[Official] All things Comic Book Related Thread!

I posted a few pages back about OMD/BND, but I'll talk a bit more about it.

As a HUGE Spider-Man fan, I was intrigued by the new status quo, (I think everyone universally despised OMD as a story) and was willing to give it a chance.

I in fact was very pleased with year one of BND. I really enjoyed Kraven's First Hunt, New Ways to Die, The Flash Thompson One Off and The Shocker Two Parter (Plus a Letter I Wrote in was Shown in Issue #576, which was awesome).

Hell, things were going well, but suddenly around year two, the story quality began to decline. Stories seemed less thought out and more, thrown together for the sake of it. Don't get me wrong, there were still some good stories (#583 was a Great issue and Red Headed Stranger was a Good Arc) but everything was overblown/over-hyped and the quality was decreasing.

Then, most recently came the truly abysmal SHED. Here were my thoughts on SHED:

Truly an abysmal story. Overall, BND started well but started tanking circa mid-2009.

I thought this through and i began to think about why the lizard was portrayed this way, remember myfisto took away certain parts of parkers life and replaced them.

So maybe he didnt remember that the lizard spoke, maybe peter is actually thinking that this is the first time.
Yeah, I don't buy that. In OMIT, it's fairly obvious that all Mephisto has actually done is cause Peter Parker to miss his wedding, thus setting off a chain reaction of events leading to the current status quo. Peter should be able to remember that The Lizard has been talking since 1963:
It was established in Amazing Spider-Man #581 that Harry never actually died. Mysterio & Norman Osborn swapped the body for a look-alike.

Apparently he was in Europe for most of the time he was thought dead and went on to marry several times after divorcing from Liz Allen-Osborn.
That was after Myphisto changed peters timeline, so again I would need further proof that harry was alive in the original timeline.

Peters marriage didnt tie into everything, it was an important part of what made Peter who he is today, at least the heartache from losing their daughter is none existant, well at least for peter.
Well, the way I read it, Marvel (or at the very least Joe Quesada) is trying to make it seem that what is in the titles since 2008 is what is regarded as the continuity so Harry 'never died', Aunt May's House was 'never burnt down' and Peter 'never got married'.
But the timeline was changed, I understand this is the new continuity, but the old continuity is still relevant thats why its titled brand new day.

but you have also answered your own question, the marriage didnt create a knock on effectm Myphisto warped reality and it may all change once more if pete and mary jane get back together again, she is the only person who remembers what happened from the past contiuity and is also the hero known as jackpot.
Ok guys, I'm back and is that time again, yes to talk about what I'm currently reading and your opinions on said book so here it is....

Franken-Castle/Punisher issues 10 - 18



any serious or non serious fan of the Punisher series would understand about Frank Castle, the man who became the punisher to punish those who took away what he loved the most, his family.

now moving forward to 2008- 2009 - 2010 Frank Castle targeted the man who held all the power in the marvel universe, the man known as Norman Osborne, castle took a shot and nearly killed the green Goblin attempting to put a stop to osborne once and for all.

Osborne inlisted his Dark Xman and Dark avengers member Daken to take out castle and the two battled to the death in a battle that not only destroyed castles mind but also his body.

As part of Osbornes plan castle's famiy was resurrected by the Red Hood and sent to take down the warped assassin, castle had to stop his family and put them back into the greaves placing a mental strain on the Punisher and believing that he himself needed to be punished for his sins.

the final battle came as Frank castle was dismembered by the son of wolverine killing him instantly and spreading his body parts in a sewer in hopes that he would never return.

Well folkes this is the Marvel universe and in the world of comics you can never keep an anti hero down, so with that being said Castle was ressurected by Dr Morbius in hopes that he would aid the monsters in a fight against an evil adversary that was taking them down piece by piece.

My Opinion

This new twist to the world of the punisher really makes me think about how they will bring Castle back or if he will come back to the world of the living or come to terms with the monster he has become, inside and out.

alot of punisher fans do not like this turn in the series and believe that frank deserves better, maybe he should have just died and be done with it.

I was two ways about this issue and believe that with this new road the possibilites for this character are endless.

And for those who do have an issue with this story well, theres always Punisher Max.

so down to the questions and please i want to hear your opinions on this or recommendations of any books:

- Has anyone read the book?

- What do you think?

- Discuss the current storylines?
^Yea, Fuck Franken-Castle. 'Nuff Said.

Anyway, just read the first issue of OMIT... All I have to say is Joe Quesada hates Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Simple as that. He must. No person that has appreciation, love or respect for a character would write an issue like ASM 638.
So far it looks like the "One Moment in Time" that is different is Mephisto (via a bird avatar), allowing a 2-bit crook who was apprehended by Spidey to escape police custody, where previously he was carted off to jail. This crook later gets caught up with another crime and Spiderman intervenes yet again. In the ensuing chase the fat criminal falls... on top of Spiderman.
Peter Parker misses his wedding to MJ (thereby rewriting decades of comic history) because a fat guy falls on him, knocking them both out for most of the following (wedding) day. Ugh.
Somehow there are a few more issues of this load to suffer through even though I think everything that was needed to be said has been said. I have a good idea as how this will ultimately (and underwhelmingly) end and I hope I'm very wrong. Fingers crossed OMIT will get much better very quickly. I'm probably overreacting having literally just put down the issue but really it's terrible. Thumbs down Marvel, thumbs down.
^Yea, Fuck Franken-Castle. 'Nuff Said.

Anyway, just read the first issue of OMIT... All I have to say is Joe Quesada hates Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Simple as that. He must. No person that has appreciation, love or respect for a character would write an issue like ASM 638.
So far it looks like the "One Moment in Time" that is different is Mephisto (via a bird avatar), allowing a 2-bit crook who was apprehended by Spidey to escape police custody, where previously he was carted off to jail. This crook later gets caught up with another crime and Spiderman intervenes yet again. In the ensuing chase the fat criminal falls... on top of Spiderman.
Peter Parker misses his wedding to MJ (thereby rewriting decades of comic history) because a fat guy falls on him, knocking them both out for most of the following (wedding) day. Ugh.

But I am willing to give him a chance, see if Spiderman and Mary Jane will reunite or something bigger will come of this, who knows but so far not so good.
Somehow there are a few more issues of this load to suffer through even though I think everything that was needed to be said has been said. I have a good idea as how this will ultimately (and underwhelmingly) end and I hope I'm very wrong. Fingers crossed OMIT will get much better very quickly. I'm probably overreacting having literally just put down the issue but really it's terrible. Thumbs down Marvel, thumbs down.
As per your recent post i decided to read the One More Moment In Time Part 1 and the truth is that history is attempting to be re written, and i have to agree with you on the whole process.

Spiderman being crushed by a fat guy is not really a good way to bring the whole brand new day saga to a conclusion, and Joe Quasada making parker single is not a great way of making the character into a super hero.

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