The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Brandon Routh cast as Ray Palmer in Arrow. Odd choice, it's the equivalent of Marvel having Human Torch and Cpt America played by the same person.
Considering Avengers 2 is like ten months away it won't last long.

In the meantime there is supposedly some major changes coming to Cap and Iron Man as well.
I wish Marvel would just kill the 616 at this point. The continuity is just fucked to all hell and back.
I pretty much don't give a shit about continuity in comics at this point, continuity in both DC & Marvel is fucked. I just read stuff I like, when I stop liking it, or start to lose interest, I drop it & move onto something else.
I pretty much don't give a shit about continuity in comics at this point, continuity in both DC & Marvel is fucked. I just read stuff I like, when I stop liking it, or start to lose interest, I drop it & move onto something else.

This, continuity is something that is systematically fucked up every couple of months, that's just comics in general.
How? Just cause something happens in the comics doesn't mean it's gonna happen in the movies, plus this gives Marvel a fuck load of positive press, & potentially draws in more female readers.

Feels like it's just a ploy to shut up some feminists who aren't happy the female heroes never get their own movies. I don't know though.

I could see a Thor 4 with no Chris Hemsworth happening but I hope not.
I am interested with AXIS. Remender writing Marvels big annual story has potential for a shitload of people getting killed off.
Everytime Marvel or DC does some huge universal crossover event I typically just drop everything associated with the event, until said event is over. I figure if I hear the event was actually good, I'll go back & pick it up in trade later on.
Sam Wilson is the new Captain America and Superior Iron Man was announced.

Plus if you haven't already been spoiled by all the buzz surrounding Avengers 2 Marvel pretty much confirmed everything everyone's been saying in Entertainment Weekly.
The "shock" and then reverse tactic at Marvel has been dreadful for the past few years. I mean it's getting to the point where you're not even bothered by the changes, because you know they'll just reverse them in time for their next movie installment.
Can anyone please explain why Gotham changed Poison Ivy's name from Pamela Isley to Ivy Pepper?

Finally been answered:

"It’s really about being able to tell the secret histories of these stories. If you just re-tell stories exactly as they’ve been told before, whilst you’re being true to the created mythology, you’re not really adding anything to it. So you have to find ways of finding more. And in this case, we’ve set up a situation in which Ivy Pepper, her mom is sick, her dad is dead… She’s going to go to the orphanage. And she’s a nice young girl; relatively undamaged. And she will find people to adopt her. And then we will start on the Poison Ivy story that people are familiar with."
Rock would be a far superior Black Adam - Better story, better character and far more suitable.
I hope it is Black Adam. I'm still clinging hope to Lobo.

“I will say this. There’s a character out there that we’re going to announce very soon that I’m going to play, and I’ll just say this: This character has the power of Superman, he can throw down. Just say the word. That’s all I’m going to say.”
Has anyone read Grayson issue 1? Pretty decent idea actually. Interested to see how it pans out.

Also just read Dark Knight Returns for the first time since I was 15. Fucking amazing. Forgot how good it was.

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