The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Right off the top, Punisher is easy, to me. Sure, there have been films, but they were all fucking dumpster fires. He would also make a very interesting addition into the Avengers universe, quite the antithesis to the colorful nature of all those guys.

Im perfectly down with Daredevil. that could work fine.

Once again, I know its been done, but a TV-MA Blade series would seem to be perfect for the current pop culture popularity of Vamps, Werewolves and what-have-you. It felt like some of the films and (especially) the tv series was limp dick, and before its time.

an X-Force show would fucking rock, obviously....and, while we are stating the obvious....

A TV-MA Deadpool series? Duh? Or perhaps have him be a recurring character in the above-mentioned X-Force series.

I'd happily take a Blade show over Luke Cage, the third was awful but the first two movies were good, the first one doing well even lead to the first Spiderman movie.

Also does anyone known if they even still make Blade comics? I'd love to get back into that if they do.

They'll most likely cancel the solo Jones, Cage, and Fist series and morph them into one after the crossover. I'd definitely be more interested in the ones previously stated, though all the X-Men properties are owned by Fox and have little to no chance of making it in this Disney owned deal.

Oh and Marvel does have the rights to I believe everyone except anyone heavily involved in FF and X-Men, so that includes Blade and Punisher.
Marvel don't have Spidey, FF, X-Men and Sub-Mariner. It's suspected they have Elektra through Daredevil but it's not been confirmed.
Justin, Wolverine and the X-Men Omnibus is coming in June. Supposedly a 1000+ page monster. I haven't read much, but I'm ready for it.
Through the first two Judge Dredd case files and it is definitely starting to pick up after a slow start.

The first file was only setting things up and had good stories like the Robot Wars, the appearance of Rico and Dredd's time as chief judge of Luna-1, although I felt that none of them were exploited to their full potential.

In case file #2 though, you can see the writers starting to get a handle on their character and fleshing out their environment. It also benefits greatly from the use of overall arcs or 'epics' as they are know.

Both Cursed Earth and The Day the Law Died are far from perfect - the former needed a climactic battle in Mega-City Two against the plague men while the latter just seem a little disjointed and perhaps relied a little too heavily on Judge Cal's insanity for entertainment, but there are definite signs of dramatic improvement.

Not sure whether to move straight to ordering the third as this could quickly become a habit and end up costing me a fortune.
Marvel is finally showing that there will be consequences to all of the heroes fighting amongst themselves.
If you're looking for some great deals on TPBs/Graphic Novels then you might want to check this site out they're even doing pre-orders for up to 50% off.

Just a quick note- If you do pre order books, know that the order won't be sent out until all pre-orders are available for shipping, if there are books that are available now that you want you may want to make a separate order for them & any pre-orders.
I ordered the Strange Girl omnibus, Norhtlanders Vol. 3, & X-Men: Second Coming. This came after spending three days of trimming my order down before getting it from over $300 down to only $65 (with S&H).
I need a new series to start. What is good? I dont mind lesser known titles or writers as long as they arent shit.
Finally did it. After years of wanting to get into comics, I looked up the chronological order of the Batman books, went to my local comic place and picked up second hand copies of Year One and the Shaman arcs.

Gotta start somewhere, right?
I need a new series to start. What is good? I dont mind lesser known titles or writers as long as they arent shit.

Black Science #1 by Rick Remender came out last week, it's a dimension hoppin' good time if you're into non-superhero sci fi shit.

Also Lazarus is really good too, the first trade for that should be out soon, & then you should be able to pick up the rest of the issues from there.
Wonder Woman has been cast.

Gal Cadot

A bit too loaded. As Jake has said, why would we then care about JLA?
My pants are loaded thinking of her in the boots with a laso. Cursed Wild West BDSM fetish.

If they're trying to counteract the avengers success, they will fail, and fail hard, and I'll be super hyped to watch it!!
Gal Gadot?

I mean Wonder Woman doesn't have to look like Chyna but 90 pounds really? JLA doesn't even fucking matter at this point.

Google tells me she spent two years in the Israeli military... Mandatory, yes, but I'm sure she'll have the ability to bulk up some. Lasso training and wild forearm swinging praactice could come in handy too though.
Apparently Flash and Nightwing are reported to be in there as well, why isn't called Justice League?

The supporting cast for MoS can't be exactly pleased with this.
Flash won't be. Nightwing will be as probably a bit part cameo in Batmans intro.
Variety who originally "had the scoop" on Gal Gadot's casting is reporting a Flash cameo of some sorts. Who knows really, fucking Ryan Reynold's GL is the only thing that would shock me at this point.
Variety who originally "had the scoop" on Gal Gadot's casting is reporting a Flash cameo of some sorts. Who knows really, fucking Ryan Reynold's GL is the only thing that would shock me at this point.

Well that guy who played Sinestro had an audition for Luthor but then they decided against it as they want to use Sinestro again.
Well that guy who played Sinestro had an audition for Luthor but then they decided against it as they want to use Sinestro again.

I wouldn't be against it, I heard rumors of Sinestro being the villain in BvS a while back but that can't possibly be true can it?

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