble had homemade meatball subs.

I'll have to chat you up next time there's some sort of an outing, didn't really get a chance to because of the timing of my bus (who cares, I got the $1 ticket) but now that I'm a HIMYM-head there's some discussin' ta do
I'll have to chat you up next time there's some sort of an outing, didn't really get a chance to because of the timing of my bus (who cares, I got the $1 ticket) but now that I'm a HIMYM-head there's some discussin' ta do

Yeah dude most definitely. I pretty much force fed my friends with HIMYM just so I could talk to someone in person that I see often. Now they love the show, so victory for me.
I don't blame you. I stopped paying attention to what I was writing half way through. I'm pretty sure the last two lists are just comprised of things I've eaten this week.

I actually totally did read it, just figured I'd get that out of the way before Rayne or IDR inevitably did it.

By the way, we are like total opposites. I hate watching wrestling with anybody. I rarely audibly complain about anything other than Divas segments and I certainly don't want to hear others bitch and moan around me.

Even if I wanted to, the closest person on WZF to me is SNS, but he doesn't seem like the type to kick it and watch wrestling with some fat guy he met on the internet.
If only I lived in Nj, sounds like you need a fat white kid to finish the group. Ic could make fun of me for getting out of wind after 15 pushups, Norcal could laugh at how his arms are bigger than someone who is like 6 inches taller than him, and well.... D-man. Some day I hope to see a ppv with some good guys like you all are.
Now I wanna hang out with the East Coast crowd! Seriously, I've got Shocky, for the most part. Doc isn't old enough to participate in my style of fun. Wanna adopt a midwest kid, down on his luck?
JGlass every time you post personal things it makes me respect you WAY more. Not that I had anything against you to begin with...

I wish I had many wrestling fans to watch shit with. I've got my friend Ryan, who is a pretty hardcore fan. We usually torrent Raw and PPV's together, after I've seen them 2 or 3 times already... Otherwise my roommate is coming around, and a few of our friends stay for PPV's if we have them on.

Generally speaking I won't let non-fans watch with me. I have this thing where if stupid people are around that odn't know wrestling, and make jokes about how fake and dumb wrestling is, I want to kill them. I mean, I get makes's the mainstream view and I respect their ignorance...but if I'm going to pay money for a wrestling PPV they're going to shut the FUCK up or GTFO! The main reason it pisses me off so much is that I like to hype myself up for events big time. I get all my drinks and food, get comfortable (even though I'm going to jump around anyways) and I want to be free to mark out whenever I possibly can. If I've got a friend over who has no idea what's going on, it just takes some of the fun out of it - I don't feel like I have total freedom to be as crazy.

Anyways, if I'm ever in that area, we should get together. I'm also 22, pretty chill, and like to mark out at faces I may or may not actually like that much....for no real reason. Last time I went to Raw I actually cheered for Khali... I have no idea why, and I kind of hate myself for it, but I did.

I'll be in Miami this year for Mania, if anybody wants to hang out with me or just introduce themselves. I'll probably be hella busy, but I do want to have some time to just chill, get some drinks, and get to know some people. I'll probably go over to one of the two ROH shows as well.
Some of the best times I've had were passing out stoned in a stream of old WCW Nitros with Charlie, Serious Jones, and someone else who I can't recall at the moment. The nWo Nitro was particularly enjoyable. If my sex life hadn't started picking up around then, I'd have probably spent all summer with them there.
When I read that long ass post I instantly thought of the first time Notorious joined me for Summerslam this past year, it was legendary. Pretty much comprised of Notorious laughing when somebody fell funny, me getting way too into it and smiling like a little kid who discovered his first boner when Orton won, and our other friends not paying attention. But the NJ crew sounds like a great bunch to watch a show with, I've been wanting to snag SSC for a PPV for a while, guy lives like 15 minutes from me. But one day if we can manage it and y'all are up for it I'd like to try and set up a PPV with some of you boys over there on the east coast, I might be headin to Ireland this time next year, perhaps a little stop on the way will be in order. Ofcourse once I'm over there I'll have to meet up with FitFinlay4Life and maybe venture on over to see the Brits if they'll accept a yankee's invite for a drink.
When I read that long ass post I instantly thought of the first time Notorious joined me for Summerslam this past year, it was legendary. Pretty much comprised of Notorious laughing when somebody fell funny, me getting way too into it and smiling like a little kid who discovered his first boner when Orton won, and our other friends not paying attention. But the NJ crew sounds like a great bunch to watch a show with, I've been wanting to snag SSC for a PPV for a while, guy lives like 15 minutes from me. But one day if we can manage it and y'all are up for it I'd like to try and set up a PPV with some of you boys over there on the east coast, I might be headin to Ireland this time next year, perhaps a little stop on the way will be in order. Ofcourse once I'm over there I'll have to meet up with FitFinlay4Life and maybe venture on over to see the Brits if they'll accept a yankee's invite for a drink.
No mention of me? For shame. When we meet up, you really will experience PPV like no other. I like to think of myself as a coherent Booker T. You and Not718 are in fora treat summer 2013.
Your PPV parties with the triad sound like a ton of fun, JGlass!

I have hosted a few of my own. Usually end up ordering pizza and everyone shares predictions. We did a drinking game at Wrestlemania 26 where you had to take a shot after a match if you got an outcome wrong. My old roommate Matt hated Sheamus so anytime he came onscreen he would yell at the top of his lungs so we'd give him a hard time each time Sheamus won a match. It is always fun. That was before I moved a few months back and no one here really watches wrestling so I am trying to get a new group together for the next show.

I actually have yet to meet anyone from the forum. I've been invited to LSN's before although we live really far apart. I plan on taking up the invite someday when my work schedule permits, maybe stop by during a vacation or something and meet up to hang out. I should host a forum gathering here in Texas for Wrestlemania. Any of you are invited provided I know in advance.
Now I wanna hang out with the East Coast crowd! Seriously, I've got Shocky, for the most part. Doc isn't old enough to participate in my style of fun. Wanna adopt a midwest kid, down on his luck?

A midwest kid down on his luck? That sounds like exactly what we need!

[Heel] Green Ranger;3708201 said:
Generally speaking I won't let non-fans watch with me. I have this thing where if stupid people are around that odn't know wrestling, and make jokes about how fake and dumb wrestling is, I want to kill them. I mean, I get makes's the mainstream view and I respect their ignorance...but if I'm going to pay money for a wrestling PPV they're going to shut the FUCK up or GTFO! The main reason it pisses me off so much is that I like to hype myself up for events big time. I get all my drinks and food, get comfortable (even though I'm going to jump around anyways) and I want to be free to mark out whenever I possibly can. If I've got a friend over who has no idea what's going on, it just takes some of the fun out of it - I don't feel like I have total freedom to be as crazy.

Ron left, but my other roommate (the one I bitch about from time to time) watches wrestling with me too. He doesn't get into it as much as Ron did, and he doesn't really understand it at all, but he does like it. He does, however, commit the mortal sin of talking about how fake something looks or how unreasonable it is that someone doesn't get up before a top rope move is hit. But being the master conversationalist I am, I'm usually able to get him to knock it off with some sarcastic comments.

Anyways, if I'm ever in that area, we should get together. I'm also 22, pretty chill, and like to mark out at faces I may or may not actually like that much....for no real reason. Last time I went to Raw I actually cheered for Khali... I have no idea why, and I kind of hate myself for it, but I did.

I don't think any of us would object to watching a PPV with you.

Mania XXIX: The night Jersey gets FunKay.

If the rumors are true, WrestleMania 29 is shaping up to be a ridiculously good time. It sounds like half of the forum is going to try to be there.
I'm down for Mania 29 if the rumors are true.

This was a really interesting read. I'm jealous! I want to hang out with you for a PPV some day. Come down here for Mania or something, haha.

Watching with my friends is always a blast, whether it's RAW or PPV. We're always cracking stupid nerdy jokes about casting spells and Eve stabbing Kane with her giant chin, while also marking out for pretty much everything. We freaked when Kharma returned at the Rumble, jumping up and down and making far too much noise. Our food usually consists of either whatever Alex has in his fridge for RAW, or pizza and breadsticks for PPV.

Our favorite forms of humor are calling impossible/unlikely returns and making up ridiculous storylines. The only problem is that Sam recently read both Wrestlecrap books and The Death of WCW so he's so eager to share his super smarky insider knowledge with the world that he doesn't shut up about anything. :lmao: He means no harm though.

We recently recruited a fourth man for RAWs, Alex's new roommate, who along with his girlfriend used to be a huge fan in the Attitude Era. Last Monday was their first RAW in a while and they really had a good time even if they left halfway through. He was a super nice guy, and so was she. It was pretty hilarious when we showed them the Funkasaurus entrance and they both marked and then perfectly imitated the entrance together.

Somehow, I think you and I react to wrestling very similarly. That'll be quite the sight to see.
DirtyJosé;3708230 said:
Some of the best times I've had were passing out stoned in a stream of old WCW Nitros with Charlie, Serious Jones, and someone else who I can't recall at the moment. The nWo Nitro was particularly enjoyable. If my sex life hadn't started picking up around then, I'd have probably spent all summer with them there.

To this day, I can't remember where we watched those
Think I have only watched two PPVs with anyone other than myself - KotR 2001 and Summerslam 2002.

I can remember my group of friends going mental at Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon, especially the belly-to-belly suplexes through the glass stage. We also marked out for Lesnar beating the Rock as well as the epic opener between Angle and Mysterio.
Our favorite forms of humor are calling impossible/unlikely returns and making up ridiculous storylines.

That sounds like something Charlie and I would do. I could see the Triad getting tired of that very quickly.

We recently recruited a fourth man for RAWs, Alex's new roommate, who along with his girlfriend used to be a huge fan in the Attitude Era. Last Monday was their first RAW in a while and they really had a good time even if they left halfway through. He was a super nice guy, and so was she. It was pretty hilarious when we showed them the Funkasaurus entrance and they both marked and then perfectly imitated the entrance together.

My roommate is an Attitude Era fanboy too, but he hates Funkasaurus! I was quite perplexed.

Somehow, I think you and I react to wrestling very similarly. That'll be quite the sight to see.

We definitely do, and I think it's because we started watching around the same time, which is fairly recently. We still have that childlike enthusiasm for the product.
First of all, this thread oozed with so much awesome-sauce that I seriously might drown in it. It's probably because I can relate to most of it but this might be the most enjoyable thread I've ever read from JGlass.

I was pretty sure I was not going to walk out of that encounter unscathed. I figured that, if I wasn't getting kidnapped by a bunch of internet psychopaths (what do you think happened to Papa Shango?), NorCal would surely put me into a choke hold while D-Man and IC laughed at my misery. Well, that night did change things for ol' JGlass. I instantly bonded with the trio, and became part of the team. Yeah, I called us a team; we even have t-shirts to prove it.

If you only knew the conversations we had prior to your arrival. I think we already mentioned the dozens of ways in which we were going to fuck with you. Why did you have to be such a normal and cool fucking guy? You, like, ruined it all.

JGlass- I like to make jokes. Not all of them are good. I'm 22, easy going, and I enjoy Italian food. My ideal date is November 17th, because that's my birthday. I also like the Summer, because it's warm. If I had to describe myself as a wrestling companion, I would use the phrase "child-like enthusiasm," as I have a tendency to jump around and cheer for faces, even if I like the heels better deep down.

This is a good summation. But you really haven't "let go" in a mark-out session in my presence and it disappoints me. Well, unless I missed it while I was "cleaning."

IrishCanadian- He's not Canadian. He's also not very tall, but makes up for it with an impressive barrel chest, a Stallone jaw, and a striking resemblance to Chris Jericho. IC is pretty much EXACTLY as you'd imagine him on here, but with long spurts of niceness. He likes to push buttons, and he's usually the instigator of most of the arguments. He also drives conversation the most with some pretty interesting questions. He likes when his wrestling makes sense.

If I may quote My Cousin Vinny, he's "dead-on-balls accurate" here. Especially about the instigator stuff.

D-Man- D-Man is also not very tall, but he makes up for it by being a good sport (shocking, right?) and one of the friendliest guys I've ever met. He was easily the most welcoming of the three when I first met the Triad, possibly because he immediately called me "bro," and he's got one of those faces that makes you feel like you are a bro. He has a tendency to start to clean when the wrestling happens. He likes wrestling best when the people he likes wins, but finds anything that he doesn't like to be unreasonable. He usually comes around on it fairly quickly, unless we're talking about Alberto Del Rio.

This might be the nicest thing JGlass has ever said about me, both on and off the forums. Thanks, man.

Food we order

Triad- I get a few slices of pizza and maybe some mozz sticks, NorCal eats an entire pizza and some chicken wings

Yeah, you got 1/2 of his order right. He gets his own pepperoni pizza, a dozen hot wings, and mozzarella sticks... and the fucker finishes ALL of it.

One time NorCal and I snuck away to talk about how young we are, but were ambushed by old people and this one dumb drunk chick who was trying to pole dance on a lamp post. Dumbass.

When did that happen? Where was I?

Fun story: During Swagger's entrance during Survivor Series NorCal and IC ran into the aisle and started doing pushups on the concrete steps in MSG.

Absolutely one of the greatest moments I had ever witnessed with the NJexus that goes along with Norcal's markout for Swagger, CM Punk, and the Undertaker at the Smackdown show we attended. (I still have his markout on video. Maybe I should YouTube it.)

Great fucking read man :lmao:

Me and Theo was a funny thing. Everyone walked past him like Jackasses, besides me, who nearly squeezed him to death. about an hour later, im raining down insults and shit talk during the Raiders - Vikings game :lmao:

I'm a little disappointed that Theo didn't mention how I took one look at him, saw the beard, and was like "You've GOT TO be Theo, with that fucking beard." We hugged and were instantly comfortable around each other.

This don't surprise me for some reason.

This fucking "clean-freak" stigma I've picked up on this forum honestly disturbs me. It's almost like if someone does something out of the ordinary, it needs to be amped up to the fourth power since it's so unusual to all of you. Yet, I never understood what was so out of the ordinary about keeping your home clean when you've got guests over who are watching pro-wrestling, screaming, jumping, and individually eating entire specialty sandwiches and pizza pies while getting crumbs all over the fucking place.

Should I just wait until you guys leave before I start cleaning? I don't get it.
Oh, I almost forgot...

I hope this doesn't offend you but since you're always honest, I'm going to be just as honest with you.

At first, when I met your buddy Charlie at Survivor Series, I found him to be a very nice and enthusiastic guy. However, he might have pulled off the quickest heel turn in history when, 30 minutes later, he became one of the most annoying people I had ever met.

Once again, he's a terribly nice guy. But the combination of his kindness and over-the-top enthusiasm was just way too much for my taste.

PS - It doesn't make me dislike him or anything, by the way.

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