The Cigar Lounge Society

I can't quite put my finger on it, that's the thing. Just the way you guys are talking right now, you sound like three pre-mod Ferbians.

Well, look where Ferbian is now. He's about a half of an infraction away from becoming a G-Mod. Not really sure acting like Ferbian would be considered a bad thing in this case, considering (regardless of their attitudes right now) they picked up the Cigar Lounge and made it awesome.
Not. Buying. It.

And if you are serious, then you are completely lacking in real life experience. No one, in their right mind, would pass up on a dream job so that their friend wouldn't throw a bitch-fit. Life is a competition! There is no getting around it! Everywhere you look there is competition. You need to get on board or get out of the way.

Having given it some thought, I'ma have to retract my previous statement where I stated that in real life, I wouldn't take the job over my friend. I guess the main reason would be because prior to being in the moment of decision we'd both have agreed that the better man would win - and that the one that would get the job would get the job. There's nothing wrong with friendly competition - and just because I won instead of a friend, doesn't mean that there was a break in trust. Simply put: the better man won.

Relating this to the mod-spot situation, I guess the same would apply. If KB or Sly chose one of us to become Mod it'd be because they thought that we were the right person to pick. It wouldn't be because they favorited us or because we kissed their ass, it'd be because they'd believe that the one they chose would be more than capable of running the Cigar Lounge. Afterall, knowing Sly and KB, they seem to make solid choices when it comes to picking Mods (minus Sidious, I would assume).

So to answer the question that was asked at first: Would I take the mod-spot over LSN, Hamler, and Xemnas? - Yes, yes I would.

You know, thinking about this more, I've come to realize if you don't take advantage of life and all the oppurtunities it gives you, then you won't get anywhere. And relating to how I am in real life, I've bullshitted my way through so much and for me to not take a god-given oppurtunity like the one at hand is pretty fucking stupid.

Yea, so I changed my opinion. Thankyou, Dave, for showing me the light.

Strangers are just friends you've never met, Mister Awesome. Proximity and circumstance have brought you to this moment and these people. If things were different, that man you're sending out into the cold without a job might be you're bestest best friend. To discriminate on the basis of who is actually your friend seems silly to me.

Don't come back until you're addicted to sex and willing to see things from my perspective.

Re-reading what you said up to this point made me want to contradict alot of what I was saying simply for the reason of proving you wrong. But now, thanks to Dave and yourself, I can honestly say that I wouldn't turn down the job oppurtunity of a life time for any reason whatsoever - not for a stranger, nor for a friend. I'd take the oppurtunity with no regrets.

So, yeah. Consider this my thanks to you for showing me the light as well.

Listen man, I know you don't like us. And I know you think we're all a bunch of idiots that are nothing more than arrogant dumb-asses riding on their false reality-based high-horses. And perhaps we are. But it was never our intention - my intention - to come off this way. I was only trying to better the Cigar Lounge and have fun in the process.

Let me admit that I'm not that good of a poster and I make a shit load of mistakes when I make posts. But that's all part of the process of getting better. When I read posts, I make sure to pay close attention to posts of that of you, Dave, LigerBomb, Slyfox, JMT, NorCal, Jack-Hammer, and everyone else who is known as a great poster on the site make. Why? Because you guys are the guys to learn from - you guys are the ones with the best knowledge - the ones that I learn from.

Sorry for this long line of text, but I just felt that I needed to type this. I'm not asking for sympathy, nor am I asking for acceptance. I'm just telling you what is going on in my puny little mind...

C'mon, dude. Could you please stop referencing Ferbian like that? I get that we're acting "_________" but don't bring Ferbian into this.
Fuck that.

It's about right though. I'm not in the boardrooms but it's clear to me that Ferb's next in line to become a G-Mod when a spot opens up. He may not be a great poster or anything, but he's active in the sections he mods and that reflects well on him.

As I see it Dave may be better than Ferbian, but Ferb's done a lot more to make himself look more promotable.
It's about right though. I'm not in the boardrooms but it's clear to me that Ferb's next in line to become a G-Mod when a spot opens up. He may not be a great poster or anything, but he's active in the sections he mods and that reflects well on him.

As I see it Dave may be better than Ferbian, but Ferb's done a lot more to make himself look more promotable.

I know.

It's all about chances, though, isn't it? If you're given a chance and you run with it, does it make you better than someone who wasn't given a chance but also would have ran with it?
Awesome, I'm not going to take your acquiescence and ride off into the sunset. I'm better than that.
I'm surprised how some of the last few pages turned into a discussion about me. Man I need to pay more attention to the spam sections again.
I don't see it. Especially considering I've hardly ventured into the spam section as of late, much less posted at all for a period of time.
I don't know why Ferbian's bothering. Pointless grudge matches in the spam sections aren't going to win him any points with IC25 and the rest of the old boys club.
Who's talking about spam? I'm certainly not. It's your wrestling posts. One of the reasons I stopped reading the nonspam sections is because recently you've gone back to your "Post even when you have nothing to say" persona, with an added scoop of condescension.
I find it funny when the Mods start disagreeing with eachother. It's like some long and anticipated moment that you rarely ever see. Sorta' like one of the top faces in WWE getting less TV time than Hornswoggle....oh wait, that always happens.

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