The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Great trailer.

In other news here's the quicksilver costume:

Ray Fisher (someone I've never heard of) has been cast as Cyborg.
And the underwhelming DC casting choices continue.

What's everyone reading these days? I've been too bummed by the end of Animal Man to properly invest myself into anything quite like that, but I still pick up titles every week. Last thing I read was Batman #30, which was the usual Snyder/Capullo goodness. They're carving quite the memorable name for themselves in the pantheon of recent Batman scribes.
I've not been reading for a while though Grayson looks very intruiging so I think I'll pick that up when it starts.

From the one picture I've seen of Fisher he seems a great choice. Seems to be more of a stage actor and we know that stage actors like Stewart and Mckellen are rubbish at superhero movies ;)
Captain America by Remender is going down well with me. It's a different pace from the years of quality spy, paranoia etc... work Brubaker was going at and is going for a more pulp feel. I'm enjoying it.
I'm diving back in where I stopped reading... Amazing Spider-Man #555 (just after one more day) and X-Men: Messiah Complex. So far so good!

No money to continue my Batman order, but I'll get them when they build up a few more years.
I would like to say the exact same thing for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D... I had given up on the show for a few weeks, but as of catching up with the latest Captain America film, the show has got some steam under it. Delving into a longer form of storytelling.

Thing is though Arrow has been good from the beginning. Shield has turned it around lately but it's still too damaged for me to really suggest to anyone.

Arrow on the other hand has Deathstroke.
Thing is though Arrow has been good from the beginning. Shield has turned it around lately but it's still too damaged for me to really suggest to anyone.

Arrow on the other hand has Deathstroke.

To be honest, neither held my interest very long at first. I watched as far as Queen the second archer showing up and kicking some ass. I hope to get back into it though.

I don't think Sheild is too damaged, especially if its allowed to re-focus itself given the major events of the movies. if only for a facebook status or two I wouldn't have thought to give either show a second chance.
So the new Superman movie is gonna have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, & no Cyborg in it. They should just come out & admit they're making a damn Justice League movie already.

I'm reading a lot of stuff right now

Black Widow
Batman: Eternal
American Vampire: Second Cycle
The Wake
Peter Panzerfaust
Star Wars

I've been happy with both AoS & Arrow lately. AoS really started heating up & finding it's footing with the Thor tie in, & the past few weeks with the Cap 2 tie ins it's been fucking amazing. Arrow has always been awesome from the very beginning, though some of the flashback shit can bug me from time to time.

Also 8 days till FREE COMIC BOOK DAY
The wording is sketchy, focusing on Logan dying, but yes, more dying bullshit from Marvel. I'm guessing this will end the Schism for the X-Books, unless they have Cyclops finish Wolverine off.

As far as what I'm reading, I'm finishing up the New X-Men Omnibus. I remembered hating that run when it first came out, but reading it now has completely changed my opinion. I just purchased Age of Apocalypse Companion Omni and Uncanny X-Force Omni, so I will be jumping into one of those next.
More I've thought about Cyborg the more I dig it.

I remember reading that they had already filmed a Metropolis v Gotham football game. What if he's a cameo as a player in one of the teams. Nothing more just setting up nicely.
I watched Arrow for most of the first season but never really got into it. Didn't like the actor playing Oliver and thought it was slow and plodding and generally boring, like most CW shows. Felt glossy and vapid and not at all like the dark comics I remember reading.

I've heard good things about it since though.

Only watched maybe 2 episodes of Agents of Shield. Just kind of forgot about it honestly.
Adam Driver's cast in Star Wars. There goes the previous rumoured Nightwing casting.
I've enjoyed the whole Superior Spider Man arc. It was a refreshing change of pace I felt.
I really really really do not like Dan Slott's Spidey, really wish they let another writer have a crack at the character.

What's so bad about his approach? Sometimes I hate when the writer's balance is way off, having Peter in constant Spider-Man narrative mode. The animated series used to bug me with that, even when I was a kid.

I'm making my way through 2006 marvel onwards, just through with Messiah Complex, follwing the unbelievably expansive crew of X-men titles and Spider-man. Should be coming on to secret invasion soon enough. Might throw Deadpool into the mix too, if I can figure the numbers out.
Anyone get some nice loot from FBCD today? My store does a 50% off sale for all TPB/GN, so I picked up...
  • Batman: Hush
  • Gotham Central Book1
  • The Massive vols. 1 & 2
  • American Vampire Vol. 2

As for the FREE portion of the day, I picked up the GOTG & Futures End freebies books being offered, & the Batman/Joker heroclix, they'll go on the shelf next to the other free heroclix I've gotten in the past few FCBD.

They also had an Ironman, Cap (in the WW2 suit, which is my fave), & the Star Wars guys which were mostly a few Stormtroopers, & a Jawa, alot less then they've had the past few years.

After I was done there I raced across town to see ASM2, which I loved, though I did have a few minor, very minor, issues with it.
I actually ran my local comic shop for Free Comic Book Day today, and it was a busy and awesome day. Helped that we were co=promoting with a Art and Psychic Fair.

As for loot, yeah, I grabbed all the free stuff that interested me (which was surprisingly a lot this year) just cracking into the DC Future's End #0 and it's pretty awesome so far, has me excited for the series. Gonna read some good old 2000 AD next I think. All in all a good day.

Happy Free Comic Book Day peoples!

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