The Cena Promo On Raw This Week...

The promo between Cena and Punk was very good. But only because of the tension that they built. It kept your eyes glued to the scene to see what was said next.

However, My problem with Cena's part is that he basilaly downplayed Punks whole face run as well as title run. Now I will say Punks momentum has dropped greatly after his official face turn, but it is really not his fault. His fueds were amazing in m opinion, his matches were awesome as well in my opinion unlike Cena's matches I found very boring as well as his fueds. The only Cena fued I enjoyed recently of Cena's was with The Rock, and that is because Rock made him step up his game and I myself am a Rock fan, as well as his fued wth Brock was deent because I love Brock and of course WWE would make him hell, but the point is those two fueds were alright but led to absolutely nothing, The same goes for the Kane fued while Punks fued with Y2J, Del Rio, Miz and Bryan were all great because it showed how resilient and great Punk was as a champion but he was practically doing the same things that Cena was doing in his run but he never truly got the ball which was Punks main point in his rants. Cena refused to understand Punks point and blamed Punk for not getting "respect" which in my eyes means respect from management and the higher ups of the WWE to let him Main event and be "The man" of the WWE. Vince never pulled the trigger and tha's all Punks argument was even at his infamous shoot till now. Cena is still the one main eventing even though his matches were sucking, his ueds were sucking and he wasnt even champion. So Punk, being the only one to speak out against this gets hated on. Then he attacks the Rock after Rocky tried to embarass him and overshadow him, then attacks Jerry Lawler after Lawler spreads rumor about him and lies to the Universe, then now he GIVES Cena the right to face him and Cena is now putting him down and making him feel like shit. Just ridiculous.

It's more or less a Bully storyline with Cena playing the bully and Punk playing the hard working employee hat was damn good at his job but always being overshadowed by the pompous douche thats always getting the opportunities and the spotlight. And just because Punk has had enough, now he's the bad guy and Cena trashes his title reign and lies about him "sneaking ways of keeping his champoinship" when clearly he's been a fighting Champion ever since his face turn...It's just really hypocritical of Cena both the man and the character to be saying all of that bullshit. I get that Punks the bad guy but the way this twist has come around has been very ridiculous in my eyes.

I say that becase I have a job and I work my ass off, come in early,leave late, most of the time skip breaks and do all I can to make the next level but there are two handpicked assholes that the boss has chosen a long time ago that always gets first ranking and first shots at the new positions and this and that so i see where Punk, the character and to a lesser extent, Philip the man is coming from. You can argue with me but I really don't see the need to respond because I relate to PUnk and that's who I'm rooting for in this fued and never really see him as a heel and all the things he did was justified.

Now back to the promo Cena was basically calling the kettle black as all the things Punk is doing Cena has aready done before and that's how he got where he is so he's basiclaly blasting his old self telling Punk he sole Harts colors and Machos Elbow drop and Vader's Its clobbering time yell well in my opinion Punk is showing tribute to his favorites and at least he does a variety of moves to let us know hey People, this is NOT the same mtch you just saw for the last 3 weeks in a row. And for Cena,the guy STOLE AWA's design and colors, the Guy STOLE the old WWF Word life thing from a while ago, the guy STOLE Nintendo's design with his 3 bit shirt, the guy STOLE JohnDeers colors, power Rangers colors, Marky Mark's look and Vanilla Ice's style and even STOLE a role as a Marine. My point is Cena's the last guy to be pointing at another for thievery.

Next we Cena says he got all his respect bein himself and staying the same welll uh thats BULLSHIT, look at the mans career...all I can say is 360....from Ruthless Agression face to White Boy Rapper Heel to Chain Gang Tweener to "Legit" Rapper Face to Soldier Face to Marine Face to All around Good Guy face. The funny thing is the Cena of old wouldve bashed the hell out of the Cena of today. At least Punk is consistent. Always been Straightedge since hs ROH days, always been a Punk Rocker/Skater type. Always been sarcastic and careless. Always been a little dark and preachy. And always aimed for the Very Best as he always claimed he then....who's the one who deserves more respect for being themselves...yep...

But I can go on andon about how twisted and backwards this story is but I will agree with Cena on the fact hat not much have hanged snce Punk has become Champion...which is sad because I know it isnt Punks fault, its WWE's fault and Punk has been saying that sine the shoot but Cena will not dare speak a bad thing about WWE because look, they've always accomondated him..Hell in any circumstance, Cena should be the Hell and Punk should be the face...but in this era thats just the way the cookie crumbles...oh but on a positive note, I love Cena's fire...thats one thing when he gets intense he's unstoppable and such aggression is te only quality that I like seeing in Cena and wish he sould have shown more of that in his Rock fued but oh well. This fued will be great and the closest thing to Austin/Rock, Hogan/Savage, Flair/Sting and so on am truly interested and I am happy for that...Rant over....Argue with me, thats fine but dont expect a response. Just voicing my opinion

tl;dr version:

I'm a Cena hater
GSB I can say I'm a Cena Hater but unlike most I am not that Basic. I speak my mind and obvioulsy in great detail. That's about it. Nothing wrong with that. Call me blind all you'd like but I, actually respect John Cena, the Man.

I respect the fact that he puts his neck out there practially every night to wrestle in front of most crowds who boo him.

I respect that fact that he made himself the Man of the WWE, that he pushed and pushed till he broke the top spot and continues even till this day.

I respect the fact that he has granted thousands of wishes to dying sick children and even to all the other kids and some adults that get to meet him.

I respect the fact that he's kind to his fans and will stick with them until the end.

I respect the fact that he plays his character, which is still in many ways undefined every well.

I respect the fact that he respects those that paved the way for him.

I respect the fact that he can take on the most hateful crowds and even confront the we hate Cena guy and his posse and do it with a smile.

I repest that he can deal with a divorce without taking time off from wrestling and stay balanced at that.

I respect the fact that he's not afraid to get hurt.

I repspect the fact that he loves his jobs and wants to do it forever.

I respect all of these things.

I respect the facts that he conditions constantly and stays his shape and does his best not to get inujured.

I respect all of that and more from John Felix Anthony Cena. I truly do. So as I said, there's no "Blind" hate here and definetly no hate for the man as a human, but lots of hate for the character he plays on TV and his status in the company above all others. John Cena is a paradox that really isnt meant to be understood but meant to evoke the deepest of emotions from all the fans which he does, as shown with my passionate posts here. But as I watch wrestling I willl feen this way about the character that Cena portrays and his Character's namesake in the business. That's all.
So you understand why we take your post with a grain of salt, correct?

Yes I do, however I truly think it's damn near impossible to be objective in any conversation about Cena. There is no in between. you're either complately against the character, or you're completely for. And by all of the post that I've been following of yours throughout the years, I can see that you are Pro, and I am Anti...whcih is perfectly fine with me Sly. thank you
Yes I do, however I truly think it's damn near impossible to be objective in any conversation about Cena. There is no in between. you're either complately against the character, or you're completely for. And by all of the post that I've been following of yours throughout the years, I can see that you are Pro, and I am Anti...whcih is perfectly fine with me Sly. thank you

I disagree, I think it's entirely possible to be objective.
And for Cena,the guy STOLE AWA's design and colors, the Guy STOLE the old WWF Word life thing from a while ago, the guy STOLE Nintendo's design with his 3 bit shirt, the guy STOLE JohnDeers colors, power Rangers colors, Marky Mark's look and Vanilla Ice's style and even STOLE a role as a Marine. My point is Cena's the last guy to be pointing at another for thievery.

1. The Power Rangers comment is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

2. I'm curious as to how Cena stole a role as a Marine.
The promo between Cena and Punk was very good. But only because of the tension that they built. It kept your eyes glued to the scene to see what was said next.

However, My problem with Cena's part is that he basilaly downplayed Punks whole face run as well as title run. Now I will say Punks momentum has dropped greatly after his official face turn, but it is really not his fault. His fueds were amazing in m opinion, his matches were awesome as well in my opinion unlike Cena's matches I found very boring as well as his fueds. The only Cena fued I enjoyed recently of Cena's was with The Rock, and that is because Rock made him step up his game and I myself am a Rock fan, as well as his fued wth Brock was deent because I love Brock and of course WWE would make him hell, but the point is those two fueds were alright but led to absolutely nothing, The same goes for the Kane fued while Punks fued with Y2J, Del Rio, Miz and Bryan were all great because it showed how resilient and great Punk was as a champion but he was practically doing the same things that Cena was doing in his run but he never truly got the ball which was Punks main point in his rants. Cena refused to understand Punks point and blamed Punk for not getting "respect" which in my eyes means respect from management and the higher ups of the WWE to let him Main event and be "The man" of the WWE. Vince never pulled the trigger and tha's all Punks argument was even at his infamous shoot till now. Cena is still the one main eventing even though his matches were sucking, his ueds were sucking and he wasnt even champion. So Punk, being the only one to speak out against this gets hated on. Then he attacks the Rock after Rocky tried to embarass him and overshadow him, then attacks Jerry Lawler after Lawler spreads rumor about him and lies to the Universe, then now he GIVES Cena the right to face him and Cena is now putting him down and making him feel like shit. Just ridiculous.

It's more or less a Bully storyline with Cena playing the bully and Punk playing the hard working employee hat was damn good at his job but always being overshadowed by the pompous douche thats always getting the opportunities and the spotlight. And just because Punk has had enough, now he's the bad guy and Cena trashes his title reign and lies about him "sneaking ways of keeping his champoinship" when clearly he's been a fighting Champion ever since his face turn...It's just really hypocritical of Cena both the man and the character to be saying all of that bullshit. I get that Punks the bad guy but the way this twist has come around has been very ridiculous in my eyes.

I say that becase I have a job and I work my ass off, come in early,leave late, most of the time skip breaks and do all I can to make the next level but there are two handpicked assholes that the boss has chosen a long time ago that always gets first ranking and first shots at the new positions and this and that so i see where Punk, the character and to a lesser extent, Philip the man is coming from. You can argue with me but I really don't see the need to respond because I relate to PUnk and that's who I'm rooting for in this fued and never really see him as a heel and all the things he did was justified.

Now back to the promo Cena was basically calling the kettle black as all the things Punk is doing Cena has aready done before and that's how he got where he is so he's basiclaly blasting his old self telling Punk he sole Harts colors and Machos Elbow drop and Vader's Its clobbering time yell well in my opinion Punk is showing tribute to his favorites and at least he does a variety of moves to let us know hey People, this is NOT the same mtch you just saw for the last 3 weeks in a row. And for Cena,the guy STOLE AWA's design and colors, the Guy STOLE the old WWF Word life thing from a while ago, the guy STOLE Nintendo's design with his 3 bit shirt, the guy STOLE JohnDeers colors, power Rangers colors, Marky Mark's look and Vanilla Ice's style and even STOLE a role as a Marine. My point is Cena's the last guy to be pointing at another for thievery.

Next we Cena says he got all his respect bein himself and staying the same welll uh thats BULLSHIT, look at the mans career...all I can say is 360....from Ruthless Agression face to White Boy Rapper Heel to Chain Gang Tweener to "Legit" Rapper Face to Soldier Face to Marine Face to All around Good Guy face. The funny thing is the Cena of old wouldve bashed the hell out of the Cena of today. At least Punk is consistent. Always been Straightedge since hs ROH days, always been a Punk Rocker/Skater type. Always been sarcastic and careless. Always been a little dark and preachy. And always aimed for the Very Best as he always claimed he then....who's the one who deserves more respect for being themselves...yep...

But I can go on andon about how twisted and backwards this story is but I will agree with Cena on the fact hat not much have hanged snce Punk has become Champion...which is sad because I know it isnt Punks fault, its WWE's fault and Punk has been saying that sine the shoot but Cena will not dare speak a bad thing about WWE because look, they've always accomondated him..Hell in any circumstance, Cena should be the Hell and Punk should be the face...but in this era thats just the way the cookie crumbles...oh but on a positive note, I love Cena's fire...thats one thing when he gets intense he's unstoppable and such aggression is te only quality that I like seeing in Cena and wish he sould have shown more of that in his Rock fued but oh well. This fued will be great and the closest thing to Austin/Rock, Hogan/Savage, Flair/Sting and so on am truly interested and I am happy for that...Rant over....Argue with me, thats fine but dont expect a response. Just voicing my opinion

GSB I can say I'm a Cena Hater but unlike most I am not that Basic. I speak my mind and obvioulsy in great detail. That's about it. Nothing wrong with that. Call me blind all you'd like but I, actually respect John Cena, the Man.

I respect the fact that he puts his neck out there practially every night to wrestle in front of most crowds who boo him.

I respect that fact that he made himself the Man of the WWE, that he pushed and pushed till he broke the top spot and continues even till this day.

I respect the fact that he has granted thousands of wishes to dying sick children and even to all the other kids and some adults that get to meet him.

I respect the fact that he's kind to his fans and will stick with them until the end.

I respect the fact that he plays his character, which is still in many ways undefined every well.

I respect the fact that he respects those that paved the way for him.

I respect the fact that he can take on the most hateful crowds and even confront the we hate Cena guy and his posse and do it with a smile.

I repest that he can deal with a divorce without taking time off from wrestling and stay balanced at that.

I respect the fact that he's not afraid to get hurt.

I repspect the fact that he loves his jobs and wants to do it forever.

I respect all of these things.

I respect the facts that he conditions constantly and stays his shape and does his best not to get inujured.

I respect all of that and more from John Felix Anthony Cena. I truly do. So as I said, there's no "Blind" hate here and definetly no hate for the man as a human, but lots of hate for the character he plays on TV and his status in the company above all others. John Cena is a paradox that really isnt meant to be understood but meant to evoke the deepest of emotions from all the fans which he does, as shown with my passionate posts here. But as I watch wrestling I willl feen this way about the character that Cena portrays and his Character's namesake in the business. That's all.
I didn't read either of these posts -- nowhere near patient enough, barely managed to skim them -- but I sure am glad you told me what Cena's full name is. You must know your shit.
Yes I do, however I truly think it's damn near impossible to be objective in any conversation about Cena. There is no in between. you're either complately against the character, or you're completely for. And by all of the post that I've been following of yours throughout the years, I can see that you are Pro, and I am Anti...whcih is perfectly fine with me Sly. thank you

No, I'm in the middle. I'll take his character any day over a babyface Sheamus, Orton, etc(Can't really think of any other face main eventers I don't like). But I can see where people such as you can get very annoyed with a Superman high moral character. The Problem is people like you need to realize that we need characters such as Superman to really appreciate characters such as Batman (Batman being CM Punk in this situation, or any other heel loved by smarks).
I didn't read either of these posts -- nowhere near patient enough, barely managed to skim them -- but I sure am glad you told me what Cena's full name is. You must know your shit.

Phillip would approve.

What happened to that other guy anyways? He left awfully fast once Lee showed how much he knows.
Phillip would approve.

What happened to that other guy anyways? He left awfully fast once Lee showed how much he knows.

He's probably scouring the Internet trying to find out where Cena and Punk went to elementary school with and if they had hot or cold lunches. Obviously, that would prove his brilliance as a fan.
No, I'm in the middle. I'll take his character any day over a babyface Sheamus, Orton, etc(Can't really think of any other face main eventers I don't like). But I can see where people such as you can get very annoyed with a Superman high moral character. The Problem is people like you need to realize that we need characters such as Superman to really appreciate characters such as Batman (Batman being CM Punk in this situation, or any other heel loved by smarks).

I do understand this Dark Knight and I understand why Cena's character is what it is, much like Hogans and well, as you said Superman, I just don't particularly like them. Sorry If I am sounding rude or immature, was just trying to state my opinion but like I said I do respect him and get why his character is around. I just take a more liking to, as you said, the Batmans or for me characters like Spawn. And actually I agree, I would take Cena over Babyface Sheamus or Smily Orton any day.
I didn't read either of these posts -- nowhere near patient enough, barely managed to skim them -- but I sure am glad you told me what Cena's full name is. You must know your shit.

Dude no need for the sarcasm I was just making my point that I respect the man behind the character. Geez, you guys really get me with that smartass attitude...But I am not here to fight or argue, just here to express my opinion on the bit from Raw as the Topic states and give a little bit of my opinion of Cen's character. I honestly have alot of respect for you guys on the internet. Hell this place is where i find camraderie especially when it comes to wrestling. I dont know anyone in my daily life that enjoy it so you guys are practicially my friends in this subject....or as its looking like, my opponents...but alas I didnt come here to fight or debate, just express
Dude no need for the sarcasm I was just making my point that I respect the man behind the character. Geez, you guys really get me with that smartass attitude...But I am not here to fight or argue, just here to express my opinion on the bit from Raw as the Topic states and give a little bit of my opinion of Cen's character. I honestly have alot of respect for you guys on the internet. Hell this place is where i find camraderie especially when it comes to wrestling. I dont know anyone in my daily life that enjoy it so you guys are practicially my friends in this subject....or as its looking like, my opponents...but alas I didnt come here to fight or debate, just express

This could have been shortened to one or two lines. This is what it's like talking to Will, isn't it?
1. The Power Rangers comment is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

2. I'm curious as to how Cena stole a role as a Marine.

I know you're right I was just trying to be funny on that one, which I obviously failed to do so, and the Marine comment was a joke within itself...was just trying to say Cena shouldnt be accusing anyone of stealing or borrowing as he's dont his fair share himself. Sorry
Okay, i apologize for that. Forgive me for the way i talk.....Anymore sarcastic remarks to make about me here?


I agree that John Cena stole the Nintendo design for his 8 bit shirt, just like how CM Punk stole the design of the flag of Iraq for his best in the world t-shirt. He also stole the "best in the world" line from Jericho, who in turn stole it from Wolverine.

This clearly makes them thieves and unworthy of our affection. Fuck Cena. Fuck Punk. I'm a Chris Hawkins guy through and through!

That's his name, right?

I agree that John Cena stole the Nintendo design for his 8 bit shirt, just like how CM Punk stole the design of the flag of Iraq for his best in the world t-shirt. He also stole the "best in the world" line from Jericho, who in turn stole it from Wolverine.

This clearly makes them thieves and unworthy of our affection. Fuck Cena. Fuck Punk. I'm a Chris Hawkins guy through and through!

That's his name, right?

Wrong! Its the Chicago flag


Haha I win and you lose J
Wrong! Its the Chicago flag


Haha I win and you lose J

We're both right and wrong! He combined the design of the Chicago flag with the color scheme of the Iraqi flag!

That means he's a double thief, which means he double sucks.
No, I'm in the middle. I'll take his character any day over a babyface Sheamus, Orton, etc(Can't really think of any other face main eventers I don't like). But I can see where people such as you can get very annoyed with a Superman high moral character. The Problem is people like you need to realize that we need characters such as Superman to really appreciate characters such as Batman (Batman being CM Punk in this situation, or any other heel loved by smarks).

I would love to know how CM Punk is like Batman. Is it because he compares himself to Batman on his Twitter bio? Because last I checked, Batman is a noble and good person, a hero, not a whiny child.
I would love to know how CM Punk is like Batman. Is it because he compares himself to Batman on his Twitter bio? Because last I checked, Batman is a noble and good person, a hero, not a whiny child.

CM Punk and John Cena are somewhat similar, just like Batman and Superman are somewhat similar.

Superman always wants to do good, is always honorable, just like Cena.

Batman does things for the good of the people but isn't afraid to use tactics that some people such as Superman (Cena) wouldn't approve of and isn't afraid of the public hating him for it. He'll tell you the cold hard truth. Something Superman (Cena rarely does).

This is even more apparent due to Punk's heel turn. He feels Cena is just a product of the system.

Just like in the Dark Knight Returns comic Batman believed Supes was just a government tool, so they fought each other. Just like this Sunday.

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