The Cena Promo On Raw This Week...

CM Punk and John Cena are somewhat similar, just like Batman and Superman are somewhat similar.

Superman always wants to do good, is always honorable, just like Cena.

Batman does things for the good of the people but isn't afraid to use tactics that some people such as Superman (Cena) wouldn't approve of and isn't afraid of the public hating him for it. He'll tell you the cold hard truth. Something Superman (Cena rarely does).

This is even more apparent due to Punk's heel turn. He feels Cena is just a product of the system.

Just like in the Dark Knight Returns comic Batman believed Supes was just a government tool, so they fought each other. Just like this Sunday.

This is either a gross misunderstanding of Batman, or a gross misunderstanding of CM Punk. You mention The Dark Knight Returns. Batman isn't Batman in that. So it's appropriate that you pick a comic that gets Batman wrong to justify your claim that CM Punk is like Batman.

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