The Cigar Lounge Society

I would take it myself, clearly. There is no harm in taking things yourself. But it is also to do with the fact that I think I could do just as good of a job as Ferbian if I was given a shot. What you have raised is nothing like the scenario I have posed to you guys. Mainly because I'm not concerned about the feelings of Ferbian. He is a big boy and could deal with my promotion over him.

I just don't believe that any of you wouldn't snap it up given the chance but none of you will admit it and that is why I am asking and pushing this discussion.

That. You see, Dave. Us four are as close as friends as you can get over the internet. We stickout for one another, and we're not hesitant to defend one another when faced with a threat. And seeing as how all four of us have decided to better a previously dead forum, then that's what we're going to do. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Friends should never betray each other in any form of way. And if one of us were to get asked if they were to become mod, the common thing would be to direct them to the one that deserved it the most - in which case, for me, would be LSN. We'd never back-stab each other.
I think Dave would be a better G-Mod than Ferbian, honestly.

Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, people with Nexus-level commitments towards one another. Which one of you is the Michael Tarver?
Being confident in your abilities has less to do with back-stabbing and more to do with growing a pair.
So in one breath you're either green repping me for making good posts and seeking my approval in the bucket list thread, and in the next I'm a nuisance who's just going to "go away."

At least I know I was in no way out of line for calling you people fake.

No, your post was actually pretty solid in the CL. It's when you lower yourself to insult everyone who disagrees with when I want you to go away.
So in one breath you're either green repping me for making good posts and seeking my approval in the bucket list thread, and in the next I'm a nuisance who's just going to "go away."

At least I know I was in no way out of line for calling you people fake.

Say what you will, but I stand behind what Ive said.

1. I cant stand the fact that you insult people all the time, simply for having an opinion. Than when someone calls you out on it, as I did, you resort to more insults. But I don't "loathe" or even "dislike" you, I dont know you. Im indifferent to you.

2. I find you to be quite intelligent in the posts that you make. You're entitled to post wherever the heck you please, but I feel intelligence can be used productively on a wrestling forum. You don't. We disagree again.

3. Whether we're fake or not is something that's impossible for you to know. You don't know me, at all. I may be the "Christian guy who rubs some people the wrong way because Im moralistic" here, and I may be completely different in real life. I may be married for 4 years, I may not be. I may be a psychologist here in Pittsburgh, I may not be. You don't know either way. You know nothing about me, or any of us for that matter. Stop pretending you do.
That. You see, Dave. Us four are as close as friends as you can get over the internet. We stickout for one another, and we're not hesitant to defend one another when faced with a threat. And seeing as how all four of us have decided to better a previously dead forum, then that's what we're going to do. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Friends should never betray each other in any form of way. And if one of us were to get asked if they were to become mod, the common thing would be to direct them to the one that deserved it the most - in which case, for me, would be LSN. We'd never back-stab each other.

This is nothing to do with back-stabbing anyone. Let me put it to you like this, when you have debate after debate in the Cigar Lounge, are you not looking to get your point across in the most dominant and pleasing way? Isn't it the point of raising the question, in the first place, to get a credible and popular answer that could resolve said question? Are you not answering the question to prove that the theory you have is the right one and are trying to convince others of that? Is that not the point of a debate?

What I am getting at, is that competition already exists between every single one of you guys. I have no problem with you guys whatsoever, in fact I am quite fond of you. However, I don't think it cuts it to put it down to pointing someone in the right direction when your whole "society" depends on competition to get by. Otherwise, there is no point in debating anything... Is there? No. There isn't.

I don't buy for a second that you guys are not in competition with each other and that is why I am so resistant to believe that any of you wouldn't accept the spot.
No, your post was actually pretty solid in the CL. It's when you lower yourself to insult everyone who disagrees with when I want you to go away.
As I see it, I lower myself every time I go against my better judgment and post in the CL, thus giving you guys further fuel to trot around on your high horses and prattle on about how much activity you're bringing the place. There's no way a couple innocuous insults are lower than that.
Dave, I fucking smashed you this week on MeltDown. And I'd do it again.

Crock, I'm a better match writer than you.

It's real. It's damn real.
Dave, I fucking smashed you this week on MeltDown. And I'd do it again.

Crock, I'm a better match writer than you.

It's real. It's damn real.

Try and do it again and I will take that Puma's bone out of your ass and beat the shit out of you with it...
This is nothing to do with back-stabbing anyone. Let me put it to you like this, when you have debate after debate in the Cigar Lounge, are you not looking to get your point across in the most dominant and pleasing way? Isn't it the point of raising the question, in the first place, to get a credible and popular answer that could resolve said question? Are you not answering the question to prove that the theory you have is the right one and are trying to convince others of that? Is that not the point of a debate?

What I am getting at, is that competition already exists between every single one of you guys. I have no problem with you guys whatsoever, in fact I am quite fond of you. However, I don't think it cuts it to put it down to pointing someone in the right direction when your whole "society" depends on competition to get by. Otherwise, there is no point in debating anything... Is there? No. There isn't.

I don't buy for a second that you guys are not in competition with each other and that is why I am so resistant to believe that any of you wouldn't accept the spot.

You're comparing 'debating a topic' to 'who is most deservant to become moderator of a forum.' When you're debating a topic, you debate because you want you're opinion to be viewed as what is "right" or the the "truth." Other than that, you do it for fun.

That is not the same as accepting the role of moderator over fello friends. You said competition. Perhaps in terms of who's right and who's wrong, yes it is competition. But in terms of who deserves to be mod. That should fall to the person most deservant obviously. In which case, at this point in time is LSN.
To be fair, Dave, I did say no to suggestions of me being WWE mod and talked you up, despite really wanting the position. Then again, I was already graphics mod then so it's not like choosing between staff and not-staff.

Man, you guys...I liked this whole CLS thing at first, but lately you guys have gotten pretty ridiculous in attitudes. Not sure what the word is, though, maybe someone could help me out. Not "cocky" or "pompous", but similar. The way you guys talk.

Sort of like fake, but not as harsh.
One of these days, Mister Awesome is going to go in for a job interview and get passed over for the guy with the balls to make the hard sell.
Considering I beat you back at Meltdown Madness, MD51 already counts as "again."

Please consider my last two outings against you as Constantine playing possum. Like a shark would do, my apparent failings are just lulling you into a false sense of security before I come back with the most devastating attack you'll ever see.
Crock, I'm a better match writer than you.

I honestly think you're better than some currently on WZCW Creative. You have a distinct lack of grammar, spelling, and awkward phrasing issues in those matches you wrote.

Not to take anything from Creative since I know show-writing is a tough job, especially on a schedule, but still.
Please consider my last two outings against you as Constantine playing possum. Like a shark would do, my apparent failings are just lulling you into a false sense of security before I come back with the most devastating attack you'll ever see.
Sorry. I can't hear you over the sound of me winning KFAD.

This is nothing to do with back-stabbing anyone. Let me put it to you like this, when you have debate after debate in the Cigar Lounge, are you not looking to get your point across in the most dominant and pleasing way? Isn't it the point of raising the question, in the first place, to get a credible and popular answer that could resolve said question? Are you not answering the question to prove that the theory you have is the right one and are trying to convince others of that? Is that not the point of a debate?

Heck yes Dave, you're 100% correct here. The point of having a debate, or putting out a point, is to stir up discussion while getting your point across. And it would be foolish of me to suggest otherwise. Of course Im trying to convince people that my position is the right one. I play Devil's Advocate both here and especially in the Sports Debaters League just for the point of trying to make my point seem "better" than the others, even if at times I don't believe what Im saying.

What I am getting at, is that competition already exists between every single one of you guys. I have no problem with you guys whatsoever, in fact I am quite fond of you. However, I don't think it cuts it to put it down to pointing someone in the right direction when your whole "society" depends on competition to get by. Otherwise, there is no point in debating anything... Is there? No. There isn't.

Absolutely competition exists between the three of us. We disagree in here frequently, and we certainly do on the boards. Its how we actually began to become "friends" actually. Im in direct conflict and competition with the three of them(Xemnas I include here) because the three of them are either atheists or agnostics, and I believe in God, so my beliefs differ quite a bit from theres. So we're in competition all the time.

I don't buy for a second that you guys are not in competition with each other and that is why I am so resistant to believe that any of you wouldn't accept the spot.

If I wanted the spot, you bet your ass Id throw any of them under the proverbial bus to get the spot. Darn right. I simply don't. I don't think I could put in the time due to my job, being married, and the reasons I stated earlier.
One of these days, Mister Awesome is going to go in for a job interview and get passed over for the guy with the balls to make the hard sell.

No because I'd be competing against people who are not close friends of mine. :p

Doc said:
Man, you guys...I liked this whole CLS thing at first, but lately you guys have gotten pretty ridiculous in attitudes. Not sure what the word is, though, maybe someone could help me out. Not "cocky" or "pompous", but similar. The way you guys talk.

Sort of like fake, but not as harsh.

How so?
You're comparing 'debating a topic' to 'who is most deservant to become moderator of a forum.' When you're debating a topic, you debate because you want you're opinion to be viewed as what is "right" or the the "truth." Other than that, you do it for fun.

That is not the same as accepting the role of moderator over fello friends. You said competition. Perhaps in terms of who's right and who's wrong, yes it is competition. But in terms of who deserves to be mod. That should fall to the person most deservant obviously. In which case, at this point in time is LSN.

I'm still not buying it. But, like I said, perhaps the time will come and one of us will be proved right.

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