The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends


Though my wish list for that role would be

1-Josh Brolin
2-Armie Hammer
3-Jon Hamm

Josh Brolin would be fantastic. I would also love Jonathon Rys Meyers, but I dont know if his voice would work well for it.

Is it odd I love the characters and stories, but cant satnd the medium of comics?(I mean as an adult, I had PILES of them as a child, which is how im fairly familuire with source material. Comics were my major thing just before wrestling became my major thing) Like im ALL OVER any and all shows and series that come out. I have even reduced myself to watching "video game movies" which are all the cutscenes and relevant gameplay from the games formatted as if they were a movie.

Injustice: Gods Among Us was mothefucktasticly awesome.
Josh Brolin would be fantastic. I would also love Jonathon Rys Meyers, but I dont know if his voice would work well for it.

He's got the look of a slightly older & experienced Bruce/Batman, is a terrific actor, & he's done comic book roles before (albeit is one of the worst Comic book movies ever, Jonah Hex), so I doubt he'd be someone to think comic book roles are beneath him.

Is it odd I love the characters and stories, but cant satnd the medium of comics?(I mean as an adult, I had PILES of them as a child, which is how im fairly familuire with source material. Comics were my major thing just before wrestling became my major thing) Like im ALL OVER any and all shows and series that come out. I have even reduced myself to watching "video game movies" which are all the cutscenes and relevant gameplay from the games formatted as if they were a movie.

No, not really. I listen to several comic podcast & they often get asked the question of where the future of comics is heading & most people seem to have a similar answer, the comic world is & needs to switch to new mediums to survive, & that is part of the reason as to why we're seeing such a surege of comic book movies, tv shows, games, etc. publishers can no longer really afford to just stick strictly to producing just traditional comic books, it's far to expensive, but put these characters & stories on movie screens, tv screens, or in gamers hands & people will come out & put there hard earned cash down for it. There will always be that niche fanbase that reads comic books, but if they want to reach out & get more attention & bring in more money they need & have gone to other forms of media.

I went from a little kid watching cartoons like TMNT, Transformers, etc. to discovering they had comics & started reading those, then that spread into checking more & more comics before discovering wrestling where alot of the same elements I liked in comics also existed (flashy, larger than life characters, over the top stories, epic battles, etc.) then as I got more into wrestling I kinda drifted away from comics until they started invading movie theaters & actually being good, then I dipped my toe back into the world of comics through tpbs, & eventually got sucked back in all the way. Now I wish I had enough money to support both my comic & wrestling addictions.
So apparently Marvel is going to launch yet another X-men book, Amazing X-Men, headed up be the creative team of Jason Aaron & Ed McGuinness. The book will feature pretty much the entire teaching staff of the Jean Grey School, Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Ice Man, Northstar & Firestar. The book will launch in Nov. with the first arc featuring the team heading straight into Hell to rescue Nightcrawler. The first nemesis they run into along the way? None other than Nightcrawlers own papa, the demon pirate Azazel. This should be good. Jason Aaron is one of my favorite writers in comics & has a really good grasp on Wolverine as he's written books featuring the character since like 2002, & now he's going to be bringing back one of my favorite mutants Nightcrawler! On top of that this book, much like Wolverine & The X-Men, features most of my other favorite X-men characters. It's not too often I look forward to new books from the big two, especially X-men books as of late (I feel that the X-men side of Marvel seems to have become a little overstated with too many titles), but this is something I will most definitely be checking out come November.
I had no idea what you were talking about so I had to look it up, it sounds like it's just Marvel's next big event after Marvel's next big event. I have basically given up on Marvel's "big events" since just about everything since Civil War has been absolute shit. The last event Fraction wrote for Marvel was Fear Itself & it was complete garbage & put me off of Fraction until Hawkeye came out, which is so differant from anything else he or Marvel has really ever put it.

The fact that Marvel feels the need to announce their next next "big event" really concerns me, could they not have waited until Infinity was done with first? Chances are I'll be buying less Marvel books as a result especially if they do that bullshit where the bleed a bunch of tie-in nonsense into the books I love. They better stay far away from Hawkeye, Young Avengers & Indestructible Hulk.

Also, it appears they've spoiled the end of Infinity before the damn thing even started. Then again that seems to be the trend in comics with big events lately as Geoff Johns pretty much spoiled the end of Trinity War over at DC:rolleyes:
The last event Fraction wrote for Marvel was Fear Itself & it was complete garbage & put me off of Fraction until Hawkeye came out, which is so differant from anything else he or Marvel has really ever put it.

I have a friend who swore by Fear Itself, which was primarily why I picked up Hawkeye in the first place. I'm not sure who exactly drove that comic to its unique flavour, but they deserve a pat on the back. I'm saddened it's not Fraction though, thought I had a new name to keep an eye out for.

The fact that Marvel feels the need to announce their next next "big event" really concerns me, could they not have waited until Infinity was done with first?

I'd rather it all just unfolded nicely, and I had no idea I was getting into something multi-platformed. I hate reading a comic when theres a Big E coming, cause you know whatever is happening now will likely be swept under the rug. The bleed-ins are a bloody nuasance. Especially because I don't have the money, or the motivation to try and follow a character through an other persons title.

They better stay far away from Hawkeye, Young Avengers & Indestructible Hulk.

Hulk still good? I literally started Planet Hulk last night, never expected it to be half as good as it is. Young avengers will likely get dragged in to everything... Simply because there's a bunch of them.

Also, it appears they've spoiled the end of Infinity before the damn thing even started. Then again that seems to be the trend in comics with big events lately as Geoff Johns pretty much spoiled the end of Trinity War over at DC:rolleyes:

I've been cut off from the DC universe for a few month's now, even cancelled my Batman pull. Whats the dirt over there??
I have basically given up on Marvel's "big events" since just about everything since Civil War has been absolute shit.

My only problem with Civil War was that Iron Man had Sentry on side and he didn't send him in to basically destroy Captain Americas team.

Anyway, I wholeheartedly disagree. While Secret Invasion was a massive mindfuck which seemed to be swerve upon swerve upon swerve until they decided they hadn't written themselves into a corner and The Initiative was basically just a way to introduce a new line of poorly written comics with a few decent characters (I really liked Trauma, despite him being a huge emo cliche)

But Siege and Dark Reign were actually pretty good. Turning the tables on the Marvel Universe added a new approach to conventional storylines. That being said I loved Bullseye, Moonstone and Mac-Gargan/Venom in the Thunderbolts so them as part of Dark Avengers made my day. Throw in Sentry who I only got into after reading the complete collection of The New Avengers and it was like a wankfest of fan fiction (the original series about him was one of my favorites, everything else...better left unsaid) . The only thing I disliked was Dark Wolverine, but it slowly grew on me to the point of tolerating it.

But yeah, I haven't really read a lot of the Marvel NOW storyline, but I couldn't really get into the new writing team on The Avengers, Sensational Spider-Man ruined my X-Mas with it's ******ed mind-swap storyline and there seems to be about 20 different X-Men titles these days to read.
I have a friend who swore by Fear Itself, which was primarily why I picked up Hawkeye in the first place. I'm not sure who exactly drove that comic to its unique flavour, but they deserve a pat on the back. I'm saddened it's not Fraction though, thought I had a new name to keep an eye out for.

Fraction is a weird writer, he doesn't really fit into one niche, you can hate his work on one book & think he's terrible then you'll seem him writing something different over there & it's really good & you'd swear it was written by a completely different writer. That seems to be the case with Fear Itself & Hawkeye, they are two totally differant things that don't feel like they were written by the same guy at all.

I haven't read it but I've heard good things about Satellite Sam, his creator owned series he's doing over at Image, I beleive the first issue came out like a week or two ago, maybe you want to check that out.

Hulk still good?

Yes, it's written by Mark Waid, who is one of those guys that I always like to give a chance to, he's the guy who basically resurrected Daredevil & took that book from a very dark gloom & doom book to a more light fun book again. I beleive he's also one of the few guys that was able to write interesting & fun Superman stories. I've been really enjoying what he's been doing with Hulk lately. I also like that he seems to do shorter arcs for the most part, typically only 2-3 issues than it's onto a new adventure.

I literally started Planet Hulk last night, never expected it to be half as good as it is.

Planet Hulk is one of my all time faves, don't watch watch the shitty animated movie though, they cut out like 80% of the story.

Young avengers will likely get dragged in to everything... Simply because there's a bunch of them.

Young Avengers is my favorite book in all of comics right now, Gillen gets those characters he writes that age group extremely well, I miss Generation Hope, his work on that was fucking excellent too

I've been cut off from the DC universe for a few month's now, even cancelled my Batman pull. Whats the dirt over there??

Just picked up the first two parts of Trinity War and I've been really impressed so far. Geoff Johns and Jeff Lemire are two of the best writers over at DC, and they've put together a story with a solid premise and lots of intrigue, as well as all the huge action-packed battles you expect from a big crossover.

Is anybody currently reading the Star Wars ongoing written by Brian Wood? I'm curious to hear what other people think of it.
Is anybody currently reading the Star Wars ongoing written by Brian Wood? I'm curious to hear what other people think of it.

I'm not reading it but I've heard it's great from everybody I know that has read it, I hear he's especially good at writing dog fights. Wood is a huge Star Wars fan & I know this is one of the things he was most excited about doing, I listened to an interview with him around the time his Star Wars series started & hearing him talk about this you could hear teh genuine excited in his voice that he had for this. He also doesn't touch anything from the prequels, his Star Wars universe is the one from the original trilogy, you know the good one.
Got Becks and Fergie in there does it not?

I'm looking forward to Infinity from Marvel if only because I'm a sucker for a solid Thanos story. Thanos Rising has been so-so so far, but has done enough to keep me intrigued.
And Charles and Andy Murray.

Batman/Superman #2 is this weeks purchase.
I'm not reading it but I've heard it's great from everybody I know that has read it, I hear he's especially good at writing dog fights. Wood is a huge Star Wars fan & I know this is one of the things he was most excited about doing, I listened to an interview with him around the time his Star Wars series started & hearing him talk about this you could hear teh genuine excited in his voice that he had for this. He also doesn't touch anything from the prequels, his Star Wars universe is the one from the original trilogy, you know the good one.

Yeah I've been reading it, I was just curious as to what other people who were reading it thought. I wouldn't say it's been bad so far, but I wouldn't call it great either. He's juggling a lot of characters that are are all separated and doing different things, so each issue he only has time to briefly touch on each subplot. This kind of makes it seem like the plot is treading water, barely progressing with each issue.

But yeah, I'm glad he's steering clear of the prequels since those are a fucking mess. It's cool reading a book with the characters from the original trilogy that we know and love, I just wish the plot was more engaging.
I just ordered the X-Force/Cable: Messiah War tpb, & Locke & Key (vol. 5): Clockworks. I read Messiah Complex awhile ago, & was going to read Messiah War, but didn't get a chance to yet, as soon as I'm done with these two I'll probably order Second Coming & finish out the trilogy. I'm also tempted to seek out tpb for Dark Phoenix Saga & DOFP as they both seem like must owns for any self respecting comic fan, much less a fan of the X-men.
3 Issues in and after two years of waiting, Trinity War has been pretty weak, nothing on the level of Harbinger Wars. Might drop JLA & JLA's Vibe after the events are over if the quality stays this low. Still, believe in Johns.
Not expecting much out of X-Men: Days of Future Past
I try to remain cautiously optimistic. I won't see Wolverine until next weekend, but have heard good things so far. I loved First Class, so hopefully Fox has figured shit out.

I just ordered the X-Force/Cable: Messiah War tpb, & Locke & Key (vol. 5): Clockworks. I read Messiah Complex awhile ago, & was going to read Messiah War, but didn't get a chance to yet, as soon as I'm done with these two I'll probably order Second Coming & finish out the trilogy. I'm also tempted to seek out tpb for Dark Phoenix Saga & DOFP as they both seem like must owns for any self respecting comic fan, much less a fan of the X-men.

I love the Messiah Trilogy. Messiah War is a ton of fun to read. The latter two parts aren't as strong as Messiah Complex, but are both good enough to own.

Have you read DPS or DoFP? Those two and Messiah Complex easily reach my top five X stories of all time.
I try to remain cautiously optimistic. I won't see Wolverine until next weekend, but have heard good things so far. I loved First Class, so hopefully Fox has figured shit out.

Saw it today, thoroughly enjoyed it. I put it up right behind X2 & First Class as far as my favorite films out of the X-men franchise. Not that this was ever going to be a difficult thing to do but it blows Origins out of the fucking water.

I love the Messiah Trilogy. Messiah War is a ton of fun to read. The latter two parts aren't as strong as Messiah Complex, but are both good enough to own.

I loved Messiah Complex, & think I only read the first 1 or 2 issues out of War so far (I had a code for a free month of Marvel's online digital library that ran out before I finished it)

Have you read DPS or DoFP? Those two and Messiah Complex easily reach my top five X stories of all time.

I don't think I've either of them in their entirety, only random parts of each story, most of what I know from each event came through the animated series, & what I would later read on Wikipedia.
Saw The Wolverine last night, pretty good. Half confused as I hadn't looked up much about it and couldn't tell if origins was canon or not. Guess I know now either way. Good film either way. Very much liked wolverine in it, which I guess was the point! Too many off camera slicings, but you get what you get with a 12's rating.

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