The Cena Promo On Raw This Week...

Yeah, keep sassing/trolling one of the admins. That won't end up badly at all.

I'd say Slyfox 101, possibly with added KB is coming up in about five to ten minutes.
Well, idiot. I never used the word bury or term burying once.

Hey your response got a little better though, I feel like I'm working towards the heart of your issue.

And what I mean by saying your not capable of understanding how others feel.. I'm talking about CM Punk as well. There is a real man named Phillip behind that character. And if you think Phillip doesn't care about his title reign, or being the best in the world. Your wrong.

See there's people like me who might believe a little too much, but then there's people like you... who think there is like absoutley no truth to anything going on.

It's obvious WWE is drained dry for stories, so they simply take how a person... CM Punk and how he feels in reality, and they take that and they put it into his character and they turn it up.

Do you guys think CM Punk, Phillip, actually thinks Cena is even close to as good of a wrestler as him?

I gurantee Punk knows and anyone who knows how a fucking wrestling match is suppose to be, knows Punk is on a whole different level.

Like Punk is just sitting there with a smile backstage... yeah sure, Vince, I would love to drop the belt to Cena. What a bunch of shit. I can't even keep my thoughts going against you on one subject, there's so much I feel I could throw in your face. I'm just going to post this and walk away, otherwise I'll end up writing a damn book about your stupidity, and INABILITY TO UNDERSTAND.

I bet you thought Lawler's heart attack was a work for the first 10-30 minutes, until some actual shit came in. Me.. I knew it was real within 30 seconds of it happening, during the match.

Whatever, I don't expect people here to understand me. I'm on a whole different level of conciousness and awareness in this world. You guys give wrestling fans a bad rep.

And why did you guys think I'm talking reality? I was discussing what happen on the SHOW in my post. John Cena's characters words pissed me off. Haven't you ever got pissed off by something that happen in a movie? People don't right away come in bashing calling you an idiot and telling you the movie is fake. GAWD. FREAKING IDIOTS!

Of course I am talking a combination of the two, because that's what wrestling is. Reality blended into fiction.

Primetime Playas in your Sig, by what your saying... THEY DON'T REALLY LIKE DANCING... their just acting like they do. They don't like millions of dollars either. Completely fake.. your being worked by their fake personalities.

Come on.. that's what your telling me man.

Well, idiot. I never used the word bury or term burying once.

Hey your response got a little better though, I feel like I'm working towards the heart of your issue.

And what I mean by saying your not capable of understanding how others feel.. I'm talking about CM Punk as well. There is a real man named Phillip behind that character. And if you think Phillip doesn't care about his title reign, or being the best in the world. Your wrong.

See there's people like me who might believe a little too much, but then there's people like you... who think there is like absoutley no truth to anything going on.

It's obvious WWE is drained dry for stories, so they simply take how a person... CM Punk and how he feels in reality, and they take that and they put it into his character and they turn it up.

Do you guys think CM Punk, Phillip, actually thinks Cena is even close to as good of a wrestler as him?

I gurantee Punk knows and anyone who knows how a fucking wrestling match is suppose to be, knows Punk is on a whole different level.

Like Punk is just sitting there with a smile backstage... yeah sure, Vince, I would love to drop the belt to Cena. What a bunch of shit. I can't even keep my thoughts going against you on one subject, there's so much I feel I could throw in your face. I'm just going to post this and walk away, otherwise I'll end up writing a damn book about your stupidity, and INABILITY TO UNDERSTAND.

I bet you thought Lawler's heart attack was a work for the first 10-30 minutes, until some actual shit came in. Me.. I knew it was real within 30 seconds of it happening, during the match.

Whatever, I don't expect people here to understand me. I'm on a whole different level of conciousness and awareness in this world. You guys give wrestling fans a bad rep.

And why did you guys think I'm talking reality? I was discussing what happen on the SHOW in my post. John Cena's characters words pissed me off. Haven't you ever got pissed off by something that happen in a movie? People don't right away come in bashing calling you an idiot and telling you the movie is fake. GAWD. FREAKING IDIOTS!

Of course I am talking a combination of the two, because that's what wrestling is. Reality blended into fiction.

Primetime Playas in your Sig, by what your saying... THEY DON'T REALLY LIKE DANCING... their just acting like they do. They don't like millions of dollars either. Completely fake.. your being worked by their fake personalities.

Come on.. that's what your telling me man. Of course the PTP love millions of dollars!

It's still real to me dammit!

It's still real to me dammit!

Oh so PTP don't like millions of dollars and dancing then. Sanka your such an idiot and a mark for believing that they do.

John Cena really isn't a good guy. Because that's what he plays on TV.. no way that could be true then. Reality must tell us he keeps little boys locked up in his basement.

and back to the point... CM Punk doesn't care about his standing in WWE or his title reign.

Hey people, if it happens on TV, with real live human beings.. it's not real. Not even a chance. That's the summary of your posts so far.

Can't believe Lawler faked a heart attack.
Oh so PTP don't like millions of dollars and dancing then.

John Cena really isn't a good guy. Because that's what he plays on TV.. no way that could be true then. Reality must tell us he keeps little boys locked up in his basement.

and back to the point... CM Punk doesn't care about his standing in WWE or his title reign.

Hey people, if it happens on TV, with real live human beings.. it's not real. Not even a chance. That's the summary of your posts so far.

Can't believe Lawler faked a heart attack.

This is great. Please tell us more. Breakdown the whole institution of professional wrestling. I'm learning so much from you.
That promo was about as good as you can ever ask from anyone. Zero weaknesses and did what it was supposed to, get people excited for the title match on Sunday.

During the promo there were times, even if only for a second I completely forgot about the Lawler situation and when you can accomplish that you must have done something right.

I have nothing bad to say about that promo, it was pure gold and it was nice to see Bret knock CM Punk on his ass to end it. I loved every second of it and it shows what kind of magic can happen when you let 2 pro's like Cena and Punk do their thing.

This is great. Please tell us more. Breakdown the whole institution of professional wrestling. I'm learning so much from you.

Just want to make it clear... I was being sarcastic and I was talking from your point of views.

But sure.. I'll go on.

The Rock's eyebrow.. completely fake. In fact he lost it, that's why we haven't seen an eyebrow in 2012.

Stone Cold liking beer... HA.. FAT FUCKING CHANCE. Not real.

Cody Rhodes hair really isn't brown.

The Big Show is really a midget in a robot suit.

Hornswoggle is just a dude who walks on his knees.

and Jim Ross HATES cowboy hats.

You want more of a behind the scenes look at pro wrestling from the view points of Sanka and Slyfox?
Just want to make it clear... I was being sarcastic and I was talking from your point of views.
Just want to make it clear, I understood that perfectly, which is why I was mocking you. :thumbsup:

But sure.. I'll go on.
In the words of Daniel Bryan "Yes!"

Oh wait, I shouldn't say that. Daniel Bryan tells us he thinks fans are mocking him when we say that, and since you're the proponent of wrestlers using a mic to express their true feelings, I wouldn't want to mock Daniel Bryan. Poor guy, going through all those anger management issues.

The Rock's eyebrow.. completely fake. In fact he lost it, that's why we haven't seen an eyebrow in 2012.

Stone Cold liking beer... HA.. FAT FUCKING CHANCE. Not real.

Cody Rhodes hair really isn't brown.

The Big Show is really a midget in a robot suit.

Hornswoggle is just a dude who walks on his knees.

and Jim Ross HATES cowboy hats.

You want more of a behind the scenes look at pro wrestling from the view points of Sanka and Slyfox?
Not at all, I want to learn more from you. You're educational lessons in this thread have been most enlightening. Please do go on. Tell us more wrestlers' real names like you did with Phillip, and how they truly feel on the inside. I'm captivated by the amount of knowledge you possess.
Excellent promo from both men. Like others have said for a brief moment it made me forget about the whole Lawler situation.

Also anybody else get the feeling that WWE are building up to another screw job? I mean with the whole comparison of Punk, Michael's and Cena Hart. Also with NOC being in Boston maybe AJ will screw cena out the title leading to her getting fired or Heyman will get involved somehow or maybe i'm just reading far too much into it.
Cena saying the title is irrelevant cause of Punk is bullshit, it's not Punk's fault the WWE brass haven't let ANYONE besides HHH or John Cena main event a PPV since 2005.

JBL, Hulk Hogan, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Finlay, Umaga, Bobby Lashley, Miz, John Morrison, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, Darren Young, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, Michael Tarver, Alberto Del Rio, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Edge, Undertaker, Rock, R-Truth

Just want to make it clear, I understood that perfectly, which is why I was mocking you. :thumbsup:

In the words of Daniel Bryan "Yes!"

Oh wait, I shouldn't say that. Daniel Bryan tells us he thinks fans are mocking him when we say that, and since you're the proponent of wrestlers using a mic to express their true feelings, I wouldn't want to mock Daniel Bryan. Poor guy, going through all those anger management issues.

Not at all, I want to learn more from you. You're educational lessons in this thread have been most enlightening. Please do go on. Tell us more wrestlers' real names like you did with Phillip, and how they truly feel on the inside. I'm captivated by the amount of knowledge you possess.

Thank you, sir. I'm impressed by your ability to understand and learn. However, I kind of am looking forward to watching No Surrender 2012 tonight, so that is where my attention will be turned. Sorry I will not be enlightening you anymore.


(I just really wanted to do that.)
JBL, Hulk Hogan, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Finlay, Umaga, Bobby Lashley, Miz, John Morrison, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, Darren Young, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, Michael Tarver, Alberto Del Rio, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Edge, Undertaker, Rock, R-Truth


Little bit more of enlightening for ya'll.

Erase every name you listed that main evented against HHH or John Cena.

Also forget about the ALL smackdown PPVs from the past, those are irrelevant now to the main event scene. Because they wouldn't have been main eventing if they had been on the same card as the Raw title match.

So that whipes out at least 7 names from The Nexus. That gets rid of R-Truth. WTF did Shane McMahon main event? Morrison's match probably wasn't the main event as it was at the Royal Rumble, I'm not 100% though. Bobby Lashley faced only Cena. Umaga faced only Cena.

So your list should look something like

Shawn Michaels, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Miz, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Undertaker

Let's get rid of the ones who only main evented against Punk. Who are we left with now as main eventers who haven't been jobbed to HHH, Cena, or Punk.

HBK, Batista, Chris Jericho, Edge, Undertaker

K.. there's all the names of people besides Punk, HHH, Cena who have main evented a PPV match.. not against Punk, HHH, Cena since 2005.

Course the WWE is going to be in a slump when they don't let any new talent get over for the last 6 years besides Punk recently.

Everything that happened since 2005 all was to feed John Cena's main event status. Punk has been the first breath of fresh air, and he damn near had to pull the kayfabe curtain all the way back for it.
Little bit more of enlightening for ya'll.

Erase every name you listed that main evented against HHH or John Cena.

Weren't they in the main event of a PPV? I think they were.

Also forget about the ALL smackdown PPVs from the past, those are irrelevant now to the main event scene. Because they wouldn't have been main eventing if they had been on the same card as the Raw title match.

What was the main event of Summerslam 2008?

What was the main event of Summerslam 2009?

What was the main event of The Bash 2008?

You're welcome.

So that whipes out at least 7 names from The Nexus. That gets rid of R-Truth. WTF did Shane McMahon main event? Morrison's match probably wasn't the main event as it was at the Royal Rumble, I'm not 100% though. Bobby Lashley faced only Cena. Umaga faced only Cena.

Vengeance 2006. A card that also had Cena on it. Booyah.

So your list should look something like

Shawn Michaels, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Miz, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Undertaker

I thought two or more people main event a PPV. I don't see any wrestlers wrestling themselves.

Let's get rid of the ones who only main evented against Punk. Who are we left with now as main eventers who haven't been jobbed to HHH, Cena, or Punk.

Quit kidding yourself. You know you're beat. Accept defeat.

HBK, Batista, Chris Jericho, Edge, Undertaker

K.. there's all the names of people besides Punk, HHH, Cena who have main evented a PPV match.. not against Punk, HHH, Cena since 2005.

Course the WWE is going to be in a slump when they don't let any new talent get over for the last 6 years besides Punk recently.

Now you want to change things. What a sad life you lead.
A simple "I do not like John Cena not because of his in-ring or promo abilities but because of his constant portrayal as the all around good guy when in fact his character is as hypocritical, if not more so, than CM Punk's current incarnation" would probably have sufficed.
First off, Little Jerry Lawler, I think you completely missed what I was saying. Beucase when I read your post from my context, it makes no sense to me.

Барбоса;4117603 said:
A simple "I do not like John Cena not because of his in-ring or promo abilities but because of his constant portrayal as the all around good guy when in fact his character is as hypocritical, if not more so, than CM Punk's current incarnation" would probably have sufficed.

Ok. But that's not it.

Let me help you reword my problems. lol.

"I do not like John Cena because of his POOR in-ring work ethic. I do not like the way he sells the smallest punches and acts like he is beaten and battered. It's the easy way out to lay on the mat and act hurt when you don't know how to chain wrestle. I do not like John Cena because he is a poor in-ring worker, and he constantly gets thrusted into the spotlight that he really doesn't deserve. There are other wrestlers out there who work hard too."

And you know what... I didn't really even mind John Cena all that much before. It's not his fault he's constantly shoved down our throats. But I think the direction he took the angle with Punk in was not the right direction. Sure it was a great promo.. lots of emotion!!!!!!!!! But Cena spoke inaccurately as far as I am concerned, just so he could LOOK better than Punk.

It's a lot like Mitt Romney constantly putting down Obama because that's the only way he can beat him. To make him look weak, because no one fucking likes Romney. Just like a lot of people don't like John Cena. So go ahead John Cena, try and ruin Punk's rep. It might have even worked. But keep in mind, he stretched the truth too much.. just like Romney is doing, smart people can see straight through that phony.

Yes.. it's fake.. but every fucking word wasn't scripted. What Cena said and to the degree that he said it.. was John Cena saying it. And I don't like how he said it. Thus he pissed me off, and I am now on the "Cena Sucks!" side of the fence. And I do ride the fence with Cena a lot, I've never loved him or adored him as a wrestler like a lot of the fans do. I liked him best as the thuganmoic, and when he does his job.

I personally feel that Cena does want the title back... John cena, behind the scenes.. I think he is a little bit taken back by the fact that Punk has stolen his spotlight so to speak. So I do think there is real issues stemming from them, even if they won't come out and openly say it backstage.

Now do you guys fucking get what I was saying?

Why am I so emotional about this? Because I love wrestling and I don't want to see it fall into the hands of more people like John Cena. With the look, with the kiddy attraction, with the poor in-ring work ethic(and I say that because he has talent, he just choses to try to act instead, which he does poorly.) I want to see wrestlers like Cm Punk, Antonio Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan.. who have worked and wrestled all around the world for years, and who know that wrestling is suppose to be about the in-ring action looking believable. Cena does not make it look believable. If it wasn't for the influx of good wrestlers that I just mentioned, I honestly don't know if I'd still be watching the WWE with The Miz and John Cena being their main stars.

FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, sir. I'm impressed by your ability to understand and learn. However, I kind of am looking forward to watching No Surrender 2012 tonight, so that is where my attention will be turned. Sorry I will not be enlightening you anymore.

First off, Little Jerry Lawler, I think you completely missed what I was saying. Beucase when I read your post from my context, it makes no sense to me.

Ok. But that's not it.

Let me help you reword my problems. lol.

"I do not like John Cena because of his POOR in-ring work ethic. I do not like the way he sells the smallest punches and acts like he is beaten and battered. It's the easy way out to lay on the mat and act hurt when you don't know how to chain wrestle. I do not like John Cena because he is a poor in-ring worker, and he constantly gets thrusted into the spotlight that he really doesn't deserve. There are other wrestlers out there who work hard too."

And you know what... I didn't really even mind John Cena all that much before. It's not his fault he's constantly shoved down our throats. But I think the direction he took the angle with Punk in was not the right direction. Sure it was a great promo.. lots of emotion!!!!!!!!! But Cena spoke inaccurately as far as I am concerned, just so he could LOOK better than Punk.

It's a lot like Mitt Romney constantly putting down Obama because that's the only way he can beat him. To make him look weak, because no one fucking likes Romney. Just like a lot of people don't like John Cena. So go ahead John Cena, try and ruin Punk's rep. It might have even worked. But keep in mind, he stretched the truth too much.. just like Romney is doing, smart people can see straight through that phony.

Yes.. it's fake.. but every fucking word wasn't scripted. What Cena said and to the degree that he said it.. was John Cena saying it. And I don't like how he said it. Thus he pissed me off, and I am now on the "Cena Sucks!" side of the fence. And I do ride the fence with Cena a lot, I've never loved him or adored him as a wrestler like a lot of the fans do. I liked him best as the thuganmoic, and when he does his job.

I personally feel that Cena does want the title back... John cena, behind the scenes.. I think he is a little bit taken back by the fact that Punk has stolen his spotlight so to speak. So I do think there is real issues stemming from them, even if they won't come out and openly say it backstage.

Now do you guys fucking get what I was saying?

Why am I so emotional about this? Because I love wrestling and I don't want to see it fall into the hands of more people like John Cena. With the look, with the kiddy attraction, with the poor in-ring work ethic(and I say that because he has talent, he just choses to try to act instead, which he does poorly.) I want to see wrestlers like Cm Punk, Antonio Cesaro, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan.. who have worked and wrestled all around the world for years, and who know that wrestling is suppose to be about the in-ring action looking believable. Cena does not make it look believable. If it wasn't for the influx of good wrestlers that I just mentioned, I honestly don't know if I'd still be watching the WWE with The Miz and John Cena being their main stars.

FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!!!
And you said you didn't have any attention to spare.

Do continue, your understanding of pro wrestling is like none I've ever seen. Well, actually, that's not true, it's right on part with the understanding most 13 year old boys have of pro wrestling, but you add the wrestlers' real names, which just blows my mind. Sure, I could look them up on Wikipedia too, but this is so much more entertaining.

So please continue.
Alright my last post was golden. If you guys don't get the point yet your thick headed and WWE marks. I really should know better, this place has always been very WWE markish. You guys don't like negativety towards your WWE.

When I talk to you I get the sense that your the little boy sitting in the crowd with a green t-shirt on, thinking John Cena is the best.

I'm officially done wasting my time on you kiddies.
Alright my last post was golden. If you guys don't get the point yet your thick headed and WWE marks. I really should know better, this place has always been very WWE markish. You guys don't like negativety towards your WWE.

When I talk to you I get the sense that your the little boy sitting in the crowd with a green t-shirt on, thinking John Cena is the best.

No no, not at all. I'm enthralled with how you convey the amount of pro wrestling knowledge you have. Don't stop.

Fuck that John Cena for making Phillip look bad in front of the Montreal audience! How dare he make people boo Phillip!
Brainwashed the young people of the audience is more like it. They just accept what they are told, even if it is wrong. Especially from someone like John Cena.

Their too immature to decide truth and think for themselfs.

Kind of like this community. OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!


Damn I owned you guys so much in this thread. I bet your all feeling butt hurt right about now. Peace Out!
Alright my last post was golden. If you guys don't get the point yet your thick headed and WWE marks. I really should know better, this place has always been very WWE markish. You guys don't like negativety towards your WWE.

You didn't make a point.

You merely intimated that you think, with no real evidence other than a miniscule amount of smarky knowledge about the wrestling world, that John Cena is essentially attempting to politick his way into regaining the WWE title from CM Punk because he feels, something you could not possibly know, threatened by Punk's modicum of success over the past year and just plain does not like him.

Nothing John Cena said to Punk on RAW was any "worse" or "cutting" than what Punk himself said during his "shoot."

When I talk to you I get the sense that your the little boy sitting in the crowd with a green t-shirt on, thinking John Cena is the best.

Ah, the refuge of the desperate.
Brainwashed the young people of the audience is more like it. They just accept what they are told, even if it is wrong. Especially from someone like John Cena.

Their too immature to decide truth and think for themselfs.

Kind of like this community. OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!


Damn I owned you guys so much in this thread. I bet your all feeling butt hurt right about now. Peace Out!


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