The Cigar Lounge Society

BTW, personally, the thread names are really getting stupid. I get that they're supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, cute, witty, referential, and attention getting but I just find them lame. *shrug*

Then ignore the title of the thread, and decide on whether or not you want to post in said thread based upon the content, and your interest in it. Simple as that.
Sex before marriage must be bad because every relationship where I've had sex before marriage hasn't ended in marriage. Is that an adequate standard of proof?

Of course not, and you know that. Have you had relationships that havent involved sex that havent ended in marriage as well? Using that logic(which I know you're not) then waiting until marriage must be a bad thing as well.
Then ignore the title of the thread, and decide on whether or not you want to post in said thread based upon the content, and your interest in it. Simple as that.
I already do so, hence my some what thin number of non-spam posts; But I do thank you for the invaluable advice. That being the case, regardless of where I post (and for that matter how often), the removed truth remain that those titles are simply pretty fuckin' weak.
The thread title is what makes people want to read it.

I personally refuse to read Disturbed's thread because the title is extremely ******ed. So you can say ignore the title and read the thread but for some it doesn't work that way.
I already do so, hence my some what thin number of non-spam posts; But I do thank you for the invaluable advice. That being the case, regardless of where I post (and for that matter how often), the removed truth remain that those titles are simply pretty fuckin' weak.

I wasnt saying I disagree with you. I was saying what I did from a non-biased approach to be honest, because i dont write threads whatsoever. It wasnt me taking a shot at you. If it came off that way, thts my bad, but it wasn't the intent.
The thread title is what makes people want to read it.

I personally refuse to read Disturbed's thread because the title is extremely ******ed. So you can say ignore the title and read the thread but for some it doesn't work that way.

I understand what youre saying. I just think something that needs to be understood, and Im not saying the thread title isnt silly or bad, just that its being written from the perspective of someone whose 15. Most of us are, generally speaking, much older.
I personally don't see anything wrong with wanting to embellish or jazz up your thread with a fancy title. I find it helps engage the viewer to take a peek at your thread because your title stands out. I find if you generalize or simplify a title, the viewer might just peek at the title, get the basic idea of the thread from the title and decide whether or not they want to post in it. With a more compelling title, it gives the viewer a sense of "oh what an interesting title I wonder what it could be about" For example I titled a thread Damn...sure is crowded around here. People can interpreted that title into whatever they want, but wont know for sure until they click on it. Then it might motivate them to read the thread to find out what the topic is really about and who knows by the end of it they might want to form a response.

I'll agree some are a bit over the top and just silly...I.E disturbs thread"don't be silly warp your willy" What are we..10 years old?. No offense to disturb but really.
I personally don't see anything wrong with wanting to embellish or jazz up your thread with a fancy title. I find it helps engage the viewer to take a peek at your thread because your title stands out. I find if you generalize or simplify a title, the viewer might just peek at the title, get the basic idea of the thread from the title and decide whether or not they want to post in it. With a more compelling title, it gives the viewer a sense of "oh what an interesting title I wonder what it could be about" For example I titled a thread Damn...sure is crowded around here. People can interpreted that title into whatever they want, but wont know for sure until they click on it. Then it might motivate them to read the thread to find out what the topic is really about and who knows by the end of it they might want to form a response.

I'll agree some are a bit over the top and just silly...I.E disturbs thread"don't be silly warp your willy" What are we..10 years old?. No offense to disturb but really.

Again (since some appear to be missing the point), I understand the reasoning and I don't see anything wrong per se. In fact, when done right a thread title can be quite inviting. That however is just not the case with so many of those recent titles. They're coming off entirely too forced and completely fall flat. Would that it were compelling…

For example, when I see a title like Damn...sure is crowded around here I quietly groan to myself, hover-over the title to see if I can actually get an indication as to what the hell the thread is about, and finally, if I haven't already lost interest (which is usually the case) I click through.

So in a nutshell; Best-case scenario: I ignore the bad title and read the thread. Worst-case scenario: The title is so lame that it kills my interest and I look elsewhere.
I made a thread about why we should use the capital punishment on white collar criminals instead of murderers. It is the best thread the Cigar Lounge has ever seen.

Write CLS across that and BAM!

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