Survivor Series Elimination Game: Team Names and Members

I can think of a several reasons I like everyone else on that list better than you.

cm_punk12 posted an awesome picture of a smiling lion.
Takerfan1933 was RVC OMG and he green repped me often for some reason
Sully is an okay kid, he's just an idiot. In 5 years, when he's 18, he'll look back and hate this version of himself.
Jason Scene was actually a pretty decent poster, he just made a total ass out of himself debating with Sly and continued to look like a bigger and bigger idiot.

You just suck.

Sorry, I tried to respond to you via rep, but I accidentally hit enter too fast.

You're right. I already look at posts from a year ago and think I'm an idiot (Specifically the There was this girl thread, and a good few of my prison posts). My current posts I think are fine at this point (excluding the ones I got major heat from (i.e. Osama Bin Laden and pedos = gays)), but in a year I'm sure I'll look back and do the same thing.
It seems like I'm involved in this somehow. Somewhere care to explain what exactly is going on?

I wanted you on my team, because of the hatred you gain.

I wanted our team to be called "Team: He Hate Me".

I wanted the people I actually like beyond this forum (Justin, Brian, ST;P) on my team as well.

They didn't want you.

Justin had a signing bonus, and it included changing the team name.

Someone else signed you to their team.

I vowed to disown my own team, if you lead your team to victory.

I think that covers it.

You're right. I already look at posts from a year ago and think I'm an idiot (Specifically the There was this girl thread, and a good few of my prison posts). My current posts I think are fine at this point (excluding the ones I got major heat from (i.e. Osama Bin Laden and pedos = gays)), but in a year I'm sure I'll look back and do the same thing.

I'll disown you if you do. (not that that means anything, mind you)

Your opinions are fine. Forget what anyone else thinks of them, they're your's. If you believe them, that's all that matters. It's an internet wrestling forum filled with tons of people who think they "know everything" regardless of their G.P.A., or actual evidence of any education.

If you fold and accept what everyone else says, you're giving into them for no other reason than to "be accepted" - and it needs to be said, if they haven't accepted you yet; they likely won't be doing it anytime soon regardless of you changing your ways.

The Team With No Name (still) Official Roster

Big Nick Dudley
Big Sexy
CH David

Seems to me your "no named team" is from the Mid-West.

CH David, and Thriller (??) I believe are from Chicago. I could've swore BS was from Detroit. Your team name should reflect your home..
Shut up, Will.

You and I both know that's not likely to happen.

What about Killjoy, Will?

:shrug: Is he from the mid-west?

Well that's covered, but how exactly does this Survivor Series thing play out?

I ultimately have no clue, but most poster-related "tourneys" are popularity based. Which means most of the top-Staff, and higher known posters are all likely to win something because they're the bees knees.

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