The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

How about that new Spiderman trailer? I realize his recent movie aren't very popular among fans but since it's coming out on my birthday I'd really want to like this one. Not sure on the Green Goblin or the Power Rangers like Rhino zord but everything else seems like it has potential.
No X-Force? Interested to see how that matches up with whatever next stand alone Wolverine film that won't be too far behind or before.

Actually I'm pretty sure it's coming out the same year.
I know I've been gone for a while, but I just wanna say, I can't wait for X-Men: Days of Future Past. That movie is going to be so incredibly epic.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 looks great. My only worry is how they'll handle Electro, Goblin, and Rhino all in one movie.
Sony announced stand alone Sinister Six & Venom movies. Venom could be cool if done right, but I don't know about Sinister Six getting there own movie minus the web-slinger, that sounds kinda lame.
I hope to god it's Flash Thompson Venom in his own movie.. Add Eddie Brock in Spidey 3 and Sinister 6.

Sinister Six will be interesting, having them all fight Oscorp is the most viable option I've heard.
Shit like this makes me nervous. When is the comic book movie bubble going to burst?

IDK, but I kinda wish they'd slow down so that when we do get a new comic book movie in the theater it'd feel more special. Also the more of these movies we get the more likely we're going to see them taking shortcuts & delivering more less than stellar films like Elecktra, Johan Hex, Green Lantern, Origins: Wolverine, etc.
They just make too much money to be stopped at the moment. Once Avengers sequels start making less than the previous films is when it will soon catch on and then slowly die.

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