Does Mark Ruffalo's Hulk Deserve His Own Movie?

This just dawned on me:

Imagine you knew NOTHING about ANY of the characters in this movie going into it.

It'd be one gigantic clusterf*** of confusion.

Not really, if my mom, who has absolutely no comic book knowledge at all, & hasn't seen any of the movies leading into this one, was able to pick up on what was going on & understand everything, I'm fairly sure just about anyone can.
Well I guess you can follow the general plot, but there's no way you can understand the characters, besides the basic qualities they show in the movie itself (i.e., tony stark's cockiness).

For example, when they glossed over Thor's backstory and mentioned Portman's character, that completely goes over someone's head who lacks knowledge.

I don't think it's a great movie to just jump into.
They are giving him his own tv series on ABC, so apparently somebody thinks he has enough enemies to give us multiple interesting stories.:shrug:

I'm guessing it ends up looking more like the first television series and less like Smallville (weekly problems, not as much mythology). Could be wrong, of course.
It could work, though those suggesting that they should go with using the Planet Hulk & WWH Hulk storylines need to take into consideration you can't do those movies unless you set something up in another Avengers movie, or a movie in that universe where Hulk proves himself to be so out of control, & such a big threat that they are forced to launch him off to another world. I don't think WWH could work at all, you need the film rights to FF, & the X-men for that, which Marvel doesn't have, & won't anytime in the near future.

They could go with premise of the Planet Hulk animated movie. True, it is damn short and that is why I suggested a two parter so Hulk is shown as a rampaging lunatic and then subsequently exiled.

However, I have a disdain for Sentry. Nothing about him appeals to me. I dunno fishing for ideas here.
Skaar...the idea that Hulk could mate will be met by awe and envy.

I forget the name of the other son.
Hulk's better as part of a team - that's what The Avengers proved. Ruffalo also did a better job than Bana or Norton, though that's neither here not there. Hulk suffers from Captain Jack Sparrow Syndrome - he's great as part of a set of characters, but the movie suffers when he's the focus.

That said, I'd hope the inevitable Hulk movie would focus less on Banner staring broodingly at coffee tables than the last two. I think they've just signed RDJ back up, probably for about fifty films, so why not make good use of those millions of dollars and chuck him in the Hulk movie for a bit? I'll admit that the Hulk not looking like a bodybuilder with a fatal disease is a good starting point.
They are giving him his own tv series on ABC, so apparently somebody thinks he has enough enemies to give us multiple interesting stories.:shrug:

I would say it has more to do with the Hulk already being a semi-successful TV franchise as opposed to a Film Franchise. The show worked in the early 80's. That audience is older, and already built in. If they throw enough CGI in there, it'll attract the younger audience. I firmly believe why you always read about Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman getting TV shows is that they are already proven to have worked on TV.

I can't imagine a Hulk TV show being anything more then Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. Banner struggles with Hulk, Banner learns to control Hulk, Hulk defeats random made for TV villain of the week. I'll wait and see, but I really don't have high hopes for this show.
Even before I saw Avengers, the conversation I heard the most regarding the movie was all based around The Hulk and how he was a constant highlight throughout the movie. I may be biased in my thinking as Hulk is probably my #2 favorite superhero right now, but I was hoping that Marvel would ride the high of Hulk in Avengers and consider making a third Hulk movie.

I think Hulk 2 should be made along with the already-confirmed Ironman 3 & Thor 2 that're coming out before Avengers 2. In addition, I'd also like to see a 21st century Captain America sequel

Captain American 2 has been announced to the surprise of no one and it would pretty much have to take place in the modern day I would think.

and a Hawkeye/Black Widow crossover movie

There's been rumors of a Black Widow flick and after seeing Avengers, I would hope that they would base the movie off of the mission that her and Hawkeye went on in ..... somewhere that they constantly mentioned in Avengers. Through Nick Fury in there as well and it would be a more compelling movie that whatever they were going to put together with just Black Widow. Unless it was a nudy movie. I'd watch that.

There's nothing that can give him an actual challenge so a movie for an hour and a half waiting on him to get really mad and beat the other things to smithereens with nothing possibly hurting him doesn't interest me at all, even though Ruffalo is by far the best Hulk yet.

I'd prefer to see the main story based on Banner's internal struggle more than a Hulk Smash villian one, but I can see why that probably wouldn't be the best and most popular choice. There are definitely villians that they could choose that would make for a compelling threat to the Hulk if done right. John Ryker, Red Hulk, Titannus, Leader, Absorbing Man. One based on Ryker or Red Hulk might feel too similar to the Norton flick though. Even Thanos, could play a part somehow to continue the set up to him vs The Avengers in the second movie.

If they're going to make another Hulk movie that do it based off of what was set-up in the last Hulk movie, bring in the Leader as your villain, the Leader is a gamma-irradiated super genius with mind control abilities. He could use his powers to try & take control of the Hulk, or create his own army of Hulk-like creatures, possibly even spinning that into a storyline where General Ross is turned into the Red Hulk, & we could see the Hulkbuster armor brought in as well.

None of these would be bad ideas. I'd dig a Red "Thunderbolt Ross" Hulk and some Hulkbusting armor that someone like Ryker comes out with for a Anti-Hulk devision of the army.

Also their are rumors for a Nick Fury movie to be in the works, naturally they're talking about it being an origin story.

As it should be. The Movies are made for a wide audience, not just the comic fans. The majority of the people know nothing of the character, and would like to see how the character becomes the way he is, not just having the guy thrust upon you.

I don't think that it needs to be an origin movie at all. Yes, we don't know much about Fury, but from the roles that he has played in the Marvel movies, anyone should be able to fill in the blanks as to what kind of man he is.

Well I guess you can follow the general plot, but there's no way you can understand the characters, besides the basic qualities they show in the movie itself (i.e., tony stark's cockiness).

For example, when they glossed over Thor's backstory and mentioned Portman's character, that completely goes over someone's head who lacks knowledge.

I don't think it's a great movie to just jump into.

Sure if you've seen the five movies that came before Avengers you'd be able to paint the entire picture, but you're not really left in the dark if you missed one, two or all of them before hand. They did a decent job about touching on any information that was required. The fact that you would have been confused says plenty about your intellectual comprehension though.
Even before I saw Avengers, the conversation I heard the most regarding the movie was all based around The Hulk and how he was a constant highlight throughout the movie. I may be biased in my thinking as Hulk is probably my #2 favorite superhero right now, but I was hoping that Marvel would ride the high of Hulk in Avengers and consider making a third Hulk movie.

Captain American 2 has been announced to the surprise of no one and it would pretty much have to take place in the modern day I would think.

There's been rumors of a Black Widow flick and after seeing Avengers, I would hope that they would base the movie off of the mission that her and Hawkeye went on in ..... somewhere that they constantly mentioned in Avengers. Through Nick Fury in there as well and it would be a more compelling movie that whatever they were going to put together with just Black Widow. Unless it was a nudy movie. I'd watch that.

I'd prefer to see the main story based on Banner's internal struggle more than a Hulk Smash villian one, but I can see why that probably wouldn't be the best and most popular choice. There are definitely villians that they could choose that would make for a compelling threat to the Hulk if done right. John Ryker, Red Hulk, Titannus, Leader, Absorbing Man. One based on Ryker or Red Hulk might feel too similar to the Norton flick though. Even Thanos, could play a part somehow to continue the set up to him vs The Avengers in the second movie.

None of these would be bad ideas. I'd dig a Red "Thunderbolt Ross" Hulk and some Hulkbusting armor that someone like Ryker comes out with for a Anti-Hulk devision of the army.

I don't think that it needs to be an origin movie at all. Yes, we don't know much about Fury, but from the roles that he has played in the Marvel movies, anyone should be able to fill in the blanks as to what kind of man he is.

Sure if you've seen the five movies that came before Avengers you'd be able to paint the entire picture, but you're not really left in the dark if you missed one, two or all of them before hand. They did a decent job about touching on any information that was required. The fact that you would have been confused says plenty about your intellectual comprehension though.

Where do you come off judging my intellectual comprehension? I was putting myself in the shoes of someone who's never been exposed to any of these comic characters in the past, just saying it'd be a crazy universe to just jump into with so much going on. If you think it'd be easy to comprehend the story, then you're being silly and pretentious. And being pretentious about comic book characters is quite sad.
Where do you come off judging my intellectual comprehension? I was putting myself in the shoes of someone who's never been exposed to any of these comic characters in the past, just saying it'd be a crazy universe to just jump into with so much going on. If you think it'd be easy to comprehend the story, then you're being silly and pretentious. And being pretentious about comic book characters is quite sad.

If you didn't see anyone of the five movies leading into Avengers, you would be confused as to what was taking place in the movie?

That's what your saying and that's why I judge your intellectual comprehension. Get it? Or am I still giving you too much credit and your simpler than I'm assuming?
if my mother, a 55 yr. old woman whom has never read a superhero comic, or seen any of the five movies leading into this one, was able to follow this without asking any questions, or being confused at all, I'm fairly sure just about anyone can watch this movie & not be confused by it at all. Joss wrote a very accessible script which is easy for just about anyone to follow. As JGlass pointed out in one of the other Avenger movie threads, it's not exactly a challenging film by any means.
My sister (who has seen The Avengers) said Ruffalo is better than Norton. I said I was looking forward to his performance and mentioned if she reckoned if he could pull off an entire film on his own because I mentioned how Ruffalo seems to be good in the supporting cast area but I haven't seen anything with him as a main character per se. She mentioned she wasn't entirely sure but said she wouldn't mind
But you won't understand shit about any of the characters.

She says she understood everything about the characters she feels she needed to for that movie. For fuck sake, 5 yr. olds understood this movie, so unless you're have an IQ that lower than the average 5 yr. old you should have no trouble with this movie. Not everybody is as stupid and clueless as you.
Those typos just killed all your steam, man. You had me going, you really did, then the typos came and "woooooosh", there goes all your credibility.

Here's a tip, if you're going to insult someone's intelligence, try to use proper grammar. It'd be less embarrassing.
Your pretentiousness is gross.

Must be an angry guy.

Don't deflect the issue; you've implied that you would have had a difficult time following the Avengers if you had not seen the five movies that set it up.

Am I pretentious because I had no difficult in following The Avengers movie or because I'm giving credit to the majority of people who have seen Avengers and believe that they are intelligent to follow along? I'm not quite sure how I'm coming across as pretentious... Do you?

But you won't understand shit about any of the characters.

There is nothing that happened in any of the previous five films that hinders anyone's ability to follow along. Anything that took place in a past movie that was needed for Avengers was touched upon in a manner that made sense without drawing away from the current film.

I'm sorry that there wasn't a thirty minute recap at the start of the movie for each of the previous movies so you'd be able to connect the dots. Maybe for Avengers 2, you should bring your own notes to refer back to. That is, if they don't provide a program with a page dedicated to all of the events in the past films and comics. Maybe they'll even include a nifty paint-by-numbers picture in the back. (I would have been a normal picture, but then someone might not be able to figure out that Ironman's suit is red.)

Before you saw Captain America, Thor, Incredible Hulk and Iron Man, did you read all of the comics because someone might have been really confused if they didn't know about something referenced in the movie if they hadn't read something that happened in the books.

Those typos just killed all your steam, man. You had me going, you really did, then the typos came and "woooooosh", there goes all your credibility.

Here's a tip, if you're going to insult someone's intelligence, try to use proper grammar. It'd be less embarrassing.

There you go deflecting the issue again. It'd be less embarrassing if you took responsibility for your words and actions and at least attempted to provide something to further the conversation.
Which further proves my point about your intellectual comprehension.

I'm glad that you realize that you've lost this conversation & I accept your acknowledgement of defeat.


To think I ever considered you in this conversation only futher shows your pretentiousness. Keep going, please!

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