The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Saw The Wolverine last night, pretty good. Half confused as I hadn't looked up much about it and couldn't tell if origins was canon or not.

I think it is, but loosely. He refers to what "those" people did to him briefly when talking to the old man. This movie also clearly takes place after X3, which makes the post, or really mid credit scene all the more interesting.

I know Singer has said certain things in the X-men movie universe are going to be changed as a result of the time travel element in DoFP which, I beleive the majority of what happened in X-3 is going to pretty much be erased altogether, & probably some of the stupid shit from Origins as well.

Too many off camera slicings, but you get what you get with a 12's rating.

Yeah, that's what happens when you make a PG-13 Wolverine movie, that didn't bother me so much, the only two things that kinda bugged me were how fast he recovered from what happened down in the hole in the beginning of the film, & that Silver Samurai looked like one of the giant robots out of Pacific Rim, two very minor things.
I think it is, but loosely. He refers to what "those" people did to him briefly when talking to the old man. This movie also clearly takes place after X3, which makes the post, or really mid credit scene all the more interesting.

Well all I really remember getting confused at was that Wolvie could remember WW2, after having his memory wiped. But I have no trouble considering that movie a load of bull anyway.

Yeah, that's what happens when you make a PG-13 Wolverine movie, that didn't bother me so much, the only two things that kinda bugged me were how fast he recovered from what happened down in the hole in the beginning of the film, & that Silver Samurai looked like one of the giant robots out of Pacific Rim, two very minor things.

There was also the actual guy, wearing the armor of the silver samurai. I thought he was pretty good. Thought of the robot as more of a... well, a robot, than some incarnation of the silver samurai. Didn't see pacific Rim, but most tech these days looks the same in films.

Wasn't the deal with the Healing Factor (deadpool's at least) that the bigger the task, the faster it worked??
Just started reading Deadpool again from the start. The first twenty five issue arc is a thing of pure brilliance. If you can see past deadpool's immature ramblings, the story behind is glorious. The Deadpool and Death annual is one of my favourite reads.
As I get back into comics, I'm going to try to use this thread more to talk about what I'm reading.

Just read All New X-Men 18, and it was all about the Original X-Men (for those not caught up, the original 5 X-Men went to the future to see the legacy they would leave, and they wound up getting stuck here) joining Cyclops' New Xavier School and settling in. Kitty Pryde jumped ship from Team Wolverine to Team Cyclops, and she has been placed in charge of teaching and training the original X-Men.

Highlights of this issue include the original five X-Men getting sweet new uniforms and Kitty Pryde dropping Yiddish left and right.

Overall this issue wasn't all that exciting as there was literally no action apart from Jean and Angel briefly using their powers and Magik using her powers to conjure the new uniforms out of nowhere, but we're left with a cliffhanger and it's obvious that things will be popping off next issue.

You could probably skip buying this one, but I'd at least suggest going to your comic shop and flipping to the page where the original 5 X-Men get their new uniforms. They're pretty sweet, especially Beast's.
I've just re-read Kingdom Come. What an amazingly well put together novel. I forgot how good it was.

The last bit made me tear up.
So, anybody else hear about the parade of new comic book television shows? Kinda becoming excessive.

They're for kids, dude. Would you have complained about too many cartoons about awesome superheroes as a kid? I know I wouldn't. Shit, by the time I was about 5 I was watching X-Men, TMNT, Power Rangers, Darkwing Duck, and Street Sharks, and that's just the shit I remember.
They're for kids, dude. Would you have complained about too many cartoons about awesome superheroes as a kid? I know I wouldn't. Shit, by the time I was about 5 I was watching X-Men, TMNT, Power Rangers, Darkwing Duck, and Street Sharks, and that's just the shit I remember.

I'm not sure that's the case at all, albeit things like Agents of SHIELD is definitely a family friendly show things like Arrow on the other hand are a bit more dark, or at least as dark as a channel like CW can get.

It's not that I'm not excited, the moment I heard about Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones shows I was pumped (that team up is going to be sick). I just want the shows to be actually good and not 60/40 like SHIELD, plus DC is developing Flash, Constantine, Gotham, and some guy named Hourman in the near future. I'm just fearful of this becoming a trend with not much effort being put in.
I'm not sure that's the case at all, albeit things like Agents of SHIELD is definitely a family friendly show things like Arrow on the other hand are a bit more dark, or at least as dark as a channel like CW can get.

It's not that I'm not excited, the moment I heard about Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones shows I was pumped (that team up is going to be sick). I just want the shows to be actually good and not 60/40 like SHIELD, plus DC is developing Flash, Constantine, Gotham, and some guy named Hourman in the near future. I'm just fearful of this becoming a trend with not much effort being put in.

Im sure this wont be a popular opinion in this thread, but I found their selection to be a bit of a headscratcher. Outside of the hardcore comic comunity, everyone outside of Daredevil has little to no name value. Surely they coud have worked with some more popular individuals that havent had much exposure / a proper treatment.
Im sure this wont be a popular opinion in this thread, but I found their selection to be a bit of a headscratcher. Outside of the hardcore comic comunity, everyone outside of Daredevil has little to no name value. Surely they coud have worked with some more popular individuals that havent had much exposure / a proper treatment.

Considering those three haven't been given a chance I think they made the right decision. Dr. Strange and Black Panther have Phase 3 movie plans which they deserve so their out of the picture, Punisher who they recently got back could make a wonderful cameo in the the Daredevil show and be spun off from there. I think the thing they were looking to do is build a street level hero dynamic which we technically haven't seen in live action MCU before , plus it all helps that they're in Hell's Kitchen. I don't count Spiderman cause ya know, Sony....

Enough of my rambling though, who'd you have in mind?
I'm not sure that's the case at all, albeit things like Agents of SHIELD is definitely a family friendly show things like Arrow on the other hand are a bit more dark, or at least as dark as a channel like CW can get.

DC seems hellbent on making all their film & TV projects as dark & gritty as possible, which works with somebody like Batman, but most of the rest of their characters would be much better off if they lighten the tone up a bit. I'm hoping this is gonna be the case with the Flash series, as he's one of the more quippy, smart-assy, fun hero's DC has.

It's not that I'm not excited, the moment I heard about Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones shows I was pumped (that team up is going to be sick). I just want the shows to be actually good and not 60/40 like SHIELD, plus DC is developing Flash, Constantine, Gotham, and some guy named Hourman in the near future. I'm just fearful of this becoming a trend with not much effort being put in.

I'm excited for the Marvel Netflix shows, I think Daredevil works waaaaaay better as a TV show than a movie, same goes for the other three as well. I think Constantine is going to be shitty, & despite being a huge mark for Batman, I'm hardly excited for the Gotham Cop Drama, I'd rather they just do Nightwing show. Hourman is stupid as fuck, the only thing they're keeping the same is his name, they're changing his complete power set, & as a result the show is essentially going to be a superhero version of Person of Interest.

I made my weekly trip to my LCS this morning, picked up Batman #25, Nightwing #25, SOA #3, & thought I'd try out Brian Woods Star Wars series (because I really liked the cover & think he's a pretty great writer).
Well the person playing Flash will have some cameos and a backdoor pilot in this season of Arrow if you wanted a sneak peak, wouldn't be surprised if you didn't though.

My problem with Constantine is that there is already a supernatural like show on NBC in the form of Grimm, and even that just seems a bit second rate compared to Supernatural, and it's getting to point where I can't tell the difference between that and things like Sleepy Hollow, just way too much shows like that to stand out. The moment I heard Hourman I hated the idea, the whole premise is just so contrived for television and I can't imagine it being interesting from week to week.

Gotham just seems to be too much of them capitalizing on Batman without actually using him.
I'm not sure that's the case at all, albeit things like Agents of SHIELD is definitely a family friendly show things like Arrow on the other hand are a bit more dark, or at least as dark as a channel like CW can get.

It's not that I'm not excited, the moment I heard about Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones shows I was pumped (that team up is going to be sick). I just want the shows to be actually good and not 60/40 like SHIELD, plus DC is developing Flash, Constantine, Gotham, and some guy named Hourman in the near future. I'm just fearful of this becoming a trend with not much effort being put in.

That's pretty much the trend of television in general. Make half a dozen new shows each season, hope that a couple stick. It just seems like the networks are hoping that superheroes are the new zombies/vampires/whatever has been popular over the past 5 years.
I'm not sure that's the case at all, albeit things like Agents of SHIELD is definitely a family friendly show things like Arrow on the other hand are a bit more dark, or at least as dark as a channel like CW can get.

It's not that I'm not excited, the moment I heard about Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones shows I was pumped (that team up is going to be sick). I just want the shows to be actually good and not 60/40 like SHIELD, plus DC is developing Flash, Constantine, Gotham, and some guy named Hourman in the near future. I'm just fearful of this becoming a trend with not much effort being put in.

My hope for a JSA adaptation is nearing.
The Marvel properties make sense. They are all street level superheroes that would be overmatched in the Avengers at this point. I believe the 4 series are going to run separately to lead to the Defenders. I'm not expecting much, but I'll certainly watch.

Where DC is going dark and needs to lighten up a tad, the Marvel movies can get a little more serious. They all are so formulaic and light anymore, I honestly don't care what they have coming out next. The Captain America trailer looks like more of the same to me. They consistently put out good movies, but great movies, not so much.
Surely WB are taking the piss with this:

Apparently it's a spoof for the entourage movie ala Aquaman directed by James Cameron.
Considering those three haven't been given a chance I think they made the right decision. Dr. Strange and Black Panther have Phase 3 movie plans which they deserve so their out of the picture, Punisher who they recently got back could make a wonderful cameo in the the Daredevil show and be spun off from there. I think the thing they were looking to do is build a street level hero dynamic which we technically haven't seen in live action MCU before , plus it all helps that they're in Hell's Kitchen. I don't count Spiderman cause ya know, Sony....

Enough of my rambling though, who'd you have in mind?

Right off the top, Punisher is easy, to me. Sure, there have been films, but they were all fucking dumpster fires. He would also make a very interesting addition into the Avengers universe, quite the antithesis to the colorful nature of all those guys.

Im perfectly down with Daredevil. that could work fine.

Once again, I know its been done, but a TV-MA Blade series would seem to be perfect for the current pop culture popularity of Vamps, Werewolves and what-have-you. It felt like some of the films and (especially) the tv series was limp dick, and before its time.

an X-Force show would fucking rock, obviously....and, while we are stating the obvious....

A TV-MA Deadpool series? Duh? Or perhaps have him be a recurring character in the above-mentioned X-Force series.
A Midnight Sons show would be awesome, & would probably work well right now if they could get back the rights for Ghost Rider & Blade. Midnight Sons is a team of Marvel's supernatural heroes, Ghost Rider, Blade, Frank Drake, Hannibal King, Morbius, & Doctor Strange.

Punisher seems like a no-brainer for a TV series, in fact I think it would work significantly better on TV, & if FOX no longer has the rights than Marvel should do a dark & gritty Netflix series with him.

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