The Cena Promo On Raw This Week...

I used a submission hold on a kid I fought in the fourth grade. Years later, I'd discover the name of that move: Cattle Mutilation. Ironic. He was a pudgy little rut, no doubt.

It's amazing how often you see Cattle Mutilation in the UFC. It's no wonder Vince McMahon, the dictator that he is, doesn't let Bryan Danielson, YES I SAID IT! BRYAN DANIELSON! use Cattle Mutilation. He doesn't want people to think the WWE is copying the UFC.

What fucking douchebag.

WWE is too controlled. Much like our government. Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hear ya brother! FREEDOM!!!!

Fuck the WWE and all their rules. And fuck the WZ forums and their Nazi mods!
Love the powerbomb. A proper chain wrestling move reserved for great chain wrestlers. Batista. Kevin Nash. Sid.

That's probably why Johnny Boy (like that, Phillip?) doesn't even try to do it. He's just not nearly good enough to pull it off like those guys were.
First off, Little Jerry Lawler, I think you completely missed what I was saying. Beucase when I read your post from my context, it makes no sense to me.

I'm not surprised by those last six words.

1. You said that they wouldn't let anyone beside HHH and Cena main event.

2. I gave you a list of wrestlers who have main evented pay-per-views.

3. Now you want to change the criteria because most of those wrestlers faced HHH and Cena and you added Punk into that little equation when you were complaining earlier about them killing Punk's "overness."

4. You said that the Smackdown PPV's are irrelevant because you believe that they wouldn't have main evented if the Raw title were on the same card. I gave you three main events which proves my point: HHH vs. Edge at The Bash 2008, CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2009 and the thrilling encounter between Undertaker and Edge at Summerslam 2008.

P.S. You shortened my list of names to guys who have main evented PPV's against guys other than Punk, HHH, and Cena. As usual, you made many mistakes. It's ok. We all make them. Not in this case for me, but for you.

1. What match ended Summerslam 2005? I believe it was this guy named Hulk Hogan against someone who goes by Mr. Wrestlemania. I forget his name.

2. You seem to have amnesia and don't remember the match that Cena refereed almost two years ago in which his job was on the line. What was that? Survivor Series was the setting. The competitors: Two names you sadly omitted- Wade Barrett and Randy Orton.
I'm not surprised by those last six words.

1. You said that they wouldn't let anyone beside HHH and Cena main event.

2. I gave you a list of wrestlers who have main evented pay-per-views.

3. Now you want to change the criteria because most of those wrestlers faced HHH and Cena and you added Punk into that little equation when you were complaining earlier about them killing Punk's "overness."

4. You said that the Smackdown PPV's are irrelevant because you believe that they wouldn't have main evented if the Raw title were on the same card. I gave you three main events which proves my point: HHH vs. Edge at The Bash 2008, CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2009 and the thrilling encounter between Undertaker and Edge at Summerslam 2008.

P.S. You shortened my list of names to guys who have main evented PPV's against guys other than Punk, HHH, and Cena. As usual, you made many mistakes. It's ok. We all make them. Not in this case for me, but for you.

1. What match ended Summerslam 2005? I believe it was this guy named Hulk Hogan against someone who goes by Mr. Wrestlemania. I forget his name.

2. You seem to have amnesia and don't remember the match that Cena refereed almost two years ago in which his job was on the line. What was that? Survivor Series was the setting. The competitors: Two names you sadly omitted- Wade Barrett and Randy Orton.
Hey, back off. Everyone knows Phillip is being held back by Johnny Boy and his crappy wrestling. So what if Phillip doesn't make as much money as Johnny boy, that's just because the little kiddies don't understand someone as great as Phillip.

Back off.
Hey, back off. Everyone knows Phillip is being held back by Johnny Boy and his crappy wrestling. So what if Phillip doesn't make as much money as Johnny boy, that's just because the little kiddies don't understand someone as great as Phillip.

Back off.

I'm surprised that Cena didn't make a Waltons reference when Punk called him John Boy last night.
If the money dictated that Punk were the man, he'd be the man. Simple as. He's had plenty of chances. A year ago I'd have said otherwise, but not now.

It was mentioned because that's one thing people have bitched about for a year.

Yes, although Punk is now a heel, Cena just gave Punk more to prove to the fans and himself. It makes the upcoming match more intriguing. If you're a Punk mark you are that much more interested in seeing Punk finally beat Cena clean and cement his reign as legit. If you're a Cena mark, you want to see if Punk can beeat Cena clean and cement his reign as legit.

What this all means is that it is most likely that Punk will win dirty giving WWE an excuse to redo this and take your money for a third feud in 2013.

I understand that three parts, just saying that its not the people that wanted those mainevents, its the WWE. Cena is "The Man" in the eyes of WWE right now and he is maineventing because he is "The Man". He sells more merchandise and he is good at what he does but a lot of IWC guys complained in the following year(we are IWC, we are always complaining about something but still... :) ) about it so its not like the people didnt want Punk in the mainevent, its the WWE who didnt have faith in Punk that he would be better then Cena for maineventing a PPV. In some cases its justified(Rock, Brock, its all huge draw matches and nobody could complain about it) but in some cases its not(like that ambulance match at EC or Laurientis match). Just saying that he was somewhat wrong in that part of the promo.

But its awesome promo anyway and cant wait for Saturday and that match because the outcome is very unpredictable. Will Punk solidify himself or will Cena rise once again as WWE champion in his hometown. :)
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Some people want Punk/the title to get the main event slot but it's not enough people or the right people to convince WWE to put him in that spot. It may ultimately be WWE's decision but they are just doing what they think the fans want and will pay.

No matter how you feel or what you wanted, it all worked out nicely because in the end WWE was able to use it effectively in this story.
I find it utterly hilarious that Jus Dynamite thinks that Cena is shit for all the typical smark reasons, yet Sheamus is in his Top 10.
So can we go ahead and change the name of this thread to the Jus Dynamite makes an ass out of himself thread? I was so embarrassed for the guy that I actually ignored him just to avoid seeing his dribble. For Sly

Anyway, back to the promo. The hot topic seems to be Cena pointing out that the belt hasn't been the focus of the show, and that seems to have split the crowd... between idiots and people whom have an idea of what's going on.

That was absolutely one of the best parts of the promo, second only CM Punk getting his lights knocked out by Bret (if not just for the reaction). It's something that needed to be said eventually in this feud, because now it DOES put the focus on the belt. The main event this Sunday isn't going to be about John Cena vs. the bad guy of the month, Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar, or even White Knight Cena vs. whiny crybaby CM Punk. It's going to be about challenger vs. champion, and it just so happens that the challenger is the guy that commands respect while the champ is the guy demands it.

It's also important to note that it doesn't really matter if the belt is the focus of the show or not, that's just tired, old thinking. The focus of the show should be on the star, not the belt.

How Sheamus or Ziggler make a top ten list is beyond me. Cena is better than both combined, and I'm not even a fan of Cena.

Inside the ring Sheamus is easily in my top 5. Outside of the ring he's not even on the map, though Sheamus Lipshitz certainly bumped his stock up a little, as did his rendition of Hava Nagila.
So can we go ahead and change the name of this thread to the Jus Dynamite makes an ass out of himself thread? I was so embarrassed for the guy that I actually ignored him just to avoid seeing his dribble. For Sly

Anyway, back to the promo. The hot topic seems to be Cena pointing out that the belt hasn't been the focus of the show, and that seems to have split the crowd... between idiots and people whom have an idea of what's going on.

That was absolutely one of the best parts of the promo, second only CM Punk getting his lights knocked out by Bret (if not just for the reaction). It's something that needed to be said eventually in this feud, because now it DOES put the focus on the belt. The main event this Sunday isn't going to be about John Cena vs. the bad guy of the month, Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar, or even White Knight Cena vs. whiny crybaby CM Punk. It's going to be about challenger vs. champion, and it just so happens that the challenger is the guy that commands respect while the champ is the guy demands it.

It's also important to note that it doesn't really matter if the belt is the focus of the show or not, that's just tired, old thinking. The focus of the show should be on the star, not the belt.

I thought the best part of the promo was when Cena stopped Punk from taking a swing at Hart; thought that was a nice touch.
Jus Dynamite is a fucking dipshit.

The promo though was fantastic, one of the only things I've liked on WWE lately, other than the Kane/Bryan stuff. It's good to see that Cena can still prove that he's better than everyone else.
So can we go ahead and change the name of this thread to the Jus Dynamite makes an ass out of himself thread? I was so embarrassed for the guy that I actually ignored him just to avoid seeing his dribble. For Sly
Jackass. :)

The focus of the show should be on the star, not the belt.
And really, the focus of the show has always been on the star. When Savage held the belt in '88, wasn't Hogan still always at the center of things? When other wrestlers held the belt in '98 and '99, wasn't Austin still the center of things?

This is not new development.

Jus Dynamite is a fucking dipshit.

The promo though was fantastic, one of the only things I've liked on WWE lately, other than the Kane/Bryan stuff. It's good to see that Cena can still prove that he's better than everyone else.

Cena vs. Punk has been very good over the last year and a half. And Kane/Bryan has been very entertaining as well.

I have to give it to Bryan. For someone who came in so lacking of charisma, he has had a fantastic 2012. He's really stepped up his game this year and the WWE has done very well with him putting him in just the right situations.
TBH, I thought it was one of better promos that ive seen since the Rock/Cena WM slag-off promos each week.

Neh, one of the best ive seen in the last couple of years.
I have to give it to Bryan. For someone who came in so lacking of charisma, he has had a fantastic 2012. He's really stepped up his game this year and the WWE has done very well with him putting him in just the right situations.

I know that Meltzer will have a meltdown on reading this, but Bryan has easily been "the most improved wrestler" of 2012.
Bryan has certainly shown improvement, though I maintain he's been very impressive in fits and starts since 2009.

Inside the ring Sheamus is easily in my top 5. Outside of the ring he's not even on the map, though Sheamus Lipshitz certainly bumped his stock up a little, as did his rendition of Hava Nagila.

This is factually correct.

I thought it was the best Cena promo of the year that didn't involve anything to do with the Rock.

It was the best Cena promo of the year.
I couldn't watch RAW until last night due to school & what not. Damn what a promo that was, it actually re-gained my interest in Cena. Also, if I heard right, Cena had nearly 100% of the crowd cheering him at the end of it all. When was the last time Cena had that many people cheer him, along with barely any audible boos? That in itself should identify the magnitude of how good the promo was.
'Twas a magnificient segement. Probably the best shared between Cena & Punk unless you're counting Punk's shoot. This is one of those times that I really get Cena and start to like him, then when next week's RAW comes around he'll make a stupid joke about Hannah Montana or something that's super PG and completely kill his momentum. Punk/Cena is going to go down as one of the greatest feuds in the history of Wrestling. It's perfect.
The promo between Cena and Punk was very good. But only because of the tension that they built. It kept your eyes glued to the scene to see what was said next.

However, My problem with Cena's part is that he basilaly downplayed Punks whole face run as well as title run. Now I will say Punks momentum has dropped greatly after his official face turn, but it is really not his fault. His fueds were amazing in m opinion, his matches were awesome as well in my opinion unlike Cena's matches I found very boring as well as his fueds. The only Cena fued I enjoyed recently of Cena's was with The Rock, and that is because Rock made him step up his game and I myself am a Rock fan, as well as his fued wth Brock was deent because I love Brock and of course WWE would make him hell, but the point is those two fueds were alright but led to absolutely nothing, The same goes for the Kane fued while Punks fued with Y2J, Del Rio, Miz and Bryan were all great because it showed how resilient and great Punk was as a champion but he was practically doing the same things that Cena was doing in his run but he never truly got the ball which was Punks main point in his rants. Cena refused to understand Punks point and blamed Punk for not getting "respect" which in my eyes means respect from management and the higher ups of the WWE to let him Main event and be "The man" of the WWE. Vince never pulled the trigger and tha's all Punks argument was even at his infamous shoot till now. Cena is still the one main eventing even though his matches were sucking, his ueds were sucking and he wasnt even champion. So Punk, being the only one to speak out against this gets hated on. Then he attacks the Rock after Rocky tried to embarass him and overshadow him, then attacks Jerry Lawler after Lawler spreads rumor about him and lies to the Universe, then now he GIVES Cena the right to face him and Cena is now putting him down and making him feel like shit. Just ridiculous.

It's more or less a Bully storyline with Cena playing the bully and Punk playing the hard working employee hat was damn good at his job but always being overshadowed by the pompous douche thats always getting the opportunities and the spotlight. And just because Punk has had enough, now he's the bad guy and Cena trashes his title reign and lies about him "sneaking ways of keeping his champoinship" when clearly he's been a fighting Champion ever since his face turn...It's just really hypocritical of Cena both the man and the character to be saying all of that bullshit. I get that Punks the bad guy but the way this twist has come around has been very ridiculous in my eyes.

I say that becase I have a job and I work my ass off, come in early,leave late, most of the time skip breaks and do all I can to make the next level but there are two handpicked assholes that the boss has chosen a long time ago that always gets first ranking and first shots at the new positions and this and that so i see where Punk, the character and to a lesser extent, Philip the man is coming from. You can argue with me but I really don't see the need to respond because I relate to PUnk and that's who I'm rooting for in this fued and never really see him as a heel and all the things he did was justified.

Now back to the promo Cena was basically calling the kettle black as all the things Punk is doing Cena has aready done before and that's how he got where he is so he's basiclaly blasting his old self telling Punk he sole Harts colors and Machos Elbow drop and Vader's Its clobbering time yell well in my opinion Punk is showing tribute to his favorites and at least he does a variety of moves to let us know hey People, this is NOT the same mtch you just saw for the last 3 weeks in a row. And for Cena,the guy STOLE AWA's design and colors, the Guy STOLE the old WWF Word life thing from a while ago, the guy STOLE Nintendo's design with his 3 bit shirt, the guy STOLE JohnDeers colors, power Rangers colors, Marky Mark's look and Vanilla Ice's style and even STOLE a role as a Marine. My point is Cena's the last guy to be pointing at another for thievery.

Next we Cena says he got all his respect bein himself and staying the same welll uh thats BULLSHIT, look at the mans career...all I can say is 360....from Ruthless Agression face to White Boy Rapper Heel to Chain Gang Tweener to "Legit" Rapper Face to Soldier Face to Marine Face to All around Good Guy face. The funny thing is the Cena of old wouldve bashed the hell out of the Cena of today. At least Punk is consistent. Always been Straightedge since hs ROH days, always been a Punk Rocker/Skater type. Always been sarcastic and careless. Always been a little dark and preachy. And always aimed for the Very Best as he always claimed he then....who's the one who deserves more respect for being themselves...yep...

But I can go on andon about how twisted and backwards this story is but I will agree with Cena on the fact hat not much have hanged snce Punk has become Champion...which is sad because I know it isnt Punks fault, its WWE's fault and Punk has been saying that sine the shoot but Cena will not dare speak a bad thing about WWE because look, they've always accomondated him..Hell in any circumstance, Cena should be the Hell and Punk should be the face...but in this era thats just the way the cookie crumbles...oh but on a positive note, I love Cena's fire...thats one thing when he gets intense he's unstoppable and such aggression is te only quality that I like seeing in Cena and wish he sould have shown more of that in his Rock fued but oh well. This fued will be great and the closest thing to Austin/Rock, Hogan/Savage, Flair/Sting and so on am truly interested and I am happy for that...Rant over....Argue with me, thats fine but dont expect a response. Just voicing my opinion
The promo between Cena and Punk was very good. But only because of the tension that they built. It kept your eyes glued to the scene to see what was said next.

However, My problem with Cena's part is that he basilaly downplayed Punks whole face run as well as title run. Now I will say Punks momentum has dropped greatly after his official face turn, but it is really not his fault. His fueds were amazing in m opinion, his matches were awesome as well in my opinion unlike Cena's matches I found very boring as well as his fueds. The only Cena fued I enjoyed recently of Cena's was with The Rock, and that is because Rock made him step up his game and I myself am a Rock fan, as well as his fued wth Brock was deent because I love Brock and of course WWE would make him hell, but the point is those two fueds were alright but led to absolutely nothing, The same goes for the Kane fued while Punks fued with Y2J, Del Rio, Miz and Bryan were all great because it showed how resilient and great Punk was as a champion but he was practically doing the same things that Cena was doing in his run but he never truly got the ball which was Punks main point in his rants. Cena refused to understand Punks point and blamed Punk for not getting "respect" which in my eyes means respect from management and the higher ups of the WWE to let him Main event and be "The man" of the WWE. Vince never pulled the trigger and tha's all Punks argument was even at his infamous shoot till now. Cena is still the one main eventing even though his matches were sucking, his ueds were sucking and he wasnt even champion. So Punk, being the only one to speak out against this gets hated on. Then he attacks the Rock after Rocky tried to embarass him and overshadow him, then attacks Jerry Lawler after Lawler spreads rumor about him and lies to the Universe, then now he GIVES Cena the right to face him and Cena is now putting him down and making him feel like shit. Just ridiculous.

It's more or less a Bully storyline with Cena playing the bully and Punk playing the hard working employee hat was damn good at his job but always being overshadowed by the pompous douche thats always getting the opportunities and the spotlight. And just because Punk has had enough, now he's the bad guy and Cena trashes his title reign and lies about him "sneaking ways of keeping his champoinship" when clearly he's been a fighting Champion ever since his face turn...It's just really hypocritical of Cena both the man and the character to be saying all of that bullshit. I get that Punks the bad guy but the way this twist has come around has been very ridiculous in my eyes.

I say that becase I have a job and I work my ass off, come in early,leave late, most of the time skip breaks and do all I can to make the next level but there are two handpicked assholes that the boss has chosen a long time ago that always gets first ranking and first shots at the new positions and this and that so i see where Punk, the character and to a lesser extent, Philip the man is coming from. You can argue with me but I really don't see the need to respond because I relate to PUnk and that's who I'm rooting for in this fued and never really see him as a heel and all the things he did was justified.

Now back to the promo Cena was basically calling the kettle black as all the things Punk is doing Cena has aready done before and that's how he got where he is so he's basiclaly blasting his old self telling Punk he sole Harts colors and Machos Elbow drop and Vader's Its clobbering time yell well in my opinion Punk is showing tribute to his favorites and at least he does a variety of moves to let us know hey People, this is NOT the same mtch you just saw for the last 3 weeks in a row. And for Cena,the guy STOLE AWA's design and colors, the Guy STOLE the old WWF Word life thing from a while ago, the guy STOLE Nintendo's design with his 3 bit shirt, the guy STOLE JohnDeers colors, power Rangers colors, Marky Mark's look and Vanilla Ice's style and even STOLE a role as a Marine. My point is Cena's the last guy to be pointing at another for thievery.

Next we Cena says he got all his respect bein himself and staying the same welll uh thats BULLSHIT, look at the mans career...all I can say is 360....from Ruthless Agression face to White Boy Rapper Heel to Chain Gang Tweener to "Legit" Rapper Face to Soldier Face to Marine Face to All around Good Guy face. The funny thing is the Cena of old wouldve bashed the hell out of the Cena of today. At least Punk is consistent. Always been Straightedge since hs ROH days, always been a Punk Rocker/Skater type. Always been sarcastic and careless. Always been a little dark and preachy. And always aimed for the Very Best as he always claimed he then....who's the one who deserves more respect for being themselves...yep...

But I can go on andon about how twisted and backwards this story is but I will agree with Cena on the fact hat not much have hanged snce Punk has become Champion...which is sad because I know it isnt Punks fault, its WWE's fault and Punk has been saying that sine the shoot but Cena will not dare speak a bad thing about WWE because look, they've always accomondated him..Hell in any circumstance, Cena should be the Hell and Punk should be the face...but in this era thats just the way the cookie crumbles...oh but on a positive note, I love Cena's fire...thats one thing when he gets intense he's unstoppable and such aggression is te only quality that I like seeing in Cena and wish he sould have shown more of that in his Rock fued but oh well. This fued will be great and the closest thing to Austin/Rock, Hogan/Savage, Flair/Sting and so on am truly interested and I am happy for that...Rant over....Argue with me, thats fine but dont expect a response. Just voicing my opinion

Next time just say I am a Cena hater.

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